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route from brentwood to penn ave in the strip

Howdy, title says it all. I would love very much to ride my bike to work. Can someone make a suggestion as to how to get to the strip district (penn ave) from brentwood (near the intersection of brownsville and 51)

2009-06-15 13:52:35

Going towards town would be easier than way from town. You could go down Streets Run Rd, then either going a hundred yards or so down Carson then climbing over the guard rail and railroad tracks to get to the Southside trail or going over the Glenwood bridge and taking 2nd Ave in to the jail trail.

There are a few other alternatives

If you want to travel during non-peak hours, I would consider taking my bike to the T.

You could ride Brownsville towards town and 18th street down the hill.

There is putatively some ghost road that goes down through the Hays wooded cliff to near the Glenwood Bridge - I don't know where it starts or what shape it's in. There might be some trails through there too.

I don't know much about this area, but I thought someone should answer.


2009-06-15 16:35:38

I commute to my in laws a bunch. They live right where the point view used to be.

I am experienced, so it isnt much concern for me to ride in the city, but I go straight brownsville to 18th st.

From there you could take the ss trail to the point and go out the strip trail that kind of exists.

Tell us your level of comfort and maybe we could tailor something?

2009-06-15 16:57:44