When Thursday, 7/18, @ 6pm
Where: BikePGH Office @ 188 43rd St.
The National Bike Challenge is halfway over and Pittsburgh is still short of our 1,500 rider goal. Tomorrow we'll do some outreach via bicycle and blanket the city with info cards on the National Bike Challenge, Car Free Fridays and OTB Bicycle Cafe's Pedal for Pints program.
BikePGH volunteers have made 650 tags, and we'll get them out on a 15-20 mile loop around the city. We'll be sure to stop for refreshments after.
(And we'll rack up a few more National Bike Challenge points as we ride!)
2013-07-17 09:14:25
Cleveland tried this on the GAP... but it backfires when you give the propaganda to the enemy. LOL Lots of fun running into Shelli and Marty on the road! Let's go Pgh!!!
2013-07-17 09:41:34
iamdan901 wrote:When Thursday, 7/19, @ 6pm
Thurs 7/18
2013-07-17 10:04:10
bump for the heat!
2013-07-18 13:30:20
So how was it?
I've printed logo

and passed it to about 30 people with explanations about points and free beer. :)
FoC is another good opportunity.
2013-07-19 10:22:15
mmmm free beer! I finally logged some miles and I can almost taste it already.
I wish I could have made it last night, but staying 70 miles East of da Burgh makes it difficult to attend every function. I hope the ride was a success!
2013-07-19 10:56:39
We started the night with a plastic shopping bag full of 650 tags. Now we've got an empty bag! So I'd say it was a success. Learned some lessons about the most efficient way of organizing a group to cover the most ground to get the most bikes, and next time will be better. Stay tuned.
2013-07-19 11:19:07
I saw these hanging on bikes locked up in Oakland/Shadyside today!
2013-07-19 11:26:05
You got my bike last night at the Kaya corral!
2013-07-19 14:56:42
I said something kind of prickish when I encountered somebody on the SS trail
Person said "Do you know about the bike challenge?" and my response was "Yeah, I think it's bullshit!"
I then tried to qualify the statement, but we were going in opposite directions
I just don't see the value in meticulously logging my miles for a corporate campaign and a city rivalry I don't particularly care for
That being said, I don't need to be cutting people down when they're trying to do advocacy
I imagine the word bullshit is also kind of speciesist, so I should refrain from using it too
2013-07-19 21:56:34
you got my bike while i was parked in the 4th street garage. so i wore my national bike challenge jersey that i won in may to work today, in the hopes of fending off future attempts.
2013-07-19 23:17:04
Pierce wrote:That being said, I don’t need to be cutting people down when they’re trying to do advocacy
Exactly! Besides, one person's advocacy resulted in two new friendships... it's an ice-breaker just as much as it is propaganda for a cause. Not sure that I'd call it "corporate" though.
As I've suggested above, but may not have been quite clear, the new friend ("frienemy") is a Clevelander... it's just light-hearted fun. We are cyclists, after all, a far cry from the people who get emotionally caught up in a BS rivalry of other sports.
2013-07-20 01:34:58