This sounds like a really awesome group!
Spencer's mom
Hi, I'm Spencer's mom. Spencer wants to learn to ride a two wheeler like every other kid. He has a condition called Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood that makes it harder for him to learn to ride. There is a program called Lose the Training Wheels that teaches kids like Spencer how to ride, using these really cool bikes with roller wheels on them. I have volunteered to run the camp this year, but I need help! If you are interested in helping, email me at or call, 412-526-6807
2012-10-17 16:03:53
2012-10-17 16:21:48
Hey Spencer's Mom! if you can send me more info on the event, like a website, dates, etc and what you're looking for people to do, i can put it on the bikepgh blog that you are looking for volunteer help
2012-10-17 17:44:31