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Stolen bike downtown

Got off work on Thursday to find my brand new gold 19 inch Diamondback Mt bike stolen. It was chained to a bike rack on the side of the Highmark building, which is by a popular bus stop and also has a vid cam right there. Video shows a dude (can't see his face...grrrr!) somehow breaking the lock and pedaling away at 1035 am. Filed a report with the building as well as police, but I'm fairly sure that I will never see it again.

Any other suggestions on what to do next?

2011-05-14 15:36:05

Post a photo here, or one like it, so folks know what to look for. If you had added anything special - different color tape, a sticker, etc., post that too.

Folks here will keep an eye out for it, and have been known to recover bikes. they just need to have a really good idea of what to look for. Unfortunately, "gold 19 inch Diamond Mt. Bike" is not enough to go on.

Good luck, and sorry to hear about your loss.

2011-05-14 17:25:43


2011-05-14 21:01:53

Only other details are a blinker light attached under the seat and a small hand pump strapped to the vertical bar below the seat. Thanks for the advice, Swalfoort!

2011-05-14 21:33:09

What kind of lock did you use that it was broken so easy

2011-05-15 23:52:36

One of those cheap swirly ones with the spin, yup, learned my lesson there.

2011-05-16 22:10:23

Any advice for a decent one would be great. I'm a new biker and just learnin the ropes. Love this website..very friendly..very helpful.

2011-05-17 01:14:43

There happens to be another thread on that very topic!

[edit] You may want to file a police report, since you'll need one in order to file a claim with your renter's or homeowner's insurance. (if you have that).

2011-05-17 01:16:41

Ulock noted. My renters insurance will not cover b/c the deductible was not reached. But trust that this episode will not keep me away from the enjoyment of the ride. Grazia tanto!

2011-05-17 02:51:33