The Tag-O-Rama game started in September 2010, and periodically needs a new thread, due to message board issues. This is thread 8, but with thread 6 we decided to switch to a yearly naming convention consistent with other long-lasting threads. Here are threads
2017 (aka six) and
The rules are easy (although wordy, it is not hard to play)
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose – you’ve been Bruced.
#2 – Take the tag to a new location, shoot a photo with your bike in the picture, and post it here. Keep the tag within
Pittsburgh city limits and the surrounding neighborhoods. Give a few hints (or a short poem if you’re so inclined) so the next person can figure out where the tag is located. Try to place the tags in interesting locations, somewhere historic, etc. Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling.
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag. If no Bruce was claimed, tag will revert to the previous tag, and somebody else will get their chance. If you won’t have the time to drop off a new tag, don’t pick it up to begin with.
#2b – This rule is intended to keep the game moving. If the overdue tag is posted before somebody grabs the reverted tag, then the new tag will stand. However, giving the overdue tag-holder a load of crap is highly encouraged.
#3 – Tag must be findable – don’t make your tag so obscure that no one will find it. Make sure to let folks know what riding conditions are involved to get to your tag.
#4 – File photos are NOT permitted. You may not use a photo taken before the current tag was set to prove you found that tag, nor use a photo taken before you photographed the current tag to set a new tag.
#5 – All images of tags that are posted, whether picking up or setting a new tag, MUST include the bike you rode to the tag. If your bike isn’t in the posted image, you don’t have a tag.
#6 – The bicycle in the picture must get to the tag location under the player’s own pedal-power.
#7 – No whining.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Post Photos
In case you’re looking for the photo upload button that was once on this site, sorry it has disappeared. (edit for 2017: although you can find the “add media” button, it doesn’t seem to work correctly vis-a-vis uploading pictures to the message board.) We hope it comes back, but for now, you have to use the instructions in the link above.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some helpful links for the convenience of new players:
View the Tag Map to see all the tags.
The Tag-O-Rama spreadsheet, showing who got which tag.
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For those of us who want to know more about the record keeping functions of Tag-o-Rama …
To add a marker to the Google Tag Map, sign in to Google, go to the map, and click the Edit link on the left. Then click the marker icon in the upper middle. Then click where the marker should go.
See one of the previous threads for examples of game play.
2019-01-01 09:11:19
Here's the current tag,
set by TeamDecaf:

BUM enjoyed life
2019-01-01 09:16:03
Need a clue for the new year
2019-01-01 13:58:15
I know where this is, but I never bike past this fisherman's resting place. You might though, Jon.
2019-01-01 20:54:51
There are 3 big cemeteries in the city, all on my "Zoom the Tombs" ride. Just roll to the top of these 3 places, you'll find BUMs newly-placed stone is easy to spot.
Sorry, I would have replied earlier but it seems I quit getting auto-notifications of posts when the thread changed.
2019-01-02 19:34:46
Richard Lee Bumford (Bum), (40.4127415, -79.9257849), section 80, Calvary Cemetery
2019-01-03 11:08:02
2019-01-04 12:41:17
Arizona is a bit outside of the box.
2019-01-04 13:48:39
ok, try this new tag (hopefully the web system will auto-extract a picture from the Flickr link, this time)
2019-01-05 00:10:39
grr. I should not have to write HTML code for this
2019-01-05 00:13:02
hint (click for higher resolution)
2019-01-06 23:26:12
This tag is season-appropriate.
2019-01-12 09:36:16
As far as I can tell there are only 4 outdoor rinks in Pittsburgh --
Schenley, North Park, South Park, and downtown. And that ain't downtown. And i'm thinking that 2 of the other 3 are pretty far outside of the box.
2019-01-12 13:07:48
Schenley ice rink. I think this is a yarn bomb by a group of rebel knitters.
2019-01-13 14:03:29
When you wanna ride a bike
You can rent it
You will never leave the Hill
Unless you rent it
No one gets a bike
Until they rent it
2019-01-14 21:25:36
Sq. Hill Giant Eagle (Murray near Beacon)
2019-01-15 14:02:10
Youze guys is gettin fancy wid dose pix!
2019-01-15 15:35:32
Can we give that crossover suv a parking ticket?
2019-01-15 17:42:33
Swear the leftmost car in the top photo looks like an old AMC Gremlin.
I.e. lame comment just to resubscribe myself to the new thread...
2019-01-15 18:12:34
find this anjou can show everybody who's bosc
2019-01-16 10:14:15
Not Seckel or Starkrimson, either.
2019-01-19 20:38:47
This one is a schlep from the northside and East end. Maybe a neighbor of the land of pita can pick this up.
2019-01-19 21:05:55
I know where it is and how to get there. Rule 9 notwithstanding, it's just hard to get out on a bike in this weather. I had to drive a car today, and I sure didn't want to have to deal with a cyclist within about 20 feet of me. Parts of Perrysville Ave were fine, then 100 yards later, cars were losing it in curves. Cyclists? Heck, fire hydrants were giving me pause. I need at least dry pavement to do any traveling.
2019-01-20 16:50:43
The weather is getting pretty yummy out there. The next few days would be a great time to pick up the current tag, and prove what a man/woman you are!
2019-01-29 18:00:42
@paulheckbert Why are you restricting tag-machismo to the unPC man/woman dichotomy?
2019-01-29 21:45:29
Some people use Flickr to upload pics to tagorama. As of mid March Flickr is deleting all but 500 photos in free accounts.
2019-02-07 06:52:20
I know some people know where the current tag is, but I don't, BTW.
2019-02-07 08:26:07
Not Anjou, not Bosc, not Seckel, not Starkrimson, so it must be ...
(note to Eric: the flickr threshold is 1000 photos, not 500)
2019-02-07 11:22:31
Something to do with pears?
2019-02-07 20:07:02
*pssst, Jon* BARTLETT!
2019-02-07 20:51:58
@jonawebb correct. Then look on google maps for a street with said fruit in the box. There only seems to be one. It's just a PITA to get to unless you live around there.
2019-02-07 21:43:40
Somewhere in Squirrel Hill?
2019-02-08 09:42:47
there's no street named after a fruit in Sq Hill
2019-02-08 12:17:36
It's encouraging that people are trying to figure this out. Some of the comments are on-target. Some are way off. It's not in Brookline.
Orthogonal hint: Rupert is not real popular around here.
2019-02-08 13:17:13
Oh man. Then I don't know where it is.
2019-02-08 13:23:37
This guy:

RUPERT _______)
PLUS: BARTLETT (You know... the PEAR)
Thanks Paul... now folks don't have to look at every tree along Bartlett? **Am I getting warmer?**
(FWIW, I'm not going to pick this up, so go for it, guys.)
2019-02-08 13:31:01
Okay okay, you guilted me. I'm en route.
2019-02-08 13:38:02

Location: 40.435488, -79.929298
Rope ladder on Bartlett between Murdoch & Wightman
Nearest intersection: Bartlett St & Murdoch St
2019-02-08 14:01:45
New tag? I'm On my Way!
2019-02-08 14:41:20
Yay! RustyRed's spelled-out hints helped, I guess.
You noticed the bottle cage in the tree house, right? That's what caught my eye in the first place.
2019-02-08 23:38:54
[see end of previous page for tag claim and new tag drop]
Naw, I saw nothing! I was freezing and thus rushing to get my gloves back on and go home, plus anxiously awaiting a vet call at home.
Sadly, I knew it was on Barflett (sic) way back. Altho I imagined it nearer the playground, so Red's Rupert hint also helped narrow it down.
Extra sad because Barflett & Murduck is only 1000 feet from my apt, and I walk thru that intersection twice a week! I blame this laziness on my newfound Zwifting habit.
2019-02-09 06:38:42
Breaking the ennui at On Way & Loretta St, Greenfield
2019-02-14 15:05:31
2019-02-15 14:23:40
Can you give us a hint as to what neighborhood it is in?
2019-02-15 16:42:44
Vinial St at Troy Hill Rd.
2019-02-16 11:35:49
Shiver me Timbers, it's a Spanish Queen

A+ to Kindred Cycles for getting out a stripped bolt today while I waited.
2019-02-16 12:09:12
Also answers the question, What foreign monarch was featured on a U.S. coin? And the third digit of the date will give you the intersection. (Well, pretty close, anyway.)
2019-02-18 00:24:11
Stu- easy pickup for you from your work.
2019-02-18 07:49:37
I know! I have the day off and can't get into my building if I wanted to because of construction. But if it stays clear I might take a ride into town anyway. I already have a tag picked out for next time.
My own bike has traveled maybe a half mile in February, though I've been on the HealthyRides a good bit. Perrymont has a persistent nasty ice patch, the trolley trail isn't useable until April, and I don't want to deal with either Perry or McKnight, so I just don't leave the house on two wheels much.
2019-02-18 08:02:28
2019-02-18 11:54:43
2019-02-18 13:50:31
Did you see the plaque on the building that says "US Maglev Corporation"? Wonderthe story behind that.
2019-02-18 14:38:08
One could make the argument that the current tag should be ahlir's to pick up.
2019-02-18 22:45:30
I saw there was a plaque there but was on my way to a meeting so didn’t take time to look at it.
2019-02-19 07:29:04
That building on Isabella was also tag 122, eight years ago. That first tag was set on February 15th (2011), this one on February 16th.
2019-02-20 16:14:07
2019-02-21 15:48:37
new tag. Hint: did royalty live here?
2019-02-21 15:50:14
I could go past that on my way to Kraynick's tomorrow.
2019-02-21 20:16:28
Thinking of Mel Brooks...
2019-02-21 20:32:29

Well, I shot this yesterday (Sunday) around 11:00am. I didn't have time to upload then and decided to wait until I got home. Then I had 6.5 hours without power.
The house is located at the Highland Park end of Negley.
2019-02-25 08:36:26
It's good to be the (
King Estate).
The King Estate (also known as Baywood, or the Alexander King Estate) located at 5501 Elgin Street in the Highland Park neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was built in 1880. Alexander King was the original owner of this Second Empire style house. It was added to the List of City of Pittsburgh historic designations on November 12, 1992,[1] and the List of Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Historic Landmarks in 2000.[2]
2019-02-25 08:42:54

New Tag - and yeah, I know it's been tagged before, but the old image is long gone. Plus, this piece of art deserves an updated tag.
2019-02-25 08:48:57
2019-02-26 13:42:25
BTW the King Estate was tagged before, by stefb (
http://localhost/message-board/reply/re-tag-o-rama-2-2659/) and I picked it up. The tag was of the remains of the "folly", a fake castle wall, built by the owner. I found this photo of the original construction:
2019-02-26 14:29:08
If I was from out-of-town, looking to stay nearby, I'd say Ace is the place.
2019-02-26 14:41:34
Navarro Design Associates, 3935 Baum Blvd
2019-02-27 09:00:27
2019-02-27 09:09:16
hint: it's a church
2019-03-08 11:38:05
it's a pretty well known landmark but I rarely ride in that area, though.
Do you think no one has picked it up because of weather/cold, or because people need a better hint, or because of lack of interest in the game?
2019-03-08 13:05:52
Weather/cold. I can’t get out of my neighborhood on a bike, and have been working from home a lot.
2019-03-10 05:18:47
East Liberty Presbyterian Church
Highland and Penn.
2019-03-14 15:18:48
It has been 49 hours since the last tah. If there's no new tag by my ride tomorrow morning I'll set a new tag.
2019-03-16 16:36:30
NEW TAG for icer rice
Hint: It's NOT a church, but twentieth century biblical.
2019-03-16 18:24:42
Glad you got the tag. I started wondering if something bad happened.
2019-03-16 18:57:16
I no longer read this board regularly. If the players still want the game's map and spreadsheet updated, perhaps someone else could take over?
2019-03-21 13:17:07
I could maintain the spreadsheet, with two big caveats. First, it's only worth my time if people are actually using the spreadsheet and see value in keeping it updated (if so, speak now!). And second, I can only maintain it on an interim basis, as we're planning on moving out of town, and I'd have to turn it over to someone else by then.
As for the map, I'd prefer to leave that to someone else.
2019-03-23 19:29:59
I use the map more often than I use the spreadsheet. The map is useful for determining if a tag I'm considering has been used before.
2019-03-25 23:33:47
The other factor to consider is that there are maybe 1.5 active players.
2019-03-26 09:05:38
But that number does not take into account us lurkers who enjoy the thread from the sidelines. “I like to watch.”
2019-03-26 11:39:38
20th century biblical, found near 19th (St.). Congregation Talmud Torah (now Red House Communications), 1908 Sarah St.
2019-03-26 17:51:19
Being Jewish and a Pittsburgher I knew nothing about this place. I found this city paper article from years ago that just seemed wrong and someone confirmed my suspicions in the comment section. Which is probably the only time in history that the comments have been useful.
Bottom line, in Judaism if something says Congregation it is/was a working synagogue. If it was just a school or a social center like the settlement houses it wouldn't say Congregation. But the other bottom line is that there still isn't much known about it.
This was a cool tag.
2019-03-26 20:37:09
2019-03-27 16:42:22
Along RR by Allegheny west of 62nd Street Bridge by Sharpsburg
...not this one
but this one..about 1000 feet west of first location..
2019-03-28 15:26:49
What's weird is that a really obvious tag in the center of the east end ('Sliberty Presby Church) went unsolved for 2 weeks, but a tricky tag across a river in no-man's-land (above) got picked up in 1 day.
2019-03-29 16:07:12
A lot of it is weather, some of it is the time change. I know I've put more miles under me since 3/10 than I did in 2019 prior to that.
This game isn't over yet.
2019-03-29 18:27:16
North, South, East, West...
Three it's on,
but two it's not...
the shore ends at the river...
...go figure...
2019-03-30 23:34:03
It was not where I suspected. With so many words in the hint, it's hard to know which to ignore.
2019-04-01 19:52:48
Others should speak up so The Iguana will know if its hint is sufficient.
2019-04-08 22:23:41
All the words are relevant and least in can take that as an additional hint.
The hint(s) are surely sufficient. I wonder whether the hintee is sufficient...lacking proper focus...and hot blooded.
2019-04-08 22:34:04
Nope, hints aren't sufficient. More, better ones please?
2019-04-09 08:58:56
I am remarkably dense and don't do riddles or puzzles well. So I have no idea where to even start looking for this other than on a riverbank somewhere in the box.
none of the above reasons are anyone's fault but my own, but just my lame excuse for not picking up tags.
2019-04-09 09:04:34
Shall we groupthink?
North/South/East/West Commons? North Shore, South Shore. East Street? North Ave? River Ave? Three Rivers Trail? Second/Third Street? Second/Third Ave?
No clues re "figure", "focus", or "hot-blooded".
2019-04-09 10:26:15
Hot blooded = hot metal bridge? that's the only thing I got and I figure it is wrong, but I also know it's on a trail somewhere.... and so is the hot metal bridge. extremely circumstantial evidence here.
My other guess - Lake Elizabeth in West Park. It has the West in West Park and the West and North on West North avenue. and it is on the north shore.
2019-04-09 12:27:28
The Iguana is self-conscious about its cold-bloodedness.
Ornoth and Eric might be on the right track. Or not. You never know, when you’re dealing with an Iguana.
2019-04-09 15:33:36
Ornoth basically listed off the entire city.
2019-04-09 16:11:28
Guys, we’re wasting time. I can’t figure this out, either. Four really nice riding days. We could have traded off two or three tags by now.
2019-04-11 12:46:43
Yeah, I need an excuse to ride on my lunch hour.
Is it within a 15 minute ride of the North Shore (and DOESN'T require one to clamber down a steep riverbank)?
2019-04-11 12:48:47
I have a meeting on Federal St this evening. Could travel via Millvale if I had an inkling that it might be along that bit of shoreline.
What is this across from? That might help without giving it away.
2019-04-11 12:51:25
I agree. It's sad to have this game held up by an overly difficult tag. (I've made that mistake myself a few times.)
The text hint does almost nothing for me because every piece of it could be interpreted many ways, and we don't know if the sentence fragments are connected or disconnected.
The picture, on the other hand, tells me: large body of water, can't see bottom, 95% sure it's one of our big rivers; concrete less than 10 feet above water level; trees nearby; bent cable handrail tells me it's probably old industrial stretch of riverbank (not a rebuilt tourist area as you'd find near Heinz Field, or Mon Wharf, say); if photo was taken mid-day, highlight on water suggests we're looking SSW.
2019-04-11 16:30:25
Metadata (assuming it wasn't modified and the LG smartphone was set correctly) confirms the photo was taken Sat 3/30 at 1:25:55 pm.
2019-04-11 16:42:48
I'm 99% sure this isn't in millvale. I run/bike the trail 3-5x a week. I think I would remember something like that. Plus, the trail is too high off the water, and when you get down on the water over there there's nothing between you and the river at that point. The riverbank is also quite sloped over there with a few flood plains full of trash or dead boats/barge parts. nothing that looks like that.
2019-04-11 17:16:17
Over/under on when this tag gets picked up?
2019-04-14 08:00:33
Never if we don't get some adequate hints. I vote we revert to the previous tag if no hints are provided in the next 24 hours.
2019-04-14 10:23:16
What does reverting to the previous tag entail? We already know where it is. Someone picks it up again and then places a new tag?
I don't want to get involved with a vote since I've been accused of being a tag o Rama whiner before. But whatever anyone decides I'm cool with- more hints. Whatever. To keep the game moving.
I'm afraid if we wait until the tag is stumbled upon it may never be picked up and TOR, which already seems to be hanging on by a thread, will finally die. I guess the counterpoint is that maybe it needs to die?
2019-04-14 13:46:52
Can certain cold-blooded lizards find it in themselves to take another picture of the tag, showing some additional shoreline? My hunch is that it’s off the Baldwin trail, one of those little slopes down to the Mon River, but I hadn’t time to explore each one when I was out there last week.
I’m reading the lizardian clues as a north-facing shoreline of our southern river going out past the East End (three it’s on), which has no western component and is not the north shore of that river (two it’s not), and the cable in the cement indicates where a shoreline ends and a cement wall replaces it. But that still leaves a lot of wiggle room. I’d start at the HMB and work my way upstream rather than down. And my chances of getting out that way before yet another weekend are minimal.
2019-04-15 06:57:47
I honestly tried. I got on a HealthyRide and explored every accessible spot on the south bank of the Mon from Eagle Lake to Smithfield St, trying to get as close to the water as possible, and nothing.
2019-04-15 20:01:28
Above and beyond. I think everyone else has stopped looking (or never started) and was hoping that iguana would eventually drop a clue that was understandable.
2019-04-15 20:40:55
Seriously. Even if you do go out looking for it, expect ankle deep mud anywhere near the shoreline. Frankly, we don’t need a hint, we need to know where the damn thing is.
2019-04-16 07:15:12
Was eagle lake back? When I went on that part of the trail last week the lake was gone, finally, but the sides still had a nice algae pond going.
2019-04-16 07:58:23
Not covering the trail, just the algae pond, as you said. There are a couple other spots between there and Hot Metal that have water crossing the trail, but trivial. They'd be more a problem in winter when they freeze over, but yesterday they were actually helpful in getting some of the mud off. Five seconds or less each. And we did have an inch of rain a couple days ago, so no big surprise.
2019-04-16 11:05:15
What's the general consensus as to what to do as the game is essentially not playable right now?
1. We could just wait. My guess is that this will spell the end of the game for the foreseeable future.
2. Someone who knows the Iguana could reach out to him IRL and see if he's willing to give us an easier clue. a) If he is, then we can wait. b) If he isn't, then do we give it to a certain time (maybe 4-30 so it'll be a month since the last tag was placed) and then someone can post a new tag?
3. we could just shut down the game since interest has waned. Maybe this is the merciful way to put the patient out of its misery- - an unsolvable tag...
4. other options?
2019-04-18 15:29:44
I'm mostly interested in just getting us back under way again.
Workable hintage would obviously be preferred... but in its absence I'd be willing to declare it a violation of Rules #2 and #3, and revert Paul's preceding tag to unclaimed status, as outlined in Rule #2a.
2019-04-18 20:40:31
SRSLY, Let's get rolling, it's been 10 days since we requested additional hints. At least 2 of us gave it a good try. I suggest reverting to that last tag, Paul's:

