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where in town can I find a decent selection of stems?

I'm moving from drop bars to albatross and looking for a 1" 25.4mm threadless... not sure yet of the length or rise. Hoping to try out some different ones. Could I hit up Kraynick's?

I still don't feel like I have a good handle on what shops are best for components like this... I get frustrated going in or calling only to get a "we can order that for you".

2011-04-05 17:33:53

That's very unusual for a threadless stem. However, mountain bike stems for 1 1/8" steerers with 25.4mm clamps are still easy to find and can be easily shimmed for a 1" steerer. That's probably your best bet if you want to find something in stock.

2011-04-05 17:53:54

Thanks John... I figured I would probably have to shim the steerer. I actually just realized recently that my 520's fork is 1" instead of 1 1/8".

2011-04-05 18:17:55

definitely just shim it... 1in threadless is kind of annoying to find and there with the right shim you can hardly tell its there... that said kraynicks has a pretty decent selection and i would definitely recommend stopping by thursday-sat

2011-04-05 21:12:43

@mark. will do. might have some time after the 'rats game tomorrow. I wasn't sure of his stock of "modern" stems :-)

2011-04-06 14:25:53

he might very well have a bunch of 1" threadless stems lying around. that's exactly the kind of thing i would expect to find at Gerry's

2011-04-06 14:53:25

I wish a shop here had the bucket of five dollar stems I used to depend on every year at T-town.

2011-04-06 17:32:47

i think if you're walking into the shop just keep looking up, right where you would turn right to enter the basement above your head there should be a decent selection of threadless stems... probably $10

2011-04-07 23:28:12