Whoah. What is the reason?
steam locomotive on Sunday
An authentic 1944 steam locomotive will be running excursions up and down the track along the East Busway on Sunday. Great viewing from any of the bridges over the tracks. I'm not sure how far east it is traveling, but likely at least Homewood.
So, while you're aht & abaht on your bikes, if you hear a train whistle, yep, it's for real. It's been many years since we had a steamer in the city, and many decades since we had hundreds of them a day.
I'm told it might be in town on Saturday, too, coming in from the direction of Conway Yards (along 65, about 15 miles downstream on the Ohio River).
Video. Warning: Loud!
Wow, that is very cool! Any tips on when/where to be to see it?
yeah - why is it here? Is it a passenger one? That is awesome
Well, I'm not sure this is the one Stu is talking about...but how many steam locomotives could be in the area?
(Nearly) live GPS tracking: http://fortwaynerailroad.org/locate.html
wow. how can we obtain tickets?
Some background info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel_Plate_765
I'm still looking for a travel itinerary.
The map at Mattjackets's link shows the train making runs to Homewood, PA, near Elwood City, this weekend, not the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Hope nobody's confusing the two.
It looks like the train's Twitter feed is active, so I guess anybody with a Twitter account could just ask them for their schedule.
I would like to see this train. I don't do twitter, so if someone has a schedule please post. THanks.
Per the twitter feed (which you don't need an account to read, just to talk back, fwiw), they're at conway now. I didn't read in depth but it sounds like they'll be in the area a while; there's reference to leaving altoona on the 20th.
The map posted at www.765.org/locate.html doesn't seem to work on my phone, unfortunately.
Once we figure out this thing's schedule, I think a group ride to see it will be in order.
I would *so* love to be on a bridge over the tracks when this thing goes past. That's been on my bucket list since I was a teenager.
I was thinking exactly the same thing Stu. I imagined watching it roll under the bike bridges on the GAP just past The Waterfront. Then I realized that the thing vents steam and nasty coal-fire exhaust from the top. Steam burns. So....maybe I'll watch from the side of a bridge!
I need to rent Trainspotting.
but the big question is if they have a bike car or roll-on service.
I'm in if there's a ride, please post. I'll carpool if needed (if it's not inside the city).
Tweeted this afternoon: "765 out of Conway this weekend at 9, 12, 3, 6 on Saturday, 9, and 12 Sunday. Trips start east in the mornings and alternate directions."
Train schedule in 140 characters
Do we know for sure where it's going? One source said out along the East Busway, another said just along PA65.
The map at http://www.765.org/locate.html suggests just along 65 to "CP Bell" in Chateau. It looks as though it'll go on the bridge to Brunot, then reverse (the drawn line terminates mid-river...)
http://fortwaynerailroad.org/2012-excursion-schedule/ says
August 11th – Conway Yard – OC Bridge (2 trips)
August 12th – Conway Bridge – Homewood Junction (2 trips)
Staff are responding to comments on that page, btw.
9:20 a.m., it's headed east!
Follow @nickelplate765 for up-to-the-minute updates.
And the Homewood they're referring to is north of Beaver Falls, where the Turnpike crosses the Beaver River.
Here, the closest it is getting to the city is the bridge over Brunot's Island. The McKees Rocks Bridge will be a great vantage point. So will Island and Beaver by the old PAT HQ, or by Alcosan. Apparently it will travel toward the city to that bridge, cross it, reverse, cross it in reverse to the other direction, and then reverse again to head back downstream. (In railroad parlance, that's called a "wye".)
If I am to believe the website, it's in Manchester RIGHT NOW, 10 a.m.
It appeared to make a brief stop by Allegheny Commons around 11am today. Lots of curious people stopped to take pictures. Fair warning, this thing is loud.
So it takes off again for the city at 3, here around 3:40 to 4:00.
Excellent vantage points: Rox Bridge, Island & Beaver, California & Marshall, Columbus Ave bridge by Calif Ave, Eckert at Beaver near Alcosan & the jail.
