The Tag-O-Rama game started in September 2010, and periodically needs a new thread, due to message board issues. This is thread 7, but with thread 6 we decided to switch to a yearly naming convention consistent with other long-lasting threads. Here are threads
five and
2017 (aka six).
The rules are easy (although wordy, it is not hard to play)
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose – you’ve been Bruced.
#2 – Take the tag to a new location, shoot a photo with your bike in the picture, and post it here. Keep the tag within
Pittsburgh city limits and the surrounding neighborhoods. Give a few hints (or a short poem if you’re so inclined) so the next person can figure out where the tag is located. Try to place the tags in interesting locations, somewhere historic, etc. Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling.
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag. If no Bruce was claimed, tag will revert to the previous tag, and somebody else will get their chance. If you won’t have the time to drop off a new tag, don’t pick it up to begin with.
#2b – This rule is intended to keep the game moving. If the overdue tag is posted before somebody grabs the reverted tag, then the new tag will stand. However, giving the overdue tag-holder a load of crap is highly encouraged.
#3 – Tag must be findable – don’t make your tag so obscure that no one will find it. Make sure to let folks know what riding conditions are involved to get to your tag.
#4 – File photos are NOT permitted. You may not use a photo taken before the current tag was set to prove you found that tag, nor use a photo taken before you photographed the current tag to set a new tag.
#5 – All images of tags that are posted, whether picking up or setting a new tag, MUST include the bike you rode to the tag. If your bike isn’t in the posted image, you don’t have a tag.
#6 – The bicycle in the picture must get to the tag location under the player’s own pedal-power.
#7 – No whining.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Post Photos
In case you’re looking for the photo upload button that was once on this site, sorry it has disappeared. (edit for 2017: although you can find the “add media” button, it doesn’t seem to work correctly vis-a-vis uploading pictures to the message board.) We hope it comes back, but for now, you have to use the instructions in the link above.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some helpful links for the convenience of new players:
1. View the Tag Map to see all the tags.
2. The Tag-O-Rama spreadsheet, showing who got which tag
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For those of us who want to know more about the record keeping functions of Tag-o-Rama …
To add a marker to the Google Tag Map, sign in to Google, go to the map, and click the Edit link on the left. Then click the marker icon in the upper middle. Then click where the marker should go.
See one of the previous threads for examples of game play.
2018-01-01 20:42:44
I'll repeat @TeamDecaf's post from yesterday: Well, we didn’t go far to set this new tag. Set with @paulheckbert

new hint: ketchup
2018-01-02 20:14:11
Probably several of us know where this is.
But at least for me the day was busy, in that post-holiday sort of way.
2018-01-02 21:23:36

John Heinz Family Center, Wyandotte at Forbes, Hill District.
loc: 40.438441, -79.977513
2018-01-03 12:32:37
A secret garden
for when your thoughts have gone astray
Around that bend
you've come this far but not to stay
2018-01-03 15:45:35
Is there an uncropped version that was supposed to be posted of the photo? There is no bike in it when I view it on the website and when I click on it I can't pull up a bigger version. Sometimes the website accidentally crops them in a strange fashion
2018-01-03 17:22:14
Sorry about that. I guess I was too focused on composition & stuff...

The (right) tip of my handlebar.
And, detail from a reject:

In Chrome, I right-click on the pic and do "Show image in new tab"; it will give me a full-resolution image. In this case I posted at a higher resolution that normal, on the off chance people want to study detail for clues. Or maybe you know this place already, in which case nevermind...
2018-01-03 18:09:17
That's good. I thought that the bike was in there but the message board cropped the pic strangely, as it does sometimes. Turns out all was well.
2018-01-03 22:16:30
“Balloons over Pittsburgh” mural at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) outdoor patio, photographed from 40.444105, -79.959837 on University Drive A. Mural painted by Deac Mong,
Next time, Paul, keep gloves on while shooting photos when it's this cold!
2018-01-04 21:44:57
new tag.
hint: it was too cold to travel far.
2018-01-04 21:51:07

Pgh Athletic Assoc, 5th at Bigelow.
2018-01-05 11:49:44
The old oak tree our shade shall be,
And there you shall sing gay songs to me ;
Each sparkling glass that we fill to-night,
Reflecting a smile, shall beam more bright;
And we'll drink to those that we fain would see
Under the shade of the old oak tree.
It took a while to find a decent poem on this theme. Not because there weren't any (there's many more than you'd imagine) but because they were all so uniformly bad. "Not everyone is a poet, yet does not know it."
Anyway, there is a tree off to the right. By the bark it looks like it might be an oak, but maybe not. And of course there is no shade. But this is the clue that I made for you.
2018-01-06 10:42:44
What is the maximum distance allowed from the box? Would locations on Library Rd. between. Saw Mill Run Blvd. and Castle Shannon Blvd. be within reason? What is the maximum distance by road otherwise?
2018-01-06 16:24:05
A little beyond the box is tolerated. A lot is not. I set one in West View one time and got snarled at for it. You would have caught a lot more grief for your Perrysville convenience store mural tag if I didn't live only a mile and a half away and had to bike right past the place that same night.
Get creative. Find a tag just barely within the box. But maybe do that in summer. We've had tags sit for a week or two in the winter because it's just so difficult to go exploring when it's cold or nasty.
2018-01-06 22:01:12
I would like to start a new find the tag kind of thing. What should I do to organize it on this forum?
2018-01-07 18:37:23
We did have an active second tag game a while back, called "Wheelset of Fortune". The way it worked, there were two active tags. You had maybe a week to find anything that fit (it wasn't an exact spot, more typically a category). If you found one tag, you got one entry into the drawing for the next round. If you found both tags, you got two entries. At the end of the week, all the valid entries went into a drawing for the next two tags, assigned to different people. They chose a thing (no initial tag photo necessary), set the end date, and the game continued.
August 2014.
2018-01-07 21:29:13
I would like to start a new find the tag kind of thing. What should I do to organize it on this forum?
At one point, @Steven initiated an alternate game: A 'leader' posted a pic, then others posted their takes on the same subject. The leader then picked one post as their favorite; its originator became leader and got to initiate the next round. It worked for a while but eventually faded out. I participated for a few rounds, but then I'm a sucker for snapping pics whilst riding about...
[please correct my recollection]
On reflection what makes T-o-R work is a clearly defined criterion for winning a round: you're the first one to snag and post the tag. Everyone can agree that it's an objective criterion. That whole "brucing" thing reinforces the rule. In contrast the @Steven version introduced a subjective element. Whether good or bad, it didn't really catch on. I conjecture it's because it didn't have an objective definition of 'winning' (and consequent reward). People want that.
You're welcome to come up with a new game. But you have to design it in such a way that people will want to participate, and you need to figure out the right incentives. People do not do stuff that does not provide them value, on some level.
2018-01-07 21:30:55
Oh cool.
Stu and I have different accounts...
I always love how memory works (i.e. not how we think).
2018-01-07 22:17:05
That being said , this current tag should be an easy pickup for someone. If you get it, @z, you can set the next tag. It is probably a 3-4 mile ride from Aspinwall.
2018-01-08 07:49:02
So, it's about that time for a hint... But I get that people might not be all that up for riding off to get wet and cold just to pick up some random tag. Well, ok, there's a few of us who might be.
Judging from @edr's comment, it seems like this tag is not all that obscure.
But let me know if y'all want a hint. (Trigger Warning: May provoke poetry.)
2018-01-08 14:36:09
From the poem, I am assuming it is somewhere in either North Oakland or western Shadyside. I can tell it is a church, so I will look in that area tomorrow since the weather is supposed to be nicer.
2018-01-08 16:04:03
I actually found it. I just have to go there with my bike and get a photograph. After I get the photograph, I will have to find a nearby hotspot to upload the photo.
2018-01-09 09:41:59
Sacred Heart Church. Walnut St. and Shady Ave. Shadyside
2018-01-09 11:58:46
Yay zz
2018-01-09 12:44:09
As someone who curses the photo upload process here I find that you can say "I found it. Here is a link to my Twitter pic of it which doesn't end up nicely placed in the feed, I'll fix it when I get home" then that's good enough for most people not to Bruce you.
2018-01-09 13:08:51
New Tag:
2018-01-09 15:42:48
Lookin' good.
But you could have a clue to go along with the pic...
2018-01-09 18:18:41
Clue 1
The Linden Hall Tea Shop is across the road.
2018-01-09 19:23:59
I got bored, so I calculated the geographic center of the 1,350 past Tag-o-Rama tag locations.
Then I calculated the distance of every tag from that geographic center.
Then I calculated the standard deviation of those distances.
Then I plotted the geographic center on Google Maps, with circles at 1 and 2 standard deviations out. In a normally-distributed population, 95 percent of points would fall within that outer circle.
Then I called out the person guilty for placing the tag that's farthest away from the geographic center.
Then I came here and posted about it. Here's a
link to it.
2018-01-09 20:10:37
@zz, I think that's a bike upgrade. Nice.
@ornoth - awesome diagram.
2018-01-09 20:13:56
I had the same bike since October of 2015. What do you mean by an "upgrade"?
Does the diagram include those outside the box?
2018-01-09 20:34:56
(EDIT: Nevermind, looks fine after a refresh)
2018-01-10 09:22:51
Athens Painting, Pointing, and Restoration, 3421 Library Rd
2018-01-10 16:16:49
Congratulations! You got it.
2018-01-10 17:38:49
@ZZ: It'd be pretty worthless if it didn't. Whatever Steven's Sheets doc had, I used.
2018-01-10 20:10:45
note, but not a tag: Near Athens Painting, you can take care of all your Bigfoot statuary needs.
2018-01-10 20:28:50
new tag
He was guilty of driving while black
2018-01-10 20:33:13
Was that an allowable "distance" from the "Box"?
2018-01-10 21:00:42
2018-01-10 21:28:40
To explain: at the time, there was a note on the map that said, "tags outside the box are allowed." That was changed after my tag. I was thoroughly chastised for the tag at the time and for some time after. I offered to retag if no one picked it up. But someone did. And now that tag is part of Tag-o-Rama history.
2018-01-10 21:39:29
Zz, you can be near the box but too far outside the box and it takes longer to pick it up and the game moves slower. So far your two tags have been outside the box. Why don't you concentrate on the next few being in the box?
2018-01-10 21:50:08
Wasn't my Aspinwall tag at 321 Blink inside the box?
2018-01-10 21:58:40
Although I try to keep my tags inside the box, the current tag is of historical significance, so I made an exception. Map of the box:
2018-01-11 08:55:47
hint 3: the incident in question happened before this paper was written:
'Driving While Black' and (All) Other Traffic Offenses: The Supreme Court and Pretextual Traffic Stops
2018-01-12 13:29:55
We've had some really difficult to find tags that were quite within the box. Clues help, but I find it more fun to have a vague clue than a difficult to find tag.
For me, it's the most fun when the thing itself is clearly identifiable as a thing, clearly interesting as a thing unto itself, but hard to figure out from background context. Not being able to find it on StreetView is a plus, but it has to be a publicly accessible spot.
Some of my favorite tags over the years:
* the fountain in the courtyard at the County Courthouse
* the first one I ever picked up, a big anchor I couldn't possibly pick up
* the little people in the Allies parking garage
* The 10-foot-high "@" sign, one of my earliest tag sets
Also, I will say it was fun re-reading the first 25 pages of posts on the first thread. Even with half the photo links broken, it was fun seeing what we all shared with one another. It also makes me wistful for when we had 40 or more active participants in the game.
2018-01-12 22:38:57
Got It. Frank and Shirley's Restaurant. 2209 Saw Mill Run Blvd
2018-01-14 15:13:08
What was the DWB clue?
2018-01-14 15:25:15
I think that's where the police killed Jonny Gammage.
2018-01-14 15:36:54
Also, the original Eat n Park was located at 2209 Saw Mill Run Blvd.
New Tag:

