I cut and pasted this from @Steven's
initial post in Tag-o-Rama 5.
The Tag-O-Rama game started in September 2010, and periodically needs a new thread, due to message board issues. This is thread six, but with thread 6 we decided to switch to a yearly naming convention consistent with other long-lasting threads. Here are threads
four, and
The rules are easy (although wordy, it is not hard to play)
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose – you’ve been Bruced.
#2 – Take the tag to a new location, shoot a photo with your bike in the picture, and post it here. Keep the tag within
Pittsburgh city limits and the surrounding neighborhoods. Give a few hints (or a short poem if you’re so inclined) so the next person can figure out where the tag is located. Try to place the tags in interesting locations, somewhere historic, etc. Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling.
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag. If no Bruce was claimed, tag will revert to the previous tag, and somebody else will get their chance. If you won’t have the time to drop off a new tag, don’t pick it up to begin with.
#2b – This rule is intended to keep the game moving. If the overdue tag is posted before somebody grabs the reverted tag, then the new tag will stand. However, giving the overdue tag-holder a load of crap is highly encouraged.
#3 – Tag must be findable – don’t make your tag so obscure that no one will find it. Make sure to let folks know what riding conditions are involved to get to your tag.
#4 – File photos are NOT permitted. You may not use a photo taken before the current tag was set to prove you found that tag, nor use a photo taken before you photographed the current tag to set a new tag.
#5 – All images of tags that are posted, whether picking up or setting a new tag, MUST include the bike you rode to the tag. If your bike isn’t in the posted image, you don’t have a tag.
#6 - The bicycle in the picture must get to the tag location under the player’s own pedal-power.
#7 – No whining.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Post Photos
In case you’re looking for the photo upload button that was once on this site, sorry it has disappeared. (edit for 2017: although you can find the "add media" button, it doesn't seem to work correctly vis-a-vis uploading pictures to the message board.) We hope it comes back, but for now, you have to use the instructions in the link above.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some helpful links for the convenience of new players:
1. View the Tag Map to see all the tags.
2. The Tag-O-Rama spreadsheet, showing who got which tag
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For those of us who want to know more about the record keeping functions of Tag-o-Rama …
To add a marker to the Google Tag Map, sign in to Google, go to the map, and click the Edit link on the left. Then click the marker icon in the upper middle. Then click where the marker should go.
See one of the previous threads for examples of game play.
2017-07-15 14:43:43
@RustyRed had the
last post on page 26 of Tag-o-Rama 5. It was a new tag. I can only find a link to the last page, not the last post, but use the link to get to the last page of Tag-o-Rama 5 and scroll down to the last post.
2017-07-15 14:52:47
Oh Yay, a new thread!
Yes, here's the current tag:
You’re gonna LAFF when you see where this tag is. If you like hills, then you’ll be ABEL to get up here.
2017-07-15 16:08:47
Thanks, @rustyred, for reposting your tag.
There is a house somewhere in Aspinwall behind Commercial Street that has a model train outside. It is like Brigadoon because I find it on walks maybe 3x a year and the other times I look for it I obviously forget what street it is on.
To be clear, the Aspinwall train isn't this tag. I'm just off on a tangent.
2017-07-15 17:03:07
Tangentially, there is (was) one of these train setups at the corner of Overton and Milton in Regent Sq. This Regent Sq track is not the Tag. (Wrong background.)
2017-07-15 19:40:09
How easy is it to find the trailhead for the Hays Woods Trail off of Glass Run Road? Any idea how easy it is to follow this trail, and how muddy it is? I am rarely out that way and have never explored back in there. Sounds like a good time to try.
2017-07-16 10:42:20
Stu, I recommend going in from the end of Agnew road. This is essentially a mostly flat fire-road and you can ride skinny tires in there almost all the way out to the cliff overlooking the Mon. The trail off of Glass Run has lots of vegetation, downed trees ,boulders, etc. plus it is a fairly steep uphill.
2017-07-16 11:41:56
732 lafferty, n baldwin
2017-07-17 09:13:34
And in case my embed didn't work...
2017-07-17 09:14:50
Yay new thread new player!
2017-07-17 10:43:14
Good job!
Did you meet the owner? I talked with him while I was there and told him to expect strangers on bikes. He told me that the display has been up for over a dozen years and no one has messed with it in all that time, other than to move around a few matchbox cars (but never taking them).
2017-07-17 11:45:05
Yes I did meet the owner. He came out and said "I see you figured it out". I started my commute by stopping by here to get the tag. I only had a small hill to climb from my house (I live near St. Wendelin's). I was actually excited to know where something was/get to it before anyone else. I've been following the game for a while, just never got a chance to get a tag.
2017-07-17 14:52:43
^Well hi neighbor! Rusty Red & I (and Gus!) live right behind the water co.
2017-07-17 15:21:34
Yaaa! Welcome Jenn! Another South-Hiller n'at!!
Ooooh, more excuses for setting tags in Baldwin and Carrick!
2017-07-17 15:46:46
Thanks guys!
New tag:
Come get your Fill at the eateries nearby.
Need to know More? Ask Dippy the dinosaur.
2017-07-17 19:18:49
4612 Fillmore. Owner stopped by, tried to rent me an apartment. They are working model planes. People fly them in Allison Park. The one in the middle is an unfinished model of the Pittsburgh mail plane into the 40s.
2017-07-18 10:08:16
Continuing the theme of interesting stuff people have in front of their houses...
Birdhouse Bloom like flowers in the trees
Blowing about, Milling in the breeze
2017-07-19 13:59:34
240 s millvale, Bloomfield
2017-07-20 09:51:41
Go get those tags, new person!
2017-07-20 12:14:33
New tag:
Oliver Browns used to get his pants tailored up here.
2017-07-21 18:23:03
Mount Oliver men's shop. 201 Brownsville Rd. With Marko82
2017-07-22 11:02:03
New Tag! (with Marko82)