(Along RR by Allegheny west of 62nd Street Bridge by Sharpsburg)
Or, this one:

If you need a hint, it's over in Stadium Land.
2019-04-18 21:23:32
Go for it. Keep the game moving.
2019-04-19 00:47:33
Zoom in left side. Big hint. I'd snag it but I'm in Cleveland for Passover.
2019-04-20 09:51:06
I've beeb brumating and see all thus hubub.. so I see Trump-era-lack-of-rule-of-lawhas come to this forum...
I stayed here for פסח...though next year in ירושלים.. ..had my four cups of wine... for you whiners...
And here we go again:
North Shore at the end of the Ft. Duquesne Bridge.
2019-04-20 13:58:36
In case the rules have changed, here is a cliser rendition;
This bike station has a DERO fixit station with what appears to be a new, more ruggedly constructed pump handle and there is a power station with electrical outlets and USB hookups:
And nearby:
2019-04-20 14:12:47
Did you drink manischewitz Concord grape for your 4 glasses or better stuff?
2019-04-20 15:10:27
2019-04-22 02:08:56
Hints, please?
2019-04-22 11:16:51
I tried once again to find the river tag. This time, I rode along the Ohio & Allegheny from the Science Center to the Ft Wayne RR bridge, and still nothing. The second tag, I again have no idea.
2019-04-22 20:34:03
I'm thinking that the river tag is in a homeless camp given the tent. Having worked with the homeless before, I try and respect their privacy/dignity by staying out of their camps. Plus, a decent # of people there have schizophrenia or other psychotic illnesses and are probably quite paranoid in general. Probably safer to let them have their space/privacy.
But as Iguana says it is close by to the other tag (which was near the stadiums) I'm guessing his tag was in the homeless camp under the West End bridge on the North Shore trail.
2019-04-22 20:55:38
We decided to revert to the railroad signal light tag, didn't we?
2019-04-22 21:44:28
New tag seems to be from the iguana on 4-22 at 208 am. The house with a flag and address of 41.
2019-04-22 22:38:06
"New tag seems to be from the iguana on 4-22 at 208 am. The house with a flag and address of 41."
Was this house once lived in by someone famous? Was a movie shot there? Did some heinous murder occur there?
I suggest that if no COHERENT hints are provided within 36 hours, we use rules #2a and #3 and revert once again to the Sharpsburg or StadiumLand tags.
2019-04-23 08:55:39
The Iguana was on this AM posting on another thread... So...
We could brute force this -- you know, buy an Allegheny county address list and then exclude everything not in the box, and then visit all the 41s on street view. I think that's reasonable.
or, Rusty Red's plan. :)
Then again, I get called a whiner on here.
2019-04-23 09:20:25
My last tag was easy, along the TRHT, and it got people riding rather than googling. Since y'all had the answers, but had more impatient fretting than confidence with the clues, I will risk overwhelming with too many words, and supply detailed directions to the new stop wasting time whining (rule #7), believe in yourself, cogitate, and get out there and ride...and be safe...
You already have the street number..and it's rather uncommon...
To be sure, head north,
Then go west...west to a fault;
follow it and have no fear as you run over John, the 35th,
and into the 16th-a squared square.
See the silent bells? You're close.
Go north on the squared triangle WHo lasted a full month.
All died before completing their mission, but the 13 stars are right there at 41. Hail To The Chiefs.
2019-04-23 09:28:05
Come on. Most of us don't have hours in the day to ride around traipsing through weeds and homeless camps. We've got a small window on our lunch hours or on the way home/to work. We're asking for clues that don't require a PhD in the NY Times Crossword puzzle to figure out. This is really slowing the game down. #notwhining #yourebeingajag
2019-04-23 10:32:05
No surprise that this game has about five players, because that's the number of interested people who can spend their entire day on internet and bicycle playtime, with the latter mostly comprised of riding around the east end and trails trying to figure out some clue that's either too recondite or too idiotic to mean a damn thing to anyone but whoever posted it. Having occasionally considered participating, I have to say that these garbage clues push the game from something I and assuredly others might try, to something that's a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
And as for the homeless camps, just google "Joseph Cornelius Pittsburgh" for why setting tags near those places is a bad idea.
2019-04-23 11:31:35
@jacob -- the Cornelius case was extraordinary in every sense of the word. I don't think there's evidence that homeless people have higher rates of psychopathy than non-homeless people. In my guestimate it would probably be the opposite -- people with psychopathy are experts at using others. THey're probably well versed at remained housed. :)
@iguana -- I really hate the discourse that if someone complains about something that someone else disagrees about that they're called a "whiner." (or "snowflake" on Fox News). Honestly, your clues are dense and make the game unplayable. I'm thinking that you're the only person that has gotten enjoyment out of the last 2 tags you've posted. My guess is that the remaining 3-5 people who sometimes hunt for tags would rather have a fast paced, interesting tag game rather than a "WTF location is this" with an undecipherable clue.
I'm guessing at this point given a) the lack of players, b) the different schools of thought amongst the remaining players as to the direction of the game that the best solution is just to let the game and this thread die. Maybe after some time has passed someone can resurrect this game or a variant and see if it gets more traction.
2019-04-25 13:48:56
I'm interested in continuing the game, and I've tried to help it along, but unless at least one other person is willing to pick up tags, it's not much of a game. We have a tag waiting for pickup (
http://localhost/message-board/topic/tag-o-rama-2019/page/3/#post-361465) . Somebody go get it.
2019-04-25 14:04:30
@paul- we do have an active iguana tag. Also even if we skip his tag for a second time there's no reason why the iguana can run out and grab the new tag and then post yet another indecipherable tag (yait) that grinds the game to a halt.
2019-04-25 17:15:21
BTW -- John, the 35th = John Kennedy
16th = abe lincoln
Who lasted a month = William Henry Harrison.
hence the "hail to the chiefs."
Silent bells = maybe a closed church?
The rest I have NFC. Because Lincoln is in Lincoln-Lemmington and Millvale.
Kennedy Ave = observatory hill.
Observatory hill more closely matches up with the "North and then west" poetry.
But that's all I have if anyone else wants to brute force solve it.
2019-04-25 19:49:04
I'll resume trying when the pictures and hints get a lot less obscure.
This game should be more like "here's a picture and hint that will take you a few minutes to figure out, and an hour to bike to", but regardless of what The Iguana might imagine, his most recent tags force the game to be more like "here's a picture and hint that will take you many days of googling trying to figure out, and several days of fruitless biking, after which you'll give up". When tags are too obscure, it discourages people from playing the game. When the last person has given up, the game dies. That's not what we want.
Rule 2: "Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling."
2019-04-25 20:58:20
I spent 15 min googling tonight about this and got nowhere so I'm done. I needed to get my yayas out though before I fully gave up.
2019-04-25 21:30:32
Cake it easy, guys. Nothing says lovin' like something from l'oven.
2019-04-25 22:27:12
North then west to a fault = California Avenue
2019-04-25 23:54:48
2019-04-26 07:27:22
@ornoth has it, but if he doesn't grab it this afternoon I will run out after work since it is near my house. While passing by l'oven don't forget some hometown taco's.
2019-04-26 07:50:29
Too wet for me, Jay. But Saturday becomes fair game.
2019-04-26 09:12:29
Found it on street view with the l'oven clue. Too hilly for me especially with me walkrunning the half in a week. (I start off running but by mile 11 devolve into walking).
2019-04-26 09:29:33
I am in Philadelphia, but before I got on the train, I really tried hard to find that river clue again. Spent 15 solid minutes poking around every angle between the bottom of the FtDuqBr bike ramp, and the Vietnam and Korean war memorials, from street to river. Nothing.
2019-04-26 18:03:50
So did you beat the CTC'ers, I presume? Nothing about CTC on the board this year? That used to be quite the active topic. Is there somewhere online I can follow that? I need my vicarious Type II fun.
2019-04-27 06:24:08
I found the tag. It's in the homeless camp under the West end bridge. It's visible from the trail. I didn't take a pic for obvious reasons.
For dignity/respect/safety/privacy tags should never be in homeless camps.
2019-04-27 09:20:11
41 n Harrison st, bellevue.
Still dont understand about 1/2 the clue.
2019-04-28 17:33:51
New Tag
You should be able to OBSERVE this tag without having to battle any HILLs.
A previous tag was placed nearby
2019-04-28 21:25:25

@jstalnaker2112's new tag as inline pic
2019-04-28 21:34:37
my ability to insert the photo has gone away, probably due to my incompetence, but maybe due to other factors.
2019-04-29 08:07:56
BTW on CtC: a new course record was set. Steve G. finished at 6:04 am, just over 25 hours. Incredible.
(Sorry about this link. I think you can see the photo if you click on it.)
2019-04-29 09:26:24
Yea, the link was good for me when I clicked on it.
To change the direction of this thread...
Valley Refuge Sheler, Riverview Park
Note the dandelions blooming along the wall today, but not yesterday...just like a couple tags ago, there were no homeless in that are/antechamber of that area.
And just nearby on the hillside, Hoystonia caerula, bluets, Quaker Ladies:
2019-04-29 17:26:38
Suggestion: share flower photos elsewhere, create a botany thread?
2019-04-29 17:58:50
Botany is televant to the tag which is in park... certainly more relevant than Ctc..
cf. discussions on history and et alia topics related to tags ... and whining which has its own thread...but rules are for lizards not Homos.
2019-04-29 18:48:27
2019-05-01 01:15:12
Before this slips into the Iguana-hole of weird hints, strange poems, pictures of flowers, etc., lets just brute force solve this and someone pick up the tag. The Iguana seems to have boundless free time to scoop up any new tag, thus leaving us with the pattern of quickly solved Iguana tag followed by a week plus of non-solved Iguana tag.
So, for the sake of the speed and spirit of the game--
I goolged the name in the picture Super WASPy person who somehow seems attached to the Little Garden Club of Sewickley. so my guess is that either this tag is way outside of the box in Sewickley or is maybe closer to Oakland/Phipps (do they have memorial signs like this outside?)
This is mom's obit. I'd check Phipps outside first--
And FSF's obit:
and dad's obit:
(this family is so waspy it's like eating a ham sandwich for this Jew).
That's all I got.
I'd ask Iguana for a clue but a) I'm sure i'd get something back such as "there are enough clues in the pictures" and b) I wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of it.
2019-05-01 09:10:52
Fraser Semple Foster fountain, in front of Phipps Hall of Botany, Phipps Conservatory
This was a more reasonable Iguana tag.
2019-05-01 16:12:08
*This* is why Al Gore created the internet.
2019-05-01 16:48:27
2019-05-01 17:32:51
WDSY daisy radio tower
Daisies in bud
The tag:
40° 28′ 20.28″ N, 79° 59′ 40.2″ W
2019-05-02 16:40:06
One could pontificate on whether a tag is picked up by being close to it or, because it is tall and seen for miles it could be picked up from a distance.
I can bike 5 min from my house and still be in Fox Chapel and get a pic of my bike with the Steel Tower. But that doesn't mean it's a valid tag pickup if the steel tower is the object in question. Or does it?
I guess people should choose short objects in the future to decrease the debate.
Edit: Paul says "no dice." and this seems to be covered right in rule #1. See the "in the same location" part.
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose – you’ve been Bruced.
2019-05-02 16:46:43
no dice. try again.
2019-05-02 16:47:24
Well, at least we know where the thing is. It's just a matter of getting to it. The earliest I'm getting up that way is about sunset Friday, so it shouldn't take too much to beat me there.
Heh, my path up there would take me right past Darlene Harris's house.
2019-05-02 21:28:47
I guess I forgot to hit SUBMIT this afternoon.
For the whiners and to spare Stu the climb.
The tag:
WDSY 107.9 MHz FM
40° 28′ 20.28″ N, 79° 59′ 40.2″ W
[a number of years ago I posted a tag that addressed this location issue; when the tag was acquired from a distant location and I suggested it wasn't a valid pick-up, I was ignored... just make the rules that suit you...but at least, be consistent and in agreement... @eric, @paulheckbert seem to know it all..even if not in agreement. לחיים.]
2019-05-02 23:42:49
In the case you raised you were trying to get people to take a picture of the tag from a certain location, which wasn't anywhere near the closest they could get to the actual tag. In Paul's case, he wanted you to get reasonably close to the tag. (Paul also objected to a tag pickup I made, but in that case I won because I really was about as close as I could get to the tag, barring scrambling down the hill or approaching it from a completely different set of streets.)
You were trying to add a new constraint on the tag pickup, as I see it -- take it from a particular location (you also tried, I think, to enforce that the tag pickup had to be made as a particular time). Paul is merely enforcing the "as best as possible" constraint in Rule #1.
2019-05-03 11:56:58
@jonawebb Thanks for clarifying that...Your My Hoochie Coochie Man.
So much for pleasat trees:
Your target this time is more ornithological than botanical. Look for a large raptor and colorful robins and an elderly gentleman's farm. So get going...we gotta keep this game moving:
[If there are too many words, feel free to remove any offensive ones; if there are not enough hints, feel free to add any of your favorites]
2019-05-04 13:33:52
What I'm looking for is a bike. Is that little loop thing I see part of your handle grips? I can't tell from your tag pick-up photo.
2019-05-06 06:43:43
2019-05-06 10:20:53
I haven't figured this one out, but here's one way to interpret the hint: not birds, but fast food or other business chains.
2019-05-07 18:19:20
Ok, here is my best shot. I have hays bald eagle, then red Robin in waterfront. Only old man farm I can think of is Bob Evan's, but none of those nearby.
That is my best shot, now let the smart people go to work.
2019-05-07 21:22:38
large raptor could be Giant Eagle - plenty of them around
colorful robins - I can't think of a Red Robin around here, but it is a chain
elderly gentleman's farm? - hmmm, nothing comes to mind - neighborhood? borough? landmark?
2019-05-08 08:02:00