Does anyone need a hint?
2018-01-14 16:01:05
You got it. Some history:
"At 1:47 a.m. [October 12, 1995], Jonny Gammage was asphyxiated to death by five white police officers in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania suburb of Brentwood. Within seven minutes in police custody Gammage died.
Brutally assaulted, Gammage died of suffocation when the police stood and kneeled on his neck, shoulders, and waist as he lay handcuffed and shackled, face down on the pavement. His crime--being a young Black man in a late model sportscar and putting on his brakes "in a suspicious manner" as police followed him through the suburban roads of Brentwood and Overbrook. Gammage was unarmed, and even the D.A.'s office found no reason why Gammage was stopped by the police that night."
The criminal cases against the five policemen that took part in the killing of Gammage resulted in an acquittal and two mistrials. The police received no criminal punishment. The civil case resulted in a settlement where the Gammage family received $1.5 million.
2018-01-14 17:54:48
That was tragic. Racism at it's worst.
Did you know that 2209 Saw Mill Run Blvd. was Eat N Park's first location? Here's a link.
I believe that side of Saw Mill Run Blvd. is actually Carrick, not Overbrook as the article states.
2018-01-14 18:15:15
Those are not cats.
2018-01-15 12:22:34
Does anyone need a hint?
2018-01-15 12:53:29
Describe something maybe a few doors away (pizza shop, library, statue), or a rhyme based on the street name. Something that won't give it away too easily. There isn't much context in the photo. Like for your Perry Hwy mural last summer, you might have mentioned there was a funeral home across the street. On a good day, I will write a poem or quote some song lyrics that provide some context.
2018-01-15 18:17:49
This tag is not visible from StreetView and is 1/2 mile from Cattivo.
2018-01-15 19:18:30
Squirrel Convergence mural by Mary Tremonte, 3816 Butler St, Lawrenceville, in a narrow space next to Iron City Bikes.
2018-01-17 12:02:51
new tag, involves 30-300 ft of bike walking, depending on whether you’re comfortable biking on a snowy trail
2018-01-17 12:47:25
That's it!
2018-01-17 14:36:08
hint: big cats overhead
2018-01-19 09:16:28
hint: the cats are bronze
2018-01-22 01:26:00
Hint: it's tough to get to.
2018-01-22 12:53:02
This one was a toughie. It's in Schenley Park on the trail next to Anderson Playground, in the archway next to the trail (a steep scramble).
Lat/Lon 40.436222, -79.947212
2018-01-25 18:57:36
The "big cats" clue would have been more helpful if it was not in the plural. "One big empty cat" would have been closer still, i.e. Panther Hollow Road. There are lots of pairs of lions in the area, and quite a few are near bridges. Where are these bronze cats? I'm drawing a blank.
2018-01-25 20:42:36
Pic link is broken.
Also this website has been super slow today . Like that for anyone else?
2018-01-25 20:44:33
2018-01-25 21:16:14
There are bronze panthers at the ends of the Panther Hollow bridge.
I knew where it was pretty much after the second clue. But it was hard to get to. Definitely not bikeable.
2018-01-25 22:19:45
It wasn't easy, but it was bikable when I went there: 14F, ground frozen, 3 inches of powder on a short stretch of trail. We're intrepid Pittsburgh tag-o-ram-ers, so we push through it, right?
2018-01-26 00:04:37
Get out of your gone and come instead to this spot
Walk around it and take a pause for some thought
2018-01-27 11:16:56

Location: 40.414233, -79.898345
Homestead Labyrinth, right by the pomphouse...
2018-01-27 12:07:43
Wow, fast!
2018-01-27 13:43:32
Incoming tagdrop, sir!

I get knocked down, but I get up again
No you never gonna keep me down...
2018-01-28 11:04:14
OK, so Chumbawamba made
WYEP's list of Worst Songs ever. Am I close?
2018-01-30 10:53:04
I'm not at liberty to provide another clue... ;^P
2018-01-30 11:21:19
Okay, okay, I'll make it a little easier. I'm surprised this one hasn't been used before; it's been around since 2008 and is not far from a well-used bike lane.
This Westmoreland PA county native made a fortune in Pittsburgh's railroads, before notably writing, "I am Denver City."
2018-01-30 11:43:54
What, have you all fallen off your bikes and can't get back up? Makes me feel bad for Kyle Holbrook...
2018-02-01 12:05:18
2018-02-01 12:13:46
2018-02-01 16:09:46
2018-02-01 21:45:26

Homewood "Healing Wall"
Location: 40.454875, -79.897228
Nearest intersection: N Homewood Ave & Formosa Way
Wherein we learn whether Ornoth will venture out on an icy 11° morning with frozen shifters and rotting 23mm tires just to fetch a tag...
2018-02-02 11:25:49
2018-02-02 12:40:45
Re the "speedy" comments on my last two pickups... Heheh heheh...
This time of year, if a tag's within a couple miles of home, I feel compelled to jump on it quickly, since there are fewer "accessible" tags in the winter because I'm not gonna ride out to Ambridge in this weather, or even up Mt. Washington, since I'm still worn out after Doze Dirty Dozen.
Gottu admit, tho, I need to research some more future tag drop locations; my list is starting to look kinda meager.
2018-02-02 13:01:03
This tag, it has a newishness:

Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
2018-02-03 13:27:39
212 Ophelia St, near Hamlet
2018-02-04 15:51:05
2018-02-04 17:49:51
2018-02-06 12:44:06
2018-02-07 18:17:20
Grab a German beer and cheer
Still winter but spring is near
2018-02-08 09:30:36
Capital Idea!
Hofbrau House
2018-02-10 13:27:48
Next Tag - Happy Valentines Day
It's the thought and effort that counts.
2018-02-10 13:28:48

Not sure why the photo wouldn't show in the previous post. Happy Valentines Day.
2018-02-10 18:32:21
I could use a hint.
2018-02-12 01:43:55
I was planning on saving you the trouble, but there's an enormous pile of nope outside...
2018-02-12 07:56:55

Location: 40.456752, -79.906539
Nearest intersection: Hamilton Ave & la Schall St
Looks like that pile of nope is gone... Hamilton by the Wheel Mill.
2018-02-12 14:54:22
You really don't need a clue for this one, do you?
2018-02-12 16:00:04
I only worked in the building next door for 15+ years...
2018-02-12 16:26:07
No, you don't need a clue. It's about ~10m from a tag I dropped a few ago. But it does face in the opposite direction...
Too bad I have a bum foot just now, but I expect @ph will shortly be on the case.
2018-02-12 17:50:07
Clue: It don't count until you ride there and post a photo!
2018-02-14 20:38:45
There's nothing in the rules that says a tag can't be claimed by the person who placed it. Just sayin'...
2018-02-16 19:49:13
From page 1:
Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag.
If @ornoths's assertion were correct then "The first person" would have been "The person"; "first" implies an ordering. If you think about it, the dropper is technically the 0th person in the picker-upper queue. Otherwise "first" is redundant.
So, close, but no cigar.
2018-02-16 22:28:29
I agree with @Ornoth on this one. It's a loophole in the rules.
2018-02-17 00:09:48
Anyway, people will get your tag. Just keep posting clues, making it more and more clear, until someone does. No need for self-pickup.
There are other loopholes. Two or more players can conspire, one setting a tag that there other picks up. Again, not clearly against the rules, but clearly against the spirit of the game. Do let's not do that, either.
2018-02-17 07:58:54
There is randomness involved here too with people's schedules. Sometimes we have more free time, sometimes not.
All these mass shootings reminds me of the time I was trapped in the building next door to where this photo was taken. The bike component of this is after we were let out by the swat team I picked up my bike from the shop in sq hill.
2018-02-17 08:31:53
Okay, clues were requested, so let's see what I can do for ya. I guess my sense of what's easy & difficult is still inaccurate; bear in mind that I'm a recent transplant. And @ed's point is well taken; I forget that, as an unemployed bum, I have more time to devote to figuring out and chasing down tags than most folks.
- That tall building in the background? That's called the Cathedral of Learning. It's in the middle of Oakland, and is associated with the University of Pittsburgh. It's something of a local landmark.
- Because parking is so difficult, most people don't take their car into Oakland. Faculty dread the university drive.
- It might not be clear enuf to see in the photo, but the tag is somewhat uphill from the Cathedral. Not many places are uphill from there!
- In fact, it's on such an uphill slope that the photo was taken from a hairpin/switchback. Be careful riding if there's snow on the ground.
- The funny building in the foreground? That may or may not be Pitt's controversial Long Range Defense Complex. Its angled face was actually designed to mimic the slope of the hillside.
Go get 'em!
2018-02-17 10:30:06

loc: 40.444201, -79.959972
2018-02-17 11:51:02

Tag ↗ Clue ↘
2018-02-17 14:47:37
Is it time for a hint?
The clue is the clue because the painting was apropos of the destination.
But Sankt Peterburg also has the similarly apropos, though boring, Varshavsky Voksal:

Hey, just reading the news and making clues topical...
2018-02-19 19:47:50

[click disc to hear the tune]
2018-02-21 19:24:40
Ok, the weather sucks.
But are the clues enough to give you ideas about the location? You're allowed to google.
2018-02-23 23:48:11
Each clue (almost) gets you to a word relevant to the location, which is at a corner.
The first clue (properly google'd) gives you one of the streets.
The second clue (properly dereferenced) should point you to the neighborhood.
The third clue, alas on reflection is a bit misleading (it was meant to give you the cross-street). But only half of it is actually relevant; maybe it was a misconceived obfuscation.
Here's the Strava heatmap at the location, showing the tag to be on a well-traveled bike route.
2018-02-25 21:05:12
ARGH!!!! I went and checked that exact road today, but I checked the wrong half! No one told me it was one of Pittsburgh's maddening discontiguous streets! ARGH!!!!
2018-02-25 21:36:00
Okay, that's better...

Location: 40.459105, -79.961114
Nearest intersection: Melwood Ave & Finland St
2018-02-26 12:12:52
Beautiful weather, so I'll keep this moving...

If you land here, I'm gonna charge you twenty five bucks. If I had all four, I'd make you pay $200.
2018-02-26 13:42:28

Railroad at 26th, in the Strip.
The big 3 is at a new development "3 Landings". Of course they have bike racks.
2018-02-26 17:39:13
A tag:

This clue →

← has 3 elements relevant to the tag.
2018-02-26 18:17:09
Wouldn't have gotten this in a million years if it weren't for the dome.

Location: 40.460691, -79.968267
Nearest intersection: Spring Way & 33rd St
2018-02-27 11:33:58
Good job. There's two domes visible from that spot, but I had figured that would be too much of a giveaway... Does anyone know where these lions came from?
2018-02-27 12:12:59
A tag a day keeps liposuction away...

LOOK DOWN DOWN LOOK!!! Perhaps the only place where you can look down from (near) the top of one Dirty Dozen hill and see the next.
2018-02-27 12:51:28

At the end of Downlook St in Stanton Hts
loc: 40.484600, -79.941258
2018-02-28 11:48:30
Downlook is one block away from this famous incident: "On April 4, 2009, a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, stemming from a mother and her 22-year-old son's argument over a dog urinating in the house." Three policemen were killed. "According to police and witnesses, he held police at bay for four hours as the fallen officers were left bleeding nearby, their colleagues unable to reach them. More than 600 rounds were fired by the SWAT teams and Poplawski."
2018-02-28 14:04:13
I always had trouble with that neighborhood with its twisty little streets, all the same. And I invariably get lost (like I did today). A few blocks away is Officer Eric Kelly Memorial Field, named for one of the victims.
2018-02-28 18:00:01
2018-02-28 18:10:05
does the person need to be in it?
2018-02-28 21:01:26
Person is optional. Go for it.
2018-03-01 10:43:19
I got two stone-faced people in my photo. Mercy Hospital, Mercy Dr.
Click for uncropped.
2018-03-02 15:55:30
2018-03-02 21:49:52
hint: within 7 blocks of the previous tag
2018-03-03 10:50:49

Tustin at Seneca, Uptown
loc: 40.436714, -79.976161

The Little Library
2018-03-05 11:52:21

Cars, buses, trains. And this.
2018-03-06 12:06:39
The cars typically sit around for the day. The buses might stop and wait for a while but they always move on. Trains just chug on by without stopping.
2018-03-08 16:10:45
South of North...
with no Grommit in sight.
2018-03-10 11:59:55
Dang. Was just there yesterday.
I loved those movies! When they went to the moon. Hilarious!
2018-03-10 14:22:10
It is "inconceivable" that no one picked up this tag yet.
2018-03-11 11:24:30
And such a nice day for a ride it was today...
Since you know where it is, maybe just pick it up.
I won't hint anymore.
2018-03-11 19:10:49
Ran 10+ miles training for the half. Next time on a bike is Wednesday if weather is ok. Hopefully someone will pick it up before me.
2018-03-11 21:58:04

Location: 40.445341, -79.886514
Nearest intersection: Wallace Ave & Clair Way
Wilkinsburg Flyboy mural
2018-03-12 12:47:45
Here's an easy pickup:

You've ridden past this a hundred times, if not a thousand. It's kinda pretty, but no one wants to live in the building facing this view.
2018-03-12 14:27:55
Hebru Brantley is a pretty cool artist. Fly Boy is a recurring theme in his work.
For some reason this piece reminds me of
Astro Boy.
But Fly Boy seems less burdened: he just wants to be free and
2018-03-12 20:23:55

loc: 40.434216, -79.994121
On the EFT, across from the county lock-up.
2018-03-13 12:53:06

Some musical-ish clues, just because:
I want to say that it's close to the previous one, as the goose flies. But I would counsel keeping your distance.
2018-03-13 18:01:26
There's a least one word in each of the song title lines that contributes to the clue set.
And here's one more, that's sort of relevant (well, phonetically) but I'm not sure that it adds much, unless you already know the location:
DISCLAIMER: The vids selected do not correspond all that well to my own musical tastes. They just happen to feature words relevant to this tag.
2018-03-15 17:13:01
That last link didn't appear to come out right once it had been wrung through the exacting criteria of the message (massage?) board filters. It should have been:
Just cut and paste that url into your search engine. The original was a link to the "official" vid for the tune. The one above is actually better. Anyway it's the title line that matters. I hate crap message board software...
2018-03-15 20:55:35
It's at the north-east corner of this intersection, in a reasonably well-traveled neighborhood. If you go up a block and turn you might find yourself at a music venue...

