Some consolation re: potholes, with love from Russia
One of my friends follows a few Russian-based blogs and sent me this link today: Vladivostok road repair "flashmob"
Stiletto heels...not my first choice for construction site footwear, but hey...
The flagpeople in the construction areas I see are not wearing mini-skirts or fishnet hose, either.
Yeah, but then, you don't slow down and give the flag-people money, either.
Neither do I slow down and give money to people in fishnets and miniskirts, as a general rule.
Those that are advocating taking the side streets, rather than Butler, through Larryville are tending to limit the many opportunities for slowing down and giving generously to folks in fishnets and miniskirts.
In such cases, one should be wary lest one be given something one didn't want in return for one's generosity.