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Stolen Single Speed Bike

Had my beloved single-speed bike lifted around 1:30pm on 7/9 in front of Le Gourmandine bakery on Butler in Lawrenceville. Of course one of the only times I fail to lock my bike, I'm in the bakery for nor more than five minutes when a friend alerts me where I look up and see a young black kid speed off on my ride. I'm rushing out the shoppe after him French Connection style, chasing down him 46th over to Plummer then left on Home before I started hyperventilating. I saw him head East on Hatfield, and he probably lives nearby. I've filed a police report but your eyes might help track it down. The bike itself is pretty unique, mostly black with red forks, Red Powertools MTB stem, Red Anodized Sumo Messenger Chain Ring, Red Cranks, and brushed aluminum rack and rims. It has Black Oury Grips on a pair of cut, straight MTB polished aluminum handlebars, and Black Plastic Planet Bike Rims front and back. Tires are black Hutchensons. Brakes are a stock so no brand name on them. If you see this someone riding this bike or spot it in front of a house please contact the police immediately, or call me, Stewart at 347-602-3447 OR drop me a line at Thanks so much!

2011-07-09 21:26:21

Oh, so sorry to hear. Sounds like a sweet bike. Hope it turns up. Hopefully the fact that it is a single speed will make someone just dump it somewhere discoverable.

2011-07-09 21:44:32

Do you have any pics of the bike.

2011-07-09 21:55:48

Definitely check in with the scrap yard n Penn/33rd. If the kid does abandon it somewhere in lville, it will likely get grabbed quick and taken down there. I see frames headed there all the time. Kid might even try taking it himself...

I'll keep an eye peeled. Sounds like a pretty bike.

2011-07-09 23:57:40

Thank you all for your concern. Amazingly enough I got the bike back! Maybe an hour after I posted my message my next-door neighbors of all people called me to tell me they found the bike in the Salvation Army parking lot, and that two little kids were watching over it wondering if it belonged to anyone. My neighbors didn't know it was mine at the time but decided it belonged to someone so they brought it home and went online to see if anyone was missing their bike. They found my posting here which I guess I posted just as they found my rig and called me right away. I can't even believe the luck and coincidence! Amazing! All my stuff was with it except my camera, which is a small loss compared to everything else. What's weird was the front tire tube was somehow pulled out of the bike and wrapped like ten times around the inside axle, like it popped out somehow and just froze the wheel. I can't even imagine how it would have happened. I'm so grateful, thank you all again for your support.

2011-07-11 02:20:45


2011-07-11 02:22:36

Great to hear this!

I've had a tube fail and come out of my rear tire, flopping around, though it didn't have the chance to get tangled up. Maybe the thief put too much weight on it (multiple riders?) and broke the tube.

Or else your bike missed you and concocted a plan to get back home by hobbling itself to make the thief discard it. Pick whichever story you like; the happy ending's the important part. :-)

2011-07-11 05:24:11

I think my bike was none to please to have the alien rider and decided to self destruct.

2011-07-12 02:06:45