Please let me know if you need more clues. Apologies for the opacity so far.
2018-03-17 21:10:04
One more tune with a relevant title:
You should now have the names of 4 streets surrounding the tag (plus something like the name of the business next door).
2018-03-20 08:19:14
it took me this last clue to get the right neighborhood, and I was going to go out tomorrow during the day, but, alas, it looks like it is winter again.
2018-03-20 14:14:18
@edr seems to know where to find the tag [meaning that it's findable], but he hasn't picked it up. I'm happy to keep cluing, just ask. Roads are eminently passable.
2018-03-24 15:36:19
i'm going away tomorrow and will be back after passover, so im not going to pick it up anytime soon.
too bad i'm not heading South but rather to the east Side of cleveland for most of it.
on a related note i could have snagged it this morning but dumbass me left my gloves in my garage and my hands almost froze off.
2018-03-24 16:55:31
Well, that's Karma for you...
2018-03-24 17:59:47
Wahl’s Auto Repair, Sarah St near S 18th St, close to Carey and Larkins Ways. (sleuthing help from The Iguana)
2018-03-24 19:26:55
2018-03-25 09:56:50

The (new) Stairs of Joncaire.
2018-03-25 13:25:28
But the stairs aren't in your picture.
2018-03-25 13:55:40
I'm, uh, standing on the stairs, on the first landing. Which from the looks of it is the one you were next to when you snapped your pic (cf. the upper right corner). It didn't seem right to scamper up the straw bedding protecting the soil. But hey, at least my bike in in the frame.
As an aside: That runnel on the far side seems a bit narrow... and there isn't one on the near side. Does that mean no railing on the runnel side? I noticed shafts sunk on the near side but come to think of it, not sure there were any on the far side.
2018-03-25 15:35:33
But anyway, let's move along:

We are at Home, instead of in our other home. In more ways than one.
2018-03-25 16:20:15
I saw those stairs the other day and thought about taking my bike up them but 1) they were blocked off and 2) no rail. Afraid I'd fall off.
2018-03-25 20:34:19
The weather's not all that bad; I commuted the last two days...
Anyway, this is a seasonal tag.
In the summer that space is completely overgrown and you can't see the murals (at least judging from Streetview). The one on the left is pretty wide and stretches all the way to an adjacent alley. You'd get a full view coming from that direction. The one on the right is pretty big as well. Those murals appeared after the last time that the Google-mobile ventured along that street. Darn.
Feel free to ask for hints, if you need any.
2018-03-27 20:48:07
Mural is at Kelly St & Nadir Way.
I see Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Trayvon Martin, who else?
2018-03-28 16:45:16
2018-03-28 17:43:27
2018-03-28 20:42:57
reusing an Ahlir hint, that sort of works here:
2018-03-28 22:19:22

House O' Fricks, at Penn and Homewood.
I tried to get in closer, but the guard chased me off ("no bikes!").
2018-03-29 10:47:29
Their current exhibit of Degas and other French painters is well worth the admission price.
2018-03-29 11:18:35
I looked to see if there was a no-bikes sign, and saw none.
2018-03-29 14:50:34

Some of you will know exactly where this is. You might even be a client.
The rest of you would need to show some enterprise to get there.
2018-03-30 15:19:40
We've been busy with Easter and Pesach, but things are starting to wind down. There's still time for a ride! And the weather today truly is beautiful.
Let me know if hints are desired. Otherwise I might wander off on some tangent and start talking about, I dunno, abattoirs. Or maybe beer?
2018-04-01 16:25:41

Probation & Parole Board!
Location: 40.459797, -79.914287
Nearest intersection: Enterprise St & Sackett St
2018-04-02 13:27:30
Hints, yes. The difficulty I have is distinguishing between hints, chaff, and filler, among the 80 or so words you've given us so far.
2018-04-02 13:46:54
No chaff or filler here!

Howd ur friend chews his haus?
2018-04-02 14:08:31
Well, perhaps. But there's still plenty of content. And you need some other words in there so that you get sentences.
need to show some enterprise [street name] to get there
wander off on some tangent [name of alley next to building] and start talking about, I dunno, abattoirs [used to be slaughterhouse district]. Or maybe beer [East End Brewery a couple of blocks away]
2018-04-02 16:13:22

Residence on Marlborough in Squirrel Hill.
2018-04-02 19:16:22
[I'm leaving the details more or less vague, since it's a private house that doesn't particularly stand out. Pinning the tag marker maybe mid-way on the block would be good enough for tag-o-rama purposes. But whatever.]
2018-04-02 20:40:29
I'm missing something... What was the significance of the tag if it's a private house and you can't give the location? (Ie what makes this house tag o Rama worthy?)
Edit: I googled it. Figured it out. Chew=Danny chew
But sorta a weird tag to pick.
Maybe the game should stay away from private homes unless there is some cultural value? 1) creepy factor. Id feel weird of I saw someone get off their bike in front of my random house, snap a pic, and leave 2) tag is super obscure and you'd only get it if you had visited the person before. Makes the game less desirable to play for most people.
2018-04-02 20:56:52
I considered the privacy angle myself before placing the tag. I figured it wouldn't be an issue, since that person already publishes their exact street address on their personal website's "contact me" page. Which, if I was a stalker, would be the first place I'd look.
With that info so readily available already, and willingly provided by the person in question, I don't think anyone's going to care if it's buried five pages deep within a photo-game discussion inside a little-used subsection of a bike advocacy group's website, or hidden amongst thousands of pinned locations on a map that happens to be linked somewhere in that discussion.
At the same time, none of us have named names or pointed fingers, so AFAIC all's well regardless.
2018-04-02 21:03:50
I'm sure you could figure out, say, pedutos home address, too, or someone similar, and then point to the page where you found it on the internet.
Or people may run home businesses and have their home address on their website.
But I think tag o Rama should stay away from private homes unless, say, it has a unique feature that is there to draw attention. (Ie that the owners put out so people can look at). In that case the owners have waived an expectation of privacy. Like say that weird sculpture on shady with the guy between two pieces of concrete. Or the guy on Biddle with the art on his lawn.
2018-04-02 21:07:41
Or that moldering lighthouse on Linden...
Houses that make themselves distinctive probably do it to be noticed. I would tend to stretch the point and assume that they actually welcome some attention. Otherwise why do they do it?
Danny's house doesn't feature any obvious attractions on its lawn or building; not even bikes on the porch (that I've noticed). I would infer that he didn't particularly want to draw attention to his house. I would want to respect that.
But there's levels: people with Little Libraries are probably trying to make a statement, if only directed to their neighbors. It's a public display and, I believe, acceptable for appropriation by a specialist group such as T-O-R taggers.
But, ultimately, it's one of those Judge Parker things. You decide what it means to you and you act accordingly. Unless it's really out of line, other might just go along with it.
The Shady sculpture is in front of an apartment building. I understand that it was put up as an homage to the owner's father; it's public. The Biddle house is across from Biddle's Retreat (go have a coffee!); I don't know if they're materially connected but the cafe patrons are probably an audience (as well as the neighborhood).
2018-04-02 22:02:42
Thank you for sharing your opinions, gentlemen.
In the interest of keeping things clean here, if there is more that needs to be said on the matter, previous precedent suggests directing followups to
the corresponding whine thread.
Ahl, it's your serve.
2018-04-02 22:11:32
I'll pass on the whinging.
My main concern is poor timing: tomorrow's forecast is rain.
When picking up a tag is like the dog catching the car...
2018-04-02 22:22:14
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed taggings.
Not all that far from the previous location.
2018-04-03 12:33:35

The early bird gets P.O.ed at three Squirrel Hill post office. Perfect cos I needed to mail my partners tax returns!
Location: 40.436877, -79.923039
Nearest intersection: Murray Ave & Darlington Rd
2018-04-04 07:46:54

Well gawwW
2018-04-04 09:39:26
Gomer St, under Mission St bridge, southside. The underside of this bridge may look familiar:
2018-04-04 18:40:17
2018-04-04 23:22:38

The nearer your destination ,the more you're slip sliding away... Walnut Towers parking lot sliding down onto Forward .
Location: 40.426638, -79.910784
Nearest intersection: Beaumont Ln & Forward Ave
2018-04-05 08:06:58
Here we go, yo!

To save your soul, you'll need a revered goaltender.
2018-04-05 09:17:43
Church of the Holy Cross Episcopal, Kelly & Collier, near Fleury.
But Marc-André didn’t get married here. He got married in Montréal. By the way, cute kids!
2018-04-05 13:08:49
I checked back to the beginning of the year -- around 90% of the tags were picked up and set by the same 3 people, with only maybe 2-3 other people picking up and setting the 10% of other tags during this time.
Is the game still "good" as is, or is there modifications to be made?
Just a question -- I don't play anymore. I have work, family, a bum foot, etc. I do like seeing the pictures, as it gives me incentive to visit cool places outside of my circle of close in Fox Chapel area and the east end. So I don't have skin in the game (this isn't a "whine" post), but I think it is a good thing to discuss.
And if you want to ignore this, ignore. :)
2018-04-05 14:21:02
I’d say the game would definitely benefit from having more players. I recommend somewhat easier tags.
Probably the change that would help the game the most would be for bikepgh to fix the web site to have fast page loads, as it used to, and to get image uploads working again.
2018-04-05 15:42:32
I would like to think there's a lot of self-selection happening. I may be wrong, but my feeling is that people have been dropping tags in/near Squirrel Hill all winter, which makes it easy for the subset of us who live or work here to jump on them quickly. I think my last four pickups were all less than 3 miles from home.
I've been trying to place my tags further afield, in hopes that someone from another neighborhood will pick them up and move the game there for a few rounds, but it hasn't panned out that way.
I'm hoping things get better if warm weather ever comes, when more fair-weather riders are interested in participating and people place their tags out over a much larger area.
Are there people reading this thread who are discouraged about playing? Would you be willing to tell us what keeps you from participating?
2018-04-05 16:08:50
new tag
hint: also near Kelly
2018-04-05 17:09:41
My guess is that the ability to post pictures directly on was turned off intentionally to save money. Hosting ever more pics in perpertuity means paying for ever increasing web hosting space. That's probably a cost that bikepgh can't swing.
Ditto with faster servers on the hosting side. It is often quite expensive to get decent speed (or non throttled, probably) servers. My website is fine to run slowly. I have an average of 0 visitors at a time and it is mainly text and a contact form. Maybe this level of hosting speed doesn't work as well for bike PGH visitors and some get discouraged and don't use the message board. Or maybe it doesn't make a difference.
Plus the decision to offload pictures compounds the speed issue as everybtime a picture intensive page loads needs to ping a crap ton of other websites (unless it has a decent cache?). Maybe bikepgh can make the # of entries per page fewer? Less pics to load per page? Though more annoying to click through when following a long thread.
One other question- how many people follow this thread regularly. It may only be, say, 6 people. And several of us (Stu, myself) aren't in positions to pick up tags so we just look at the pretty pictures. So maybe the 4-5 who have set and picked up tags are the only people left playing...
2018-04-05 21:36:28
The number of images on this site isn't large enough for the cost to matter much. Figure one new image a day at 500 KB, and each year you need another 200 MB or so. The web hosting provider I use offers 100 GB storage for $8/month, so they'd need a more expensive plan in 500 years or so due to storing more images. Other hosts are probably in the same ballpark.
A faster server could help some, but a quick check in Chrome suggests it's not the time to load the page contents, it's a combination of scripting and rendering that takes most of the time. In other words, most of the delay is due to your web browser being told to do a lot of work. How long it takes the web server to send those orders isn't as important as the complexity of the orders it's sending.
Plus the decision to offload pictures compounds the speed issue as everybtime a picture intensive page loads needs to ping a crap ton of other websites
It doesn't work that way. Your browser, not the bikepgh server, is what has to contact all those other websites to retrieve those images. The bikepgh server merely provides the URL of each external image. Using external images might speed things up (since bikepgh's ability to send data isn't so much of a bottleneck) or it might slow things down (since your browser has to do the extra work of setting up connections with a bunch of other sites, instead of just asking bikepgh to send each image in turn over a single connection or two). But again, that's just transmission time, which appears to be a small part of the delay. Whether images are local to bikepgh or not probably wouldn't much affect the site's apparent speed.
If the delay is indeed mostly due to scripting and rendering, that suggests one web browser might be significantly faster for this site than another, and it might appear to load much faster on a faster computer or phone than a slower one.
FWIW, displaying the list of MB topics takes 2-3 seconds in Chrome on this PC (2 for first element on the page, 3 when it's all there), and 3-6 seconds on Firefox for Mobile on an older tablet.
This site used to feature message board posts right on the home page. Now the whole message board is hidden in the More menu; on small screens you have to scroll way down the menu to even find it. So I'm guessing some of the decline in players is because new cyclists and new Bike Pgh members are much less likely to notice the message board in the first place.
2018-04-06 05:11:24
Thanks for correcting my naivety with web hosting. I did rule the web in 1992. Things have changed a lot since then. :)
2018-04-06 06:18:31
Here is my .02 I watch this thread on a daily basis, but live on north side and have limited time to grab tags.(silly family, job, and overall lack of motivation to go really out of my way for a tag)
So anything east of Uptown or over Mt. Washington I will look for, but rarely consider going after the tag.
I have no problem with the website speed or uploading via secondary site. I just hope I don't get bruced between taking shot and posting shot
2018-04-06 07:42:12
Take it to the whining thread?
2018-04-07 12:40:54
hint: within two blocks of Kelly
2018-04-07 16:07:41
So many Kellys around...
@paulh, might you bestow upon us an additional hint?
It's been more than 2 days.
2018-04-11 21:42:39
2018-04-12 12:30:05