Lets get back to the theme of odd stuff in front yards! I prey you'll pick it up quick.
Here's your hint:
2017-07-22 11:11:28
240 E Agnew Ave (int w/ Redrose Ave)
2017-07-22 15:44:42
Quickest time ever between tag set and pickup?
2017-07-22 16:50:49
I think one time @melange and @pbeaver did it in 90 seconds. A bit suspicious.
2017-07-22 17:02:13
The spreadsheet says the 2012 Melange one (tag 613, CMU bikeshare) took 58 seconds. Yeah, dubious!
I've got the fastest pickup so far this year, tag 1268 at Squill Temple Sinai in 93 minutes.
2017-07-22 17:15:39
Just realized I forgot Tag-o in the flurry of excitement over Legendary Pokemon. Tomorrow morning, for sure.
2017-07-23 22:52:25
Shiloh row the boat ashore, hallelujah
2017-07-24 11:16:03
I love looking at that place change over the spring and summer. (this isn't a clue, but just an observation, as I always wanted to have done something like this, but a) not enough land, and b) lots of hills where I live)
2017-07-24 15:05:57
Anyone who attends Friday concerts at The Frick should familiarize themselves with this tag. Excellent parking possibilities nearby allow for quick escapes once the concerts are over.
(Hoping that isn't too good a clue.)
Additional clue in the Things That Aren't There Anymore category: The building across the street once was a funeral home, and was where August Wilson's calling hours were held.
2017-07-24 18:37:01
Shiloh Farm, Thomas & Homewood. (I don't think an additional hint was needed.)
2017-07-24 19:40:11
Things like this keep pittsburgh weird. (:
2017-07-24 20:42:32
new tag. photo has been masked to add mystery.
hint: a former pharmacy
hint: near edge of rectangle
2017-07-24 22:58:13
Weird that I can't get thread update notifications unless I post something. So post. Nothing else.
2017-07-26 09:55:00
Swanson's pharmacy, 9917 Frankstown
Still open, btw
2017-07-26 16:34:07
I think it is open as a quick stop store and not a pharmacy. I am a physician and looked in my medical records system for it as an active pharmacy and there was no listing.
2017-07-26 18:45:49
@edronline is right. It's barely even a quick stop. Pretty depressing in there.
A lively musician is playing with power
His center a star, his piano a tower
2017-07-26 18:55:13
Harlequin tape job! Two fums up!
2017-07-26 20:11:13
Mural of Akil Esoon, Frank Conrad, and Jane Swisshelm, Stoner Way & Center St, Wilkinsburg
2017-07-27 18:51:53
2017-07-27 19:36:38
One clue that would help: Is that building occupied?
2017-07-28 07:58:29
yes, the building opened in the past year
2017-07-28 08:41:54
It has been 3.75 days since tag was set. Can we get another hint?
2017-07-31 14:20:43
Please, sir, another clue.
2017-08-02 17:16:18
2017-08-02 20:25:49
Summarizing what I see so far. It is a new building, opened in the past year. It is built on a slope. It does not look particularly large. This looks like the rear of the building.
I am going to assume it is not a motel, based on the absence of asphalt, pools and other amenities. Lots of wildflowers. No roads or trails visible, even in the background. Possibly in a park?
Hmmm, that does give me one idea. What are the chances a tag or two was set at or very near this spot when it looked very different?
2017-08-03 07:23:30
@stu, that's a pretty good guess.
2017-08-03 10:17:17
Frick environmental center
2017-08-03 14:58:44
The army housed at this lady's house must have been of grand stock
Tell me, late at night, do ghosts still knock?
2017-08-04 19:27:17
2017-08-06 18:01:24
sadly, that Ladies GAR Home will probably be torn down. It looks like it's been thoroughly gutted.
2017-08-06 22:31:23
2017-08-06 22:31:52
A rusty pier off of Irvine St.
2017-08-07 18:53:45
2017-08-07 20:33:03
trompe l'oeil
2017-08-07 21:22:48
Too bad about Flight 800. Wow, that was over 20 years ago. I guess this bride has been up there a while.
2017-08-07 22:43:46
The Bride of Penn Avenue: Penn and Graham
2017-08-07 23:10:59
New tag:
If you can't afford a penthouse overlooking Central Park, maybe I can interest you in one of these units?
2017-08-07 23:28:07
For the map, the pier and ALMONO pumphouse tagged BURD/FUMO/HOOF/FOUSE is at 40.41331, -79.95185
2017-08-08 09:05:48
Too bad about Flight 800. Wow, that was over 20 years ago. I guess this bride has been up there a while.
Does the bride mural have something to do with
TWD Flight 800?
2017-08-08 11:38:04
Artist died in the plane crash.
Click the pic below for info.
2017-08-08 11:46:33
Parklane Apartments, Mellon St near Bunkerhill St (click for uncropped (bikepgh should fix their web bug))
2017-08-08 12:11:53
curses, foiled again...

But then there was this:
2017-08-08 12:30:18
new tag. P is for Parklane?
2017-08-08 13:42:01
Sorry, I guess I should have linked an explanation.
Judy Penzer was noted for her very obvious art. One of her murals was on the side of a 24-story building downtown that was torn down in 1997. (To build a four-story department store that didn't last five years.)
Contemporary NY Times story
2017-08-08 19:18:18
Across from the Kid's Museum. I think these P's are a relic from the Manchester Bridge.
2017-08-09 13:31:17
2017-08-09 14:26:58
New tag!
Need a hint? I might give you a Couple.
2017-08-09 18:35:22
Cupples stadium, 9th St
2017-08-10 13:42:54
Frankly my dear
Here's your new tag
Big and near
Not to brag
2017-08-11 17:02:57
Apparently we need another hint.
2017-08-14 11:16:18
Big and low you must go
To find this tag
Frank and Hazel will say hi
When you ride by
2017-08-14 12:02:11
OIC! I'll snag this right after I eats my lunches...
2017-08-14 12:38:15
659 Hazelwood @ Frank
2017-08-14 13:21:47
PS That's 40.4198 x -79.9334
2017-08-14 15:06:52
Newesque taggage:

We'll make this one easy:
A doughy boy or a small man might come here and get big after just shy of three dozen visits.
2017-08-14 15:19:05
Celli's Fitness Center, Penn at 34th. Also a "bike" shop.
2017-08-14 17:28:36
new tag
hint: Romelu Lukaku
2017-08-14 18:22:23
hint: about 5 blocks from the river
2017-08-16 14:54:18
Just trying to figure out what a Man U footballer has to do with an abandoned building in Pgh...
2017-08-16 16:27:34

Corner of Columbus Ave and Fulton in Manchester/Columbus square project.
2017-08-16 17:38:57
1720 Fulton, Manchester. Whew, thought I was Bruced
2017-08-16 17:51:44
and you were
2017-08-16 21:59:02
Well, two of you figured it out and I didn't, despite biking all over that part of town last night. So hats off to you both. That was a true hunt.
2017-08-17 05:44:51
I was on the previous page, thought I was safe.
One of the joys of the game is getting Bruced by a relatively new player. Congrats, @jstalnaker!
2017-08-17 07:50:42
It is exciting to Bruce someone.
Funny thing about this building is I remember it from when I was looking to buy a house and a this property or a similarly run down property was for sale for $80,000, with the adjacent property going around $60,000. I drove by a few times curious if the property was worth that much because the building sure was not.
Tag coming late afternoon today.
2017-08-17 08:00:56
That seems a tad overpriced. Maybe the decimal was moved 2 spaces too far to the fight?
2017-08-17 08:53:03
From Zillow it looks like the property includes the entire corner and most of the block down Fulton to Lake. Quite a bit of land there. From the prices they're asking for nearby properties, $80K doesn't seem bad. There's new houses built nearby, and you're close to Manchester Park and Manchester Playground.
2017-08-17 09:13:54

