anyone know anything about this frame? it seems real hott and i bet it's inexpensive. it's the first "new" production track frame that i've been interested in. cheers to soma. any insiders on here that could tell me more?
2006-11-15 12:26:55
Are those lugs? Wow, that bike is smokin'!
I kind of want to get my hands on a Smoothie ES for quick commutes and road rides in the rain. I think it's billed as more of a light touring bike - braze-ons for fenders and rear rack.
2006-11-15 13:07:29
yeah, chromed lugs. i'm a sucker for chrome. two of my bikes are fully chromed. i'm just glad i'm not a sucker for full suspension.
2006-11-15 13:18:22
It's an $800-900 retail frame, w/o fork.
2006-11-15 15:43:57
ooooo...not so cheap.
2006-11-15 15:52:28
youch! i think if i were going to spend that much on a frame, i'd just save up for another month or two and get one that was hand built to my specifications. sweet frame though, no doubt.
2006-11-15 18:37:58
does anyone know what kind of tubing it is? are they using the tange prestige like they're doing for the other somas now or is it something a bit nicer?
also, soma decals kill it for me. just not a fan.
2006-11-16 00:19:40
oh wait, it's got the prestige tubing.
but - it's road geometry? that's a bit upsetting. oh well, i guess it'll work out well for them.
2006-11-16 00:22:57
I can't abide the decal either. The new production frame that makes me drool is the Milwaukee - about half the price as the soma (and in my opinion twice as cool).
2006-11-16 10:06:04
post pics or it doesn't exist
2006-11-16 12:55:51
2006-11-16 13:16:11
yeah, for something that pretty, theyr going to double dip to make it cheaper, rather than have multiple different lug sets, they can just build identicle frames with different drop-ahts.
I think the best bike soma makes is the juice, it just seems rad, and the tubing is a bit lighter than 4130.
Erok, you should get that bike
2006-11-16 14:48:59
Does Milwaukee have a website? That bike is hot!
2006-11-17 08:10:47
the pic is a link to whatever place sells them. my guess is they have someone overseas manufacture the frame for their geometry/specs.
2006-11-17 12:47:19
http://www.benscycle.net/ the shop that deals in Milwaukee frames is the Milwaukee Cycle Shop. They also have a big ebay store.
2006-11-20 09:50:18
Last I knew Milwaukee frames were made by Waterford, who does lots and lots of contract TIG work for other companies.
2006-11-21 11:15:09
In case anyone missed it, Soma has some Smoothie and Smoothie ES's on sale due to a snafu at the painter's. Not a huge discount but better than nothing.
Soma Sale
2006-11-21 22:14:38
I speak very highly for the soma frame, however the Rush was a different geometry and tubeset. Fucker is tough fast,responsive,light,classy and durable (the frame survived that full speed front-ender the other day! fork was another story!) beats the hell out of those cheap hacks at surly and IRO anyday. . . it also beats subjecting a classy japanese, or italian track bike to Pittsburgh-grade brutality. cheers.
2006-11-22 16:07:11
ouch ted, i think you just hurt a few bikes' feelings.
2006-11-23 16:29:04