Sculpture park at Landmarks Preservation Resource Center
Location: 40.439672, -79.884437
Nearest intersection: Wagner Way & Tennis Way
2018-04-12 14:59:43
I’ve had equipment issues all winter, and the job encourages working from home, so I haven’t traveled by bike all that much. I see lots of things I’d like to tag, but finding time to chase after one has been difficult. I’m still here, though.
2018-04-13 07:44:40

Sadly, due to multiple fails, this isn't the tag I got out at 6am to place. But I rolled some new roads, and found this not far off the beaten path.
2018-04-13 08:07:54

loc: 40.427584, -79.946402
St.John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church, in Four Mile Run.
2018-04-13 13:54:48
2018-04-13 14:26:06
That church seemed unusual, given what I imagined I knew about Eastern European religions. So
I looked it up. The religion has only been around since 1905, when Catholicism became legal in Russia.
2018-04-13 21:12:40
So anyway, I reviewed the last page of discussion on tagging and the current small cohort of active players.
If you review the old tags, you find that most were easy, in the sense that the locations were mostly well-known and for the most part habitual city cyclists could easily figure it out.
Eventually most of the obvious stuff had been tagged and people started to look further afield. Tags evolved along several dimensions, including distance from the city, access difficulty (e.g. up a steep climb), close cropping, as well as general obscurity. Some taggers developed habits (e.g access difficulty). And there's the willingness to get out there even in the rain or the snow. It tends to narrow the field.
So, other that staying out of the East End and avoiding climbs over Mt. Washington, can prospective players make any suggestions to make things more open? I'm willing to listen. But bear in mind that the regulars have evolved into a pretty competitive bunch. So if you know where something is just go get it.
One piece of advice: the current actives all live in the east... and we know our 'hood (but feel free to taunt us with something).
2018-04-13 22:10:53
Well, maybe if you're a Frequent Tagger and a tag seems really easy, give it a day or two to see if it draws a less-experienced tagger into the game?
2018-04-13 23:29:07
We could try, but it relies on an assurance of cooperation. I would go along.
ToR is maybe similar to an iterated multi-person prisoner's dilemma (IMPD). For n >2 players cooperation doesn't happen (in contrast to n =2). I believe we have n >2 active players. On the other hand the value of a particular outcome is hard to figure out, it's likely a player-specific weighted sum of objective and subjective factors (no idea what those might actually look like).
Anyway I don't really know what I'm talking about. Does anyone reading this have enough background to comment? Looking for a research topic? :-)
2018-04-14 14:53:34
If the expectations are ambiguous, cooperation won't happen and issues arise.
What might be an example of clear expectations? The person placing a tag declares "for the next 72 hours, this tag is only valid for players with fewer than 20 total claims; after 72 hours, it's fair game for anyone".
Not saying that's how it should be; it's just an example of how ambiguity could be removed.
Although... Not hearing a chorus of jaded players, we might be well served just getting the word out to more people about the game. Judging from this afternoon, there's no shortage of cyclists out and about, but we need to do more than wait quietly for them to find us.
2018-04-14 16:40:15
I think people generally respect it when somebody suggests letting a new Tagger pick up a tag. It happens now and then. I'm just mentioning it as something people may want to take into consideration before heading out.
2018-04-14 17:43:57
It's hard for novices to pick up the current tag when there is none :-)
2018-04-14 18:33:16
I suggest that those still actively monitoring this thread cross-post new tags on their social media presences, with a link to the current thread. Even if you aren’t aht & abaht on the bike.
2018-04-14 19:08:34

They don't want you to sit at the tables, so they take them down.
2018-04-15 11:01:52
I'm still here, just haven't been near tags before they are caught. This one was easy though: Market Square.
2018-04-17 09:28:05
New tag:

This will be an easier pickup in a few years, hopefully.
2018-04-17 09:36:33
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="3264"]

end of the north shore trail![/caption]
2018-04-18 16:41:08
Wow I bungled that one. Let's see if I do this one right. Mouseover text should be a hint.
2018-04-18 18:52:35
Can't see mouse over text on mobile.
2018-04-18 20:36:55
ok, here's the hint:
To get downtown, you are itchin'
but first you must ride past the kitchen
2018-04-19 09:00:11
. never mind
2018-04-19 10:00:31
all of your picture links are broken. I'm on my windows 10 computer using chrome.
2018-04-19 11:38:02
Use this (hopefully working):
2018-04-19 11:43:55
Ornoth, is broken too.
2018-04-19 12:17:43
2018-04-19 12:24:52
De Ruad St, view of houses near Gregory St, Southside Slopes.
2018-04-19 13:30:54
new tag, hint: not in the East End
2018-04-19 14:31:20
amazingly that white caddy is parked in the exact same spot on google streetview.
2018-04-19 15:21:15
Oh crap, sorry. They were working when I first posted them but now I (sometimes?) see broken links. Not sure what is up with that. Can I not edit posts after a certain amount of time?
2018-04-19 18:55:26
Oh darn. I had decided to stand down...
But at least let me share the clue I would have used: "From garden to kitchen".
2018-04-19 18:56:01
@neiltron - You have an hour to correct posts.
As to the photo, I’m trying to do a triangulation on the tall masts in the distance, and figure out what road that is in the middle distance. Maybe Rt 65?
2018-04-19 20:03:26
I was about to post this as a hint because that street name always reminds me of this scene from Black Sheep. haha.
2018-04-19 20:04:24
After you use the photo to find the tag, you'll understand that the following could be construed as a hint:
And you might want to see this trailer, also
2018-04-21 14:53:59
@paulheckbert - is this in or out of the box?
2018-04-21 16:23:43
Definitely inside the box.
2018-04-21 18:29:17
Yes. Here's a Google Maps tutorial that might be helpful for sleuthing:
2018-04-21 21:12:56
Omg Paul, just give us a regular normal clue.
2018-04-21 21:23:31
But no one asked Paul what time of day it was to calibrate shadows...
2018-04-21 23:37:41
I think Stu already gave you one.
2018-04-22 00:26:23
Pittsburgh classical academy / Greenway
2018-04-22 13:24:47
This street connects
To the river direct
2018-04-22 13:54:21
End of Terminal Way.
40.431315, -79.996168
2018-04-23 12:48:52
@jstalnaker, yup
2018-04-23 16:59:35

Juju uses this for work
2018-04-23 17:22:28
Do we need an extra hint or are the regulars holding off for a few days?
2018-04-27 11:58:01
east end of Gold 1 parking garage, near Reedsdale St and Heinz Field
2018-04-27 13:41:01
2018-04-27 18:14:54
This is surely not in the box! ...but in the triangle....
2018-04-27 23:10:03
2018-04-30 10:40:49
2018-04-30 12:51:18
Just a second, I need to post
This tag, of the place
I love the most.
2018-05-01 09:43:04
With LindaP
2nd and Tipton, Hazelwood
2018-05-01 19:24:47

'merica, baby
2018-05-03 08:56:33
A soft, gentle breeze greeted us as we arrived.
2018-05-04 13:57:52
2725 Zephyr Ave, Sheraden
2018-05-05 13:04:22
2018-05-05 14:33:07
hint: this area flooded in 1936
2018-05-07 09:11:13
hint: Santa might like this place
2018-05-08 16:51:53
I might get to this place this weekend. Right now, it's at the bottom of my list.
2018-05-08 16:55:21

St. Nicholas Orthodox, McKees Rocks Bottom
Location: 40.474047, -80.058559
Nearest intersection: Munson Ave & Clay Way
2018-05-09 11:05:46

If they ever put a bullet thru your brain... I'll complain.
2018-05-09 15:18:37
Back when Judy sang thug life lyrics
2018-05-09 15:25:00
Friendship & Atlantic. Is it supposed to say “Oil”?
2018-05-10 15:30:10
new tag. Nearby lane hint: Liberace without a piano
2018-05-10 16:07:43
Nearby avenue hint: received 30 electoral votes for the vice presidency
2018-05-12 11:54:50
Tbh I would pick this up but I feel like I shouldn't because it was tagged before and I either got it that time or spent a long time trying to figure it out.
2018-05-13 19:36:35
You're right, it was tagged before. Sorry about the duplication. I usually check, to avoid that.
2018-05-14 01:06:51
oh, this tag is pretty easily google-able to find the location, especially with the 30 electoral votes avenue clue. you can even see a tiny bit of said giraffe on google street view.
Now if only I didn't have to work all week..
so someone else do a cursory google search and ride out and pick up the tag so we can see more pretty pictures.
2018-05-14 11:51:46
hint: aerial view shows that the giraffe people have a nice green basketball half-court.
2018-05-16 15:02:10
My guess is that people know where it is (I found it in 2 min with a Google search followed by Google Street view to confirm) but jobs and bad storms are keeping people from venturing out to get it. At least the rain will stop Monday.
2018-05-16 19:14:47
Closest street - Worth and Wilkins
2018-05-17 18:27:10

Thanks to SoulSista for the tag idea
2018-05-18 10:18:09
I happened to be in the area...
125 Washington St near Pennwood, Edgewood
2018-05-18 11:18:54
Somebody swiped his Easter basket since last evening, hmmm.
2018-05-18 11:53:38
2018-05-18 12:55:07
Gah, the first tag in weeks I know immediately where is, but scheduling is going to make it darn near impossible to get to.
I really want to get back into this game.
2018-05-19 19:13:04
hint: this is a bridge, over a large river
2018-05-22 12:20:56
Not much traffic here anymore, but one not very far away with a similar name gets quite a bit of traffic.
2018-05-22 14:23:33
Hot metal bridge at Carrie Furnace.

loc: 40.407794, -79.886533
2018-05-28 08:29:21
2018-05-28 08:35:58
The bridge, about 7 years ago, from the footbridge (that's since been demolished)

Back then the area was not overgrown and you could see the bridge from the trail. No more. And a few years ago they put up a fence with scary No Trespassing signs. But there's a hole in the fence, and the sign was elsewhere, not visible through the vegetation.
On the whole I'm not that keen on tags that make you trespass or otherwise do something potentially dangerous. But this one's been languishing for a while.
A downriver view (today).
2018-05-28 08:51:50

It's a wall and a parking lot. You've likely rode past it at some point.
I thought I would somehow work that Pink Floyd tune into the clue, but I've done that earlier. I did search for tunes featuring a "wall', with no success. I found an opera based on the Pink Floyd album, but apparently it's not that good. Maybe I should have tried a Game of Thrones reference...
2018-05-30 10:19:26
It's in Italian, but the subtitles are in Spanish; the show is in Dresden.
And the Bugs Bunny overture opens it. But be sure to watch it to the end.
Just think of this as, you know, a clue...
2018-05-31 22:03:18
I rode past this thing earlier today. It's hard to miss.
Anyway, on a notionally related topic, here's what cycling in the Apennines looks like.
Climbing, mostly. I wish I could be there this summer. But I won't be.

But there's this corner in Pittsburgh that's quite apropos. And the tag is there.
2018-06-02 22:45:48
Sigh. Don't I wish it was like that! I'm just back after a week in Tuscany, and it was 50s and rainy the entire time. Only managed three rides totaling 50 miles, all rain-soaked. I was glad to get back to Pittsburgh, where it's sunny and warm at least some of the time.
I know, Rule #7.
2018-06-03 06:05:19
2018-06-05 08:34:49

Phil's premium Pittsburgh parking on Penn
Location: 40.443594, -79.998384
Nearest intersection: 9th St & Penn Ave
2018-06-05 11:08:00
Nouveau Taggage

It's literally the first thing you see.
2018-06-05 13:30:42
I actually may be able to pick this up tomorrow for my first tag pickup in maybe over a year.. unless someone gets it first.
2018-06-05 18:50:36
Thank you for picking that up! After a while I start getting all nervous about setting some tag that's too obscure. But this one is just off of the most traveled bike lane in town...
Is that wall awesome, or what? I'd like to know the story of how those bands ended up all different. BTW, the restaurant 'Nine on Nine' is across the street (ie, a three-way on 'Apennines').
@edr: you go!
2018-06-05 21:27:53
Yeah, not happening today. Or this week. Or this month since I'll be out of town. Someone else get it.
2018-06-06 07:16:27
Don't really want to over-hint, but I also didn't want someone to claim the tag before I got to post
2018-06-06 09:19:11

loc: 40.437360, -79.991055
Next to the Gumberg Library, Duquesne University.
Wait... you mean that I didn't have to climb all the way up there?