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to taste local beer and hear inviting Jazz."
2017-08-17 12:47:31
I have to ask, that green thing is a baby seat, right? How is it riding with a baby in the seat since it is right in front of you on the handlebars?
2017-08-17 13:12:25
The seat is an iBert and is awesome. The only problems I have are I can't stand up and pedal, and when I stop sliding off the seat is harder so I end up standing on one foot on my tip toe.
As for the kid, he loves seeing everything and having the wind in his face. He just hit 25lbs and when he wiggles I feel a little movement in the handlebars, but easy to control. It is nice that I can see him and if he gets bored I can poke him or talk to him while we ride.
He has started to lean his head back and look up at me while we are climbing the final hill home and that can be a little tricky.
I am not looking forward to next year when he is over 32lbs and I have to move to a rear seat.
2017-08-17 14:11:31
We had rear seats for our twins and when they got bigger they would kick us in the butt while we were riding. Literally. It was also very hard to keep the bike balanced and get on the bike with them already in the seat as they got heavier.
Sorry for the tag o Rama detour, everyone, but I had to ask!
2017-08-17 14:15:57

I believe Kindred might carry these bikes (at least, they've had one parked out front).
But also a couple of tag items:
1) I had figured out the location. But I still don't understand the clue. I did get 'Man U' -> 'Manchester', though.
2) On that spot, the Neighborhoods ride got confused about which Columbus to continue on. But we figured it out.
2017-08-17 18:56:06
@ahlir - The name he gave is a soccer player for Manchester United. And the building was in Manchester. And then the second clue was how many blocks from the river to help narrow it down. Looks like people got it either via brute force technique or because they knew about the property beforehand.
Also, that's too many kids for one person. I have 2 and that's more than enough.
2017-08-17 19:52:13
With LindaP
I'll get the address, not sure now, Northside
2017-08-19 09:55:48
534 Emlin Street
2017-08-19 21:01:04

On a street with a name related to sports.
With LindaP
2017-08-20 08:51:31

Homestead Greys, but not in Homestead. Hand-painted images, so nicely done.
And no, I didn't trade in my bike for the trike.
This is NOT on Google earth maps, as far as I can tell.
2017-08-21 09:17:44
I was just there admiring on Friday! Finally, I can get one on my lunch.
2017-08-21 11:07:11
(I am having all kinds of trouble uploading media, hopefully this imgur link will suffice until I can figure it out)
2017-08-21 13:35:56
Nice, and congrats, great to have a new tagger!
And maybe you don't know, but you can't upload media via the bikpgh.org message board site, it's been broken for a long time. You have to have your own method.
2017-08-21 13:53:35
If you are using imgur desktop once you have your picture uploaded use the direct link(the one with .jpg or .gif on the end) and post it your reply using"add media, direct from URL"
For mobile I dothe following, not saying it is the best method. Once uploaded to imgur, hold down on the saved image and click "share direct link" I paste this in a random text message or e-mail, or document. Go to the message and copy full direct link. Then paste that link into your reply here same as above.
welcome from another newbie
2017-08-21 14:22:32
If you go east of the Alleghen', a route home cheat, you'll pass graffiti, mang, on a tree-nut street.

P.S. Thanks for the tips on uploading pictures!
2017-08-21 15:06:55

Corner of Suismon St and Chestnut St in Northside.
2017-08-22 18:57:28
2017-08-22 20:48:22
Look it's a red door.

Dedicated December 18, 1883
If you look at my tag history should give you a good clue as to where to start looking.
2017-08-23 08:11:20
Christian fellowship center, church of God in Christ, McClure Ave
2017-08-24 14:03:37
Never mind.
2017-08-24 23:03:46
I'd like to say, son
I wish that I'd had just one
And, er, son
2017-08-25 19:33:06
Oh it peeves me when I locate one but don't have time to fetch it...
2017-08-25 19:52:35
Panther Hollow Br at Anderson Playground

loc: 40.436070, -79.946569
2017-08-26 10:51:52

Close yet far away, on a street you might have rolled down. Once.
2017-08-27 21:14:41
I could use a hint.
2017-08-29 11:25:44
But it's not even 48h yet... and maybe someone else out there doesn't need a hint.
2017-08-29 17:25:47
Clues I perceive. One, the lettering of the sign tells me it's a city park. Two, it also looks like a very new sign. Three, the fence looks new. Four, flowers growing outside the fence. To me, assuming those clues are accurate, that narrows the possibilities quite a bit.
What would narrow them further is knowing what the sign says. I cannot be sure, but I am going to guess "Free Seedlings".
2017-08-29 21:28:19
There doesn't seem to be a middle stripe of an F in there. That's why I was wondering if it was a C...
Plus, you figure that the words would be centered to not have a large blank space on the wood...
2017-08-30 06:44:19
The letters you see give you "TREE" and "SEED". Should have asked for some pruners...
In a sense, this tag stands between a Cowboy and a bottle of bourbon. But you should be safe.
2017-08-30 08:55:03
The reason you might have gone by only once is because the bottle end of the street puts you on a rather trafficy street with fast drivers, and there's easier ways to get around.
2017-08-31 07:33:58
So, okay, it's still the pre-season. But we don't need to wait.
2017-08-31 19:34:03
In the greater East End, inside the outermost loop of the BikeFest ride routes...
2017-09-01 19:48:24
I have no idea but I bet this is Lincoln lemmington or Homewood.
2017-09-01 22:24:07
I'm thinking Morningside, working from the cowboy and bourbon clues. My chances of getting over there soon are near zero, though I went past what I think is the spot the day before this was posted.
2017-09-01 23:37:16
Another geo clue: it's beyond Penn Ave, but within city limits.
And nte that it's not merely a splash of bourbon it's a whole bottle of bourbon.
2017-09-02 10:33:03
Tree Pittsburgh Seedling Nursery, Simonton bet. 5th & Dallas
Horray for East Endy tags! ;^)