Location: 40.412797, -79.909623
2019-05-08 10:25:44
Thank you for the hint Paul. You're a lady and a gentleman.
New tag:

Take a swim, borrow a book, see a show. But don't try boarding your kat there...
2019-05-08 11:58:24
Gee, thanks! (?)
2019-05-08 15:51:21
2019-05-08 17:07:18
In particular, @katzenmiau might have something to say about that, though I'm sure she'd find the place interesting.
2019-05-08 23:04:02
Iguana: got new tag?
2019-05-10 00:19:28
@paulheckbert: got 146 minutes.
2019-05-10 02:42:12
New Tag:
How old are you?
I see peaches...not on the a the past...My age then, in lizard years, was the 9th Fibonacci number... ... ...
...stop whining... it's 3-squared plus 5-squared...3 and 5 are also Fibonacci numbers. That's not surprising since the sum of the squares of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers is always a Fibonacci number:
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(2n+1)
Oh yea, I'm 3 x 3 x 7 lizard years old now. How old R U?
Whew...and with 90 minutes to spare.
[I'll bet you don't believe that the clue was formulated before the tag was identified.]
2019-05-10 03:37:46
Need clearer hint.
2019-05-14 10:42:39
[It's gonna be a race to the tag now.]
2019-05-14 10:55:13
This game is supposed to be about cycling and exploring, not about spending hours at home solving too-difficult puzzles. If tags are going unsolved for a week even in nice weather, that's a sign that they're too hard.
2019-05-16 11:33:43
Gotta agree. I have no idea where to start. My first hunch was there would be a football field between 34th and 35th streets with a children’s playground. Such a thing does not exist.
The clues given are more confusing than helpful. I’m already a half hour into this, and nothing.
For that matter, I have yet to properly locate the angle iron in the river.
In the past, if I could not pick up a tag, I could usually figure out where it was and contribute an additional bit of info so someone else could. But I don’t even know what side of what rivers to start looking, and there are dozens of nursery schools and elementary playgrounds inside the box.
I have three tags I could set. Can we please get this game rolling?
2019-05-18 10:44:56
40.447545,-80.025980 @stuinmccandless the iron bar tag can be seen from the doorway in the middle of that concrete frame before westend bridge. About here 40.447545,-80.025980
I ride by it twice a day and still took me 3 days to find it once we knew where it was located
As for current tag it is not: 12th or 39th st Southside, 40th st lawrenceville, 2 parks in mexician wars streets. I haven't tried to decifer the clue those are just where kid and I go to play.
2019-05-20 21:31:35

Location: 40.464247, -79.917342
Nearest intersection: Auburn St & Indiana Way
2019-05-21 08:57:14
Hey Iguana: your Fibonacci recurrence formula is wrong.
2019-05-21 09:37:48
yay good work Ornoth.
I don't get any of the clues, so if somebody could explain them I would appreciate it.
2019-05-21 10:16:53
RE: @paulheckbert
"Hey Iguana: your Fibonacci recurrence formula is wrong."
"That’s not surprising since the sum of the squares of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers is always a Fibonacci number:
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(2n+1) "
The formula as stated in words is correct, I forgot to square the terms on the left side. Thanx.
F^2 (n) + F^2 (n+1) = F(2n+1)
2019-05-21 10:39:08
Some of The Iguana's hints are more reasonable difficulty (e.g. "large raptor and colorful robins and an elderly gentleman’s farm. So get going") but the West End Bridge homeless camp and the Auburn peach bowl tags were too obscure, ground the game to a halt for a week or more. There's less shame in posting an easy tag than posting a too-hard one.
2019-05-22 11:09:15
Some of @paulheckbert s comments are unreasonable and some are not:
it seems that a year or two ago, changes were made to the web system that resulted in much longer response times (like 5 or 10 seconds instead of 1 second) and that drove away most of the users. I think that, by itself, is the main cause of the decline of this messageboard [which includes tagorama...
"that, by itself, is the main cause of the decline of this messageboard"
There's less shame in being transparent and consistent than not.
2019-05-22 12:41:56
New Tag:

