I know that we have some really enthusiastic cyclists on this board, so I'd like to channel some of your energy during the National Bike Documentation Project. I've come up with two easy ways for each of you to participate in our efforts.
The first is to have you "adopt" a bike rack near where you work or live, and have you count the number of bikes at that rack one or more days next week. Our preference would be for a count at the rack during a standard business day, so if you arrive at teh rack at 6 a.m. usage at that time of day might not be truly "typical." If you could commit to counting the same rack (or racks) multiple days next week, that would be even more helpful.
You can report your "findings" to me via email at Swalfoort at spcregion dot org. We are, of course, sharing all this data with BP and the City of Pittsburgh....... we are just the archivers of bike count data to date, so we are a reasonable data collection entity.
If you can't commit to an "adopt a rack" program, perhaps you could help in a third way. That would be to simply count the number of bicycles you see on a given day next week, and whether they were moving or parked. We are modeling this very broad brush count effort after the Audobon Society's Great Outdoor bird count. We know that several of you will count the same bike(s) as riders move through the City. But, we often get asked "well, how many cyclists ARE there in the City." That's a question that we are unable to answer at present. This might be a way to make a WAG. The other "value" to this sort of "count what you see program" is that it migth help us identify those secret locations where we SHOULD be doing formal bike counts, but currently don't. So, a full response to this endeavor would be "I went from Brighton Heights to Shadyside to Lawrencville to Brighton Heights and saw 30 bikes, 10 of which were parked at racks."
I know this is very general information. But, you are our eyes on the streets, and maybe you see thinkgs that we don't. This is a first attempt to capture what you see.
Any questions? Email me at Swalfoort at spcregion dot org. No need to commit up front. Just send me the data if you decide to participate.