Location: 40.455938, -79.908881
2017-09-02 14:56:16
N Point Breeze! How do the clues fit in, especially the alcohol related ones?
2017-09-02 15:32:23
I started with the eastern part of town, near where Penn becomes 8 / Lincoln Highway / Ardmore. The cowboy could be from Dallas, and a whole bottle of bourbon is a Fifth. That got me searching.
There are only a couple streets running between Fifth & Dallas (SIDE NOTE: Thomas & McPherson are milled and probably to be resurfaced soon!). You'd only roll this street once because the "bottle end" (Fifth) is trafficky.
The "BikeFest" clue should have said BikePGH, I think, since BikePGH hits Homewood / Hamilton / Dallas. I'm not sure about "pre-season", maybe trees are bedded in the winter?
2017-09-02 16:32:38
Ornoth decoded the clues correctly.
- I guess technically, it is the BikePgh BikeFest Pedal Pittsburgh Ride(s).
The 62mi and at least one of the other rides went along Hamilton (ELB to Homewood). Right over the railway tracks from Simonton. [Fun fact: Pittsburgh's abbatoirs used to be along Hamilton.]
- "pre-season" was meant to suggest football. And the first Dallas Cowboys in-season game will be on 10 september.
2017-09-02 16:58:18
Dammit, even I messed it up. I shoulda typed "BikeFest should have said PedalPGH".
PS: The restrictions (both ours and the landowners') around private property have killed two tags I'd really love to set. And damm it's frustrating finding a monstrously primo location, only to discover it was already used recently. Foo!
2017-09-02 17:10:06
Well, you did figure out clues that the other Tag-o-Rama 'pros' didn't, or didn't get around to acting on...
The only real rule (at least in my mind) is that all tags should be visible from a public street or path.
The private-property thing obviously bends when you lean your bike against a building, but that's ok. It also would be ok to get close to a public display (like a statue) even if it's on nominally private property. It's a public display.
For example, we've had several tags on university properties. And all of them have signs to the effect of "this is private property and if you don't belong here you're trespassing". But of course you're allowed (and even encouraged) to go there. The injunction is just there to assert the owner's right to have you prosecuted if you do something bad. (But if there's a big No Trespassing sign, I would probably not tag there.)
My own definition is "would some other cyclist (or pedestrian*) have otherwise come this way?".
(*) For example, setting a tag on the Parkway is not right. You shouldn't make people do potentially dangerous things.
But in the end it's one of those Judge Porter things. So far we've made it work.
2017-09-02 17:33:31
I've only taken serious guff on a tag once, when I picked up
the Frank Fuhrer tag very early in the game. The tag was a sign right next to the guard's shack. The tag setter apparently irritated the guard some, and me showing up with a camera to take a picture of the sign
sent him over the edge. I just ignored his yelling and pedaled away real fast.
2017-09-02 19:24:44
I just ignored his yelling and pedaled away real fast.
Well, I would almost consider that an incentive to go get that tag. The guard can do whatever, but if you can get a snap from a spot that's on public ground, you're ok. It's not like it's a secured government location.
2017-09-02 20:21:13
New Tag:
Here's one for you skyline triangulators. Click through to the full-size photo, and maybe it'll be clear enough to guess the landmarks. Even so, I'll give you this hint: the big, familiar features at left-center and right-center are at opposite ends of Penn Ave. And the monument in the center? That's a plaque commemorating the USS Maine.
2017-09-03 13:33:07

loc: 40.473880, -79.899795
There's really only two cemeteries at the right elevation and bearing; the proximity between the Steel Tower and the Garfield water tower makes it the St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery.
2017-09-04 11:25:01

Back in the
old neighborhood... eclipsed by the new.
2017-09-04 15:51:34
So one of the things I like about this sign is how the lettering is scaled to the brick spacing. You don't really notice it at first, but it makes complete sense. On the other hand, there's the "caterer's", as opposed to a more grammatical "caterers". You sort of wonder who decided on that; the client or the letterer. I'm inclined to think that it's the letterer; it's a common feature of commercial signage in Pittsburgh. The client went along.
Anyway, this ought to be a easy tag.
Especially if you've been cruising around town for the last few years...
2017-09-04 22:33:37
Fiore's Home Dressed Meats, Larimer Ave near Meadow St
2017-09-05 13:05:26
Pgh magazine article in 2014 has these ghost signs as well as a Google map link for a dozen of them
2017-09-05 15:12:24
2017-09-05 17:30:29
2017-09-05 22:26:40
2017-09-06 10:43:41
Tag from Jake McCrea
And I'd like to say
That if you've got time to stay
And form some steel today
This would be a place that's okay
2017-09-06 11:33:14
According to Google maps, those stairs-with-mosaic are Oakley St (at Josephine).
The project is called Oakley Street Mosaic Steps. The artist is Laura Jean McLaughlin.
2017-09-06 16:40:37
Dammit, I was looking in the right place and rode right past it (three times)! I guess we try again tomorrow afternoon.
2017-09-06 21:42:48

Location: 40.421694, -79.992359
Black Forge Coffee Hose, Allentown, Arlington at Warrington
2017-09-07 13:24:16
Hello and good afternoon, those of you watching at home and members of our studio audience... Welcome to "Our New Tag"!
Here's the image our contestants must work from:

Today's bonus clue is:
2017-09-07 15:27:57
C.M. Schwab Industrial School, E 9th Ave near West St, Homestead. Dedicated 1903.
From the “San Francisco Call”:
Photo from the book “Homestead and Mifflin Township” by Jim Hartman:
2017-09-07 17:49:21
W. Mifflin was known as Mifflin until 1930s ish. When Incorporated as a borough added the west probably because Mifflin pa was also out in Juniata county.
2017-09-07 19:10:00
new tag
hint: see photo (click for uncropped)
2017-09-07 21:31:13
The Schwab Industrial School (such a great name) is an old tag... Though the ivy looks like a new feature.
As a rule, you might want to check the tag map to see if your prospective tag was done before. Not so much because it's a repeat, but because long-time players already know where it is. It's ok if you repeat but a novel angle makes it more fun. For example, a reflection in a window of the Propel "school" across the street.
2017-09-07 23:14:16
The Oakley Street steps were tagged just last year too, but they had no mosaics then. Excellent choice to retag them now!
Tag-O-Rama turns 7 years old this month. It's interesting to see how some of these repeated tags have changed over time.
2017-09-08 08:53:47
hint: the center of the field (see pic) is inside the
2017-09-08 20:18:27
The aspect ratio of the pic is weird, at least on my phone. It is squished horizontally so the people on the field look like toothpicks. Is it possible to repost the picture with a normal aspect ratio? When I first saw it I thought it was a toy field or something but couldn't figure out how a normal fence surrounded it.
2017-09-08 21:07:05
I see the "squish" effect on an iPad, too, even when holding it landscape.
2017-09-09 02:14:57
The squish helps reveal the hint.
2017-09-09 12:02:21
Steel Valley high school field. West Run Rd seems waaaaay off the rectangle.
2017-09-09 14:46:52
The box goes right through the 10 yard line
2017-09-09 15:38:20
Yeah, I take it baaaaaack. My route took me way out of the square. Poorly planned, but got there.
2017-09-09 16:37:35