When Big Bird visited his uncle G.E. at the office, he called this “The most remarkable intersection I’ve ever seen!”
Be warned: This image might be temporarily offline later tonight (5/22) due to Flickr migration downtime.
2019-05-22 12:43:40
Image visible 6:30 a.m., Th5/23.
2019-05-23 06:24:35
I've been riding around all day, as I have day to ride (@eric you know it)...all along the Black Detour; those people up there have a real race issue.
And the hints...oy...who can figure?...certainly not my lizard brain...Big Bird has an Uncle Slim, but he doesn't work at the Giant Eagle in any capacity; even the corporate office.😜
But my Dad, The Big Kahuna Iguana, OBM, may he rest in peace, gave much business to the A. G. Mauro Company. So, while up along the "detour" I decided to take a rest there. ..and, oh, my dear friends, such a view...let me share:
A.G. Mauro Company
310 Alpha Drive
I hope this works since Flickr is still FLICKED (LI looks like yoU):
2019-05-23 18:25:16
It's a Sesame street reference
Big Bird says the alphabet is the most remarkable word I've ever seen. Alpha beta.
2019-05-23 18:40:45
2019-05-24 11:07:13
New Tag:
More neighborhood playground fun. Find your way... in the hills of the Alps and look for James Davis's cat or assassinated James Abram.
2019-05-25 08:55:07
Obviously it's time for another hint
2019-06-03 22:28:16
Obviously? Of the five people that actively play/whine the game, I thought they were injured, on vacation, bike in the shop, catching up on their sleep, on a business trip, in counseling, incarcerated, lost phone/no internet access, and/or etc.
Welcome back @paulheckbert.
2019-06-04 02:56:20
I suppose I could have picked this up one day last week. But I’ll supply an additional hint: James Davis’s cat is two-dimensional and has the same name as a Pittsburgh neighborhood.
2019-06-07 12:37:17
Iguana: congratulations on grinding the game to a halt for 20 days. Can you achieve 40 days?
2019-06-14 14:33:10
Jim Davis is the Garfield cartoonist. Garfield was assassinated. So it's somewhere in Garfield?
Good luck to anyone who has time to ride around to every schoolyard, daycare and playground in Garfield. *rollseyes*
2019-06-14 15:08:34
I looked all over the hills of Garfield and couldn't find this at any of the green spots on the map. Found lots of decrepit playgrounds though. Maybe I missed something.
So please give another clue.
2019-06-15 14:41:39
Garfield is dead
Herrings are red
A burro is fed
A piece of a bed
Where flamingos are bred
But starting a war
Would be better instead
If the weather permits, I'll try to swing by (but not today)
2019-06-15 15:57:42
I like your poem.
Alpine Gardens, Alpine Ave, Northside.
2019-06-15 16:10:42
2019-06-15 16:52:11
@paulheckbert Would you like me to give a hint...not that it's should be obvious to per your standard:
“here’s a picture and hint that will take you a few minutes to figure out, and an hour to bike to”
I mean, who has time to bike along all the rivers for this one...this game isn't about biking, it's about moving along...
@paulheckbert Are trying to paralyze this game for another 20 days?
2019-06-16 00:22:28
No hint? OK. I don't need no badges or hints. ..and I BET I get this tag...any takers?
2019-06-16 17:40:17
2019-06-16 18:13:11
New Tag:
Hints aren't needed. No fishing, but you can hunt for it along the river sides... that's how I got the last tag.
2019-06-18 00:29:16
2019-06-20 09:44:52
Blasted storms. No tag drop tonight and I doubt I’ll have one in the morning. Don’t look for one until late Friday.
Lat/Long on the tag pickup was (40.4442509, -80.0268837)
2019-06-20 20:38:14
New tag. Also not far from a body of water, though I wouldn't exactly call it a crick.
2019-06-21 17:17:22
You're killin' me with your giveaway hints...
2019-06-21 21:20:23
Tag pickup. Ninth Street and Three Rivers Heritage the RR and Crick
2019-06-21 22:37:26
I was trying to make it easy. Easy to identify, easy to get to. Plus I didn’t have a whole lot of time to set it.
Coordinates for that tag: (40.4312432, -79.9900225)
2019-06-22 06:04:27
2019-06-23 07:32:48
Need hint
2019-06-23 13:41:19
Well, it's not a church...or a crick...or a river...but John could operate nearby and pray...And chicken make vrery nice pet.
2019-06-24 12:01:16
Please post another clue, so someone can have the fun of picking up the tag.
2019-06-27 09:17:50
That hint didn’t help me.
Manchester Growing Together Farm, 1426 Juniata St, Northside
2019-06-27 16:59:09
new tag
Hint: use satellite photos
2019-06-27 19:40:03
That hint didn't help me.
Bon Air T Station ramp
2019-06-28 18:34:06
New Tag
Hints: One of some pages from history: Did Indian loggers work here?
2019-06-30 04:06:02
I’m going to need more context here. Alternate shot? Pun on a street name? Something related to why there would be a sign with a non-existent date? This is about as cryptic as if I’d zoomed in exclusively on the Fish The Crick sign without any landscape.
2019-06-30 13:13:14
@Iguana, could you please post an additional clue?
2019-07-02 11:22:50
@Yale, I like this game, and I like you, and I wish you would post another clue so someone can pick up this tag.
It's ok to post a hard tag, and we've put up with Paul not posting word clues long enough that I guess that's ok too.
But it's not ok to post an impossible tag and then not help people find it. If you don't post a good clue I think somebody should go back and pick up the previous tag so the game can proceed.
2019-07-03 06:49:10
This location is really quite appropriate with all the summer traffic going to visit Trump, and with the summer heat, just pick up the tag and get some ice cream to cool off, but be careful of the traffic....please.
[Have a happy and safe 4th...and may you experience fireworks in all your endeavors.]
2019-07-03 13:10:19
Would crossing RR tracks, or being needed to Run to the calling by someone named Beck be involved here?
2019-07-05 14:04:18
To be clear...for once 😜... requiring trespassing on RR property is verboten for a tag... and indeed, in this case not necessary.... However, as stated in the clue, after picking up the tag, one may crave a frozen confection, and how you satisfy that craving is your personal responsibility.
2019-07-05 17:23:58
I agree with what Jon said: "it’s not ok to post an impossible tag and then not help people find it. If you don’t post a good clue I think somebody should go back and pick up the previous tag so the game can proceed."
2019-07-05 22:04:04
IMO he is helping. He could help more. But I feel like we're making progress.
2019-07-06 09:02:24
Well, it's not at Page Dairy Mart. All I got out the ride is ice cream.
2019-07-06 13:42:35
@paulhecjbert, you speak the obvious, I think? we all agree with @jonawebb regarding:
"’s not ok to post an impossible tag and then not help people find it..."
For sure, this tag, as well as all tags that I've recall (certainly mine), have been found and are NOT IMPOSSIBLE..
However, I'm not so sure we agree with this part of @jonawebb's comment that you conveniently left out:
"...we’ve put up with Paul not posting word clues long enough..."
And finally @jonawebb's conclusion:
"...that I guess that’s ok too."
I.e., all is copacetic. (misrepresentaion is fake news)
2019-07-06 17:08:32
fwiw I ran into Yale on the way back from Page's and he let me know that Stu is sort of on the right track. So, somewhere near Page's I think.
2019-07-06 17:30:35
To cool off, It's safer to take a dip in Eagle Lake than get a cone.
2019-07-08 10:17:03
Now that we’re nearly two weeks into this tag search, I haven’t even tried, but I fear I am going to have to invest another entire evening into scouring every bit of the GAP from McKeesport to Station Square, again, looking for one particular sign which I can only see a couple square inches of, hardly enough to recognize the typestyle.
Can we get a zoom-out photo? Like I did with a similar tag, Tag 1126, a sign behind AGH? (Thread 5, page 23, May 16 2016@6:44pm) Link:
http://localhost/message-board/topic/tag-o-rama-5/#post-327317 (might have to scroll down a bit) Said photo was accompanied by a mildly cryptic clue that mentioned the street name.
Successive tag drops should be hours or a couple days apart, not large fractions of a month. That one took only three days.
2019-07-09 03:05:53
@stu (and others) I've not looked along the trail (and was kicking myself for it on the way home yesterday -- I looked in the various streets around the FBI building on Carson near the Steelers training area yesterday). But I suspect if you look, say, from Hot Metal Street to Haysglen St along the trail you'll find it, and there aren't a whole lot of signs along there, either.
I generally agree with your idea of how long tags should take. I like to think of it as maintaining tags. After a few days, post an additional clue; after a few more days, another; and so on. Also keeps the post near the top of the message board.
2019-07-09 09:16:37
As I'm a reptile, these hot days are murder...Yesterday afternooon I was on my way to cool off in Eagle Lake (disappointed that there are no more eggs in the nest as eagle yolks are a treat)...and saw what appeared to be a tag pickup... ..someone is holding out... but if you get there now you might be able to bruce them... and get this game moving... it's been awhile since I've been able to pick up a tag...
2019-07-09 10:36:45
I was hoping someone else would get this first or that we would ignore it. That tag slowed down the game too much.
CHOSIS sticker on Redman’s Mills sign, GAP Trail near Page Dairy Mart, 40.40945 -79.95437
2019-07-09 14:15:57
We gotta live your reasoning...and admitted manipulation of the game; has this haooened before?:
"I was hoping... slowed the game too much [IMHO]..[so I slowed it down more...]"
Well, I leave any censuring to the few people left in the game..
I expect a new tag in the next few minutes given the artificial delay created...
2019-07-09 14:28:56
new tag. We’ll see if this needs a hint.
2019-07-10 07:35:23
I was thinking of waiting to see if someone else would pick this up and delay thegame since that seems to be the standard, but figured I'd be selfish...
VA Hospital HJ Heinz Campus, 172 Woodshire Drive, 15215
....start whining...
2019-07-10 18:01:51
I think you should get closer.
2019-07-10 18:39:53
For the Dark Webb: Have a glass of whine. More intimate...
VA Hospital HJ Heinz Campus, 172 Woodshire Drive, 15215
2019-07-10 20:50:22
That photo is not the location of the tag
2019-07-10 23:09:13
Is that a hint? ...or...
2019-07-11 00:37:23
First photo (6:01pm) wasn’t a valid tag pickup - what I was referring to. Second photo (8:50pm) is valid.
Stop taunting people.
2019-07-11 07:46:48
There's medication for paranoia...don't mux it with whine though...
However, it is in my nature: Iguana taunts mans best friend:
2019-07-11 11:33:58
It appears I have to commit a post in order to unsubscribe from new notifications.
Had enough. Enjoy your game.
2019-07-11 11:46:10
Ditto. I stopped actively playing the game/following this thread but I popped back in every so often to see if there were any new cool tags for me to see around town.
Instead, it is more of the same. One person has decided to make themselves the focal point by denegrating others.
Or, more plainly put, The Iguana is acting like an asshole, and has for months, but doesn't seem to care and actually seems to thrive on stirring the pot and getting negative attention.
I experience enough of that narcissistic behavior from certain POTUSes. I don't need to experience it here.
I'm saddened that a once nice game has been basically turned into one person's vanity project.
As Ornoth said, "Have fun with your game."
Maybe I'll check in again in a few months but I don't need the mishegos in my life if people can't act like mensches.
2019-07-11 14:23:22
2019-07-12 02:08:35
The sad part of all that is, when I went back to dig up that AGH tag, I saw there was discussion even then about adherence to rules making it difficult enough about picking up tags that some were leaving the game. As a parallel, note the disappearance of the second game, Wheelset of Fortune. That one was fun, too, as long as we had 10 or more people. That fizzled out not because of personality conflicts but because of a general drop in message board traffic. People move, people move on, and we haven’t brought in any lasting new faces.
Myself, I’m not riding half as much as I was, mostly due to a different work schedule. I haven’t had the luxury of gallivanting halfway across the county on a treasure hunt or joyride, in two years.
The current tag, maybe I’ll look for it, maybe I won’t, but what I can’t do is say, I’ll look for it on my way to or from work. The Riverside St tag I got a couple weeks ago, I didn’t get to work until nearly 10, and that was knowing where it was. This one, I don’t, and am not likely to start looking before the middle of next week.
We’re down to only three or four people, so this tag might sit a while.
2019-07-12 07:22:16
Eric summarized the situation well. I’m tuning out.
2019-07-13 09:28:08
Well, I'm not done. But I would like a word clue, please.
2019-07-13 10:50:09
Go west in the way of native Hawaiians, but stay in the county and the box.
2019-07-13 12:48:14
Those are some good clues, I suspect, folks.
2019-07-14 15:19:59
Between Western and Maolis way near Allegheny
Sorry about that link. Instagram cut me off.
2019-07-18 18:17:21
This beautiful mirror
Makes my ride home purer
It's something I like
No need to yell, "Bike!"
2019-07-19 18:31:20
Aw, crap, I biked right past that about two hours later, returning from the Flock ride.
That’s such a tight turn. I lost my balance, going so slow around the corner, I had to put a foot down so as not to clobber the pole shown.
2019-07-20 05:58:24
Darn I missed the Flock ride. Could somebody please post them here, or in Facebook?
Never mind. I see it's on Facebook. Somehow it never came up on my feed.
2019-07-20 07:00:36
New mirror, Swinburne and Second Ave., in The Chute:
2019-07-21 03:11:28
Can't see the photo
2019-07-21 07:22:40
2019-07-21 09:56:29
New Tag:
Hint: This address may look like Trump's house, but it's on a different street and in the opposite direction: drive your vehicle with your boy child and pick it up.
2019-07-22 18:35:47
I'd like another clue, please.
2019-07-24 20:56:40
OK, I don't need another clue, after all. My mind kept going in circles, but then I figured it out. I might pick it up tomorrow if somebody else doesn't pick it up first.
2019-07-26 21:38:50
1600 W Carson
I am now either inside Yale's head, God help me, or he's making the clues easier.
2019-07-27 10:07:54
New bike lanes
Deserve a tag
No need for a word clue
Don't want to brag
2019-07-28 12:20:57
Ok, got my picture for the tag, but am not technologically proficient enough to figure out how to post without jumping through electronic hoops. So Bruce away, or someone tell me how to do this simply.
Ah, ignore all of that grousing. Devon and Forbes, new paint in front of CMU- my first time riding through these since repainted. It’s nice.
2019-07-28 16:23:57
Yay Dave!
BTW, if I'm not mistaken, you figured out a new way to upload photos.
2019-07-28 17:56:55
Now I need to see if I can do that again.
2019-07-28 19:31:30
.raf oot enog ev’uoy ,regerbenttiM hcaer ouy fI
2019-07-28 20:04:47
Might have to hold off on that picture for now.
2019-07-28 20:38:43
Many people ride
this popular Avenue
when the streets Open
2019-07-29 14:28:38
@Dave, if you can't get the attachment to work, just make a Flickr account and post a link to the shared photo, as I do.
2019-07-29 20:21:58
.raf oot enog ev’uoy, regerbettiM hcaer joy fI
2019-07-29 22:08:35
2019-07-29 22:21:39
2019-07-30 08:52:18
Sorry for the delay - hopefully any of you who did not ride open streets will figure out my clue. Now that I think I have this photo thing figure out I will participate more, although I am more of a lurker.
2019-07-30 08:56:58
I haven't received any tagorama notices since 7/21... Something wrong with the message board...more than the usual dysfunction? And I see there has been activity...the game moves on...
2019-07-31 19:38:13
I got the gist of thus tag...even with Miltenberger misspelled in reverse...and Gist is before Miltenberger unless one is going backwards on one way Forbes here. Forbes and Miltenberger:
2019-08-01 07:39:00
Sorry for the misspelling. But if you were going backwards on Forbes and reach Miltenberger, you have gone too far. But you did get the Gist of it.
2019-08-01 09:21:09
My bad...I meant to write the tag location as Forbes and Gist.
2019-08-01 12:06:01
New Tag:
Today I begin my third century. As I sit here, as is my way, celebrating and sipping a free nitro cold brew, I reminisce of the big one that got away; of his father who tried to sacrifice his brother, but he survived; a challenge to my scruples. But I digress. I tag this confluence that also includes pygmies and a perfect number squared.
2019-08-02 08:08:05
2019-08-04 13:09:45
A pearl of wisdom for those who ken
So write this down with your penn
This angel honors those who fell
So find it soon and post as well
2019-08-04 19:40:23
Methinks this hint is in error.
As not so much my quill doth flourish.
As Saint Patrick has a hankering preference for this or death.
Between these precious stones of oyster and January..
Begone upon thy fair steed to claim thine prize....
And honor those with Michael.
Anon shall I snag said tag.
Unless perchance The Bruce prevails.
2019-08-05 15:35:53
The gauntlet thrown for Challenge...
And no takers...nay, Eric the Rusty Red, Saul of Tarsus--the Heckler, the Glory of the House of Stewart Clan, et alia...decline in shame..nary a peep...outdone by a scaly armoured rascallion with nary a s.word unsheathed.
Outdone by word.s unleashed.
Oracle manifested.
Prophecy fulfilled.
Victory from The Webb.
So be it.
4712 Liberty between Pearl and Garnet
Saint Maria Goretti
Police Memorial
2019-08-05 17:47:56
New Tag:
Though the hint is straight forward and nearby beach-like terrain, don't be fooled tabulating here...but:
To be sure, you can drive north...
NO way! We WiLL be chastized twice--to bicycle...and to remember.
2019-08-07 08:26:46
That clue isn't working for me. Another clue would be nice.
2019-08-10 07:26:04
I was going to request that also. I do have another request though- after a long conversation with Iguana about his clues, I would like people to give their thought process to giving that clue after the tag is solved, and maybe even how the new person figured out the location.
For example, for my recent tag on Gist and Forbes, I felt the photo should have made it obvious as there was lots of background. If that was not enough, if you were traveling backwards on Forbes (one way street at that location, sentence was written backwards) and went past Gist to Miltenberger, you would have gone too far.
2019-08-10 12:46:51
What a clue to return to. Can I ask what park of bike is showing in clue? But really: i just want more clues. :-)
2019-08-12 14:26:03
Let me annotationally deconstruct the clue a bit...
Though the hint is straight FORWARD and nearby BEACH-like terrain, DON'T(!!!!) be fooled TABulating here…but:
To be sure, you can drive NORTH…
{NO} way! [W]e [W]i{LL} be {CHAS}tised twice–to [TWO]-wheel there…and to re[MEM]ber.
No need to read between the lines.
2019-08-12 16:19:30
Was sure this was at the "Keeping Tabs" memorial (previously tagged a couple times), but I could not find that little word. Bummer.
2019-08-14 10:17:00
Never mind the clue. I have no idea what I’m looking at or what I should place my bike next to.
2019-08-14 12:32:23
Fwiw, and recognizing that I don't really understand Yale's little lizard brain, it seems possible he meant Forward and Beechwood, but not that one.
That said, a photo further back, or another clue, would be nice.
2019-08-14 17:44:47
I'm puzzled. I spent an hour or so riding to both of the Forward and Beechwood intersections and couldn't find anything like that color or that distinctive word. Please post more info @yale.
I assume there's some relationship between the capital letters and streets or place names but I can't figure it out.
2019-08-17 11:49:54
It appears you were fooled, though he hint clearly warns...DON'T(!!!!) be fooled... ...and a couple more deconstructions I forgot to include...
To be SURE, you can DRIVE NORTH…
{NO} way! [W]e [W]i{LL} be {CHAS}tised twice–to [TWO]-wheel there…and to re[MEM]ber, too.
No need to read between the lines.
2019-08-17 13:40:19
Fwiw I'm now thinking something with North Shore Drive. That seems like it fits with some of the words and the reference to beach-like terrain. And there a MEMorial Park (and a WW II MEMorial) that might be worth looking at.
I won't have time for this today, so go for it.
2019-08-18 08:35:18
Could be up on North Charles St, too.
But I still have no idea what I’m looking at. That one sign near Becks Run Rd was the size of a playing card. This thing could be that small, too, I fear.
2019-08-19 17:47:30
WW II memorial, Northside
2019-08-24 12:10:34
As to how I got there, @dave: I knew from the font that it had to be a sign, and no one puts that word casually on a sign. So it had to be in reference to something important, like a historical event, or a synagogue or something like a Jewish support organization.
After making the mistake of taking @iguana's clue too literally and looking in Squirrel Hill I reexamined it and found the connection to the north shore, which of course has memorials, including the WW II memorial. This matched the clue's capitalized letters, and confirmed that was the place to go.
Ideally, when I'm figuring out where to pick up a tag, I want to have an idea from the photo, and confirmation in the clue. I was pretty confident I'd found the right place before I set out this morning.
2019-08-24 18:48:23
Disney's got twenty-seven reasons
Not to like this mural
They might spring a lawsuit
So find it now, in this season.
BTW, weird but true: I ran into Yale Cohen three times in Pedal Pittsburgh. Different locations. Perhaps explaining why he picks up tags so quickly and also the multiple identities here: there is more than one.
2019-08-25 15:15:43
SPRING way near 27th
I recognized Blumengarten in the photo. And funny stalking of @jonawebb didn't help...
2019-08-25 17:01:31
Where my tag?
2019-09-01 16:28:52
The MB is really getting ratty. I posted the new tag on th 25th or 26th... Let's try again.
Nee Tag:
Hint: Just do it... And don't worry it's just a common Klingon.
2019-09-01 20:05:02
I was asked for hint clarification:
Ride your bike to the comMON Klingon in the gap the gap.
2019-09-05 00:36:25
Mon wharf near the ramp up to the path to the Point.
The MON clue helped a lot. And if you look there's some water at the edge of the photo, and a road in the distance. And the only Klingon I know of is Worf.
Lat/lon -40.4391 80.0081
2019-09-07 12:19:06
...and it is literally in the gap in the GAP.
2019-09-07 13:45:02
Hard, fast, and true
Says this sign on the trail
Yet trueness will fly
From your wheels
On the cobbles nearby
2019-09-08 14:02:34
Frank Bryan Concrete, McKean St near S 3rd St
2019-09-08 16:38:50
2019-09-08 17:59:17
Welcome back Paul
2019-09-08 18:59:30
hint: by the same artist, but not in Pittsburgh:
2019-09-09 22:53:11
2019-09-10 19:04:31
hint: not in StreetView
2019-09-12 08:51:18
One could pick up this tag on the Every Neighborhood Ride this weekend, without even having to go past the second rest stop. Plenty of other items of interest and murals up there for a new tag, as well, although one mural was tagged a few years ago.
2019-09-12 16:37:11
Is another hint needed? That first hint should have sufficed.
2019-09-17 14:37:12
Hint history:
... the same artist, but not in Pittsburgh
...W avenue
... not in Streetview
...That first hint should have sufficed.
So "by the same artist, but not in Pittsburgh" is the dead giveaway... or is the the first...and sufficient?
And I got my tail yanked for this?
2019-09-17 17:22:53
I shared the "by the same artist" picture because it is a hint. Look closely.
2019-09-18 13:44:32
I gotta admit, I’m stumped. I’ve ridden around, I’ve driven around, I’ve followed the All-Hoods route sheet on StreetView. Granted, the mural might not be on SV, but there can’t be too many 10-story apartment buildings on a hill in the city. I’m sure I must have been past this 50 times, but I can’t place it from memory, and the clues aren’t helping. “W Ave” might be Western Ave, but that part of the North Side is dead level. Something farther uphill, north, near Mattress Factory, has plenty of art (think Randyland) but no tall apartments.
We’ve had a fantastic run of nice weather here the past two months, but seems the only tags I’ve chased after have been in drenching rainstorms back in April.
Gentlemen, we’re making this game too hard. The tag I set was picked up in hours, like it should be. If the photo isn’t self-explanatory, make the clue just helpful enough that you get in the area and with a minimum of riding around looking, you’ll see it. Like my hopscotch clue, my 10-foot @ sign, or the Diamond Bank.
Another clue, please?
2019-09-22 21:51:21
@stuinmccandless try doing a reverse image search on the other art piece this will lead you to the artist, That is how I found it. I haven't felt like climbing up the hills to grab the tag when I don't have anything in mind as a new tag. While passing by don't let the onions make you cry too much.
that being said I might try and get it Tues or Thurs if things work in my favor
2019-09-23 07:54:37
Sorry, I thought I had made this one easy enough two weeks ago, by providing a hint picture containing the muralist's name. Also, the second rest stop of the All-Pittsburgh-Neighborhoods ride has usually been at Jacob McCrea's shop in Allentown.
2019-09-23 12:12:21
Thinking about early computer games night help Stu.
I may pick this up tomorrow evening. I was near it a week back but didn't have my bike.
2019-09-23 19:45:15

Asteroid Way and Manton Way on the side of Warrington Beer in Allentown.
That was my first time climbing up Brosville St, so much glass on the sidewalk.
2019-09-24 19:36:21
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1536"]

