Where was it stolen in Shadyside? Also, how was it locked and do you have a picture of it or are there any special identifying features?
2010-06-07 17:41:34
Stolen Blue, white, and silver Trek 250 from Shadyside on June 4th. Would greatly appreciate any help if anyone sees something. Thank you
Where was it stolen in Shadyside? Also, how was it locked and do you have a picture of it or are there any special identifying features?
It was stolen on filbert st. off of walnut. It was locked with a cable lock on the porch, they cut the lock (lesson learned, I will be getting a U lock with the next bike). There aren't many identifying features, it has a topeak bike rack, a clip for to hold the light on the handles, and a water bottle holder. Here's a link to see a picture: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs087.snc1/4609_86512655027_737170027_1967306_4122052_n.jpg