Could be a serial drunk driver with a suspended license. In either case, hope the driver goes to jail soon. Suspending the license does not alone keep people from getting behind the wheel.
someone intentionally runing down cyclists in san diego?
Whether this is really intentional or just a bad coincidence, it sucks either way.
I hadn't met the victim personally, but he rode with some of the ultracyclists I know out there. I believe he was riding a 600K brevet, which means he would have been lit up like a Christmas tree with lights and reflective stuff.
This is the second case of a hit-and-run during a late-night brevet that I know of in two years; and in both cases, small-minded buffoons chime in questioning "why was the cyclist on the road at 1 AM?"
I am out on the road all the time at 1AM. I am going home. I assume the cars that pass me are doing the same?
"why was the driver driving at 1 AM?"
Returning home from the bar.
"what was the cyclist doing on the road at 1 am?"
Minding his own business and not hurting anyone else.