If you have a car, go out by Emsworth Lock & Dam.
Are you able to get near the Emsworth Lock & dam? Last time I tried to get near there to show the kids it was all razor wired off due to some Home land security rationale.
Close enough to see a train real easy. There's a point beyond which you cannot go, but getting to the tracks is easy. Park about 200 yards away on the level approaching street.
I was there about two hours ago and got a couple of pics for the Wheelset game.
Any good recommendations on where to catch this VIA bike on North Side? I know the tracks it is in is elevated along the bike trail there. Not really trying to make my preggo wife adventure too much.
I mentioned a couple of spots about four posts up. River trail to old jail, then over to Beaver & Eckert, is close to level and traffic free.
Train will climb up to the bridge to cross Beaver Ave and over the river, then will reverse over that same bridge to over on the N Side. If you are on NSide (like at Brighton & North) expect to see the back end of the train first. Once it is clear of the switch from the bridge (I'm not sure where that is), it will go back north/west/downstream/away from the city. At that point, it will be at street level at Island at Beaver.
heard this this morning ~10am in manchester, was all WTF??
thanks stu, A+ reporting job.
Video! With me in it, too!
This was a bit earlier, up at Osborne (just toward the city from Sewickley).
I didn't realize the train was going to be on the track I was sitting right next to. I ducked out of the way when I realized I was going to get a blast of cinders from about five feet away. Which is why I'm 10 feet away in the Emsworth pic.
Holy crap. I knew it would be a train, and trains are cool. But as a gearhead who has WD40 mixed in with his red blood cells, HOLY CRAP IS THAT BADASS. Thanks Stu.
One more chance to see this Sunday morning! About the same schedule as on Saturday. It leaves Conway at 9, will reverse into the North Side about 9:45, then head back to Conway.
I'd say your best vantage point is along Beaver between Eckert (Alcosan, jail) and the elevated bridge. Try to be down there as soon after 9:30 as you can.
If you want to be above it, go to the McKees Rocks Bridge; the sidewalks are open on both sides (despite the "sidewalk closed" signs that have been sitting there since they completed the reconstruction job in 2009). Best access is river trail to the old jail, Beaver, Eckert, L McClure, L Antrim, R Fleming, L Davis, cross California, to end of street, staircase to corner of PA65 at McKees Rocks Bridge, cross 65, get on a sidewalk and look down.
Yes. Stu, thanks you very much for the info. I will have some pics and video to share. I thought it was really neat the distinctly different sounds it made in reverse as compared to moving forward. Pretty cool.
It will be headed for Harrisburg Monday morning. There is no other way to get there other than straight through Pittsburgh and along the East Busway.
The plan, as I know it, is to leave Conway around 8 a.m., which would put it across the Allegheny and into the city between 8:30 and 9.
The boy and I timed it perfectly on the way to the tryabike. We drove right along side it going down 65! Then we stood on California or something and watched it go back by. Spectacular.
10:38, the steamer is headed for town, will be through by 11!
I just heard it roll through up on Troy Hill here. Wish I had a better vantage point to see the tracks from up here. Again, many thanks for the info Stu, made my Wife, kid, and myself's day checking out that awesome machinery.
They'll be rolling back through here on Monday, 8/20, per their tweets (@NickelPlate765).
First useful use of Twitter I've ever encountered.
From the front window of my work, I was able to see it roll through the strip this morning
I timed our tandem ride today so we were on Edgewood Avenue (which parallels the tracks and Busway) when 765 came through. Got some great photos. Thank you for posting the info and links about this.
Top! The steamer is making its trip back west today, Monday 8/20. As of 6 a.m. it's in Harrisburg, so likely later in the day.
GPS tracking here: http://www.765.org/locate.html
Twitter feed: @NickelPlate765
I am hoping to catch it later today. will try to remember to post updates as it approaches the City.
I'm thinking about trying to catch it on the Centre Ave bridge in Shadyside. Anyone have an opinion of that location? I'm trying to find a spot close to Oakland.
