Oh my science!
stupid ads strike again
Just saw this on TV, during South Park... apparently these idiots didn't get the memo from the GM ad last year.
"You think I like riding this bike to work everyday? I have bad credit. I can't get a car loan."
Funny, I ride a bicycle so I don't have to deal with shady scumbag auto-related companies.
I sent them a few choice words: http://www.carloanpal.com/about/contact-us.html
Science damn you!
but science found a way to make bacon crispier. So its not all bad.
I see stupid ads every time I turn on the TV - so I dont' do it.
People who watch TV always end up thinking that SUVs really aren't THAT bad.
there, but for the grace of science, go i.
I'm sure you'll all be shocked to hear my letter to carloanpal went unanswered... But, the snob posted an eloquent critique of this ad last week:
I'm not sure why riding a bike is more humiliating than being an indentured servant to a bank, a car company, and an oil company all at the same time, but that's exactly the mindfuck these companies have managed to pull off [...]
I like the "testimonial" from the lady in the Beemer. Ha ha.