2018-06-07 11:08:11

So this another one of those I keep thinking everyone will know. But who knows?
When you get there, look around; you might see something (very) vaguely related to (one of) the themes of this video:
2018-06-08 18:11:08
Was just there around 5:45 pm. On foot. Was hoppin'. Coming back from a big festival, walking through another, more colorful, one which was about to start.
Though by 6:11 pm I was at Salem's with my wife eating falafel.
2018-06-08 19:37:49
I got a tag. Aye-aye eyeball park aka Agnes katz plaza. As I'm here with 6 of my closest homeless friends (who are soliciting me for money) I'm posting the Twitter link now and when I get home after my ride I'll upload it to my website so I can post it in line along with my tag.
2018-06-09 07:24:06
Old tag inline version:
New Tag!
This tag is far less than
2 .79 miles
north of the Eyeball Park. Matter of fact, if you started downtown and headed home to, say, Wexford in your car, you'd completely miss it. Us cyclists get to see pretty things sometimes that car people miss.
Side note -- this mural was completed yesterday! Yes, the spray paint is still fresh. Raymer is a beast.
Side side note -- you can always use the Google and find a bunch of news stories giving the location. :)
2018-06-09 09:06:36
2018-06-09 15:36:26
2018-06-09 16:37:40
True to form for the cash strapped trib, whoever created the hyperlink for the Clemente story can't spell "exterior."
By the way, your picture>>>my picture.
2018-06-09 18:53:10

loc: 40°26'14.5"N 79°59'27.8"W
Pitt, Petersen "Event" Center.
Sorry, my hangups are small.
2018-06-10 13:16:57
Is that a hint of a shadow of a bicycle behind the base?
2018-06-10 13:26:59
You have good eyes! That indeed is my bike peeking out. Timidly to be sure.
But is not a U-lock, in the jaws of the panther, a standard part of a bike?
It certainly should be, as BikePgh keeps reminding us.
Luckily I was using a prototype version of Google's WapAwound camera (the one that automatically takes 360° pictures). As you can see, they haven't quite got the color uniformity thing right yet. But I'm told they'll have that fixed by the time the product comes out.
2018-06-10 16:15:20
I thought hard about it, but in the end decided I could not be party to the tagging, to extinction, of the Pittsburgh Panther [sculptures]. Mute witnesses to our daily struggles, and occasional triumphs. So instead here's a plant [sculpture]:

This tag does not require any climbing (well, maybe ~2°, for a block or two; it's Pittsburgh after all). You do end up crossing a river if you came from the previous tag (like I did). But I promise you, this should be a flat run. A modest bit of web search might even yield the location. Or maybe you know it already: it's right there in your neighborhood. Grab it before dinner.
[technical information: my bike is the one at the right.]
2018-06-10 17:26:19
I love passing these... So pretty. Especially during a dreary winter day.
2018-06-10 21:25:47
Dandelions at the Brew House, S. 21st and Mary.
2018-06-11 12:50:13

Once you've tried it I think you'll find it suits you like a Camel cigarette.
This is near the top of a pretty tall hill.
2018-06-12 08:01:57
2018-06-13 19:42:18
Note: we usually try to keep our tags within the box (see
map of past tags).
Also note:
So mild, Camels suit you to a T!
2018-06-13 21:45:12
new tag. hint: go southwest.
2018-06-13 22:19:42
hint: that's a freeway, on the left
2018-06-15 00:47:02
hint: I've never biked over that high bridge
2018-06-17 11:46:08
That seems wise. Google Earth shows a 4 engine train, heading SW...
2018-06-17 16:03:44
You've never biked, high, over that bridge?
2018-06-17 17:09:28
Like most, I want to live. Maybe a bit longer that I should reasonably expect to. But still.
Anyway, that bridge doesn't have those little step-aside thingies that RR bridges mostly seem to have that allow humans to avoid being smushed. Or maybe the GE resolution is not so good.
You tell us.
2018-06-17 21:28:06
Re bridge over the parkway. Near Bell road
2018-06-18 19:08:50
In that photo, the bicycle is closer to the deck of the railroad bridge than the base of the pier. I don't consider that a valid tag pickup.
2018-06-18 22:35:22
It's hot as balls out there.
2018-06-19 08:22:32
The location of my pickup was 40°24'43.7"N 80°04'27.8"W, in sight of the tag, and in fact as close as I could get from that approach. I wasn't going to scramble down the hill after biking an hour in the heat. And I seriously doubt anybody else is going to attempt another pickup. If no one else says they're going to pick up this tag, I'll be placing a new one later today.
2018-06-19 09:25:10
Whenever I mentioned that basically only 4 people have been picking up the vast majority of the tags this year, I was told "no whining." So I think the same goes for @paulheckbert's suggestion that this isn't a valid tag.
2018-06-19 20:35:07
+1 Eric and kudos to anyone able to figure out that *OBSCURE* tag and haul out to 40°24’43.7?N 80°04’27.8?W in this heat.
2018-06-19 21:04:35
In that case, let's take a break
With an easy tag, and a slice of cheesecake
2018-06-19 21:30:30
Fish mosaic by Stevo, in the pedestrian tunnel at 2730 Sidney St.

Some of the other parts of the mosaic:

2018-06-20 08:04:19
2018-06-20 08:06:41
Just to keep the game rolling, here's the NEW TAG:

As featured on a show hosted by a fellow with a certain Fieri disposition.
2018-06-20 08:07:04
2018-06-20 08:48:19

loc: 40.426425, -79.967363
Nadine's, on 27th South Side.
2018-06-20 11:52:02
It's a dark and stormy night...
The one thing I can be sure of is that my tomatoes will be happier tomorrow.
Anyway, here's a tag. You could go out and get it tonight; I'd wait until tomorrow.

I somehow feel that I don't need to clue this one (examine the pic). Though I normally feel obliged to make a point of doing so (with reasonable allowance).
2018-06-20 21:22:31
ooooh, oooh. I'm a big fan of the quick and dirty pickup. I pass by this every morning. I fully encourage a Bruce-ing though.
2018-06-20 21:52:17
[it's after dinner and I'm lounging in front of the screen; here's some filozofizing.]
The @ph/@jaw tag-fuffle a couple of episodes ago was a bit difficult to resolve in my mind. @jaw knew the spot (the hard part); to me that counts towards a legit pickup. But @ph had a reasonable objection: viewers needed to work a bit to note the correspondence. [My excuse: It was a bad air day so I passed. And not to make a big point of it, coming out Noblestown would have got you there easier.]
In the past, I've picked up what I think were a couple of @ph tags that I felt were shot, deliberately, from an awkward viewpoint. I posted alternate pickup views; people didn't object. The point is to know where the tag is located. (Then there was that tag by Yael-of-many-aliases that posed an actually interesting challenge in image-ground ambiguity; but that's in a different story.)
To repeat: Ultimately the game is about positively identifying the location tagged.
The rest is "artistic" license. And as Heraclitus observed, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” I would say that including the original vantage point in the pickup, from whichever perspective, best validates a pickup. That's what I try to do. But life is inherently complicated...
And since I (might) have, uh, the floor:
I've taken to heart the idea of making the game more open to more potential players. I want to think that it's sort of working: My recent tags have been within ~1 mi of the Point and have avoided climbs. Maybe it worked: People who hadn't been picking up lately have (re)appeared and picked up tags. Awesome. My only quibble is that those folks seem to feel compelled to then set difficult tags (needing climbs, heading out to the outskirts, etc.) Hey, you're just imitating the regulars: feh. Those of us in the "top" four (>100) have no problem identifying your tags locations. But so what? We're been at this a long time.
Your audience should really be regular cyclists who'd like to check the game out. The ones who actually look around when they bike and note all these cool things around them. Literally on every block of the city. It's so cool: I love riding around this town.
And this tagger thing is not some closed fraternity: Anyone can do a pickup. And then get to post their own unique Pittsburgh thingie: It's your chance to let everyone else know what you think is cool. And how cool is that?
On several occasions I've had to quit the game for some extended period. Coming back was anxiety-provoking ("OMG this is so obvious! Can I possibly get this before anyone else?!? Argh.") But it passed, and I got back into it. My only advice would be: If you know it, get it. Right away. If you don't know it, don't sweat it; wait for the next one. And you don't have to get all obsessive about it. Do it for the fun, and the opportunity to show us what you find interesting.
2018-06-20 23:20:19
As someone who hadn't picked up tags for several years the things keeping me from participating were largely:
- Not knowing where the tag was.
- Not being able to figure out where the tag was due to missing or unhelpful clues.
- Not being able to get to where the tag is because strangely enough I have to be at work 9-5.
- Not being able to get to the tag ahead of anyone else because I live to the south. Which is all "difficult climbs" and "heading to the outskirts" to most of you but "every morning" to me, while getting to Squirrel Hill is just the opposite.
2018-06-21 07:59:46

Liberty, between Commonwealth and Stanwix... across from the Wyndham.
Purdy flars too.
2018-06-21 09:09:22

Gloomy morning, I didn't encounter many sun
RAYs when placing this tag. A fair number of
MERchants along here.
2018-06-21 09:17:56
Raymer popping up all over the tag o rama
2018-06-21 15:31:39
Raymer graffiti behind cupkas II 2300 block of carson st
2018-06-21 17:54:16
Not being able to get to the tag ahead of anyone else because I live to the south. Which is all “difficult climbs” and “heading to the outskirts” to most of you but “every morning” to me, while getting to Squirrel Hill is just the opposite.
Well, ok.
Would you agree that places along the rivers (minus any climbs) are a reasonable compromise that we can live with? I mean there will always be exceptions, but it's not like those areas lack interesting tag opportunities.

This is not a forever thing, just for a while. With maybe the occasional tricky tag, just because. How hard can this be?
lowest point in Pittsburgh (Strip): 737ft
highest point (Carrick): 1204ft
Squirrel Hill: 1073ft
Without getting into stuff like grades, I would say that climbing to SqHill (after a day of work) is maybe not that much worse than for most other neighborhoods. My Strava-certified(!) climb home today, just from Oakland, was 476ft. Yes, all rides have their ups and downs. But most of us just deal.
2018-06-21 22:55:11
Do you like pie?
2018-06-22 09:34:11
OMG I so want to pick up this tag tomorrow morning for breakfast. But somebody may beat me to it... and I'm still following the "be nice to the newbies, give easy tags a day or two" idea.
2018-06-22 09:38:34
I so wanted to go there to try out their food. Then I read the crusts are made with lard. Which is a no go with me on 2 accounts.
2018-06-22 13:15:45
2018-06-22 23:05:34
Pie for Breakfast, 216 N Craig St
2018-06-23 13:24:25
new tag. Extra credit if you explain what made this guy special.
2018-06-23 14:04:08
Homewood Cemetery, section 2, plot 3
2018-06-23 16:11:35
Charles Beltz is at latitude, longitude: 40.439792, -79.911466 .
Charles Beltz was Pittsburgh's first cyclist:
2018-06-23 18:10:05
2018-06-23 19:10:35
Dang, I've way behind the curve on this one... Having gone by that pie place (former home of my dentist) a couple of times since the posting. I guess I should have stopped to get a a snap. And not waited another day or so...
Such is the life of the lonely tagger. (No not a whine; merely a vaguely philosophical refection on the tagging life.)
2018-06-23 20:48:04

Following PH's theme
2018-06-24 17:23:41
Nice bilateral symmetry. Wes Anderson would approve. (see "Fantastic Mr. Fox").
2018-06-24 18:56:39
On a hill, near Jerusalem.
2018-06-26 19:50:11
I asked my wife if she knew where this was and she looked at me confused because it is where she works. Might try and make a ride up Saturday depending on how long the kid wants to sit in the bike seat.
2018-06-29 12:12:00
2018-06-30 11:51:50

Trying to keep it moving for the weekend.
This is up a "big" hill and definately no "low" spots here is a link to one of the greatest songs for a additional
2018-06-30 15:40:50
Bud Hammer playground, Greenfield
Barack, too, says
U Can’t Touch This:
2018-07-01 22:08:55
new tag. hint: what is that down in the flats?
2018-07-02 01:00:43
hint: could it be the skeleton of a mill building?
2018-07-02 08:24:54

Gladstone st
40.415911, -79.942507
2018-07-03 20:30:58

New Tag!
I do believe that is a church on the hill.
2018-07-04 08:58:24

Third Ave parking lot, overlooking 579 & BotA
GPS: forthcoming
2018-07-05 11:06:17
GPS coords for the previous tag were: 40.436867, -79.996309
And now, this:

Ol' Longshanks would tell you not to give yourself another nervous breakdown while finding this tag.
2018-07-05 12:57:15

Green Canoe Building, 168 S. 19th Street.
2018-07-05 13:41:43

All Things Considered this should be an easy pick-up. (And not too far from the previous tag either.)
2018-07-05 21:59:12
Is this in a "historic" neighborhood?
2018-07-06 06:10:11
WYEP / WESA Community Broadcast Center, S. 12th St and Bedford Sq, with
The Iguana
2018-07-06 11:18:41
new tag. Look what I saws
2018-07-06 13:09:06
2018-07-07 21:42:32
Whenever I see that sign I start getting super hungry.
2018-07-08 07:32:07
This was a clue in a previous tag, though was itself not the tag.
I gotta go check this out. It got kinda wet there one day last week.
2018-07-08 16:52:15
Dickey st and Lincoln ave in millvale, behind millvale diner
2018-07-11 21:25:21

You may need to be a Veteran of the oldest course in Pittsburgh
2018-07-12 07:39:00
I got dis... Schenley Park disc golf @ Vietnam Vets pavilion

Location: 40.433330, -79.943998
2018-07-12 08:16:38
Dang this town's got murals!

