@Sloaps - did someone hijack yur user name to post those comments under the John Schmitz link? It just doesn't sound like you, to me.
1. This kind of news is precisely why I hate top-down government decision making.
How is top down goverment decision making reflected in the article or the situation? A property owner has been unwilling to cooperate with trail development. A few months ago it was reported that progress had been made, and property owner now appears to be cooperative. Funding remains an issue, and the projected target date of 11-11-11 may not be met (for financial and scheduling reasons). I don't see top down government decision making reflected there.
2.The development of these trails shouldn't be shrouded in secrecy because counsel says so, or because non-profits are courting anonymous donors.
What secrecy? That Sandcastle has been uncooperative is not a secret. That trail construction costs money is not a secret. That Sandcastle would prefer that construction not interfere with their "season" should be presumed. To what great "conspiracy" are you referring?
3.If we want a trail, we don't need a sugar daddy or mommy with political ties to bank roll it.
Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies often work faster and more effectively than either legislators or mass donations. We don't need them, but they played a large roll in the ability to get the Millvale Trail connection conceived, designed, funded and constructed in about 27 months.
4. Get policy legislated to recognize bike trails as a viable commuting alternative worthy of Gas Tax funding or just pass a friggin hat for mass donations.
Trails have been developed with Gas Tax funding. Transportation Enhancement funding has been used for trail development throughout western Pennsylvania. At this time, using gas tax revenue for ANYTHING other that bridge repair and basic road maintenance is next to impossible. You know that as well as I do. If you want to pass a hat for mass donations, I am certain that Bike Pittsburgh or Friends of the Riverfront would be happy to take cash or checks.
Sorry. I am tired, and was able to resist responding to Timito re: car ownership. I couldn't resist responding to this, too.
P.S. Hats off to Linda Boxx, for her OPENNESS in saying that the goal of completing the trail segment around Sandcastle by 11-11-11 may not be feasible -- more than 7 months before that target date.