Just one of your garden-variety tags with some awesome ironwork. Set with first-time tag-mate, SoulSista.
2017-09-10 15:27:33
more hint?
2017-09-12 10:42:17
It's not only a garden-variety tag, but a home-variety tag too.
2017-09-12 15:25:19
I know where this is but am not sure I'll be able to get there in a timely fashion.
I would also say there could be a hint in your tag-mate's name as the time that I took my kids through this garden I was in the area for a different reason.
2017-09-12 15:35:00
A once-yearly show at the convention center is coordinated from this location.
2017-09-13 22:18:30
A-ha! Now I know where I saw this before. Recently! Hint for the rest of you: Something mentioned in a recent post on this board, started by me, took place nearby.
It's going to be well into the weekend before I can get over thataway to grab this myself.
2017-09-14 04:17:01
2017-09-14 12:34:51
Directly across the street from Bear Dog Bikes, where I held the video demo.
2017-09-14 12:58:36
Headquarters of the Home & Garden Show
2017-09-14 13:55:22
Good sleuthing, @jonawebb. The initial hints were thin gruel: much easier to go from "857 Western Ave" to "Pittsburgh Home & Garden Show" than the other way around. I considered calling the blacksmith
http://robertthomasiron.com/architectural/ to ask "What's the address of your 'Pittsburgh Gate?'".
2017-09-14 14:01:01
The key for me was the home and garden show clue, but Stu got me to stop thinking about Phipps.
2017-09-14 14:29:37
Morewood to busway
Among the abandoned cars
A Model A sits
2017-09-14 19:34:25
my hint on the gate tag was that @TeamDecaf's friend's name is @SoulSista and I was in that neighborhood for some of the best soul food in the city at Carmi which is just a block or so up from there.
2017-09-15 09:52:46

loc: 40.455612, -79.945189
Sometimes, you just need to read the clue. I was a bit hesitant about wandering onto the property so I figured that Sunday might be the better day for a pickup.

Fortunately there's other ways to get in.
2017-09-17 11:50:32
Is this in the garage of a building on Morewood near Baum?
2017-09-17 12:20:25
Yes. When I dropped the tag a guy came by in a truck and told me he didn't like people messing around with his cars (there are a bunch of old dusty cars down there). He was afraid of parts going missing. Which I can understand; the cars are easy to get to in the mostly deserted areas of the garage. The car in question is a 1930 Model A. Anyway I thought a quick photo and departure wouldn't disturb him too much.
2017-09-17 13:04:34

I'm not sure what this is about. But hey, there it is.
It's on the way to a nice climb.
And if you started in town, you'd have crossed a bridge by now.
2017-09-17 21:27:16
Aw man, I know exactly where that is, having ridden that climb often. I'd go get it, except I'm currently on the wrong side of the damned planet. Boo!
2017-09-17 23:54:14
2017-09-18 08:30:12
New tag!
Shel Silverstein wrote the book, "Where the Sidewalk Ends". This is the place!
2017-09-18 19:54:44
E. Hutchinson St & Railroad St, Edgewood. I don't imagine always-reserved-Stu will have anything more to say about this...
2017-09-19 10:44:06
New tag. Walk of 200ft thru woods involved.
2017-09-19 12:31:16
Fun fact- we almost bought our first house on that block on e Hutchinson but it was a mess on the inspection so we bought one on Biddle instead.
There was a house many moons ago on railroad street with an awesome garden in front.
2017-09-19 13:20:54
hint: radio towers are built on hilltops
2017-09-21 08:11:11
I think I know where this is, just not sure when I'll be able to get there!
2017-09-21 09:53:39
Lat: 40.41103532, Lng: -79.93152465
I didn't find the exact spot but this has to be the place. Somebody built some amazing clay mountain bike ramps out here.
2017-09-21 15:43:41
It looks like people have put years of work into that bike park. It's grown since I discovered it a few years ago. Still under construction, it appears. I'd like to know its story.
2017-09-21 16:19:05
2017-09-21 16:46:17
For those of us too lazy to plug the coordinates into Google maps, where is this?
2017-09-21 16:54:28
2017-09-21 17:10:49
White lilies rest your soul
This anchor weigh you down
You won't find this tag
Biking 'round downtown
2017-09-22 15:45:12
My own rule-of-thumb is to wait ~48h then start posting hints.
You know, to keep things moving.
It's ok if they read opaque; someone might catch it.
If someone pipes up and say "ooh I know where that is, but...", it's ok to reset the delay: your clue was good enough.
2017-09-25 21:17:01
Hmm I thought it was pretty obvious. Do I really have to Chart the route? Stop shedding Tears and ride your bike!
2017-09-25 21:40:31
Ooh I know where that is, but... Not sure when I will motivate myself to fetch it. I'm turning into a lazy bum. However, as they say: your clue was good enough.
2017-09-25 22:44:50
White Lily Baptist Church, Chartiers Ave
2017-09-27 14:30:38
2017-09-27 15:07:10
An additional photo. If this street were much steeper and longer, it would make a good Dirty Dozen street.
2017-09-27 18:09:21
hint: the bridge is blue
2017-09-29 10:17:19
hint: the bridge visible in the picture passes over RR tracks
2017-09-30 18:29:47
That's every bridge in Pittsburgh
2017-09-30 19:07:31
Hint for others: The air around the other end of that bridge is rather unpleasant.
I know where this is, but I can think of 51 reasons why I won't get over there anytime soon.
2017-10-01 16:52:51
I know the spot, but knew I wouldn't have time over the weekend to place a new tag. Will run out this evening and grab it if someone doesn't beat me to it.
2017-10-02 12:17:07
Headed there now :)
2017-10-02 12:48:23
2017-10-02 13:53:15
new tag:
On the right side of the law
you'll find a Row of houses,
that overlooks the river
but doesn't face the water.
2017-10-02 15:11:47
Where is the other tag, by the way? Can you give a street?
2017-10-02 15:20:25
my bad: Adrian Street, McKees Rocks.
2017-10-02 15:22:32
I grew up in the North-east, a city near a ferry.
Our mascot was Thomas MacDonough, yours Matthew Perry.
2017-10-04 08:37:15
Put your car in reverse,
Place it in park,
You'll get a good view of the river,
When you hit the mark.
2017-10-05 09:41:09
wow, I'm really sorry, the clue from Wednesday should have read:
"I grew up in the North-east, a city near a ferry.
Our mascot was Thomas MacDonough, yours *Oliver Perry."
2017-10-05 15:10:28
Black Lives Matter on Perrysville Ave near Delaware St
2017-10-05 15:54:33
2017-10-05 16:55:07
I'm pretty sure this was used once before. I recall two of us got bruced trying to get to it first, back in the days before I had Internet on my phone and I had to dash home or to work or a coffeeshop with laptop, plug in and upload the photo.
2017-10-05 21:52:37
Yeah, I quickly checked the map of past tags in advance but until I found the shark in the real world I wasn't sure exactly where it was. Sorry about the repeat.
Firstly, if I were to post a new-new tag, I'd be tempted to put it in McKees Rocks. Secondly, the rules don't forbid repeat tags. Thirdly, you'll note that the tag isn't the sharkstone, but rather the tree above it, so an anal person would argue that this is not a repeat tag. Not that I'd know anything about that.
Go find the shark.
2017-10-06 00:07:11
Some things are so cool they should be repeated as tags even if a 1 second Google search brings up the exact location. (:
I'm newer to the game so a) repeat tags are inevitable, and b) some things are so neat it is good to visit them every few years. I bet Lester would get a kick out of this being in the game 2x
2017-10-06 06:42:49
A Korean War Veteran, Lester C. Madden loved the movie Jaws so much that when he died in 1983, he wanted to spend the rest of time buried under its iconic great white shark.
2017-10-06 09:02:05
The toy shark is great.
2017-10-06 09:17:50
BTW, I think this would be an especially good tag for a new or less-experienced tagger to pick up.
2017-10-06 16:02:05
This has nothing to do with the game, but I just had a feeling of deja vu looking at this tweet from a company that provides bus stop information. The yellow trash can across the street told me, hey, that's gotta be a Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership trash can, so where in town is this?
A zoom on the bus stop sign told me the routes the stop serves, which helped me narrow it down quickly.
NOT THE TAG, but a fun little find while pawing through my Twitter feed.
2017-10-07 00:57:13
Shark gravestone in Allegheny Cemetery, we'll see if Imgur links work
2017-10-07 18:16:55
2017-10-07 19:00:15
Ooof. I have to see that Trump Train sign, again.
2017-10-07 19:21:26
For those (not quite) following at home, Kleiner Peter got the tag because @ph posted a pic that did not include any recognizable bicycle parts and as such it did not constitute a pick-up. Either @ph messed up (which we all have at some point or another) or, to pile on, he pulled the pic from his archives (which we all maintain).
Anyway, back to you @edronline... I assume you'll pick up by noon tomorrow?
And (since I happened to see it go by), it's not a train, silly; it's a
2017-10-07 22:36:57
@Ahlir: incorrect. See the orange pannier in my picture? See the (dark) rear bicycle wheel near that pannier?
(The shark seemed a bit hostile and I didn't want to set my bike too close.)
2017-10-07 22:47:26
the orange pannier in my picture? See the (dark) rear bicycle wheel near that pannier
Ok, you're right.
I obviously didn't pay enough attention: I assumed your 2nd pic was the pickup. To be honest, I think that the 2nd pic would have made a better tag. It's something that the regulars would have picked up on. And with the right clue most everyone else would have figured out.
I may be over-thinking... but hey, it beats under-thinking. (There's, uh, a difference. Right?)
2017-10-07 23:01:42
Hola. This one is not that dificil, but maybe you need a tip?
A street named for the valley where...
2017-10-09 21:05:03
Another tip is that there's a bike lane in this street (on the uphill side)
2017-10-12 17:20:35