Mid-July? It's blackberry season!
2018-07-12 09:43:46
Always appreciate tags along my commute:

Blackberry Way and 48th in Lawrenceville
2018-07-13 10:24:30
New Tag:

Hint: The apartments here seem nice enough, but I bet the smell like Ketchup.
2018-07-14 10:22:58
Just rode past that yesterday. And,bonus, much less traffic than normal for at least 6 more weeks.
2018-07-14 12:13:44
2018-07-14 15:04:59
BTW, @dberlin , is that a hitch mount for one of those third wheel kid things on your seatpost?
2018-07-14 15:36:20
Yeah, it's for a tagalong for my kids. It's great... my 7 year old can do 25 or 30 miles as long as we take enough breaks, and it's way easier than toting a trailer.
2018-07-15 22:30:11
As for the tag, this is neither the Field, nor the Lofts, but if you keep going up the river from those 2 landmarks you'll find this one.
2018-07-15 22:32:16

It's ole Fred Heinz house, Sharpsburg
Location: 40.494502, -79.924337
Nearest intersection: Main St & 16th St
2018-07-16 10:47:47
Here's one just off the beaten path. Is this that 412 Flock I keep hearing about?

Sorry... This requires a bit of a climb at the end. But what neighborhood is itin?
As always, click for teh bigness.
2018-07-16 12:41:11
Itin St. at Goehring St.
2018-07-17 12:02:14
2018-07-17 12:38:14
everything you need is in the picture
2018-07-19 09:23:47
2018-07-21 09:54:48
They don't tickle
So eat a pickle
2018-07-21 10:02:39
Oh, if I wasn’t sidelined with a medical issue right now, I’d be down there in an hour. I even picked out my next tag. I really still am in this game but have had precious few chances to chase after them.
2018-07-21 17:55:59
Darn it. Got the tag pic up facing the wrong direction this morning. Will try again tomorrow. Hope it's still valid without pickles.
2018-07-24 09:47:33
As far as I can tell, the Ralph Kiner tag set by @paulheckbert hasn't been picked up - I don't see an image with a bike. Or am I missing something?
2018-07-24 10:21:05
If you click on the date in jonawebb's pickup post, you get a picture.
2018-07-24 10:43:02
Sorry no pickle.6th st bridge several days after picklesburgh.
2018-07-24 11:15:52
New tag
The real meaning of #MAGA
Hint: If you go to the 311 thread on this message board you'll see that I've complained about bollards down on this trail at least
30 times in the past year.
those bollards
Still get be so
2018-07-24 12:24:04
ooof. Sorry for the close up of butt sweat on the seat in the pic above. Even I don't want to see that.
2018-07-24 12:29:48
This spot is also known as Mount Yinzmore. Look for the two rope swings.
2018-07-24 18:04:07
Rope swing to the left of the pillar in the foreground. I've never seen anyone use it and I've passed by there 1000s of times. It does look fun, being a back channel of said river.
2018-07-24 18:24:07
My my first tag pickup in 2018?
under 30th Street Bridge on river trail
2018-07-26 09:17:14
2018-07-26 09:37:26
Posso levá-la amanha?
2018-07-26 10:02:14
Sorry, Stu... Can't see your bike in the photo of the young Latino woman. Maybe it's obscured by the palm fronds?
2018-07-26 10:05:38
To be fair, I think he intended to post the most recent photo in his Twitter feed. If you go there, you might be able to claim his tag before he posts it, creating an existential time loop crisis.
Between this and Jon's claim-without-a-photo, things are getting kinda sloppy in here.
2018-07-26 10:17:54
Right... just teasing.. :D
I think THIS is what Stu had intended to link to:
2018-07-26 10:23:40
This all made me laugh.
Off topic but remember Open streets this Saturday!
2018-07-26 12:47:04
Twelve and a half hours later, I finally get around to this. Serves me right for not checking my work in a hurry. I got to my staff meeting exactly nine minutes late, and it took just about nine minutes to make those two posts. No idea how I grabbed the wrong tweet. Here’s the sequence: I had to first take the picture, then tweet the picture, then open the tweet, open a sub-menu, then choose Copy Link To Tweet. Then hop over to Safari and paste the link in the thread. At that point, if it said something other than, I thought I would have noticed.
Thank you, Colleen, for figuring out and fixing my error.
2018-07-26 22:15:10
Alcoa Bldg at 9th St (Rachel Carson) Bridge
2018-07-27 17:07:02
new tag (let’s hope it doesn’t get driven elsewhere)
2018-07-27 17:10:36
Is the 9th street metal plates part of the pre-construction for when they close down the bridge? I heard they were doing the 9th street bridge next, and I thought that bids were going out this summer for work to begin in the fall (and, thus, close the bridge for a year), but I haven't seen anything in the news about it anytime recently.
2018-07-27 20:27:12
I don't know the construction plan, but the downstream sidewalk of the 9th St Bridge is closed currently. They seem to have a lot of pipes or cables on the sidewalk. Perhaps those pipes and cables will be hung on the underside of the bridge?
2018-07-27 20:45:37
Paul -- I think you're 100% right. I just googled it and only references to the 9th street bridge being next are from 2016 right before they closed the Warhol bridge. But I'm 100% sure 9th street bridge will be closed very soon. I guess it isn't "big news" anymore given we spent over a year with one of the bridges closed and the world didn't end. :)
Ok, back to tag o rama
2018-07-28 06:47:15
I wasn't gonna jump on this one, but after Performance Bike cancelled their group ride without telling anyone, I figured I might as well get a ride in...
P.s. Note the keg...

Location: 40.468672, -79.938970
Nearest intersection: Gretna Way & N Pacific Ave, Garfield
2018-07-28 09:11:07
Port Authority has some info about the 9th Street Bridge closures:
City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, in advance of an eventual August 19, 2018 full closure of the Ninth Street Bridge between Downtown and the North Side of Pittsburgh, have provided permits to Duquesne Light Company to perform similar evening and overnight closures of the Ninth Street Bridge for cross-bridge underground electrical cable installations on both ends of the bridge effective Monday night, July 23, 2018. Work will continue each weeknight, weather permitting, for approximately three (3) weeks, or finishing Saturday morning, August 18, 2018. On non-event nights, evening work and the bridge closure will be effective at approximately 7:00 PM, continuing until around 5:00 AM each following morning. On sports event nights at PNC Park or Heinz Field, the bridge closure and work will occur roughly one (1) hour after each game break. Weekend work is not planned.
2018-07-28 10:14:51
More Taco-Drama!

A stream keeps this Ravine clean
So it's not one of the thirteen
I might be a freak
But I think this Creek is unique
2018-07-28 11:35:11
911 Creek St, Munhall, near Ravine St
2018-07-30 19:07:08
2018-07-30 21:25:04
What's significant about the Creek address? Ie am I missing something? Or is it just that in the fox chapel are where I live there are many examples of creeks and bridges for driveways, especially on Saxonburg and guys run so it doesn't seem unique to me?
2018-07-30 21:35:30
There's nothing especially significant about the Creek Street tag. It's just a footbridge over a dry creek bed on a dead end street that no one has ever visited. "Unique" was only used to complete the "creek" rhyme.
The rules suggest using "interesting" locations, but that definition gets watered down somewhat after 1,427 tag placements which cannot be recycled. And I only moved here recently, so my knowledge of local historical landmarks is very limited.
2018-07-31 08:06:12
Got it. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
2018-07-31 11:19:28
Is a hint needed? I expected this one to be easy.
2018-08-01 13:18:43
I was going to do the brute force method and google map streetview all the bridges I can think of in the box that cross the rivers and match the railings with the one in the picture and then bike to it, but I'm not able to get on the bike for a bit due to life so I didn't want to do the legwork involved.
2018-08-01 13:48:56
Easy to locate, and easy to get to... But you prolly shouldn't be encouraging me to Hoover up more tags. I'm trying to exhibit some self-restraint!
2018-08-01 13:53:08
@ornoth, you might as well get it. it has been 3+ days since the tag went up. Keep the game moving.
2018-08-02 16:06:07

Okay... Vincent Lapko, Homestead Grays Bridge
Location: 40.411902, -79.920242
Nearest intersection: Homestead Brg & Browns Hill Rd
2018-08-02 16:53:56
Tag Nouveau
Does this fence make my bus look big?
And would you please explain about the fifty ways?
2018-08-02 18:39:29
Get it today or @dberlin will pick it up on the way to work!
2018-08-05 08:34:20
2018-08-05 12:35:59
Damnit. Definitely would have snagged this one... asleep at the handlebars I guess.
2018-08-06 15:50:54
Mary wearing beads
Might satisfy your needs
Look to twenty-eight
It will be worth the wait
2018-08-06 21:55:38
St Peter Church, 28th & Sarah, Southside
2018-08-10 12:07:55
Aww pooey, I was just heading out... At least I wasn't en route.
2018-08-10 12:14:12
new tag. hint: you may find yourself in seventh heaven
2018-08-10 17:55:57
Okay, I'll get this one ,since I have a couple tags I'd like to drop in this part of town... New Guild Studio, Braddock

Location: 40.402313, -79.867417
Nearest intersection: Woodlawn Ave & Braddock Ave
2018-08-13 10:33:44
Yes. Actually, 7th St & Braddock Ave
2018-08-13 11:32:26
Truth! In the interest of making tag pickups easy, I programmatically generate the whole image-and-link, GPS coordinates, and nearest intersection from the image file, which saves a ton of time and cell phone typing.
But the nearest intersection is only as good as my reverse geocode provider's data (, and sometimes it's just wrong. This one's especially good, since Woodlawn & Braddock are parallel streets that
never intersect!
Now about this new tag... I took the liberty of straying just a wee bit outside the box. But I think it's worth it, because this could be the holy grail of car garages!
2018-08-13 12:19:56
Holy Grail Garage, Main St at Ridge Ave, East Pittsburgh (former Saint Helen Church)
I saw some E.P. Police on my way over here. I was grateful they didn’t shoot me in the back.
2018-08-13 18:23:40
You're white so you're safe.
2018-08-13 18:37:27
Google the inside pics of that place. Super cool.
2018-08-13 18:37:48
new tag (is this excessive resolution?)
2018-08-13 21:00:32
I can't tell what I'm looking at or what's in the background.
2018-08-14 18:48:11
ok, here are a few more bits
2018-08-14 19:11:26

Carrie Furnace, 40.411, -79.883
TBH got it from the first image, but I'm allergic to rain... Now let's see what else is down here...
2018-08-15 10:46:14

Still got a couple tags I could set down thisaway, unless people want something more central. Here's my nomination for the shortest street in Pittsburgh. Mmmm... Good thing I've got some leftover rogan josh in the fridge! I know what I'm having for supper!
2018-08-15 12:22:42
Nice pickup picture! Looks like Snoopy technology.
2018-08-15 17:22:19
Dunno about Snoopy...? But def reminiscent of the good old days printing 8-foot square posters from EBCDIC "images" on mainframe chain printers using the back-sides of greenbar.
My pic was "rasterized" by the Android app
AsciiCam. It's okay, but I wish it used more than just 6 ASCII characters [.:oO8@]. But that's all I had on my fone without downloading more apps, and it was close enuf.
I did my best to replicate the angle you used, so it'd come out similarly. Good challenge! And I find it strange (but true) that Carrie hadn't been tagged before.
2018-08-15 20:45:27
Snoopy calendars. Here's a FORTRAN deck for your card reader:
Carrie Furnace was done in the first two months of the game in 2010, from the northwest:
2018-08-15 21:36:53
You don't need any more hints, except maybe one. Google Maps: close but no cigar!
2018-08-18 15:53:24
I think that the reason it isn't being picked up is that it's not as central as some of the other tags. It may take some time before someone else goes out there. @paulheckbert seems to ride in the area based on his other tags.
2018-08-18 16:47:17
Yup. Not surprising. Just putting a reminder in, since most people can swing a longer expedition over the weekend. Tho I suppose there might be more attractive destinations...
2018-08-18 18:48:53
@paulheckbert might be busy researching future tags in McKees Rocks.
2018-08-18 20:52:54
Found it in 30 sec. with Google Maps. Curry St & Bell Ave, North Braddock
2018-08-21 14:14:21
new tag. hint: not far out
2018-08-21 15:34:20
2018-08-23 17:12:23

Location: 40.459388, -79.922289
Busway footbridge @ E & S
Nearest intersection: Ellsworth Ave & Shady Ave
2018-08-25 08:40:20
So fresh!