NEW TAG[/caption]
Downtown, so no hills involved for this one.
2019-09-25 14:02:05
2019-09-25 15:55:30
2019-09-25 16:52:30
Impossible tags are not my style
To find this one you should ride downtown a while
And keep looking though you must wait
But give up before try eight
2019-09-26 20:40:18
I might be able to grab this, but I’ll spice the pot by adding the one clue nobody else will pick up on: The bus you see in the reflection is an O12 McKnight Flyer. The couple of letters you see on the side route sign say “McCandless Park & Ride”.
2019-09-27 07:55:29
2019-09-27 09:32:35
Stu: what's the location?
2019-09-27 10:34:26
Burger King, 7th Ave at Smithfield St, SW corner.
2019-09-27 12:01:35
2019-09-27 18:36:58
2019-10-01 16:52:10
2019-10-02 14:20:54
nice tag
Colonial Dames of America plaque about Washington & Gist’s 1753 crossing of the Allegheny River, on Tryp Hotel (former Washington Education Center Building (former Washington Vocational High School)), 40th St near Foster St, see Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 1956/12/18, page 31, Article says that historians debate where the Washington&Gist river crossing took place. It could have been either near here or near the Highland Park Bridge.
2019-10-04 12:32:38
2019-10-04 12:34:29
Let me know if you'd like more hints beyond those in the picture.
2019-10-06 18:35:46
I don’t need a hint. More I need to figure out how to get out the door early enough to bike to work in the morning.
2019-10-08 00:28:19
Southside of Herr's Island near the north end, passed Redfin Blues, down some terraced steps to this secret hideaway... visible at night with lizard infrared vision.
40.4676555, -79.9737669
2019-10-08 04:13:50
2019-10-08 18:21:10
That was a tricky one.
Terminal Bldg from where S 4th St crosses the RR tracks.
2019-10-12 19:34:00
@paulheckbert Did you you just start following me on Strava around 4pm today so you coukd hack my whereabouts when I set the tag (I don't know why I asked to approve you??)... and is that also how you got one of my tags about a month ago.....and when I asked you how you figured it said you had your ways...and I removed you from my follow list..
Or ... you have your wats?
To make it fair, I think everyone should follow my Strava feed...unless that bresks the certainly isn't in the spurit if the gsme...but it's just a game...and who needs rules anyway...
2019-10-12 21:54:52
new tag
see the Whining thread if you want squabbling
2019-10-12 23:19:09
Is that your hint?.. 'cause I don't think it's gonna keep the moving...if not I don't think asking fir a hint will help... So I suggest you supply your trace, at least. I needn't reiterate that the point is about cycling...and with your trace, everyone will be out there riding..we'll cycle it and not waste time on Google Earth and internet searching ..who needs hints when they often aren't given (see previous post) ...and not everyone understands them...and that slows the game too much...from what I've heard. Though, I don't consider it valid tag...
2019-10-13 08:19:16
That belongs in the whining thread.
2019-10-13 13:08:36
...not really; undeed, your post us pyrely a whine. I created that thread..and I've made that claim often as anyone can see in the thread.. but no one ( or to be accurate, very few) really complied. And everyone makes their own .... (expletive deleted)...
And wereally haven't been supplied a hint...or confirmed that your text is a hint or a whine... ..pardon me..those were the old rules... ..carry on..and enjoy... keep it moving...
[I guess @heckbert is in charge of this thread .. . please update the rules appropriately and often _as you change them) and update the map and spreadsheet which is sorely out of date..)
2019-10-13 13:57:38
I think this isn’t the city. The street sign in left distance does not look like city standard. Confirm or deny?
2019-10-13 20:32:27
It's outside Pittsburgh city limit but inside "the box".
2019-10-13 22:34:59
2019-10-15 01:15:52
I don’t recognize the big pink thing, but the bus stop sign narrows the field considerably.
2019-10-15 21:29:09
2019-10-16 17:59:04
Corner of Penn and Trenton.
2019-10-16 17:59:45
Also at Penn and Trenton:
2019-10-16 20:02:17
And acouple blocks on Trenton is a reincarnation of Love Bikes from Lawrenceville:
2019-10-16 20:13:05
Sophie sat in front of her tavern with her little sprout on her lap. She looked up at me and asked “who in their right mind commutes to the South Hills?”
2019-10-16 20:31:51
18th Street is good for your lungs. Go get it!
2019-10-18 14:24:25
Carrick Above Us mural by Phillip Seth, 1917 Brownsville Rd, across street from Sophie’s Saloon.
2019-10-20 18:42:53
2019-10-20 21:16:30
Hey @eric, I know you're listening. Start the New Year with a tag. Go get it at Sarah and 21st:
2019-10-21 02:25:51
Rule 2a. Tick tick.
2019-10-23 07:26:12
I think @StuInMcCandkess didn't understand or look at the picture very closely... Or follow my Strava feed as I and other have suggested. I hadn't been in that lication for some time. Though I stopped by yesterday. This was a gift as stated...for @eric since he seems to be particularly troubled from my professional view. The pic was from Streetview..unless we're now allowing that. And my bike isn't shown.
I just wanted to keep the game moving as Keymaster @paulheckbert has prioritized...especially since he apparently forgot to give a hint..or was that rule removed, too... though the location was pretty obvious to me...I don't need no stinking hints... And I don't a reason to cycle...which used to be the primary reason for the game...Google/Google Maps us the preferred location methodolgy...and Strava hacking...And of course since Keymaster has rendered my hints unreliable, though his void hints are quite accurate (I don't need no stinking I repeating myself...)... my hands are kinda tied...
Well since I was there yesterday...
And everyone is asleep on this thread..and we need to keep moving..
tick tock..
2019-10-23 07:54:37
To keep the game moving..
21st and Sarah
[...@jonawebb: I thought surely you'd get this... don't you work around the corner or so..]
[...and the rule is still 36 hours, isn't it...tick tock]
2019-10-23 08:08:22
I think he's not picking up the tag himself, but inviting anyone to jump in.
2019-10-23 19:22:21
Rule #pi:
Sorry, too late; and I don't even feel a little guilty...maybe a tinsy-weensee. The StuInTickTock was too intimidating. So my previous post was a valid I understand the "rules"...speak up now ...or forever hold your ...
And I have seventeen earth hours to drop atag anew.
...tick tock
2019-10-24 03:12:07
Oops... I'm no robot... overslept on this.
New Tag:
If you want a hint, ask..since my hints are unreliable I don't need to waste your time or mine.. We'd rather be bicycling... Check my Strava traces to keep it moving...And be safe out there.
[Here's my Strava trace from yesterday
2019-10-25 11:25:48
Penn Ave just east of 11th St. I happened to catch a reptile (could it be
The Iguana?) in the photo, but note that he gave me no tag-finding help.
2019-10-27 21:14:53
2019-10-28 17:55:19
Hint: let's Hope someone gets this while the weather is warm.
2019-10-29 10:33:15
- Actually, I surely dud give @paulheckbert help.. The tag presentation for one.. and for Strava trace gave it away... and my latest Strava follower, and good buddy, @eric must be a bit green to thus new technique....Anyway wekcome back.. 6 months goes fast when you're missed.
Tag Artifact Giveaway:
But I digress...we have a new tag ...and two of the greatest hints ever given...
2019-10-29 17:41:24
False hope it seems!
In my dreams
I'd thought I'd find it
But it was not around it
To make this ease
Another clue, please?
2019-11-30 12:01:15
I did a little hopeless search about a month ago, but realized the thread is more whiners... don't ask don't tell... not moving along and all..
...and who was it that considered whose hints "unreliable"..???
2019-11-30 16:54:40
I Hoped that the railroad name (and map!) and other hint that I provided would be sufficient, but Hollow'een and now thanksgiving have passed and still no tag pickup! Yinz can do it!
Another hint: go southwest!
2019-12-01 20:19:58
2019-12-07 13:11:58
2019-12-07 15:14:49
It took me a while to figure out that this is not in the Schenley Farms neighborhood. Yoda Claus. 5427 Hobart St, Squirrel Hill.
2019-12-27 17:55:51
new tag.
hint1: Jon’s recent hint.
hint2: go panthers!
2019-12-27 17:59:01
hint3: this door, here opened 90 degrees, faces southwest
2020-01-03 16:21:55
hint4: they do physics here
2020-01-17 20:13:11
I heard that people want more hints.
hint5: In this department (if not this building) a young physicist received a PhD on making pictures with a cathode ray tube, and went on to work for RCA on an invention they called "television".
2020-02-13 22:44:40
I think the clues should be adequate, but the interest is not. I went looking for this the other day but was unsuccessful. After further research, it should not be that hard, but I don’t often get down that way and I have not been out and about much.
2020-02-14 09:31:17
2020-03-01 12:40:54
Thanks Jon!
2020-03-01 19:08:10
We might expect Five more cold days
In this place near high school plays
Once again try to find the way
To Pittsburgh the tag stays
2020-03-02 11:06:50
need hint
2020-03-25 14:01:19
The Fifth clue you must have missed
But Our message board should help you get the Gist
2020-03-25 19:32:59
If @pearmask was watching this board, she could pick that up in five minutes.
2020-03-25 19:50:57
On the side of 1716 5th Avenue, across Miltenberger Street from 5th Avenue High School building (1894!) which is between Miltenberger and 5th.
2020-03-27 11:23:04
2020-03-27 11:27:29
good going, Dave!
2020-03-27 14:59:27
Really, shouldn't the game accelerate tremendously now since a lot of people are just looking for a reason to go for a short ride? I can see multiple turns per day.
It really helps me that I figured out how to include pictures now.
anyone still paying any attention, let me know if you need more clues. I do wonder if those robots know about the cave next to them they could roll into.
2020-03-27 15:07:08
Dave...Are you sure you've figured out how to include photos?
2020-03-27 15:37:57
2020-03-27 20:55:25
Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
2020-03-28 11:15:49
new tag
it’s visually boring today; sorry
when you visit, the sign might be different and there might be more to see here
2020-03-28 12:14:01
Is that your hint?
2020-03-28 14:52:58
...something like... don't go apeshit over this...get out of your cages and ooze to the tag.
2020-03-28 15:04:16
I know exactly where this is- but the question is whether to ride over to this location or take a nap.
2020-03-28 15:07:40 Zoo entrance on a warm and windy afternoon
2020-03-29 14:19:09
I hadn't planned a pickup, but found myself in the area... And I just missed Dave....
2020-03-29 14:56:01 New tag. On a tree lined riverfront trail.
2020-03-29 15:12:25
I kept six feet behind Dave.
Southside trail by Scot Awodey Bench in the Rainbow Garden. Allegheny Ford Truck to the South and the County Jail acris4s the Mon to the North.
2020-03-29 20:01:33
Too cold for lizards today? Not like they have anything else to do. C’mon, I am looking for a reason to go for a bike ride- I like to have a destination, not just a joy ride.
2020-03-30 14:19:16
Iguanas become immobile in the cold. They may look dead, but they're still alive.
2020-03-30 20:48:37
I can understand this immature impatience from @paulheckbert as heckbert has roots in heckler and paul is rooted in small..which explains much.
But at @Dave was a surprise until I gave it some thought as David derives from beloved...but further consideration revealed the hidden. As @Dave's other name derives from frothy which explains the rabid attitude...while Dave further derives from lovemaking...frothy lovemaking...
In both cases, forms of whining which seems to be the favored form of post here.
2020-03-31 01:09:25
Mr. Ig- I am curious what your definition of whining is? I don’t see Paul’s two statements as whining at all. Pure, declarative sentences.
Mine could be interpreted at a whine, as is yours. Or you could see my request as encouragement, plus a statement of my usual preference for a reason to ride.
It’s a nice spring morning, not raining, and I have an errand to attend to on two wheels.
2020-03-31 08:27:56
Whining is anything thing irrelevant and inappropriate to the GAME. Encouragement is not needed and IS whining (come on I want a new already...whine, whine, whine...)...and we know the rules... declarative statements don't preclude whining... this post is whining..back...
That said, I know my time to post a new tag has expured, I have had some trouble with Flickr, so I humbly (redundant since iguanas are naturally humble even if immobile in the cold) ask for some patience... I'm working on it.
2020-03-31 14:53:09
Patience granted. Paul and I are not going anywhere significant.
2020-03-31 15:10:18
I guess the above post constitutes a whine by your definition, as does this. We then need to resurrect the whining discussion.
2020-03-31 16:06:56
It's been more than 2 days since Iguana picked up the tag, and the time limit is 1.5 days, so his pickup is invalidated by rule 2a:
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruce posted gets the tag. If no Bruce was claimed, tag will revert to the previous tag, and somebody else will get their chance. If you won’t have the time to drop off a new tag, don’t pick it up to begin with.
(rules are listed at
So somebody go pick up the previous tag!
2020-04-01 11:39:50
I posted it yesterday ... after explaining my flickr problem..
2020-04-01 11:43:50
New Tag:
To the land
As per Horace Greeley
In degrees NW
[PS... Isn't it 2020?]
2020-04-01 11:58:14
Hey @Keymaster, did it post?
Do you need more hints?
2020-04-01 12:25:21
I am not a key master, but it did post. Cryptic as always- I certainly would appreciate another clue, plus a guide to your reptilian mind.
2020-04-01 12:37:53
More clues... meta-clues as per @Dave's request:
[whine: I thought clues were supposed to be cryptic; isn't that their nature? I'm sure @Keymaster can quote the appropriate rule.]
2020-04-01 12:55:21
I read over the info on reptilian brains and crypticism, but did not see how those constituted additional clues.
2020-04-02 16:18:36
Silly me @Dave I was just respondinding to your questions.
But as described, there was indeed a clue...a meta-clue... maybe too cryptic for you.
Or would you prefer gps coordiates? Or the address?
And therewith is a clue.
Gst out and ride... you'll find it.
2020-04-02 19:27:25
Nice riding weather, but wear a facemask. Better get this tag before we are fully locked down...unless we can get a waiver.
Another hint:
1. Don't go backward, or
2. Left or right a Turner, (do go backwards) a Tina.
and follow the previous clue(s).
And just to be sure, here are the GPS coordinates: 40.43, -79 91
You've got the address, the directions, the GPS coordinates, the Rosetta Stone. There's nothing else to give.
[And wear a facemask, but not over your eyes and stop touching yourself...else you'll be blinded....on either case.]
2020-04-04 04:36:15
So, hollerin’ distance from the Blue Slide. If I ever get farther than 100 feet of the house, I might just go look for this.
2020-04-12 18:53:50
2020-04-13 16:18:01
not sure why/ if this seems to not be working.
2020-04-13 19:51:32
The Traynors look out towards a street where cowboys play.
2020-04-13 21:27:56
Pie Traynor's grave
Homewood Cemetery along Dallas between Woodwell and Ridgeville streets
2020-04-14 16:59:55
New Tag.
Continuing the theme of the previous tag:
This is a Pittsburgh story so think gray days and brown hills and black .... And Rivers: Crossing the Jordan, but not the Ohio or Monongehela. Maybe the Mon. And don't strikeout considering famously halled cardinals of the 60s.
2020-04-16 05:52:23
Is the name on that gravestone defaced, or is the picture edited, or is there just a lot of stuff sitting on the marker?
2020-04-16 10:10:26
- Neither the former, nor the latter.
2020-04-16 10:13:55
Wow, I actually know exactly where this is. If I start now, I could probably be there by Wednesday or Thursday. Or maybe not.
2020-04-16 17:44:57
@Kolo (Tond) Jezdec
Jeez, (don't) look DC
2020-04-17 10:51:36
Jeez, (don’t) look DC?
2020-04-17 11:00:35
Gravestone of Josh Gibson, 1911-1947, legendary baseball player, one of the most prodigious power hitters in the history of professional baseball, played for the Homestead Grays, Allegheny Cemetery, Section 50, Lot SG-C232, (40.4745614, -79.9461164)
2020-04-17 12:23:54
@Kolo Jezdec better?:
2020-04-17 12:39:39
2020-04-17 13:02:41
Hazelwood Green, RU3DC, Mill 19
2020-04-17 16:19:44
New Tag:
In keeping with the baseball theme, don't confuse this guy with the 1908 Cincy player who was often beaned. But social distance and mask-up here...infection and death abounds here. Wear a helmet and gloves. And stop touching yourself.
2020-04-19 03:45:40
Paul, I think this one is on you. I rode around the neighborhood of the Kane center and could not find this pole. May have missed it, or the sign is not near the center.
2020-04-20 08:54:37
@Dave, @paulheckbert: I didn't realize the game was restricted to just us three.
I'm surprised you couldn't find the tag... as the queen might say: Deary, during the Blitz we often had less than a minute to find a shelter/tag. And we moved on...EU...Brexit...COVID19...Tally ho.
No comments on my suggestion in the Whining Thread? Tag-O-2 2020...?
2020-04-20 11:31:14
2020-04-21 17:14:51
2020-04-21 17:56:49
How fortuitous..I ran out for a quickie to Aldi....checked for a new tag...expecting to whine about it...And recognized it...for a quickie tag:
5115 Centre UPMC Hillman Cancer Center to UPMC Shadyside Hospital Bridge
2020-04-21 19:16:06
I;m curious as to how and why there is a car fragment in Paul's Kane tag pickup?
2020-04-22 23:03:20
I hadn't noticed @Mick. I'm so trusting.
...looks like sloppy use of Streetview and Photoshop...I guess someone could Bruce it...
Let's keep the game moving.
New Tag:
...keeping the baseball theme, this guy is spending eternity with both wives. But their husband was a busy man in this world as well.
