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T drivers gotta hate

All I really want is "*Please* wait for the next T" (before LYING to me about how there's another red line T right behind you) instead of "it's still rush hour, a lot of people need to get on at the next stop, and I'll call the police if you bring a bike on (followed by lie and 2 blue line T's before another scheduled red)", at 6:50pm outbound from station square, WTF. Didn't feel like ruining everyone else's ride home over this pissing match so I bowed out. Damn I need a unicorn chaser myself though.

Definitely going to use the cloaking device next time I decide to board from there in the evening :-b

2011-06-03 23:17:13

sprite, your T stories make me want to pull my hair out. seriously, anytime you want to stage a sit in, me and my folder are there.

2011-06-04 01:28:20

Get on, stay on, have 'em call the police, and have your printed copy of the rules right out in plain sight to explain to everyone you're inconveniencing that YOU ARE RIGHT AND STANDING YOUR GROUND.

I had this same pissing match with a driver concerning the unicycle one night. Of course it was mid-February, 15 Fahrenheit, 10:30 p.m., and the LAST damn 11C out of the city.

Someone's gotta put these damn drivers in their place.

AND Port Authority needs to change the rules.

2011-06-04 16:07:41

Seriously. What's their beef? Bad drivers need called out, reported and dealt with. There are plenty of hard working people looking for a good job who would just love to take their place.

2011-06-04 17:26:13

On a Friday evening it wasn't the hill I wanted to die on. Fear not, other times I do stand my ground and then escalate through channels and then all is compliance for months and months. The trigger this time was wheeling the bike on unfolded (laziness) and I'm sure I don't know how normal bikes ever get to ride if drivers (beyond this sample of 1 who seemed like he was having a really bad day) think they get to decide when rush hour is.

2011-06-06 13:00:42

not at all defending the guy (which is impossible beyond the "really bad day" excuse, but - this is Pittsburgh. When is it NOT rush hour? Seems to me it's about 2PM until 9PM.

Sprite, if nothing else, your patience inspires me.

2011-06-06 13:32:17

!!! How does a T driver have a bad day?!? I can see bus drivers getting irritated in traffic, traffic sucks. But the T is on tracks, you stop the T, you let people on, you start the T. This guy doesn't deserve a job.

Stu, does PAT ever have "secret riders", to observe some of this crap? Because they need to.

2011-06-06 13:32:57

edmonds - there's any manner of way for the guy to have The Worst Day of His Life independent of the job. Not an excuse, but if the Ts aren't automated then they need to be run. They just need to be run according to their own published rules, and in a curteous and professional manner.

2011-06-06 13:49:00

Meh, there are many exponentially more difficult jobs in which the person does not have the option of "having a bad day". If the guy can't make go-go the trolley and deal with the public, guy needs to find a different line of work.

2011-06-06 14:06:04

edmonds - I agree. Sometimes it takes trial and error to discover this, though :P

2011-06-06 14:54:56

Please report this ASAP. I'm following up on my end. This is unacceptable.

2011-06-06 21:42:09