If you've been paying attention lately, it's halfway to St. Peter, and in pretty perfect proximity for Pedal PGH participants.
2018-08-25 12:19:44

St. Adalbert's hall, Price of Peace Parish, South Side Flats
Rear entrance on South 14th St
2018-08-28 08:36:20
36 hr timeout
Prince of Peace Bingo, 108 S 14th St, St Adalbert Catholic Church, Southside. With Charlie King and Elvita Kondili, visiting from out of town.
2018-09-01 10:08:31
uh, Mr. Destrucity picked it up 08/28/2018 at 8:36am.
Am I missing something?
2018-09-01 10:24:07
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag.
2018-09-01 11:36:03
2018-09-01 12:56:11
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag.
Ah, but of course. I forgot.
It's brutal out there,
on the street...
2018-09-01 15:18:58
The artist is a genius. I wish he would catalog everything he's done and make it available on a website/google map. Actually, he may be doing something like that...
2018-09-01 16:04:29

loc: 40.461859, -79.968424
Magneto Mural at AAA Scrap Iron & Metal on Penn Ave in the (upper?) Strip. The artist is
Jeremy Reymer. He actually lives not too far from there.
2018-09-01 18:03:03
2018-09-01 18:21:48
Actually, Raymer lives over by the Samalot statue in Uptown. Or maybe that's his artist space? Or maybe he moved? I thought it was one in the same. I was out taking pictures of his place and the Samalot statue about a year ago when he pulled up in his car, got out, and we started chatting. He's a super nice guy.
And his website now has a mural map!
He was actually an engineer in a past life and gave it up to do art full time.
(Just like Gregg Gillis / Girl Talk, another Pittsburgh native, gave up engineering for music)
2018-09-02 10:41:40
@Eric, You're right. He lives on Tustin. Samalot and the side of the house have been featured as tags in the past. I somehow had in mind this
house on 35th that he's been working on.
2018-09-02 12:27:11

It's a very recent one.
2018-09-03 09:21:01
That's raymer plus another guy collaboration. Just from the style difference you can tell raymer is on the left. Well, and his signature.
2018-09-03 09:51:53
It is indeed a collaboration, with Matt Gondek.
2018-09-03 13:59:14
Make sure the fine folks at @pghmurals know about them, too. Last I knew, some of the people who maintain that site have accounts on this message board, but hit them up at Twitter/pghmurals, too.
2018-09-03 15:36:03
If you commute into town...
You should be able to get this one tomorrow morning. Look to your right.
(Well, depending on where you're coming from.)
2018-09-03 20:30:37
Penn Ave before 31st st.
2018-09-05 10:29:26
Oh MAN I was going to enjoy this pittsburgh native garden on a terribly hot day but the city is doing work on it...
2018-09-05 10:58:10
Back in the day (high school, college) I loved bands with that ____ sound. Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Charlatans UK...
2018-09-06 10:16:10
Any more hints needed? My guess is that there are so few people left playing that when it's in an area of town people don't regularly go to it takes a long time for a pickup.
2018-09-08 06:23:06
I think the hints were good, and it's a real easy pickup; players just need to man up.
I was giving it time, so that others could have a chance, and now it looks like a week of rain. Altho I'm really focused on a goal of claiming two more tags...
2018-09-08 07:16:07
There may not be any players to man up.
2018-09-08 08:38:48
Manchester Native Plant Garden

loc: 40.4585763,-80.0280511
2018-09-12 17:24:49
I had actually hoped for clues referencing The Man in the [High] Castle. Ah well.
Though note that Manchester is, I believe, the only district in Pittsburgh that's essentially flat and also has brick sidewalks. (Feel free to correct me.)
So, really, the tag could have worked even without a clue. But the rules require a hint (though without much guidance on how clear it needs to be).
2018-09-12 17:30:11
This Phillip K Dick book (now a Amazon TV show) gives you a hint as to what pgh neighborhood it is in.
2018-09-12 17:38:11

Power House
2018-09-12 18:10:21
Ok. Let's try some hints.
This tag is on a side street, off a street that I think of as popular with riders eagerly heading out of town to have some road-ish fun.
It's a short street.
If you go down a bit (to the left) you'll reach the end. You'll find a lane that drops down to where you can get to below an overpass. Once I found a music case, maybe for a brass instrument, that had been tossed over the side. I wondered about that moment of cruelty and someone's anguish that preceded that toss over the fence... The spot had since grown over with weeds. I didn't care to go check if the case was still there. Maybe it's my imagination that's the problem.
Anyway, I'm getting off-topic.
When you do wander down that street you should be able to catch sight of the House of Metals. This pic is from that overpass, so adjust for angle.

All things considered, there's a lot of metal thereabouts.
2018-09-14 20:22:26
Carry Furnace:
Am I the only 1990s baby who knows about FORTRAN and punched cards?
2018-09-14 21:00:19
Second time Performance Bike has cancelled their group ride without telling anyone. Second time I've made up for it by going to find a tag.
Duquesne Light substation? Off Brighton.

Location: 40.455266, -80.016014
Nearest intersection: Riversea Rd & Brighton Rd
2018-09-15 09:44:09
Not much to go on here. I was just surfing the Google Maps (as you do), and thought this was one of the prettiest streets I've seen since moving to the Burgh.
One hint I can give you is that just behind me is a institution, which to me (being from Boston, and knowing the news from there) seems a lot more Ayanna than Elvis.
2018-09-15 12:43:24
1324 Ingram St
40.466154, -80.030415
grabbed on my way to work this morning. I am about 2 houses up from original and it is a little before the sun comes up.
We looked at 2 houses on this street a few years back when we were considering buying.
2018-09-18 08:59:03
Weldun! Nice grab. Ayanna Pressley would be proud! One technicality: it's "Ingham".
2018-09-18 09:11:28
let me know if the click on link is ok or if I should go back to imgur and insert them.
Just a little climb up this bay.
2018-09-18 19:59:36
@ornoth thanks for the street correction.
2018-09-18 20:10:50
I can see the picture but also the location of the picture on a map... It pulls it straight into my Google photos on my Android and if I tap once on the picture it shows me all the exif data.... Date/time taken, Samsung phone, Camera settings, location (both coordinates and on map)
In the future strip out the exif data if you're not using imgur. Imgur autostrips the data.
This is a decent exif stripper
2018-09-18 20:34:07
@eric thanks for the info. I didn't even think about the data file on the picture. Might go back to imgur if I can find why it is taking 2 days to upload a file.
2018-09-19 12:06:23
I don't use it, but people seem to have good luck with Flickr. It autostrips the exif data. I use my own website to host the photos I post on tag o Rama. Not ideal. And when I don't renew my website in the future the photos go bye bye.
2018-09-19 15:06:08
I use Flickr and like it. You do need to do some extra steps but once you've figured it out it's pretty smooth. And it lets you pick a resolution and stuff.

2018-09-19 17:23:23
Sorry, I was trying different photo upload methods and thought I could delete a post afterwards. Now I can't find a spot to delete the post
2018-09-20 08:40:05
you can't delete posts. It's one of the fine features of this message board.
And even with the location in the exif data, I ain't climbing all the way up there to snag the tag. Maybe @stu can grab it on his way into town one day on a bike. he comes in that way.
2018-09-20 08:54:35
I’ll pick this one up over the weekend if someone doesn’t ride up there and get it first. Hint: East St is a pretty easy climb, easier than for me to bike down Perry/Perrysville six miles.
2018-09-21 06:30:28
Pittsburgh Barber Lounge, Baytree St at Capus Way

loc: 40.489487, -80.016979
2018-09-23 16:05:20

No [...] Dogs or Other Pets
2018-09-23 20:28:16
On picking up the Barber Lounge tag...
I went up Baytree instead of East. It's a pleasant climb up a residential street. There's traffic, but much less than on East. Check it out if you haven't up to now.
Any idea what the Daughters were thinking when they proscribed "other pets"?
2018-09-23 20:40:46
2018-09-23 21:31:53
The weather hasn't been so good. But not to worry. This area hasn't seen a flood for a good long time.
2018-09-26 18:30:07
2018-09-26 21:09:07
I wasn't gonna jump on this, but it's been a week...
Fort Pitt block house @ the point

Location: 40.441216, -80.009637
Nearest intersection: I- 279 & I- 376
It took some effort, but with this tag I’ve achieved the goal of breaking into Tag-o-Rama’s top ten participants by count of tags claimed. Ta-dah!
2018-09-29 10:56:09
Here’s a new tag, placed in honor of my taking over
tenth position amongst T-o-R players.
2018-09-29 12:22:24
10th St. & E. Carson St., Southside, World War 1 memorial:
”In grateful recognition of patriotic service given to their country by men and women of the seventeenth ward in the World War 1917-18”
2018-09-29 17:05:08
Whoa! Tell me about your fenders! I've never seen those before. Do they work well?
2018-09-29 17:19:56
2018-09-29 18:08:53
The fender is DeFender XC1. I’ve had it for 3 yrs, moderate use (I’m not a hardcore mtn biker). They were slipping down the fork shafts over time until we put zip tie below them. I’m happy with it.
2018-09-29 18:12:35
I know this would show up in a tag!
2018-09-29 20:40:41
Solar Ev charging station at second avenue parking lot.
2018-09-30 12:54:02
From the park you hear the happy sound of the carousel
You can almost taste the hot dogs and french fries they sell, yes you can
Under the Boulevard, down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby is where I'll be
2018-09-30 20:32:52

fyi, you need to click the 'share' icon then cut'n'paste the BBCode version of the url (which you then need to edit to get rid of the Flickr branding crap). It's a pain but I (as we all) are hoping Flickr will stay in business under their new owner SmugMug (a paid photog storage service). Whatever. We should accept that we are but ants living in this age of collosi striding across the increasingly arid plain of the interwebs...
2018-09-30 21:08:08
Thanks ahlir. I was sort of annoyed, because it works better from the phone than the laptop, right now.
FYI, ahlir is just reposting the photo. He didn't pick it up.
2018-09-30 22:13:29
If this is where I think it is, StreetView shows a blank wall. I drove past the spot on Saturday and it isn’t blank.
2018-10-01 07:49:15
Two other options for Flickr users:
From the photo page, click Download and
View All Sizes. From there you can select an image size and Right-Click to Copy Image Url, which can be pasted into an IMG tag or in the Url prompt on the editor's IMG button. The Medium 500 size is best for this page; then I always make that image a link to the Url of the Original image size.
Or you can use
my tool, located
here. You have to enter your username from your Flickr Url (for jona, that'd be 11288822@N00, since he hasn't set a custom username). With that, it'll give you text code that you can just copy and paste into this editor for a thumbnail and link to your most recently-uploaded Flickr image. If the image has GPS data, the text will also include lat/long coordinates and the nearest street intersection. I find it really helpful when claiming tags in the field.
I should probably update it to use cookies to remember your username between sessions. Will look into that shortly.
2018-10-01 08:23:49

loc: 40.4365738,-79.997173
Ross, at 2nd, at under the Blvd of the Allies.
It's printed on fabric and attached to the wall (as opposed to being a mural).
2018-10-01 12:31:06

Bike Rack
2018-10-01 14:01:05

bike racks
2018-10-03 18:15:23
I didn’t find it, but I did ride all the way into town and rode around a good bit, looking for it, on my way in to work this morning. And that’s the whole point of the game, right?
2018-10-04 20:39:25
I have a good sense where it is but not the exact locale. I'm guessing the cultural district by the bricks and the fact that there are funky bike racks installed by the Pgh Cultural Trust throughout the cultural district. And it looks like there's a bike lane on one side of the street, so it isn't Penn Ave. I also won't have a chance to look for it until probably Saturday, if then, so maybe someone else can pick it up.
2018-10-04 21:07:15

Apologies that this seems obscure. But the pics should have all the information a habitual biker would need. There's really only one (well traveled) street downtown that could fit. @Eric mostly has it right.
Consider the street markings; all the lines are white. They're spaced oddly. And for some reason the bus is in the middle lane (where it belongs). No climbing required.
2018-10-05 07:24:20