Location: 40.458644, -79.947201
Millvale at Cypress
2017-10-13 10:40:39
Time for a
new tag. Let's erase the Specter of the Trump Train with some Good Old Honesty.
2017-10-13 12:24:31
Former Morr Craft building, Old Honesty St & High St in Spring Garden, birthplace of the Formica Sunrise color line?
2017-10-13 17:12:31
2017-10-13 17:36:30
2017-10-13 21:07:38
Raymond Loewy designed a lot of different things. One of my favorites was the
1963 Studebaker Avanti.
As to the new tag, I believe the historical marker in the background mentions oil, salt, or both. I walked through there a couple days ago. I’m off pedals for a while, so let’s see if that clue helps anyone.
2017-10-14 17:36:16
Happily picking up this tag for the 2nd time. Underpass at downtown Doubletree building.
2017-10-15 09:56:07
2017-10-15 12:49:26
2017-10-15 20:08:48
This family rock/art garden sits between 2 major bike routes
2017-10-16 20:08:46
I would have bet at least a dollar that this tag would have been picked up by now. Maybe even 33 dollars.
2017-10-18 20:12:30
Spring and 33rd, behind Family Dollar

Location: 40.461400, -79.967964
2017-10-19 11:26:44
New tag is brought to you by
Jackson Browne...
2017-10-19 14:15:55
Great clue!
2017-10-20 07:34:29
Completely aside from it being a righteously appropriate clue (IMO), I like how several of the song's lyrics can be interpreted thru a cycling or pedestrian lens...
Down on the boulevard they take it hard. They look at life with such disregard.
Nobody rides for free.
Everybody walks right by like they're safe or something.
You got to watch the street, keep your feet, and be on guard.
It's only time on the boulevard...
2017-10-20 09:20:52
Mirko, I thought you were onto me... Or perhaps you're deferring.
It's a beautiful weekend, people... Get out! Here's some followup hintage: After you grab this tag, swing by and give a gift to @RustyRed. That is, if you're not dead.
2017-10-20 20:40:22
Oh I knew it without the clue. My friend from grade school use to live immediately behind them. It's been nice watching life come back into that grand house - they were going to tear it down to make a parking lot for the business across the street a few years ago; so glad that didn't happen.
I'll let the tag sit until the end of the weekend in case a newbie wants it track it down.
2017-10-20 21:19:26
Last clue for anyone who wants to swoop up (definitely up) and steal it from Marko...
Amanda showed me the Ways of Romance in the Alcove.
2017-10-21 19:48:40
I thought teamdecafe was picking it up, since I saw him and a friend not too far away from that location today; and I know this isn't his usual 'hood.
2017-10-21 20:21:32
Too far east and you’re Transverse.
2017-10-21 22:59:45
The Boulevard & Brownsville Rd. In retrospect, the first hint was very good.
2017-10-22 12:35:16
2017-10-22 12:50:30
Not far from Jackson Browne, RIP in Wonderland
2017-10-22 13:03:35
RIP: How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.
2017-10-25 10:33:33
For you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that RIP had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.
2017-10-29 14:35:26
This has been out there for over a week, and despite the clues, I'm clueless. It's also not likely to remain looking this way for much longer. I think we need a more obvious hint.
2017-10-31 08:30:34
It's not too hard. I'd'a got it yesterday or today, but life's taking precedence.
Not far from Jackson Browne's boulevard is useful. I suspect someone on that street might appear in chains.
2017-10-31 08:42:06
What Ornoth said. Also, maybe you know the movie, "RIP Doesn't Live Here Anymore".
2017-10-31 09:38:06
Even if the decorations are taken down in the next few days, the tree and bush should still be recognizable. Put on your cold weather biking clothes and get out there -- we Pittsburghers must defend our reputation as intrepid, all-weather cyclists!
2017-11-01 13:41:53
I got it , at least the street, but it is in a part of town that would require a massive hill climb and with my repaired knee I'm allergic to those.
"You can get anything you want..."
2017-11-01 16:57:13
That helps. Go too far, though, and the air might get good. Or I might have Georgia on my mind.
2017-11-02 19:55:06
2017-11-04 11:58:33
I stayed in the neighborhood.
Sitting in a park near an ex-DQ
Reading the news and it sure looks bad
They won't give peace a chance
That was just a dream some of us had
2017-11-06 01:16:31
Southside Cemetery, across Brownsville from The Blvd!
See Post-Gazette investigation of opioid problems in Carrick:
2017-11-07 17:26:49
2017-11-07 19:53:37
hint: sign is tight betwixt river & trail. see chart 1.
2017-11-09 10:31:53
Three Rivers Heritage trail
Lat: 40.43194363, Lng: -79.98520704
2017-11-11 13:34:59
Your children well
So they can tell
Where the new tag is
And tell
Them to look
Behind the dorms
Where the big crane is
2017-11-12 20:21:43

Location: 40.446036, -79.943339
Playground, between Devonshire and Morewood, behind Cyert @ CMU
2017-11-13 08:59:43
This tag, it has a newness, and a lightness.