2020-04-22 23:49:29
The EXIF info for Paul's shot says it's a panorama. Looks like a typical panorama artifact.
2020-04-23 08:06:46
The car fragment was a result of the panorama software.
2020-04-23 10:00:56
One thing Harriet Day and Leone Evans had in common, though not simultaneously, was their husband, John K. Tener, the baseball player and PA governor. Homewood Cemetery, Section 12-3, Lot 102.
2020-04-25 12:14:37
2020-04-25 12:15:49
Nice picture. That makes my day!
2020-04-25 18:33:58
Thanks, Paul, Steven. I wasn't suspicious, just curious.
2020-04-25 18:45:31
hint: Denholm took too many Clorox Chewables
2020-04-27 12:40:44
Homewood Cemetery. Opposite Dallas and Woodwell. Denholm Van Trump graves. Including co-founder of Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation (PHLF) James Denholm Van Trump.
2020-04-27 15:19:40
In keeping with the current theme, this is outta the park, beyond the box seats, but not the farthest, so kosher. Another Cooperstown resident. But you knew that.
2020-04-29 07:57:48
Wow, 5 days for this one...
2020-05-03 13:09:16
My brain doesn’t work like a lizard so I have a hard time interpreting these clues. Does it mean a cemetery somewhere behind the baseball stadium? I am not familiar enough with historical players names to know who this might be. Dre.....? Drew? Bensv...? Bensvosser? I have no idea, and don’t even know which cemetery to go riding around in.
2020-05-03 13:37:11
Well that was interesting- I now know who it is, and exactly where he is buried. Oh my gosh, does that mean I am starting to think like The Iguana? That’s a scary thought!
it’s long way from home, but might make the trek up there this week. Got nuthin’ else to do.
2020-05-03 13:48:22
West View Cemetery, Section B plot 152 grave #3 - Barney Dreyfuss
Hall of Fame Major League Baseball Team Owner. Born in Freiburg, Germany, he emigrated to America in 1881, enjoyed the game of baseball and organized amateur baseball teams first for the distillery workers, then semi-pro clubs around Louisville. In 1890, he obtained part ownership of the Louisville Colonels, then a Major League team in the American Association and in 1899, he acquired full ownership of the Pittsburgh Pirates National League team. During his 32 year (1900-32), reign as president and general manager of the Pirates, he built the first modern steel-frame tripletier stadium, Forbes Field, in 1909 and is credited as the innovator who created baseball's World Series. The Pittsburgh Pirates finished in the first division 26 times, winning six pennants in (1901-03, 1909, 1925, 1927) and the World Series in 1909 and 1925. Dreyfuss was also a pioneer in professional football, as co-owner and manager of the Pittsburgh Athletic Club, winners of the pro football championship in 1898. He died at age 66 in New York City and at the time of his death, was vice president of the National League. In 1979, he was inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2008
2020-05-07 16:40:56
I feel like I should give an explanation on how I deconstructed the Iguana’s cryptic clue.
Suspecting this was a baseball player with a name related to one of the words on the bench, I looked for cemetery’s pretty far up on the Northside (outta the park, beyond the box seats). West View Cemetery had a search function so I looked for names starting with Bens or Dre. Did not notice the small grave that Mr I. carefully included the rest of the name (fuss) and date of death (Feb. 5 1932). The search function showed a picture of the Dreyfuss plot, and I had heard the name of Barney Dreyfuss, but did not know he was not a baseball player (outta the park- on the sidelines, or beyond the box seats but rather in the team offices).
2020-05-07 17:33:16
New tag. Not baseball related.
Ms. Crogan, recently betrothed to her husband Edward, gave the land for this park to the city 49 years before this plaque was installed. If I had given this spot a bit more than the currently requested distance by stepping backwards, I might have become a statistic.
2020-05-07 17:46:53
I spent almost an hour searching the park. I didn’t find that plaque, but I did find this:
2020-05-09 18:17:46
Another clue- the road I might have become a statistic on has the same name as a Northwest Indiana High School who’s athletic teams are called the Brickies.
Mother deer will sometimes leave their fawns while they go off and feed, with specific instructions to not go anywhere until she returns.
2020-05-09 18:26:44
The original hint was not very revealing (and yins complain about my hints), not that it mattered to me, as I have seen and photographed this plaque before--in fact, I recall going passed it in the last week or two. It was one if two I thought. I was to to take a gander on Friday, but more pressing business was ...more pressing... yes, there are more important things than tags. Saturday was amenable for a late day ride. And to snag the tag...but the locations I had in mind were not fertile; so I moved on; life is not the tag--the idea is to ride rather than spend an hour chasing geese... But I did find the parents of a fawn under a tufa bridge (a natural tufa formation can be found on the GAP east of Cedar Creek) as well as a five-petaled Quaker Lady (bluet)--quite unusual:
2020-05-10 01:38:19
... moving on... maybe I'd recall the location...or not. At The Point I checked my e-mail and noticed more activity on this thread. A new hint...and then it came back, the exact location; I could see it in my mind's eye...even in the dark:
Hobart, near the confluence of Greenfield Rd, Bartlett, Panther Hollow Rd, and Bartlett. A plaque commemorating a tree planting in honor of the sesquitennial of the Constitution by...
[And please continue to complain about my hints...]
2020-05-10 07:47:39
...missing the Buccos? I thought so... so here's another baseball tag... not in any parks related to Crogan's daughter. But in a park...though she did have some influence in a nearby park...and this guy ran for President. Ride to fight the virus.
2020-05-11 17:10:02
Steve's field? I checked there but didn't find AUH2O.
2020-05-11 23:00:25
I am pretty sure I saw this in my travels, but don’t remember where. Did get to see some baby foxes while looking for it yesterday, which is always a good thing.
2020-05-13 11:48:04
I'm sure you have. Indeed, with the warm weather, there have been quite a few foxes... and some cougars as well.... not to be confused with the panthers we typically have in this area...
2020-05-14 03:41:37
By “this area” did you mean Oakland in general, or “this” being more specific to the tag location?
2020-05-15 15:44:34
2020-05-16 03:40:42
Iguana: clearer hints, please.
2020-05-17 15:01:28
I can't attest to the clearness of my hints...that's a personal matter... I may be able to give another hint.
The recent questions have not been very of Steve and foxes...???
The above is not a far as I know.
The point is you should focus on conventional wisdom...and center your search there...and maybe you'll score.
2020-05-17 15:15:12
I just circumnavigated the convention center (conventional wisdom?) and did not see Goldwater. Scores? Scoreboard somewhere, athletic field?
2020-05-17 15:56:16
Steve as in Steve Forbes, of course
2020-05-17 16:51:55
Oh, Malcolm... well, why haven't you gotten the tag... giving Dave a chance?
2020-05-17 18:23:52
AUH2O, Riverfront trail opposite PNC Park (a bit downstream of the Clemente Bridge)
2020-05-17 18:30:43
I just did not ride down the trail far enough. What nearby park did Mary Crogan Schenley have what sort of influence in?
2020-05-17 21:01:01
new tag. let me know if you need more hints (beyond what's in the picture)
2020-05-17 22:26:49
Mrs. Schenley owned the Blockhouse and was instrumental in preserving that area for development in a park rather than industrial interesting story in its own right.
2020-05-18 01:14:38
hint: watch this excellent Dean Bog video:
2020-05-21 11:20:17
lots of cemeteries up there, not as many obelisks. Neither of these are the right one. Spent a good part of the afternoon looking unsuccessfully.
2020-05-22 18:10:54
Sorry, that’s not the right obelisk. Here’s a second picture of the tag obelisk. Note the building in the distance at left.
2020-05-22 18:24:31
I don't think yinz are trying very hard.
First picture tells you that this obelisk is collinear with Cathedral of Learning and with a church spire (I'll let you figure out which church it is).
At, click on satellite and 3D and you will get an oblique 3D view. Good for obelisk-spotting. Tutorial:
2020-06-04 10:50:46
I wouldn't be too harsh. It's likely due to confusing those saints.
I have problems myself. Way too many of them out there I'd say...
I'd agree that Goog map and Earth can be pretty informative.
But pay attention to detail. It makes all the difference.
[also: do check out the Neighborhoods of Pittsburgh videos.]
2020-06-04 17:52:40
Here's another clue for @Dave that I took a couple weeks ago:
@Keymaster Your hints are the best; keep them coming. Just remember not to be too wordy; soneone complained about that...and, you know, picture's worth a ....
2020-06-04 18:10:23
I can't help but think that The Iguana is referring to some of my tags from long ago which, yes, ran to a couple of paragraphs. But, hey,
it's my tag and I can write if I want to.
Also can one of you be clear what exactly the tag consists of? Is a close-up of the monument good enough or do people have to schlelp to the vantage point? We wouldn't want to have another one of those arguments about what counts.
2020-06-06 16:33:00
Note: This is not that hard to find ,guys.
I don't have the technology to post pics. (I live at the edge of the 19th century). But there are two houses in each pic that I can send you the addresses for (and you can check they match on Google Street view)
If you are willing to climb the hill and you have the technology, send me a message and I'll send the addresses..
2020-06-06 17:47:00
@Mick, yes the tag is easy to locate.
The issue is what the "tag" actually is: the monument or the view from where the pic was taken from. We need one of @ph or @iggy to tell us. I guess that would be @ph the poster (but I'm not clear on the logistics of how the shoot was worked out). Unless we hear, I'm happy to post Goog Earths of both options.
2020-06-06 23:39:31
My interpretation is in the the pickup picture, the bike needs to be in approximately the same location as the bike in the original tag picture. So a pickup picture could be the bike at the obelisk , even as a closeup without the Cathedral in the photo.
2020-06-07 07:22:40
Picture showing bike, obelisk, house seen in my first pic, and part of Cathedral of Learning would be good. No need to hike to the other hill and match my telephoto shot.
2020-06-07 09:13:33
...not that I agree with @paulheckbert in his tag "requirement"... as I have had a few of my tags defined for me improperly imo..and my protestations of foul ignored... I will consider this as a TAG-O-paulheckbert as I have sggested in the whining thread and follow his rules...
..oh @Ahlir, it's not all about you, my reference was regarding a typical innaccurate/double-standard/inconsistent whining post more recently..
2020-06-08 12:03:11
SSaint John Vianney Cemetery, Carrick
Alois Winter obelisk
In case you can't make out my pannier in my prior post..and it is well as the obelisk, hoyse, Cathedral, even the dorms...Ajax, Bab-O, and Comet:
2020-06-08 12:37:30
I don't think that's a valid tag pickup, as the bike isn't close to the location of the bike in the tag drop, and the tag was not in Carrick.
2020-06-08 14:35:36
I'm just following @paulheckbert r has all the itens you suggested...ooops, you are changing them again?... I claimed that about one of my tags in the past, but everyone ignored my protest... and as it was deemed a clean pickup, so is this valid...
And how do you know how close the bike did some fancy telephotoing that clouded the tag pic(kup) is appropriate..
I suggest you start you TAG-O-paulheckbert and you can customize and change your rules as you see fit for whatever reasons .We gotta keep this game moving...for the fewthat are playing...and we've had such nice weather ..and there's so mych confusion and delay...I don't think your obfuscation is appreaciated... I'm sure @Ahlir has an opinion...
2020-06-08 15:59:42
Mr. Lizard- I feel slighted as virtually everyone else still involved in the game was mentioned in your previous post except Mick and I. And I have an opinion, which is to agree that the bike needs to be near the obelisk. My feeling is it could even be a closeup identifying the correct obelisk and bike without the distant accoutrements.
2020-06-08 16:34:33
All opinions aside, ignored or otherwise...
New Tag:
2020-06-12 17:24:14
Additional clue please? Or elaborate on the ignored opinions part. Maybe a reference to a closed library?
2020-06-23 10:29:34
This could have been a railtrail, but retains its three-dimensional cubist quality... don't you think? That's my opinion.
2020-06-23 15:37:24
Nobody ever biked to the obelisk (
http://localhost/message-board/topic/tag-o-rama-2019/page/12/#post-371836) and (
http://localhost/message-board/topic/tag-o-rama-2019/page/12/#post-372014), got a picture of their bike there, and correctly identified the location of the obelisk, so I suggest we resume the game there.
2020-07-23 10:27:26
Are either of you (Mr. Iguana or Mr. Paul) even thinking about this lately? I must admit I have not. I suppose there is a chance I might ride up the slopes again to look for the missing obelisk, but as far as the fixit station in the last tag, I have no idea where it is, and as usual the obtuse clues do not help me at all.
2020-07-23 19:00:02
Mr. Dave, for someone who hasn't thought about this lately, you surely have some latent issues about this... and your usual no idea. At least it's not contagious. Keep that mask on, practice social distancing, and eat all your veges. Be safe. And beware of iguanas:
2020-07-24 01:34:19
Yes, I think about this game, and I have some fun tag ideas in mind.
2020-07-25 18:28:58
We ARE page 13 of this thread--portending of evil. The sprites may be at play. Indeed, this stalemate may require super-lizard venom...
Mr. Dave, it appears this tryst--this 3-sided (maybe a "silent" fourth) game--depends upon you. Once your brain fog clears you'll realize this stalemate can only be broken by You. Be A Man; (You can push your pawn appropriately--You CAN ask for more clues--sublime, ridiculous, or obfuscated as they may be); end the stalemate; start a new game; grab the tag. Just do it.
For sure, I'm giddy in anticipation of some fun tags from Keymaster--that last one was...was...the funnest!
2020-07-26 10:45:41
Mr. Ig- I need another clue. Or maybe help interpreting the last clue.
2020-07-26 15:38:10
Good. Take action as suggested. Get on truckin' down to the Pittsburgh border with Ohio. ... or take the express the cube!
2020-07-26 16:04:34
Kinda difficult to participate in a game I'm 200+ miles away from. I've been living in metro Buffalo since the middle of June.
2020-08-09 04:19:25
The cemetery obelisk tag was never properly picked up. According to the rules:
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). [Consensus is that your bike should be in the same location as the bike in the tag picture — otherwise one could pick up a tag of, say, a radio tower, from miles away, but that would violate the spirit of the game]
By convention, when you pick up a tag you’re expected to state the address or geolocation.
When TheIguana attempted to pick up, he/she/it fell short in two respects: picture does not show the bike at the obelisk, and location stated was incorrect (it’s not Carrick).
Current tag is
2020-08-21 11:30:10
Paul and mr. iguana- I seriously tried but was unsuccessful finding the south side cemetery obelisk, and I have no idea where the bike rack/ station is after some searching, and I find the clues insufficient.
I will gladly pick up both tags and post pictures with accompanying location identification if you could each tell me where they are. I know this may offend your game sensibility, but in order to move forward, as it seems that we are at a stalemate, I see no other solution. I might even be able to do both in the same day. But to be fair, it would require both of you to participate.
Please post your thoughts.
2020-08-30 20:56:45
2020-08-31 20:24:02
I'm going way beyond what I consider acceptable here, but I'd like to see this thread move along.
The obelisk is in ST Peter's Cemetery, at about 1900 Arlington Ave. It's a helluva climb. I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but I was unable to get a personal message sent to Dave, so I'm just posting.
Posting an address is a bit of a jerky thing to do, for sure. But so is making a tag with telephoto lens and picking a tag up with a more obscure tele photo lens.
2020-09-03 17:32:05
Thanks Mick— I won’t be able to ride up there until next week, but will get that tag.
Now, anyone able to dig into the recesses of the lizard brain clues to figure our where the second tag might be? I do feel I need to get that one also to be fair, and am willing to do so with a bit more locating help.
2020-09-04 07:53:50
Get on truckin’ down to the Pittsburgh border with Ohio. … or take the express
I took this clue and used it to find the location. Although I have no idea what the lizard-like one meant by "cube," the rest of this clue is straight forward. Even to me, and I rarely get anyone's clues in this game.
I won't publish the actual address - it would strip my pride - if anyone can figure a way to contact me privately, I' gladly divulge.
2020-09-07 23:42:10
Mick- clue is not that obvious to me. Maybe someplace along the Ohio riverfront? A truck stop? Express way? You can send me more info privately at sobaldave@gmail
2020-09-08 10:26:26
Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's mailbox is undergoing maintenance and can't accept messages now. Please try resending the message later.
Just pick random words out of the clue I cut and pasted and paste them in Google.
2020-09-10 23:22:39