@Matt -- That looks to be about as good a location as any, although the Millvale Street Bridge, Bloomfield Bridge or the small Herron Avenue Bridge near Iron City Brewery are all also convenient to Oakland.
Bloomfield bridge is higher, and might give a more panoramic view. Millvale or Centre Avenue Bridges might give you a more "up close and personal" look.
Oh, and I meant to add:
It left Harrisburg just before 6 a.m. today.
It's now just west of Altoona.
You can follow the precise location (or mostly precise location) at http://765.org/locate.html
They have a mobile app too.
8:03a - Lewistown
9:32a - Tyrone
10:37 - Altoona
Limited to 40 mph. Spending night in Conway.
Another good vantage point is the pedestrian bridge in Point Breeze/Homewood. Lang? Murtland? melange396 and I picked up a tag there a month or so ago.
I don't recommend East Busway stations, as the tracks are walled off. You can hear it well enough, but not see it.
Where'd you get those timepoints? I've been following the locator, but haven't seen that sort of detail on actual timepoints.
@mattjackets - I would recommend the Graham St pedestrian bridge.
Slightly farther from Oakland, but one of the best places to see the train. You could see the train both coming and going and run up and down the steps to get both the top view and a side view.
Left off Ellsworth two blocks past Aiken.
Then in the lower left corner of each tweet, click "Expand".
11:17a - Departing Altoona.
Thanks, Stu. Tracker seems to put it halfway between Altoona and Johnstown at the moment, heading west at 35 mph.
Looks like a late afternoon arrival in the 'burgh.
If your familiar with North Side, right where Beaver ave splits and merges from one to two ways, there is easy access to the tracks. Got some awesome up close and personal views there last time.
@Jungle Dave - not sure where you mean in reference to Beaver Avenue.... can you pinpoint it better?
Also, currently located in Latrobe area, heading east at 31 mph.
I am trying to think, the manchester Port Authority building is right there. It's literally where 65 overhead forces the road to split. Beaver ave is 2 way from alcosan to the bus garage. There Beaver ave becomes one way heading inbound, and I forget what the name of the outbound street is. One of the few traffic lights that I am aware of on the road.
It would be the corner of Island Ave / Beaver ave. Thank you google maps!
Is it possible to get onto island ave from the bike trail? From the map it looks like you can.
Here is another place to get right up close and personal on the north side. Nobody was around when it went by a week ago.
EDIT: thanks for the location advice everyone! Decisions decisions...
There's also the Washington Street Bridge in Swissvale, and nearby Edgewood Avenue parallels the line, and is higher than the line at several points, which allows you to see over the Jersey barriers of the Busway. I took this photo last week:
@ Matt - thanks for that tip. I was thinking Osborne, then a chase to Leetsdale, but I was worried about getting stuck on the wrong side of the tracks in Obsborne.
Lower Birmingham looks great!
Train currently approaching Greensburg, heading west at 36 mph
In Braddock a few minutes ago!
Just went behind my office in East Liberty. Sweet!
I got to hear it go past. Was unable to make it down unfortunately. Small fire in my basement made that moderately impossible. hahaha. Phew.
Just got back from the Graham St. pedestrian bridge (thanks for the tip @Mick). Looked awesome, sounded awesome!
Rolled through the Amtrak station Downtown at precisely 4:00p.
Got a photo
@Roadkillen! Nice pic!!!!!
Boy, the first PostGazette pic shows how really dirty coal-fired trains were.
Now imagine a couple hundred of those rolling through town every day, on top of 24/7 steel making, and you get an idea what life here was like over 65 years ago, and why you sometimes couldn't see across the street.
Also, a lot of your electricity still comes from coal-fired steam boilers, one place or another.
Well, efficiency of coal burning power plants are much higher then steam locomotive or steam ship. In addition power plants have special filters installed in those "big pipes". But I would agree that nuclear power is much cleaner.
Swalfoort wrote:You can follow the precise location (or mostly precise location) at http://765.org/locate.html They have a mobile app too.