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Shadyside to Squirrel Hill

Hey everyone. I'm new to Pittsburgh and to bike commuting... I'm looking to get from Shadyside (Aiken and Ellsworth) to Squirrel Hill (Forbes and Murray) but I'm not sure what the best way to go is. The fewer climbs the better!

2008-09-16 03:11:18

You can approach it two ways:

1. Head over to CMU via Morewood, cut across campus, and head up the hill at the golf course. You can avoid Forbes by cutting over to Darlington at the top of the golf course and taking that to Murray.

2. Head to Shady Avenue via Walnut and go up Shady or (better) Beechwood. Don't be shy about riding the sidewalk along Fifth to get to Beechwood, either. Shady is more direct (and arguably not much hillier) but Beechwood is WIDE and has a bike lane.

2008-09-16 13:31:35

I would add that you could also take Ellsworth to Amberson (make a left), another left on Fifth (for one block) and then a right on Wilkins and take that to Murray.

2008-09-16 14:24:47

I second the route that utilizes Fifth/Wilkins. I used that route for years. The riding on Ellsworth is good. Fifth in that location is not bad, and the distance is short. Just don't try to make the left from Fifth onto Wilkins -- go the extra block before getting on Fifth, and take the gradual right onto Wilkins. Murray is not bad north of Forbes, but if you are heading south of Forbes, you might want to consider using Wightman, and then making your way to Murray along Beacon or ???.

2008-09-16 17:02:30