Winter bros st. Peters cemetery.
2020-09-27 11:41:04
Well done! I suspect Mr. Iguana may grouse a bit about this, but I for one would welcome a new tag.
2020-09-28 08:07:10

This is a Pearl of a tag.
And if there is grumbling I will grab the iguana tag on thursday when I am out, the last clue helped me find it last night.
2020-09-28 10:51:53
thank you, jstalnaker!
2020-09-29 13:02:56
Iguana tag as promised.

27th and railroad.
Thanks to everyone that posted super easy hints for both tags. Let's see if anyone is still playing
2020-10-01 12:32:48
corner of Pearl and Torley
2020-10-01 16:24:31
new tag, Dave?
2020-10-05 12:20:11
Sorry- thought I had posted one. Will do!
2020-10-05 13:26:41
2020-10-05 13:53:54
Having difficulty adding my clue- let me know if I should keep trying.
2020-10-05 13:59:03
Color: Black, White, Green, Yellow
Luster: Greasy, Waxy
Crystal system: Monoclinic crystal system
Chemical formula: (Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)₂₋₃ (Si,Al,Fe)₂O₅(OH)₄
Hardness (Mohs hardness scale): 3 – 6
Mineral class: Silicate mineral
Transparency: Opaque, Translucent
this is my clue
2020-10-06 20:10:49
Color: Black, White, Green, Yellow
Luster: Greasy, Waxy
Crystal system: Monoclinic crystal system
Chemical formula: (Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)₂₋₃ (Si,Al,Fe)₂O₅(OH)₄
Hardness (Mohs hardness scale): 3 – 6
Mineral class: Silicate mineral
Transparency: Opaque, Translucent
2020-10-06 20:14:05

Serpentine Drive, schenley park
2020-10-08 16:45:15
Out of curiosity, did you use the clue at all, or just know where it was? I like my clue, but wasn’t sure it could be useful.
2020-10-08 17:22:16
I was 85% sure I knew it, so i did google search on the chemical make up and confirmed the location.
2020-10-09 15:26:14

I will try and come up with a clue, but this is a fresh paint job probably passed by between 31 and 40 bikers a day
2020-10-09 15:29:14
Additional hint. This is a fresh paint job and you won't find it on google map.
Secondly, Jack White played near here.
2020-10-12 20:44:20
Is "31 to 40" a hint, or an unusually specific traffic guess?
2020-10-16 16:36:16
It is a hint.
Let me know if more is needed, it is always hard to tell if it hard to find or not being seeked.
2020-10-17 21:37:15
So apparently my new paint job wasnt complete and now my tag is gone. Here is the building from my car. Sorry no bike.

