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Shaler/Millvale-Carnegie Commute

I want to start commuting 1 day a week from Shaler/Millvale to Carnegie. I've never commuted to work on a bike and I'm mostly a trail rider, but do go on roads if neccessary. I researched on Google Maps and it looks like the best way from the West End is to take Noblestown Rd the whole way. I've driven this section to preview it and it doesn't look too bad. Here are a couple areas of concern- To Carnegie- -When you turn from Rt 60 (Noblestown) left onto Rt. 50 (Noblestown) there is on-street parking, so it's a little tight. There is a small sidewalk, but it doesn't seem ideal. I could turn onto Hartwell St. before the turn onto Rt.50, go up a very steep hill and cut off the corner. -Going downhill towards Noble Manor Shops shouldn't be that bad because of the downhill, but once you pass Baldwick and School St., Noblestown gets really skinny with no shoulder. This section hasn't been really busy when I've driven it around 830-9 AM, so we'll see. To Millvale/Shaler- -Going home, should I take a right onto Mansfield Ave? It at least has a small shoulder until you get closer to Greentree Rd. Then I would have to bomb down Greentree Rd. to West End. -If using Noblestown, once I pass Baldwick/School St, it starts up a decent hill with some busy intersections. Can I ride on the sidewalk up the hill past all the the stores until the Shop n Save? I'm looking for any tips/advice from people that ride or have ridden any of these areas? Looking forward to trying this out.
2019-07-04 19:02:24
I've biked out there a few times. I prefer low-car routes, even if it means dealing with some gravel or some plants. One way to avoid most of Route 50 is to use Clearview Park Trail, which parallels Crafton Blvd. It's crushed limestone or gravel mostly. There was a washed-out area the last time I was there, however. Once you cross the West Busway, you can take Chartiers Ave, which turns into an overgrown path (a machete would help cut back the vegetation). Cross the busway again at Morange Rd, then take Idlewood Rd / Idlewood Ave into Carnegie.
2019-07-05 09:01:49
This is just what I was looking for. I should have stated in my original post that I would rather travel a little further to avoid car traffic as much as possible. This route looks like the ticket. I never saw that trail on Maps before, even though it starts right at the Rt.60/50 intersection. A little mud & overgrowth will just add to the challenge, right? I might try it out this Thursday, depending on the weather. Thanks Paul.
2019-07-05 12:12:53
To see trails & hills clearly, at turn on Bicycle mode & Terrain. Here's a route from West End Circle to Crafton Blvd that avoids route 60. But note that Walbridge St & Harker St are quite steep! In RideWithGPS, there's a control in the upper right that lets you view with different graphics: choose between USGS Scans / Map / Terrain / other options.
2019-07-05 17:15:41
Worth noting that I’ve seen a few odd documents and suggestions that the Clearview trail will eventually extend down into the West End. The current trail actually runs atop the old trolley line bed, so the right of way exists straight down through that valley if they ever had the money and momentum to complete it. From the top of the hill they could extend it to the future Chartiers Creek trail and run alongside the rail beds through Carnegie (nowadays one set of tracks, but originally double tracked so right of way is there and all bridges already have extra space for trail). Has anyone looked at satellite views of Carnegie/Heidelberg area? So many old railroad bridges that could be reused for bikes. Not hard from here to connect to the Panhandle (also room for double tracks to Carnegie). Low hanging fruit but there is not momentum in this part of town for these kinds of connections. Look at that old trestle and hidden tunnel in the West End. Sitting there idle while it could become a piece of an amazing puzzle in the West End
2019-07-09 18:43:25