I have visited Pittsburgh many times and have ridden my bike on the rivers trails but later this month for the first time I am planning to ride my bike into Pittsburgh via the GAP and plan to stay one night in Homestead and ride back the next day. Other nights I will be camping so I will have lots of gear with possibly four panniers so I wonder for the hours of time I plan to explore the Pittsburgh area what would be the best thing to do with my bike. I was thinking of arriving at the Homestead hotel to store my gear in my room but then ride into Pittsburgh with only my handlebar bag water bottle,repair kit and camera. Two things I would love to do is ride one or both inclines which I have done before and rent a kayak which I have never done there for a different view of the town. I have read of being able to take a bike on the inclines but on one I believe I read something about overhead storage. Also if I wanted to rent a kayak on the North Shore is there a place to safely lock by bike while taking my gear and if so what lock or locks should I have. Also can a bike safely be locked at the REI on the southside while visiting the store.
I like to visit Pittsburgh in general for these activities and was just looking to ride into town while also doing things I love to do while in town. I am also looking to get into visiting famous log sets of stairs if anyone would have any of those to recommend in the area I will be while either walking to or storing my bike. I walk a lot in general so a walk of six miles or so is no problem. On one of my visits I walked ten miles downtown and across various bridges.
2016-10-04 08:03:49
You can definitely take your bike on the inclines. I have done that. You just roll it on.
2016-10-04 08:25:06
I think the North Shore promenade and South Side trail are generally safe in terms of bike theft. A general U-lock should do the trick. However, being a paranoid person, I run an expensive TiGr bow lock (
https://tigrlock.com) that goes through both wheels and frame, replace quick-release with bolts and nuts, glue or zip-tie accessories to my bike.

Also, if you don't want the hassle of constantly locking and unlocking your bike, you could lock your bike at the REI, and use the Healthyride bike (
https://healthyridepgh.com/stations/) to get around.
2016-10-04 10:05:51
"Also if I wanted to rent a kayak on the North Shore is there a place to safely lock by bike while taking my gear and if so what lock or locks should I have. Also can a bike safely be locked at the REI on the southside while visiting the store."
Yes, to both. There are multiple 3 Rivers style bike racks literally right next to where Kayak Pgh rents kayaks and it's right next to Pgh River rescue, if you're super paranoid. REI has a lot of racks right next to the windows on two sides of the store fronting the road.
What locks? Standard U is fine with a cable to lock up peripherals/wheels, assuming you don't already have locking skewers of some type.
2016-10-04 10:20:20
2016-10-04 12:59:08
Check out:
http://localhost/resources/bike-parking/ for basic info on locking your bike up. As JZ and Gordon Mentioned having a good solid lock and locking your bike properly make all the difference.
Just note that cable locks can be easily cut with a small pair of cable cutters.
2016-10-04 13:53:26
I work at Mercy Mospital – maybe half a mile from downtown. There are two bike racks in the garage and they are secure, IMO, and sheltered.
Plenty of times I’ve forgotten my lock and left my bike all day, and it’s never been a particular concern. I always leave my panniers on my bike – Usually with things in them. They’ve never been messed with.
For extra security, you could let me know and I could mention your arrive to policeman that rides in daily. About the biggest problem I could see would be one of the regular patrols would see stuffed panniers and wonder about a bomb threat.
Directions== West end of Locust street, enter the garage under the bridge betweeen the grage and parking garage, then make a left.
2016-10-04 14:27:01
FYI - kayak pittsburgh only rents kayaks during the weekends in October.
I think a U-lock should suffice. A lot of bike theft in pgh and elsewhere is randomness. I have no proof but I always felt that my old bike with tons of stickers all over it loaded down with multiple panniers wasn't a good bike to steal.
2016-10-04 15:29:23
There are also lockable lockers at the Kayak Pittsburgh rental spot too, if you wanted to like your bikes and panniers separately.
2016-10-06 08:53:03