2020-10-24 10:57:36
2020-10-26 15:36:04
new tag
(note: bike to within 100 ft of here, cross inactive RR tracks)
2020-10-26 16:20:16
past the north end of 35th street looking west.
2020-10-27 18:05:38
New tag
guarding the bluff
2020-10-28 12:49:17
Mr. guarding-the-bluff has been done before, but that's OK.
2020-10-28 14:47:08
I am out and about- will post another later today. Can’t have people riding the same streets all of the time.
i enjoyed getting to your last tag. Even stopped into restaurant depot to look around.
2020-10-28 14:57:54
New new tag
To quote Paul on his cemetery tag: “new tag. let me know if you need more hints (beyond what’s in the picture)”
2020-10-28 16:54:38
Need a clue? Street name is the same as the Biology building at the university where I received my graduate degree. It’s sort of an intersection, as the house on the right is the aforementioned street, while the house on the left is listed on a cross street, even though the “street” appears to be their driveway.
But you need to know the neighborhood first - is that obvious enough from the picture?
2020-11-05 08:50:16
Millington Rd & Melbourne St, Greenfield
2020-11-11 15:51:51
new tag. hint: street name is almost my last name
2020-11-12 16:01:05
Additional hint: walk less than a mile east, south, or west from this spot, and you’ll be in the water.
2020-11-14 12:32:36
Ok, this has been up long enough. I admit I have not looked real hard. Another clue? We should still be doing this in the winter.
2020-12-29 18:16:05
The nearby water is a major river, and those hills are on the other side of the railroad and the river.
2020-12-30 11:00:18
I think I know where this might be. Just need to get over there to try to lineup landmarks.
2020-12-30 11:05:26
I found the street (I think). Now just have to find the time to get over there.
2020-12-30 17:53:48
I have tried 3 times to post my tag pick up. Will keep trying - not sure why it’s not working
2021-01-02 18:47:32 In empty lot at about 2630 Herbert Way.
2021-01-02 18:49:56
I found it this afternoon by chance, was just riding along when I saw the heaps of stone, thought they looked familiar and rode around the block to see if I could find the deer or whatever it is. And there it was!
2021-01-02 20:53:46
In the interest of having another person involved in the game, I defer to Naomi to set the next tag.
when I was there, some of the neighbors were out and said the piece was by Tim Kaulen, who has a lot of other public art scattered around. They also said the little solar powered light strips make it look cool at night.
2021-01-02 21:02:31
Thank you, but it's yours! I wasn't chasing the tag, I'd looked at the area on satellite view, found nothing and forgotten all about it, just thought it was funny that I recognised the giant heaps of stone & that the photo poses were identical. It was too late to look for new tags, getting dark.
2021-01-02 21:16:58
No big rush setting another tag- this one had been sitting almost 2 months
2021-01-02 21:37:06
Tim Kaulen does nice sculptures. He was part of the Carrie Furnace deer, and also the hockey players at Southside Waterfront Park.
Please DO hurry to post a new tag, Dave. We need to pick up the pace, here. Maybe Naomi can pick up the next one.
2021-01-03 14:38:06
How many runnels can there be in Pittsburgh? I don’t really know, but if anyone needs a clue this is between arts and cats.
2021-01-03 17:35:50
I know where that is by the trees, but had not seen a close-up photo of it before. It's going to be a project to get there between the end of work and the end of sunlight, though, so don't wait for me to grab this. (I'm still in this game, but have been sidelined with being an hour ride just to get to anything in town for the past almost 10 months.)
2021-01-04 07:14:42
Maybe next tag can head west or north to give you a better shot.
2021-01-04 08:34:01
Apologies for barging in... These stairs have already been tagged, albeit near the bottom (I picked up that tag).
The stairs to the left, a ways down, I believe go to a parking lot. So these stairs make everyone happy: Bikers get a runnel and drivers get a shortcut.
2021-01-12 19:04:35
Hmmm. I must admit I did not check before posting. Since it appears there are only 6 or so people paying attention to this, unless rules dictate otherwise, do people have a preference- set another tag, or someone still get this one? I could set another tag within a day or two.
2021-01-12 19:33:37
Keep the existing. I don't think it's been tagged since the rebuild, and I'd be as curious to try it out myself as I am trying to get the tag. The weather has been so temptingly quiet these past few days, but work regularly drags out to the end of daylight, so the bike has sat.
2021-01-13 01:42:11
Stairs from Frick Fine Arts library down to Joncaire St
2021-01-21 15:39:45
2021-01-21 15:42:59
No clue? I have a hunch based on architecture and slope, but that’s pretty thin. But more than those that thought their storm would unleash yesterday at noon.
2021-01-21 19:45:40
hints: 1. Many cyclists see this chair frequently because it's on one of Pittsburgh's main roads. 2. One of the marches in support of the Tree of Life victims on October 30, 2018 met near this chair.
2021-01-21 23:31:09 House on left is NW corner of Forbes and Beechwood.
2021-01-22 10:54:24
New tag:
Inspiring youth on this NW corner since 1955.
this is as close as I could get today for Stu.
2021-01-22 21:23:57
Why do I have visions of Lily Tomlin eating a sandwich.
2021-01-25 10:50:23
Not sure why you have visions of Ms Tomlin eating a sammie.
clue: the boys hat could be a baseball cap, not sure why the girl is carrying flowers. Although not running, they are facing away from home.
2021-01-29 18:47:00
Well, I guess she wasn't eating it, but she describes it in a good bit of detail. Ah, the wonders of memory!
I'll see if I can get out over the weekend and grab this. I actually touched the bike today for the first time this year, charged up the lights and the camera, should be good to go!
2021-01-29 19:17:34
2021-01-30 15:07:36
Had to go the rental route. Bike problems. Definitely the first ride in 2021, I think the first since October.
2021-01-30 15:14:38
Stu- I picked up and posted that Chair tag at 10:54 on January 22, and posted the new tag that same evening with a note for you. and then added another clue on 1/29.
2021-01-30 15:34:47
I appreciate the personal service. Now let's see if I can get out sometime in the next 36 hours and set a tag properly!
2021-01-30 15:38:40
Not sure what you are saying here. Was my tag pickup and new tag insufficient as it was only a link to the pictures and not the picture itself? If so, I was not aware of that.
2021-01-30 15:50:51
No, everything was fine. I figured it out mostly by your giving the approximate location. I knew I'd seen it before, I just don't get out that way all that often.
I had a tight time schedule today, so couldn't bike the entire 14 miles from McCandless to Squirrel Hill. I drove to a side street somewhere off Shady Ave, hiked over to the rental bike rack by Forbes & Murray, got out a bike, biked the three or so blocks to the chair, got a photo, and made it back in under 15 minutes. Because of that, the bike rental was free via use of my ConnectCard. That's a really useful feature that I don't know if too many people know about.
What else I noticed was that the bike I had was equipped with a three-speed internal hub. I know all those bikes came with a seven-speed hub originally.
Now I have to figure out how to set a tag in a snowstorm. I may have to push the bike eight miles along Perry Hwy or Babcock Blvd to get inside the box. Failing that, I have Monday off, so hopefully the snow will have let up by then.
2021-01-30 22:16:55
New tag!
I am surprised how dark & deserted this place is at 4pm on a Monday.
2021-02-01 15:53:05
Stu- please explain to me why my new tag post on 1/22 at 9:23pm does not count.
2021-02-01 16:56:03
Easy answer: Oops, I didn't see it. I guess we can ignore my tag, then. But hey, it got me off my butt and caused me to take the longest bike ride I've had in about 10 months. It's what this game is about, right?
OK, let me regroup and try to figure that one out.
- - -
Back before I had a smartphone, I used to link photos from Flickr to this message board. I think the mechanism was that I needed a complete path to the photo, starting with https and ending in .jpg. Then it was embedding it via [img src="" ] substituting angle brackets for square ones. Then the photo would simply appear in the post.
But I can see that in the five years since I played with Flickr, it's harder than hell to obtain the raw path name to the file, so I can hardly blame you.
2021-02-01 21:28:22
Re getting a picture URL from Flickr: on the IOS Flickr app, go to the photo, click the right-arrow icon (share), then click on Copy URL.
2021-02-07 11:42:08
2021-02-07 18:32:02
Another clue? On April 8, 2021, there will be more people around this area than since September 24, 2020.
2021-02-17 18:18:39
I could use a clue, but what I could use more is a reason to leave the house. Volunteering for Frigid Bitch a week ago was the last elective reason for me to go anywhere in weeks other than that Feb 1 trip, and I doubt I rode a half mile that day.
2021-02-21 13:47:03
To be more obvious, these kids seem to admire an athlete looking like he’s going to run away from home. He shares the last name with local politician with the first name of Chelsea, and he honestly has a unique first name.
Reasons to go outside: today, sunny, warmish, not much wind. Later in the week a few days that will feel springlike. It will be great riding, especially if the rain rinses some of the salt away off the road surfaces.
2021-02-21 15:47:10
Honus Wagner statue at PNC Park
2021-02-24 13:39:12
new tag
more visible from the alley at right than from the heavily-traveled bridge road at left
2021-02-24 14:21:00
in Parking lot of TRYP on 40th.
2021-03-17 17:23:38
This is a car free location, and historically significant.
2021-03-18 09:54:06
21-year-old George Washington was here in 1753.
North end of Washington’s Landing (Herr’s Island)
2021-03-29 17:35:41
new tag
Portions of picture blurred so it's not too obvious. I could give a hint later if necessary.
2021-03-29 21:20:07
Hellooooo BikeTagORamans!
This might be the highest count bicycle photo mystery tag game we've discovered so far! Y'all are awesome!!
2021-04-01 18:24:42
I think I know where this is and am hoping to pick up the tag tomorrow. If you were planning on getting it, get to it!
2021-04-01 19:38:30
About a past tag: the 2/24 and 3/17 tags were a portrait of Tom Savini, makeup artist, stuntman, and director based in Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, he was struck by a car and injured, while cycling:
2021-04-03 11:22:09
the Larimer Neighborhood welcomes you at the corner of East Liberty Boulevard and Larimer Avenue
2021-04-04 20:02:40
New Tag!
One might feel “tired” at this spot, but that’s only the power of suggestion. The discerning cyclist should be able to find this location with available landmarks.
2021-04-04 20:07:11
Hi, BikePgh Taggers. I'm gonna jump in on this here game.
33rd St. in The Strip, where the tracks cross.
2021-04-13 15:13:42
New Tag:
Across molten steel and the street of Rachel's surname - follow a lady East until her end to seek the power.
2021-04-13 15:18:56
Carson Substation, 3400 Jane St, Southside
2021-04-18 16:56:37
new tag. Hint: this is close to a river.
2021-04-19 21:32:28
current end of the North Shore trail headed east, even with 48th Street across the river. When did these signs go in? I had not ridden that route for a few years. Hopefully this will be an approved and improved route in a few years.
2021-04-23 19:40:14
we only stopped here for a short time, but did not PARK for long.
2021-04-24 20:15:43
An additional clue as this redbud tree does not look the same at this point: the plaque behind me is for someone with the same first name as mine.
2021-05-05 07:17:55
Ok, another clue: I could just POINT out or STATE which PARK this is in, but that would be too obvious.
2021-05-09 11:59:15
David Lawrence plaque, Point State Park, 40.442023, -80.009957
2021-05-13 18:20:29
new tag
available to people not named Paul or Dave, too!
hint: adjacent to a street named in the mural!
2021-05-13 18:59:22
on Susquehanna Street, just off of North Homewood Avenue
2021-05-18 20:30:29
Hah! I got this one last night but failed to find a worthy tag for the next round. Better luck next time I guess.
Here is something amusing. I was riding with a friend last night when I found the mural. Our names are Paul and Dave! Hahaha!
2021-05-19 09:09:59
OnWheel, I don't believe you need to have the next tag immediately when picking up a tag.
36 hours is the time frame recommended, IIRC.
2021-05-19 12:01:51
Regarding the 36 hour rule: if Dave doesn't post a new tag by 8:30am Thursday, this bubbles-and-butterflies tag will be open for pickup again!
2021-05-19 22:11:52
New tag
my least favorite spot riding home from work to Squirrel Hill. This is why all of the connectors being worked on are so important. Thanks for the reminder to post the new tag. I already have my idea for my next one.
2021-05-19 22:45:17
Forbes Ave. Between Birmingham and Oakland...and no, we will never slow down!
I agree that it is a bad spot, crossing that ramp with the blind hill.
2021-05-21 00:18:51
Here's the new one. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a night creep.
When you're here, you may feel close to heaven, but I'm sorry to tell you you're going straight to Hellvis. You may also end up here if you have a hunk of hunk of burning auto.
Good luck. Have a safe and happy ride!
2021-05-21 00:21:59
Graceland Auto 1522 Preble, on the corner of N. Franklin, which is the road to take from the North shore Trail to go to Bicycle Heaven, or cross Route 65/19 into Manchester.
I knew where this tag is, but needed to schedule a time to ride up there.
2021-06-02 20:08:25
New Tag!
this tag should be an easy pick up for at least one person who has not been in the game lately.
let me know if anyone needs more clues.
2021-06-02 20:15:39
2021-06-05 02:51:40
New tag.
Is everyone (or is that two) asleep--this is past the 36 hour limit and I was hoping for a "load of crap." Wake up.
2021-06-07 11:49:06
hint, please
Are these four photos from the same location?
2021-06-09 16:16:07
27th & Railroad in the Strip
2021-06-10 19:55:59
That's not the tag. In fact, I posted tyat tag a long time ago and it was rejected. And do you think I would have taken you to the tag today as I made a point to stop there...Silly Keymaster.
There was a hint given...but let's try another...
It's a golden trinity with water, but no dunking--only quenching.
2021-06-10 23:49:35
Well, here's your load of crap Iguana: There are four pics in your "tag". THAT IS NOT A TAG. A tag has one picture. (can you count to one?)
WTF, dude? Are you trying to kill the game? The game is not an effort to be more of a jerk than everyone else.
PS. I don't see any reason to reject Paul's last post as "picking up the tag"
2021-06-14 22:03:49
I fear you may have missed your meds recently-- and please read the rules before having another hydrophobic attack. I think I have followed the rules; whereas I venture to suggest you are violating #7--which I can excuse given your "condition."
And we all DO love you.
P.S. Hints is spelled H-I-N-T-S
2021-06-15 00:20:50
I think Iguana needs to clarify why he said "That's not the tag", as my pickup looks plausible. Also, he didn't answer my 6/9 question.
2021-06-15 01:10:25
Such whining I've never seen before...well, maybe it's n9rmal here...making up your own rules...
My 6.10 response mentioned given prior...and another... none of which does not apply to the image Keymaster posted--that I took him to.
You've got hont and you've g8t a picture of the tag.. obey the rules..quit your (rule-breaking) whining..and get out there (that's the purpose of the GAME), find the tag, and get the game moving... Your insolence will kill the game... we all love.
2021-06-15 03:31:37
It's true.
My last post, I failed to smoke my medication before posting.
However, medicated or not, I still see paulheckbert's pickup as a legitimate pickup for a tag of questionable validity.
Not whining - I have no dog in this race. I'd just like to see the game move successfully.
2021-06-16 14:27:43
Others have asked Iguana "are you trying to kill the game?". Providing a hint that allows a prompt pickup would show that he is not; but giving defensive, accusatory responses suggests he doesn't care about others' enjoyment of the game, that he puts his own agenda first, whatever that might be. The rest of us would prefer the game to be about finding tags, not about Iguana.
2021-06-19 19:02:39
My apologies to all for luring the iguana back into the game by tagging a place he could so easily find. My clear eyed take on the current blockage is that Mr. Iq posted a confusing 4 picture tag with one of his usual equally confusing clue. Paul posted a picture that certainly appeared to be one of the tag picture locations, but it was rejected by Mr. Iq claimed it was not the tag then went off on some fuzzy statements: “And do you think I would have taken you to the tag today as I made a point to stop there…Silly Keymaster.”
My personal feeling is that Mr Iquana needs to clearly sate why the pickup photo does not qualify and offer a very clear clue that allows the game to move forward. If this does not happen within a week from today, I suggest we move forward without Mr Iquana and accept Pauls pickup as legitimate.
2021-07-15 19:30:17
That's more than generous, Dave. Iguana has been harmful to this game.
2021-07-16 11:03:55
Please, just post a new tag. No one has specified any problem to your last pickup.
2021-07-16 15:20:50
2021-07-17 09:16:00
Chestnut St. and Spring Garden Ave., by the fire station.
2021-07-19 00:29:21
New tag. Strip District. Scrap metal and Toro Rojo.
2021-07-19 00:32:16
Hopefully I am not gumming up the works. Here is another hint:
If you are on the Dahnt-tahn side of 40th, you haven't gone too far enough.
2021-07-27 11:55:15
Train tracks, train car behind I Am Robotics 250 48th Street...trespassing in parking lot, sans requiring trespassing on RR property of active (dangerous) RR...probably not a valid tag, but no whining here.
2021-07-28 10:42:34
New tag:
Most Republican governors have shown they are dicks--we are aren't immunized.
2021-07-29 19:06:35
2021-07-31 16:13:04
new tag. This mural will get occluded in a few months by new construction. (Picture edited slightly to add a bit of challenge. Click the picture to view it in Flickr, where you can zoom in and see more detail.)
2021-07-31 20:38:55
Do people need me to remove the white blob I painted?
2021-08-09 00:21:04
No. It's pretty obvious...even with your toxic rulebreaking..editting the photo to make it more challenging...not to mention your worthless hints... as evidenced by the (guilty) delay you've created.
I was giving some of the other sorry souls (better soles) a chance, but since you need someone to keep this going, I'll pick it up if I get a chance. Actually, I thought one of (what is it 2 others still playing?) yinz had picked it up already.
I don't consider this whining...I'm responding to your feeble neediness request.
Clues? I don't no stinkin' clues. ...not from the likes of ...
So that's your challenge...beat me to it...
2021-08-09 03:26:13
I would like another clue. I have no idea where this is, googling the remaining part of the name on the building did not give any results. I even tried to see if the numbers on the pole tag might help determine location, but couldn’t get that to work. It looks like a Northside style building, but there are a lot of old buildings like that all over town.
2021-08-10 08:29:48
2021-08-10 09:25:31
(I posted this yesterday and had trouble today as well???)
2037 Centre Avenue
Black Beauty's Lounge.
I spoke with the grandson of the owner and primary artist of the main mural (2014) and there are no plans to demolish the building; it's a hoppin' place, known for its famous fried chicken.
2021-08-10 09:45:09
new tag.
No hints are needed--a picture's worth a thousand words... here goes..the floodgate of whining and insults..shoot away..iguanas have very thick skin.
[There have been no edits to make it more challenging and slow the game; and it is in a public place that doesn't require trespassing or accessing a hazardous location; it is accessible by drones...and queens.]
2021-08-11 17:00:45
Did you notice how Iguana tucked a hint into his snark?
2021-08-12 10:24:27
Flood Gate #1, west side of Washington Blvd at corner of Allegheny River Blvd. I believe these gates were deployed the day before my picture was taken.
2021-09-02 21:10:57
New Tag:
Hey Mary, look over there!
2021-09-02 21:16:42
I see US Steel building, trees, grass, maybe cemetery, the word "Mary", ... but I need a hint
2021-09-05 15:01:19
I see a row of uniform height trees along a small road sloping upwards on the left side, a hillside behind the UPMC building, which I suppose is correctly called a steel tower due to its outer construction material. There is a gray structure on the grass right of the bike seat, with horizontal pieces on the right, vertical piece on the left, perhaps in front of (or behind, depending which side you look at) the 2 pieces.
Mary is indeed a hint, as are the next two word.
does that help? Also, don’t forget the sign post. No telephoto lens used or required.
2021-09-05 21:28:25
That grey structure was the giveaway. Honestly, I missed the meaning of the hint, but get it now. Just a matter of picking it up. The UPMC building looks way closer in that photo than it actually is.
2021-09-07 13:18:19
According to Google maps bike directions, it’s about 3 miles.
2021-09-07 19:41:00
@Dave your hints were clear...there was no need for more... especially explaining in excrutiating detail... I'm surprised no one got this yet... maybe you should g8ve precise gps coords ... and a picture showing the full scene... that might help the challenged..... so this tag won't drag on and delay the game...with all the toxicity created by your tag..
2021-09-08 19:22:18
I did not detect a whiff of toxicity before your post. Note I did not give any further clues, just a description of what’s in the picture for anyone to see from the beginning.
2021-09-08 20:28:07
Σομ πεπλοσ just δωντ תיא טעג.
2021-09-08 22:38:29
Overlook Drive in Schenley at the circle.
2021-09-09 08:50:16
Yes mr. if, that is the correct location. What was your previous post?
2021-09-09 19:28:52
New tag:
Hey Mary, bike there, even if you want to drive--those are the rules.
2021-09-11 03:54:02
Didn’t find this in (Mary) Schenley Park. Hint needed.
2021-09-25 17:38:18
I have not had a chance to go look. Was wondering if the orange pole is a lacrosse goal support, which is moveable., therefore making this one a bit more difficult. Are there lacrosse goals at the CMU Gesling stadium also?
2021-09-25 18:07:12
This is a photo of a photo on a kiosk. Similar to this kiosk:
2021-09-25 19:26:09
If you are so sure it's a kiosk as you show and that it's in Schenley, just check them out. I don't there are that many...if you are so certain, that is.
Maybe this will help:
The person in the photo is my mother.
...maybe not.
2021-09-25 23:11:58
I think Mr. Iq is saying (in his cryptic way) it is a Kiosk, but not necessarily in Schenley.
If I am incorrect, I would like another clue.
And my query about his international comment was never answered.
2021-09-30 20:31:40
Either Mr. Iq is not paying attention (your responsibility does not end when you post your tag) or I was correct. Either way, I, and I am guessing everyone else, would like another clue.
2021-10-26 20:31:27
Mr. Dave your logic your recent posts seems to be other-wordly...not even crypt7c..just senseless.
I was quite direct in my response to your guessing..the advice being...If @Keymaster is sure about his very clear statement that this is a kiosk..period. Then, that is a very fine and easy clue..j6st check all the Schenley kiosk...duh?? There are not that many...nyst go bike around Schenley..duh!! Done. And that is plwhat I sa8d ...though I didn't expect I needed to spell it all out...that the the English and logic that iguana's's from the primitive lizard brain... maybe @Dave is lacking that part.
Now @Keymaster is sure...the way I read, with my primitive brain, that it 8s a kiosk..and d8d not ask for any more mych for your guess that everyone wants another clue...It seems Mr. Dave that you don't use Lοgic, Science, Language, etc. the way most people (not to ment lizards...oops, there I go, I mentioned lizards). I can't REASONABLY be expected to decode your babbling.
Now,t if you aren't so sure that it us a kiosk in Schenley, then maybe? you want another clue...Maybe it's in Frick...or Highland Park... or it is not a kiosk--whaddya you think @Keymaster?
2021-10-26 22:11:37
Greetings, friends! As someone new to the area, I've been checking out your forums and I love the idea of this game. I ran across the last tag by sheer luck a few days ago in (Mary) Schenley Plaza, and returned with a bike to pick it up today.
2021-11-06 15:21:35
2021-11-06 15:25:11
New tag. In bloom, but not quite in Bloomfield.
2021-11-06 15:31:10
Five-way intersection of Roup, Fairmount, and Harriet
2021-11-07 15:09:49
new tag
whites attacked blacks here, when they tried to enter the pool
(Nice job, Bean26. If Iguana re-enters the game, let’s hope he helps to keep the game moving in the future.)
2021-11-07 15:40:09
@keymaster bruced me on this, but his nasty comment is ill-focused as the facts indicate that the tag was quite 3asy for Bean26.. the lack being in the few tag-challenged players. I'm glad @Keymaster got this one and a need ego boost. PTL.
2021-11-07 20:56:23
2021-11-11 17:17:34
Some history:
Highland Park pool 1931/8/20: “[Forty] Negroes were permitted to gain access to the water, the police said, and then a crowd of several hundred white youths began dragging them out and beating them. … Half a dozen persons were injured. Six Negroes were arrested.”
From the book “Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America”:
“According to the Courier, the city’s black newspaper, one of the officers actually encouraged [white] swimmers to beat the [black] boys out of the water. “We can’t afford to let these niggers run this town”, he was quoted as saying. As the black teens waded into the pool, “white bathers” started by throwing rocks at them and then swarmed them like human piranhas — punching and dunking them without mercy”. The book goes on to discuss how blacks attempting to enter the pool area to help the black victims were clubbed by police, or had guns drawn on them. No whites were arrested, but seven blacks were arrested for “inciting to riot”. Highland Park pool became a whites-only pool for years afterward (I’m not sure when that ended).
2021-11-11 21:08:31
new tag- going with a theme here- yes, it could be a photo of a photo on a kiosk. As both male and Female African elephants can have tusks, this might or might not be someone’s mother, although not mine.
This location is near an agricultural dwelling.
2021-11-12 16:21:40
Further hints to keep things moving, and figured someone might be out riding with holiday long weekend and dry weather.
This picture is on a park kiosk, not far from where this animal might be found in Pittsburgh.
2021-11-24 09:49:01
Another hint- this picture is facing towards the building it is next to. Said building is the aforementioned agricultural dwelling or domicile, in a large park near where the pictured animal can be seen in pittsburgh.
2021-11-30 19:19:32
Zoo-related kiosk at Highland Park's Farmhouse, on Farmhouse Dr
2021-12-02 22:46:09
new tag
hopefully the photo's hints are sufficient
2021-12-02 22:51:27
2021-12-09 22:49:09
2022-03-30 16:32:26
After only 3 1/2 months. I did try a few times to figure out online where this was, for some reason it clicked today. Not to let things linger, I rode to this site for another tag.
New tag- I often ride down here to look for birds.
2022-03-30 20:16:04
Another clue. Same place, looking the other direction. When I drove over this bridge recently after a heavy rain, the area around my bike was underwater.
2022-04-08 21:30:10
Sandbar at Duck Hollow. Unfortunately it’s underwater today, so I didn’t bike to Dave’s exact spot
2022-04-08 21:33:03
2022-04-09 19:08:57
...that looks like an illegal tag...trespassing? ???
2022-04-09 21:50:24
Tag pickup- looking up from Fern Hollow towards the west end of the former bridge. Not the exact same location, as for this photo I did not want to go past the sign indicating the wide open trail was off limits beyond that point. The north side of the forbidden zone is completely fenced off.
2022-04-10 20:49:42
Or one could just go up the open trail, or further as it appears others do….
2022-04-10 20:52:16
2022-04-11 20:20:24
Paul - or if there is anyone else still looking at this- I didn’t give any clues because the location is identified in the photo.
2022-04-13 20:30:42