I've recently started riding more this summer after a few years of not riding much. I've noticed a vast difference in drivers' behavior toward cyclists from when I rode in Pittsburgh just a few years ago:
* It's really common now that a car will come up behind me, wait for a spot, and pass me with a nice big margin - no stress whatsoever. This hardly ever happened 8 years ago, cars would hover awkwardly and then pass too close or cross all the way into the other lane.
* I rarely get honked at when I take the right lane on a 4-lane road.
* When I position myself for a left turn nobody drives around me or looks at me like I'm crazy.
* Cars routinely yield to me at traffic lights when they should (for example, I'm going straight and they're turning left).
* On some roads, cars seem to be waiting for me to look back at them before they consider passing me. I don't really need that, but it's a sign that they have some understanding about how to drive a bike.
Having so many more cyclists on the road these days has really made a difference. (It's probably partly because drivers get used to sharing the road with responsible cyclists, and partly because more drivers _are_ cyclists!)
You might not see it, but trust me, things have really changed for the better in the last 3-8 years. They're not perfect, no argument there, but I'm very optimistic that things will continue to get better for us.