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Shout Out to pbeaves & the Bike Community

Holy crap - a big shout out to pbeaves for finding my lost wallet today! Plus, thanks to the bike community because after finding the wallet, pbeaves contacted a few other other bike-pgh members to get my contact info. mm & Joanne - many thanks! It happened like this... While riding somewhere between OTB and Highland Park, I lost my wallet - full of credit cards, my License and real important stuff like Entertainment coupons for free OTB food, my Pedal for Pints card and my Bike pgh membership card (we're talkin' REAL IMPORTANT). After 2 hours of re-riding my route, talking to strangers and driving over some of my bike ride route, I got a text from pbeaves! I couldn't believe it - what are the chances that another cyclist who knows me found it?... And had enough connections in the bike community to find me and get a hold of me quick? Jeez, I'm so fired up to know pbeaves and to have the assistance of the bike community - it's awesome - love this bike community, love it! Sidebar - wallet found in the CMU parking lot (the one under construction) off Neville. Yoi, what a day.
2013-06-02 22:28:05
This made me smile :) I haven't even been a part of this community for that long, in reality, but I love it a whole, whole lot.
2013-06-03 00:02:27
Awesome - similar to my incident 3 years ago, although I didn't know Noah before he found my wallet: http://localhost/mb/topic/lost-wallet-between-strip-and-bloomfield/ I have to ask, since we have the same Topeak bag - did you happen to put your wallet in the top part and forget to zip up? That's what I did.
2013-06-03 00:22:55
It was fun helping Pbeaves track you down. It was like Mission Impossible. PBeaves is a good man.
2013-06-03 03:25:28
This is freaking awesome! :)
2013-06-03 06:21:54
I was on my way to drop it off with campus security when I looked at the DL picture, I thought the face looked familiar so I reached out. Marcel came thru with the email & I found your phone # listed on the TDW forum thread. Glad to reunite lost property with its owner.
2013-06-03 09:04:51
@salty - no, I put it in the main compartment and forgot to zip. I've done this before and never had anything fall out, jeez.
2013-06-03 09:27:49
This biking community is awesome! Thanks to pbeaves and all that turned this crazy mistake into a sigh of relief ????
2013-06-03 16:55:22
YAY--I'm thrilled that you have your wallet back!!! Love this community.
2013-06-03 18:42:28