Hal thinks this might be the only tree that crosses the Commonwealth. It can be nice when you don't want to climb that other tree.
2017-11-13 10:10:15

600 S.Linden, Pt Breeze.
loc: 40.447726, -79.914826
I seem to recall that this was once a tag, way back when.
2017-11-13 15:15:52
Dammit you're right, #542. I thought I'd cleared that one. Sorree!
2017-11-13 15:46:05
Good to see the game clicking along with some speed again.
2017-11-13 17:11:06

Though a rider passed by while I was snapping the pic, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a bike parked at this spot. One way to get there is up B B, left on B, down C. But I did B to C instead. Sorry, no A.
2017-11-14 13:01:12

Luna Lofts on Craig and Baum. Strange orientation for those bike racks.
2017-11-14 19:43:55
I knew where that is! Craig St. near Bigelow Blvd.
2017-11-14 20:00:16
New Tag:

At the salad prep school.
2017-11-15 09:55:42
Hint: Imparting the values of Friendship to the next generation.
2017-11-17 09:12:20
I know! I know! I have friends that send their kids there. But today is leaf raking day. Tomorrow is rain and I'll melt. Bit I thought it was named after the old Sq Hill bakery, not the salad.
2017-11-17 13:41:46
At some point in the past that building was a rental hall.
I went to a wedding there. (Back when my cohort was still into marrying.)
2017-11-17 15:11:56
Tttttttag. Winebiddle & Coral. FRIENDSHIP
2017-11-19 16:15:21
2017-11-19 20:16:44

Location: 40.455191, -79.942723
Circle of Care monument
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
Nearest intersection: Baum Blvd & Woodworth St
And yay! that puts me in the Top 20! ;^)
2017-11-20 08:48:59
How new is this tag?

I dunno know how I got rooked into placing yet another tag in the same neighborhood...
2017-11-20 09:37:15
Congrats on your new position @Ornoth.
is good
2017-11-20 20:39:47
I like moving my king two squares at a time, man...
2017-11-21 20:59:16
2017-11-22 14:36:52
2017-11-22 15:57:46
It is more than you imagine, grasshopper*.
It is is Tag-o-Rama.

(*) Yes, I know it's not the right reference. But whatever. Ok?
2017-11-22 20:00:11
Hint: the gâteau opéra, nearby, is delicious.
2017-11-25 10:43:10
Hint: fine furniture was sold here until a few years ago. The mosaic is new. It's not yet in Streetview.
2017-11-26 13:25:20
Millvale across from Jean-Marc bakery. Part of Millvale Studios, says the lady taking pictures, seen on the left of my shot.
2017-11-26 13:46:06

i'm not sure if this is a tough tag or not. i notice this street art, but i'm not sure if others do. a vague clue is that it's on a share road and today, there were dozens of pastry and bread packages on a long table just behind my bike. There was a handwritten note - FREE, donated by pghnites.com
2017-11-26 17:59:01
PghNites office, 437 E Carson
2017-11-27 14:24:44
2017-11-27 15:12:06
@paulheckbert... I'd say about half of the bread and pastry that was on the table when I visited the tag were missing in your pic. Interesting. Hopefully found its way into the hands of people who need it most.
2017-11-27 23:10:11
2017-11-28 21:17:51
I thought
Susan Fowler's blog post was very well written (hint).
2017-11-29 20:51:23
Those were business hints. Street hint: this native American leader had a war named after him.
2017-12-01 13:14:33
2017-12-02 10:10:32
It's coming on to Christmas
They're cutting down the trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
2017-12-03 15:50:37
I'm assuming that that is a recent photo. Please verify that what you are parked next to is actually snow/ice, or something else.
(side note, I haven't been on a bike much, since I can telecommute a lot more often in my new job, and due to various equipment issues, but I'm still very much in this game)
2017-12-06 07:14:08
Oh, it's definitely snow/ice. Now, where might you find that on a not-that-cold day? And what might you do on an icy river, if you had one?
2017-12-06 08:36:00
It's a seasonal thing. They even have it during this season in warm weather cities like LA.
2017-12-06 15:29:09
Hmmm, Thursday might have to be a bike to work day. I haven’t made the trip downtown on my new wheels yet, and this might be just the time to take a picture.
2017-12-06 18:22:23
Hmm. Jon provided Lyrics from "River" about Christmas, and a picture of snow. So it could relate to a river, to Christmas, or to snow or ice. That really narrows it down.
2017-12-10 16:37:48
I have a pretty good idea where this is, but despite having a bike downtown on Friday, didn't get over there. I'm still having equipment issues, so have hardly ridden much at all lately. Don't wait for me to pick this up. I might be a while yet. The cold isn't helping, but my real problem is that it's dark on both ends of my trip, and I can't get out at lunch. Weekends are booked.
End of breaking rule 7 of the game.
2017-12-10 17:10:51
Sometimes the key is to ignore the obfuscating "hint" and think about the picture.
snow pile to feed the Zamboni at Schenley Park Ice Skating Rink
2017-12-10 18:21:02
new tag
this guy seems to have a drug habit
2017-12-10 18:30:36
"I wish I had a river
I could skate away on."
It doesn't seem obfuscating to me. But your experience reminds of how things seem obvious to the tagger but not at all obvious to others. Glad you picked it up!
2017-12-10 19:32:05
I always thought the snowpile was made of scrapings from the Zamboni, not to "feed" it- wouldn't it just use cold water? I must admit I don't fully know how one works.
2017-12-11 15:27:56
Yeah, that's right, from my observation. They scrape the ice and I guess spray it with water, then the Zamboni comes out the door behind the snowpile and dumps what it's accumulated.
2017-12-11 16:04:36
Correct. And the zamboni uses hot water because hot water freezes faster than cold. No one can say 100 percent for sure if this is true and, if so, why. But it seems to be true.
2017-12-11 17:31:36
When I saw the tag, my first thought was: where are the hockey rinks in town?
Of course that should have been "where are the skating rinks in town". Ah well.
Hot water has less dissolved oxygen, so it solidifies faster and gives a smoother surface. Something you'd know if you were from a hockey town.
Also: Zamboni at a neighborhood rink? Are you serious? In my youth all rinks were outdoors and stayed frozen for the winter. If it snowed and you wanted to play there were shovels that you could skate to clear the surface. Good leg practice. And the grounds-keepers would always happy to have you do their work for them...
2017-12-11 21:53:57
Thanks for the Zamboni tutorial.
It all makes sense now: I saw the Zamboni barfing snow but I've never seen a Zamboni eating snow.
2017-12-11 23:49:17
And just to beat a dead tag...
The Zamboni is supposed to scrape the ice to below the level of gouges make by skates and rebuild the surface to its original height. I'm not sure if that's actually completely regenerative (meaning you don't need to periodically flood the rink) but it's a great solution for refinishing the surface in-between periods during a game.
Go Pens, eh?
2017-12-12 19:38:58
I'm pretty sure you never have to flood a rink anymore in which you use the zamboni. It is a neutral process.
2017-12-12 21:15:46
Hint: this is not in McKees Rocks, Blawnox, or another corner of the rectangle. It's fairly central.
2017-12-13 15:35:52
Well, it's not the Stephen Foster statue by Dippy.
Edit: Or any of the other statues around the Carnegie Museum complex.
Losing light, will try again tomorrow.
2017-12-13 16:42:07
Hint: as I shot my picture with cigar guy, there was a line of about ten people waiting to do the same!
2017-12-13 17:32:33
Hint: he's related to a famous actress.
2017-12-13 18:26:11
Statue of Rooney Mara's relative @ Heinz Field
2017-12-16 11:07:07
Artists studied here
But now it's pretty clear
2017-12-17 21:37:52

