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Sad story, good journalism, Tampa area

Cyclist killed in a hit and run, paper decides to give him a proper writeup. A reminder that bikes are for everyone.

2010-10-01 14:15:20

My goodness, a proper writeup indeed. This friends is true journalism and very much worth your time!

2010-10-01 14:27:22

I suppose the best we can hope for from life is to have made a positive impression on those around us. That gentleman and that writer have accomplished that. Our lives are not measured by how much we make, where we live or what we drive/ride. In the end, it will be the sum of kind acts, of generosity, that define us.

Thanks for sharing JRoth. Made my day in a weird sort of way.

2010-10-01 15:13:48

I like this line from the story "This much is certain about Mr. Smith: A number of people miss him."

2010-10-01 15:18:06

I like the final line from the story, "...lived within his means, a man who could be counted upon."

Made minimum wage for 10 years running, but had the money to help out a friend in financial trouble? There's something to learn from that.

2010-10-01 17:42:17

"...waiting on the sidewalk for a crosswalk signal..."


2010-10-03 01:29:56

Here is another story about the same incident. it seems they were having a ride for bike saftey that same day. at least the person was ticketed for running a redlight.

You I try to be a calm person, sure I get mad and mouth off but I also try to be a peacemaker and see both sides of a story. I dont believe in ulock justice.

But I no longer believe in the justice system either.

as to what Im going to to or how I feel, the truth is I dont know.

Part of me wants to be a flaming ass and go out looking for trouble.

Part of me wants to put my bike up for sale on craigslist, say screwit and just live my life for me

I dont really like either of these ideas. Guess I'll have to wait for a third option to present itself.

2010-10-03 02:13:12

Yeah, it's dangerous riding a bike, lifes not fair though, sometimes people are just pushing thier baby in a stroller, jogging maybe and somebody in a car murders them, not paying attention, a little tired perhaps. That one made me cry, the mother, the poor kids, that Fucking Punk. Kid should sit up in a state facility for five years or so, maybe he could learn to pay attention, did you see this kid, good looking kid, he'd learn something for sure.

I'm tired of hearing of people getting murdered for riding a bike or pushing their baby on the sidewalk.

2010-10-03 04:57:16

someones gonna even things up a bit.

ride safe friends

2010-10-03 12:01:03

I like this line from the story "The car didn't stop." then "He died there six days later."

Sounds as if maybe Mr. Smith didn't have a helmet on, sounds like it was his fault, no bother looking for the driver.

2010-10-03 12:56:19

Sharpe said "We're going to have to take some large measures to raise awareness [of pedestrians and cyclists] ."

Snel blamed government officials for not prioritizing bicycle infrastructure, such as bike paths and trails or "Share the Road" signs.

What the hell? I'm really getting tired of these so-called bicycle advocates missing the point. Awareness of cyclists? Does he really think that the reason the cyclist was killed was because the Nissan's driver wasn't aware of her? If she'd only seen her, she might not have hit her?

My god, she ran into a Lincoln! I don't think we need to make motorists more aware of Lincolns. We need to make motorists more aware of getting their heads out of their asses. They don't use proper care, because there are no consequences for them _personally_. Josefina Rodriguez walked away.

And Snel. Snel wants more Share the Road signs. The lady was on a S I D E W A L K. It doesn't get any more separated than that.

And the city. It's not like they didn't know that drivers were out-of-control at that location. The reporter interviewed a guy who said he planted trees to protect his house in the 1960s. That's 50 years this has been going on.

This is a little bit personal for me, as several people close to me have been killed by motorists with their heads up their asses. Oh, and none of those victims were on bicycles in fact. They were on motorcycles or in automobiles, and in every case the killer walked away (though since they were drinking, they did actually do some jail time).

2010-10-03 14:37:48

It seems alot of places want to get on board with the Green movement, bikes look good parked in front they're Green, Green sells.

Whole Foods is on board. They put a bike rack in front of thier store. I believe it was designed by someone who's never ridden a bike to the store to buy groceries. I go there with my bike to buy groceries. I have to navigate around people sitting, trying to enjoy thier lunch. "Excuse me, let me just squeeze by here with my thirty pound load, pardon me, just loading up my trunk. Excuse me again, I gotta get my bike outta here, oops did I knock over your double soy latte, my bad."

I love the fact business have racks now, they're cute. They hold two bikes? even then you have to lean your bike on the other bike, hopefully there's no more then one other bike there. Why don't you ask dude with the SUV if he doesn't mind squeezing in and parking his ride up against another. Just you know, lean it against the other car. I think the guy who designs this shit most likely commutes by car, my guess he hasn't been on a bike since he was twelve.

2010-10-04 01:18:41