A little story about why I love winter, even when I think I won't (!)
Last night, Q and I headed out for a date-night-by-bike. About a minute into the ride, it started spitting a little, and then those big huge slushy snow clumps started falling, and then they were falling so fast and so heavily that our pants were soaking wet. My glasses were covered in slush and I couldn't see well -- I was pretty much only following Q's blinker.
When we got to our destination, I foolishly wiped the slush off my jacket with my still-gloved hands and soaked them through.
When we came back to our bikes, my pants had dried, but my gloves were still sopping wet and the slush on my helmet had frozen into a lumpy ice coating.
Q loaned me a spare pair of gloves but I felt sort of ill-prepared and dejected and had a bit of the January of the soul as we got back on our bikes.
We cut back down through Chatham and it was so lovely! So much quieter, the air was calmer, no cars, and all the decorative grasses were coated thickly in beautiful white snow, and the trees were lit so dramatically.
But the best part of all was that in the darkest spots, my front wheel sent some of the road slush spinning up into the air, and my front light would catch the droplets and illuminate them, and it looked like a tiny fireworks display right in front of my bike.
The little bonuses of riding year round!
2014-01-18 11:02:54
2014-01-18 15:30:11
"January of the soul" super writing.
hope to see more.
2014-01-18 18:09:59
I got off work just when that started. I was soaked from head to toe, but loved it. When riding across the Highland Park Bridge, I couldn't see the sidewalk at all, just dark. I just went slow and trusted the sidewalk. It was kind of fun. I wiped my glasses off a few times with my gloves, but still couldn't see all that well. I don't know why I love that type of riding so much, but I do. I LOVE winter riding maybe better than summer. Great stuff!
2014-01-18 18:51:48
Hey thanks! It was just this magical moment that I really wanted to capture. Even better, my little sister illustrated it for me after I told her about it:

I love it.
2014-01-18 22:10:23
Far be it from me, Emma, to prod anybody else forward, BUT...
man that would be a great blog post, in your bike blog, or your life&bike blog, and now it looks like you've got a great image to go with it and all...
and wouldn't your sister feel so good if you used her drawing on your blog?
just saying.
2014-01-18 22:15:44
And me, I was just annoyed my brakes were frozen when I got out... Manully pushing them in and out a few times fixed the problem though
2014-01-19 00:10:46
Awesome post! I love that effect with the headlight too (it reminded me of this picture I took in a snowstorm a few years ago) - I'll think of the fireworks from now on.
2014-01-19 01:50:17
Also would you please ask Q to make me a bike light that fires a laser and emits a smokescreen? Thx.
2014-01-19 08:07:09
edmonds59 wrote:Also would you please ask Q to make me a bike light that fires a laser and emits a smokescreen? Thx.
Ha! Pyrotechnics, Emma and Q have me mashing up the Avengers and and James Bond in my weird brain.
2014-01-19 09:47:53
*omg I am goosebumps with the awesome right now* V nice.
2014-01-19 11:04:45
I rode about two mile Saturday?SundayMorn at midnight.
I was even slower than normal because cars seemed to be uncontrollable and Saturday is drunk driving night anyhow...
I dressed like the pillsbury dough boy, with florescent yellow pants over a bunch of other layers.
It was a lovely ride.
Emma, Chatham College is always pretty, but just amazing when dressed in snow.
2014-01-21 13:45:08
emma wrote:Last night, Q and I headed out for a date-night-by-bike.
It's nice to hear someone else did this. Z and I went on our own date-by-bike Friday night, too. We decided to eschew rain pants, thinking the chance of snow was too low to be a threat. The flakes started to fall as we stepped outside, and by the time we were half a mile away from home, we realized that our pants were getting soaked. We ended up sitting through dinner with wet, nearly frozen thighs. Thankfully, we dried out by the time the entertainment portion of the evening ended. On the ride home, we still had to contend with Wilkins, Reynolds, and Penn with frozen derailers and sticky rear brakes. Fun times.
I guess making sure date night has an elevated danger level is one way to keep the romance alive, right?
2014-01-22 09:28:20
wow thanks emma!
2014-01-22 10:31:42
Hi guys!
The little scratchboard illustration my sister did will be part of the
Fun-a-Day art show that opens Friday March 7, if you want to come see it in person (and a whole lot of other pretty amazing art made by fun-a-day participants!).
2014-03-06 15:55:13