Bike Rack by Paul Rosenblat. Penn and Ninth. Outside Nicky's Thai Kitchen.
2018-10-05 10:35:17
New tag. Wonder Bread is damn near Heaven.
2018-10-05 10:37:56
2018-10-06 11:39:52
Any idea when this was used last as a Wonder/Hostess outlet? I'm fascinating by this place. It's so derelict but the sign still has non faded colors.
2018-10-06 11:57:05
the sign still has non faded colors
Just like the bread, really. I bet if you went inside you'd find a loaf or two that's just as fresh as the day it was baked.
2018-10-06 13:30:13
Darn. I checked the entire length of Penn one morning, even getting off at corners to walk around the parked cars, looking for this specific rack. All the way from Stanwix to the Convention Center. And somehow missed this. Oh well, I'm breaking the whining rule.
As to the Wonder location, I'm thinking it was still operating as of 2005, maybe even 2008. My biking adventures through the city commenced around 2007, and my weekly food rescue runs had me traveling near this part of town often. Port Authority's Manchester facility is across the street from here, so I'd go past here as often as I could to see what interesting thing might be parked there (a wrecked bus under repair, experimental equipment here for evaluation, etc.).
Anyway, I'm still in this game. Two for two on identifying a location.
2018-10-07 18:52:36
New tag tomorrow morning I promise.
2018-10-07 20:22:22
The Wonder Bread's company went bankrupt in 2008. It might have been a consequence of being bought earlier by a private equity concern. Or maybe the product simply lost favor in the market.
Local stories were somewhat predictable: Post-Gazette had a human-interest story on people buying and hoarding their favorite items. The Tribune had a story on how it was all the fault of the unions.
A decade later we might expect the P-G to carry the anti-union story, with maybe a sidebar on the consequent human suffering experienced by hoarders.
2018-10-07 21:02:51
Cementing my leadership position in this thread
I post this way
Many of you pass by this every day
2018-10-08 09:55:05
The Wonder Bread outlet was tag 146, back in March 2011, seven years ago. If the store lasted until 2008, it had been closed for just three years then.
That old tag featured a marker showing the height of the water during the 1936 flood. The building's been there a long time.
2018-10-11 03:04:46
This tag's not that hard
From the Trail it beckons
Take a ride through the yard
It will take just a Second
2018-10-11 17:51:14

Location: 40.434911, -79.966803
Second Ave, across from parking garage, near Thermo Fisher ,under the EFT
2018-10-12 11:10:14
Continuing the graf theme. This tag's not so conveniently placed, tho. To pick up this one, you'll need to TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY to remember the main flavoring ingredient in gin.
2018-10-12 12:54:15
So, are you thinking of jenever or genièvre?
Yes, I know: Not strictly the ingredient thing you have in mind.
Where I come from we had Geneva gin. Work with me here...
2018-10-12 19:40:19
near Marino’s Auto Repair, Juniper St, Bloomfield
2018-10-13 17:52:11
What was the TRY TRY TRY thing about? I found the tag by the gin clue and google maps street view. But couldn't figure out the Try.
Also, Paul, did you show it your titties?
2018-10-13 19:04:08
TRY this: just down the street are tags
#982 and
2018-10-13 19:16:13
new tag
hint: the racist sign here was probably taken down decades ago
2018-10-13 20:58:40
The sign said "No dogs or niggers allowed". They should have saved it to put in a Museum of Pittsburgh Racism.
2018-10-15 10:41:33
as far as I remember from reading elsewhere (I wasn't alive yet) the sign was posted AFTER the pool was desegregated, at least on paper.
here's a times article about racism at swimming pools in the U.S.
there's also a nice story on the Backstory history podcast about swimming pools and racism. Something about black people being in the same water as whites drove whites crazy. As if the water was contaminated and that swimming in the same water would contaminate you too. Also the sexual connotations -- black men being in the pool with scantily clad white women, etc. etc.
As big orange would say, "SAD!"
History lesson is over.
2018-10-15 18:58:49
The link that Eric gave,
didn't work for me, with Chrome, so there it is above. That's a good link because it gives some history on the issue but it doesn't give away the tag!
2018-10-15 22:29:58
Exactly. I made sure not to give away the tag. Highland Park pool is infamous, nationally, for racial incidents around desegregation of pools. Thanks for fixing the tag.
2018-10-16 07:13:45
the earlier hints should be plenty, but here's a view from the street
2018-10-19 12:29:17
Not sure exactly when the Hostess Outlet closed but I know it was still open between 2005-2007. I believe it closed shortly after SCI-Pittsburgh re-opened in March 2007. Now, they're both closed.
2018-10-20 07:39:30

West Penn Community Rec Center 30th St and Paulowna St
here is the other shot that has a bit more light. Wish I had time to grab a tag after the sun was up
2018-10-23 08:19:48
go west young man, but not all the way.
2018-10-24 22:23:46

Under the West End Bridge. I love it when tags pop up a few yards from work.
2018-10-25 09:07:11
New Tag!
This terrifying thing seems appropriate for Halloween. It looks like he's been Butchered and set out as a bike rack.
2018-10-25 09:09:36
Skeleton bike rack near Täkō, 214 Sixth St
2018-10-25 16:47:14
new tag. He’s mesmerized by my handlebar bag.
2018-10-25 16:56:06
hint: look at the time of the two previous posts
2018-10-26 13:21:57
Gaaah, I biked right past that, an hour after it was posted. Easy pickings, folks. This tag won’t last long!
2018-10-26 20:38:54
Dollar bank 4th and Smithfield
2018-10-30 13:31:36

Newly painted with fresh fruit
2018-10-30 13:47:39
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!

Location: 40.442122, -79.996681
Nearest intersection: Montour Way & Strawberry Way
2018-10-30 15:04:58
2018-10-30 16:28:49
2018-10-30 17:41:05
2018-11-02 18:05:19
new tag with a nice view
2018-11-02 19:15:33
2018-11-05 10:24:07
Aw poo. There goes my excuse for riding today! ;^P
Edit: OTOH, at least I don't have to ride up those setts! ;^)
2018-11-05 10:26:33
Mr Snickett says this is the shortest street in the Golden Triangle. (If the photo doesn't appear, give me an hour to get home & use an actual computer to upload it. Tried two different ways to post it but I'm not sure either one worked.)
2018-11-05 18:12:34
2018-11-05 19:49:11
Lemon Way... Decidedly NOT lemon fresh!

Location: 40.438483, -79.998467
Nearest intersection: Cherry Way & 4th Ave
2018-11-06 13:49:54
Good day for a ride, if you don't mind some headwinds. My last tag was a Big 48; this time it's a Big 32. Should be familiar enough that I'll skip the hintage... for now.
2018-11-06 15:48:02
Bruced, but at least I got to enjoy Lemon Way.
2018-11-06 17:24:12
Our first bruce in a while!
Nice shot of the Christmas tree - which went up only a few hours before I took this shot Monday morning.
2018-11-07 09:38:57
I learn something new every day. I've only biked past it a zillion times but I didn't know that Lemon way was an actual street.
Liked the Lemony Snicket reference. BTW, the Netflix series of "Series of Unfortunate Events" with Neil Patrick Harris is muy bien. Much better than whatever movie they made years ago with Jim Carrey as count olaf.
2018-11-07 18:50:33
I guess I don't have any good clues for this one. If you get caught trespassing here, you could get sent up the river. Or down the river. Or stay right there. I was glad I was just a visitor.
2018-11-11 09:04:55
need more hint
2018-11-12 13:17:02
Mmmm. I guess I should have made it easier. How about this: I dropped this tag just off a common bike route, about halfway between Ohio and California.
2018-11-12 13:47:53
If I'm thinking of the right place it's at the end of the line .
2018-11-12 14:53:29
Still _32_, even if you ride a
tall bike.
2018-11-13 21:00:30

Western Penitentiary, small building in a parking lot at the corner of Westhall and Preble. Somebody likes to do donuts in that parking lot.
2018-11-14 12:51:47
Card in spokes . Is that Frigid Bitch related?
2018-11-14 14:15:50
The spoke cards are: Underwear Ride and an AlleyCat
New Tag!

Had to use a light to illuminate the mural, it got a tad dark on my way home!
Here's the obligatory hint:
What Does The Fox Say?
2018-11-14 18:24:49
Matt Spahr mural, Fox Way near 21st St, Southside.
2018-11-17 15:33:20
2018-11-17 16:18:48
hint: former school
2018-11-18 17:25:00
Gladstone Middle School on Hazelwood Avenue between Gladstone and Sylvan streets.
2018-11-21 18:36:18
The Iguana returns!
2018-11-21 18:55:07
NEW Tag with The Paul H.
NEW!! ...not been there ...not done that ...until now ...
Happy Thanksgiving.
2018-11-22 00:14:26
I was just coming here to suggest that someone make the next tag what the next tag is... Because, you just have to at this point.
2018-11-22 06:43:01
As co-tag-dropper with The Iguana, here's a hint:
2018-11-26 09:51:09
The snowy fresh Mon Warf Switchback!

I just found the thread, this is my first tag!
2018-11-27 18:31:17
Mazel tov! This was a great tag. It was pretty much obligatory given how long we've been anticipating the ramp.
Make sure to post another one post-haste to stay within the rules. I think it's 48 hours, but the quicker posts = more game play.
2018-11-27 18:39:55
NEW tag.

A photo indecisively taken hovering between tribunals of red-black and blue-green. To dance, the Irish climbed above The iron Staff and rightly stopped to peruse a book.
2018-11-27 18:48:11
The Irish climber—also known as the original trekking star captain who lives beneath an undersea rock.
2018-11-29 09:29:30
The clues aren't doing much for me.
A library near a Pike?
2018-11-29 13:17:42
Picture was sufficient. Kennard Playground, Kirkpatrick St & Reed St, Hill District
2018-11-29 15:14:54
2018-11-29 15:40:46
Hey! KIRK?!?
Any self-respecting Trek-fan KNOWS damn well that Pike is the Original captain of the Enterprise!
2018-11-29 16:21:34
I have no self respect
2018-11-29 16:38:10
Captain Pike? Are we forgetting
Captain Robert April?
2018-11-29 18:11:00
KirkPATRICK. Like Patrick the starfish/spongebob, eh?
2018-11-29 18:16:01
Jonathan Archer was (actually, will be in 2151) the captain of the first Enterprise NX-01...and even had the first human run in with The case you were wondering...or not...
[If we consider those 'times' that an Enterprise travelled back in time, we might? have a different answer...depending what timeline this thread is on...]
?¥?¥??§ ?§??¥
2018-11-30 02:08:26
That explains it. In my timeline Star Trek: Enterprise never aired. :-)
The PG says the current tag is scheduled to be removed today, so we're in for even more timeline issues, I guess. We might wind up with a photo of where a tag formerly was.
2018-12-03 14:52:32
Um, I'm lost in space. Do we even have a current tag?
2018-12-10 17:18:41
2018-12-10 17:38:41
Another hint?
2018-12-10 17:43:32
A squamata friend of mine figured this out in seconds, so I didn't think a hint necessary, but here's one: not car-negie, not boat-negie, but ...
2018-12-10 18:10:16
It's been almost 3 weeks since the last tag was set.
RIP Tag-o-Rama?
2018-12-19 22:10:02
I for one don't know where it is.
2018-12-20 08:25:58
this is what i know -- squamata is an order of reptiles that includes snakes and lizards. Currently the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has a travelling exhibit about these animals (I saw it, it was pretty good).
And of course the tag is a bus shelter with an ad for the Carnegie Museum of Art in it.
My guess is that it's a bus shelter right outside the Carnegie Museums, or somewhere within the Pitt/CMU realm on Forbes or Fifth.
As for the second part of the clue -- "but here’s one: not car-negie, not boat-negie, but …" Maybe he's thinking we should say something like "train-negie." If that's the case, maybe it isn't a bus shelter but maybe a shuttle bus shelter somewhere down in the hollow by that Pitt parking lot/joncaire steps/train tracks. Though honestly the lawn behind it doesn't fit what's down there.
Am I going to be able to go out and look anytime soon? No.
But maybe this is enough to get people out and looking.
2018-12-20 08:50:00
Update - I zoomed in on the photo. I know right where it is. It's hiding in plain sight in the middle of Oakland between Pitt and CMU.
2018-12-20 08:53:23
Yeah, it's not a difficult fetch, but I've been lazy about getting out due to iffy weather, no good ideas for a replacement tag, and preoccupation with my new toy (Zwift).
2018-12-20 09:37:57
I’m connected with Hyla Willis (top left name in the tag photo) on Facebook, who told me exactly where it is. That is to say, was. The structure was taken down a couple weeks ago. Hyla herself used to participate in this game (@pseudacris on this board), and we jointly picked up a tag one time.
I’m for keeping the game going. I just haven’t been on a bike much due to work demands, and right now the bike is in the shop anyway.
2018-12-21 05:20:26
Bus shelter, Forbes at Craig, outbound. Now with new artwork!
2018-12-21 10:53:55
New tag. All the hint I am going to leave is this: Trick question.
2018-12-21 10:58:04
2018-12-21 12:14:17
What’s the question? More hint please.
2018-12-26 15:02:47
You need a hint? Well, if your busnegie is a no-show, where would that leave you?
2018-12-27 06:18:31
Bus shelter, Forbes and Craig
2018-12-27 10:17:39
This tag called me
From a popular bridge
I hope you'll find it
And place your bike on the ridge
2018-12-28 13:35:36
View from the wall back to the Hot Metal Bridge
2018-12-28 16:02:07
Bruced by a few minutes!
(40.4276602, -79.9578909)
2018-12-28 16:13:44
Yay guys
BTW there's a very nice Schwinn in the weeds there. Seems a shame to let it rust. Somebody should take it to Free Ride, at least.
2018-12-28 18:13:42
2018-12-29 10:35:15
TAG-O-RAMA continues in
this shiny new 2019 thread. Be there or be square.
2019-01-01 09:18:32