Former Art Institute Bldg on Blvd of the Allies at Cherry Wy.
That was a creepy tag. At first glance this is a nice shot through the front of some eatery. But then you look closer: The perspectives in the two panels don't seem to quite match. And the aspect ratio is off, maybe more on the right than on the left...
2017-12-18 17:07:04

A meadow, and a restful garden...
2017-12-19 13:21:27
@Ahlir is really good at finding these out-of-the-way landmarks!
2017-12-19 19:03:16
Aw gee, thanks.
In all fairness, the gate structure only went up in the past few weeks.
Ah, and it looks like we're getting close to the end of the year... who will set the last tag? And will someone pick it up before it's time to sing "Should old tags be forgot"?
2017-12-20 11:48:08
African Healing Garden, Meadow St near Ashley St
2017-12-20 14:25:07
2017-12-20 17:37:01
hint needed?
2017-12-21 19:58:51
I need a hint!
2017-12-21 20:14:03
It's customary to supply a hint.
The level of obfuscation is at your discretion.
But be nice.
2017-12-21 20:16:09
is blurring nice? this is a photo of the same spot, from November
2017-12-21 22:01:50
I think I know. I not going there today to find out though because of rain.
2017-12-22 10:07:34
Panther Hollow Lake, a bit frozen-over on this 58 degree day.
2017-12-22 15:08:43
I thought it was the Homestead Grays Bridge by the Duck Hollow Trail.
2017-12-22 17:25:37
Paul Heckbert
Panther Hollow
2017-12-22 17:46:14
If Mr. and Mrs. H. named their boy Paul to serve as a Tag-O-Rama clue many decades later, that's some impressive planning.
2017-12-23 05:17:37
One of the cool things about this game is learning about things I did not know exist. I'm sure there's a story behind this -- both the serpent itself and what might have inspired its placement. And I don't know it! Anyone have links to plausible explanations?
2017-12-23 06:56:43

Brothers, fellow countrymen, here's the place to chill while you have a slice of pizza pie, capiche?
2017-12-23 09:22:22
lake's Twitter page mentions it being there as of November 25th, but that's all I found on the web.
I imagine someone of an artistic bent noticed the lake lacked a serpent and took appropriate action. CMU uses Scottish symbols to honor Andrew Carnegie, so perhaps someone from the campus was inspired to make a Loch Ness tribute in the closest available lake?
2017-12-23 09:38:54
The original tag features a shoreline with a log wall. Panther Hollow (as far as I know) is the only public lake with that feature. Though I hadn't been there all that recently, it would have been the first place I would check.
It could not have been the Homestead Br: there's no maintained lake, or still water. And the bridge lattice-work is different: one of those details you learn to pay attention to in this game.
But I would like to know who put that thing on the lake. I can see that some CMU people might have, but I would have expected publicity. They have people who'd see to that. Didn't see any.
Anyone know what it's actually about?
[or, another instance of stuff in real life that never makes it to the web...]
2017-12-23 20:35:56
Lesson learned: never pass by a downhill tag, because someone will claim it and change it to an uphill tag.
2017-12-24 15:05:11
Indeed, the current tag is downhill from few locations
2017-12-24 19:23:16

...and it looked like this before summer 2017
2017-12-26 15:26:23
ARRGH. I rode up there JUST last week, well... walked some of it... I accidentally took a *much* steeper than normal route.
2017-12-26 15:51:21
Lunchtime Lot, next to 817 E Warrington Ave, Arlington. Climbing Brosville warmed me up.
2017-12-26 16:20:50
new tag. It’s topographically easy, as it’s a few blocks from a big river.
2017-12-26 16:23:58
impressive pick up, PH... and cool new tag.
The building on the right is Paisano's Restaurant
2017-12-26 22:17:16
2017-12-27 18:40:58
Oh bother, and I biked downtown today, too.
2017-12-27 19:02:41

Mosaic in front of the former Allegro Cafe, Market House (Bedford) Sq, South Side.
loc: 40.429151, -79.986301
2017-12-29 14:02:44
Riding around
Town looking for
Toad when i came
Upon this sight to behold
2017-12-29 16:15:58
2017-12-29 17:19:48
2017-12-30 09:51:51

But keep in mind that it's still part of the Clue...
2017-12-30 11:20:42
It may be that weather likely dampened that tag-hunting spirit. I myself probably wouldn't have ventured out, though mostly due to not wanting to be slathered in slush by speeding drivers... But I believe the roads should be reasonably ridable at this point.
It's time for a hint!
The pic features a canvas that the artist updates periodically; the current piece has only been there since this past fall (I found an instance on the web, but it lacks location info). Bicycles show up in several of his other works. Also, Toad.
2017-12-31 18:51:05
Gist street with paul heckbert
2018-01-01 11:39:15
Maybe @steven could start a tag-o-rama 2018 thread?
Yes, that was Marilyn Monroe straddling a banana at 303 Gist St, on a nice 14F day.
An earlier mural here:
http://www.pghmurals.com/Bananas-and-Baby-Kong-250.cfm "James Simon did Baby Kong, a gorilla sculpture peeking over a fence. Kate Bechak added Bananas – a mural of a huge mound of bananas piled outside the gate."
2018-01-01 13:32:08

Well, we didn't go far to set this new tag. Set with @paulheckbert
2018-01-01 14:56:26
Did you see what Sir Samalot was wearing for winter?
2018-01-01 19:24:20
Maybe @steven could start a tag-o-rama 2018 thread?
new thread is here.
If you view Gist Street on Google Streetview you can see the
Marilyn painting half-finished, from back in September 2017.
2018-01-01 20:49:21