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someone should make these signs and post them under the "speed limit" signs.

I always laugh when I see a car pass someone, just to reach a red light at the same time as that person.

2010-12-16 02:49:13

Accelerate into that red light!

2010-12-16 03:03:47


i always thought of this like that bit (seinfeld?) about the aliens seeing humans picking up the dog poop and assuming the dogs were in charge.

similarly, i think aliens could conclude the purpose of having a car is to get to the next stop light as quickly as possible.

2010-12-16 05:28:03

often when i am driving or on my bike by myself, and someone cuts me off or passes me, i find myself saying out loud, "way to get to that red light faster, douche."

and speaking of red lights, i just LOVE how people treat right on reds like a green right arrow! Then i find myself saying, "way to stop, douche."

2010-12-16 11:52:05

One of my favorite's from October's Haiku thread:

So, how does it feel?

To pass me, and then get stopped

At that red light there.

(by RubberFactory)

2010-12-16 12:14:08

Another thing that's accomplished by driving way over the speed limit: turning a 15 minute drive into a 10 minute one, at a big expense of safety. Wow, 5 minutes, nice save.

My driver's ed teacher always brought up the time-accounting of going 10 over the speed limit on short drives, or 30 in a school zone that's only half a km long, and how little you gain from it. Then he'd say "of course if you're on a long road trip, then you might be saving whole hours, but that's a different story altogether."

2010-12-16 15:24:38

Then he'd say "of course if you're on a long road trip, then you might be saving whole hours, but that's a different story altogether."

it is a different story, if you're on automobile-only infrastructure, like a segregated highway. those are made for high speed traffic, and the likelihood of damage to other things is significantly reduced, as is the probability that speed plays a role in causing an accident.

if you're on a road trip through school zones, well, you suck at planning road trips.

2010-12-16 15:30:07

or the school district sucks at planning driveways and puts all it's schools off of state highways, like Mars.

2010-12-16 15:51:53

Which someone will do it?

2010-12-16 16:05:50

...I know a guy who makes signs...

2010-12-17 17:04:04

....I know a guy that likes putting things up....

2010-12-20 16:52:37

I know a guy who knows a guy...

2010-12-26 20:50:36

I think I know that guy.

2010-12-26 21:16:02