What time, Lolly?
Ride to work on Wednesday for a free breakfast and get filmed
Streetfilms is coming to Pittsburgh to film some footage of cyclists and our fair city.
So Bike Pittsburgh is putting together a biker breakfast Wednesday morning for Bike Pittsburgh members. (If you're not a member, you can join that day for an event special of $25.) We'll be at the end of the Jail Trail at Grant St and Ft Pitt Blvd.
It's going to be beautiful next week so hop on your bike and come on down to say hello, get some strength for the rest of your ride, and demonstrate how many amazing cyclists Pittsburgh has!
Thanks Dan, 7-10!
this is so not on my way to anywhere, but I kinda want to come. what's for breakfast?
likely something phenomenal from the east end co-op or whole foods. a lady's gotta be a little mysterious though.
let me point out the weather: 60 degrees, mostly sunny, zero percent chance of rain.
I go through there right at 7:00 most mornings. I'll look for you.
I will stop by, especially if the weather is going to be that nice. I will gladly go out of way for a nice ride on the trail, breakfast and Streetfilms!
I'm in.
Will anybody else be riding to the South Side once breakfast wraps up?
I'll go if I'm still up by then
I'll take the trail instead of e carson to get to class on wed, I'll see some of you there!
If you're into facebook-y type things, there is a facebook invite.
Please invite everyone because even though breakfast is for members, it will be helpful to show lots of people riding by.
i go to work earlier than that but i'll delay it for this... sounds fun
I'll swing by <8:30
i have to be at work at 7am
Hey Mary, if the timing works for me, I'll ride to the South Side with you. I assume I could make it to breakfast by 8:30 or 9:00, and can probably stay 'til whenever.
Crud, right when I have a meeting on the west side. The world is spared from seeing my mug.
I've been trying to set up a location Wednesday night so we could show some of these films and have an informal talk about them, kind of like Bikestravaganza.
Would anyone be interested in getting together Wednesday night to watch them together?
I plan to see y'all in the morning. Might be nice to see the films in the evening.
I'm planning on it as well... It's just a mile or so out of my way but seems worth it for the free food...errr, I mean good cause.
I plan on stopping by on my way in to work. Not sure about attending evening viewing, but it is a good idea!
I was planning to work in NY this week, but decided to stay here in the Burgh and enjoy this awesome weather. See you Wednesday. I am looking forward to attending my first ever Bike PGH something.
@Eppi, Yay!
I'm debating about going the long way and up-the-hill for this and come from Oakland, or just doing the short way coming from Downtown-Lawrenceville.....
Any L'ville riders planning on attending?
I'm not exactly L'ville, but I do plan on crossing the 40SB. If I'm headed Dahntahn I usually wiggle over to Smallman from the end of the 40SB, but can take most any reasonable path, if only to be sociable.
If the construction mess by 40SB is too bad, I'll cross at 31SB. Y'know, maybe I'll do 31SB anyway. I have yet to try out the new trail structure!
40th B shouldn't be bad..... I always go dahntahn via Butler and then continue on Penn Avenue
31th B is nice
I'm leaving at 6:15 to set up so I probably won't see anyone until you get there, at which point, I will be quite happy to see everyone.
what kind of breakfast will there be?
Odd question, I know, but I've been low on food lately, heh.
bagels, yogurt, apples, coffee.
I'll be looking for you at 7:00 or shortly after.
I shall meander past, in a leisurely fashion, at about 9:45.
I love apples. I'm just so glad to not eat bread for once, haha.
Okay we've got piles and piles of food, piles of Bike Pittsburgh members (not a real measurement I know), a gorgeous day ahead of us, some new bike lanes, AND it's my one year anniversary of living in Pittsburgh! Come out and say hello tomorrow morning!
"A pile of bicyclers..."
I like it.
Okay, when I was there half an hour ago, Lolly had a very hice spread of bagels, yogurt, apples and the coffee had just arrived. They are right at the end of the trail at Grant Street in that "circle area." Be sure to stop by!
Bagels are good, tofu cream cheese and regular cheese as well. Organic apples are appreciated
Thanks for the breakfast Bike Pittsburgh and sponsors. Good stuff!
Thanks for the coffee and bagel!
I stopped by for a while, quite a spread! Would have stayed longer, but I had a meeting. (Which sadly I arrived at work to discover it had been moved to tomorrow.)
Thanks so much! I won't be able to make the screening tonight, will the final film be available online?
Thank you Lolly, Jane, Mr. BMX guy, and everyone else who helped with the awesome breakfast stop this morning.
Thanks for breakfast! Nice to see so many people on a chilly morning.
Lolly, how can I get one of those shirts?? I meant to ask you but I had to get to work.
Thanks guys! Saw you but didn't have time to stop.
@myddrin: "sadly" ?? I'm always happy to find my meetings postponed. Why suffer today what I can suffer tomorrow, that's my philosophy.
@myrrdin - shouted a greeting to you as you were heading to the Smithfield Street Bridge from the event. Sorry I missed meeting you. A shout out to Lolly for a great event, and a special thanks to the woman who "remembered" the second box of coffee hidden under the table!
Ah damn! I missed tofu cream cheese! That might have motivated me to get out of bed
@Lyle-- "sadly" because I would have hung out longer.
@Swalfoort -- I was wondering who that was, glad to meet you, if only briefly.
A tasty treat this morning. Hot coffee was perfect. Thanks, bike pgh and EEFC!
Great to see so many people this morning! Thanks for riding in and stopping at our table.
Sorry guys, I hit the snooze button and by the time I was up I didn't have time to do a round trip back to Oakland. Some other time...
Ditto..... was so planning on coming, but long day at work + studying + sore throat + chest pain = couldn't get out of bed early this morning and hit snooze too much
Heard from co-workers that it was fun, and the grub yummy, and that's what counts!
Yeah, thanks for breakfast and conversation! I work from home but it was a good excuse to get a ride in this morning and run an errand downtown. I also got one of these spiff new t-shirts!
Didn't notice the t-shirts...anyone have a link?
It's not online yet. We're hoping to do a photo shoot this afternoon... They are limited edition and there's about 40 left.
Thanks fsom me also- I never got around to eating my for the road bagel, so it will be breakfast tomorrow. Did not see the t-shirts either, but might consider purchasing a Bikepittsburgh shirt.