2015-04-02 01:14:19
Tag-o-Rama 4
The Tag-O-Rama game started in September 2010, and periodically needs a new thread, due to message board issues. This is thread four. Here are threads one, two and three.
The rules are easy (although wordy, it is not hard to play)
#1 – Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose – you’ve been Bruced.
#2 – Take the tag to a new location, shoot a photo with your bike in the picture, and post it here. Keep the tag within Pittsburgh city limits and the surrounding neighborhoods. Give a few hints (or a short poem if you’re so inclined) so the next person can figure out where the tag is located. Try to place the tags in interesting locations, somewhere historic, etc. Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling.
#2a – After you pick up a Tag, a new tag must be placed within 36 hours. If the new tag is not set within the time limit, the first Bruced posted gets the tag. If no Bruce was claimed, tag will revert to the previous tag, and somebody else will get their chance. If you won’t have the time to drop off a new tag, don’t pick it up to begin with.
#2b – This rule is intended to keep the game moving. If the overdue tag is posted before somebody grabs the reverted tag, then the new tag will stand. However, giving the overdue tag-holder a load of crap is highly encouraged.
#3 – Tag must be findable – don’t make your tag so obscure that no one will find it. Make sure to let folks know what riding conditions are involved to get to your tag.
#4 – File photos are NOT permitted. You may not use a photo taken before the current tag was set to prove you found that tag, nor use a photo taken before you photographed the current tag to set a new tag.
#5 – All images of tags that are posted, whether picking up or setting a new tag, MUST include the bike you rode to the tag. If your bike isn’t in the posted image, you don’t have a tag.
#6 The bicycle in the picture must get to the tag location under the player’s own pedal-power.
#7 – No whining.
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How to Post Photos
In case you’re looking for the photo upload button that was once on this site, sorry it has disappeared. We hope it comes back, but for now, you have to use the instructions in the link above.
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Some helpful links for the convenience of new players:
1. View the Tag Map to see all the tags.
2. The Tag-O-Rama spreadsheet, showing who got which tag
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For those of us who want to know more about the record keeping functions of Tag-o-Rama …
To add a marker to the Google Tag Map, sign in to Google, go to the map, and click the Edit link on the left. Then click the marker icon in the upper middle. Then click where the marker should go.
See one of the previous threads for examples of game play.
2015-04-01 16:53:52
no bike. no tag.
2015-04-02 03:32:16
There's an arc shadow in the right bottom of the first photo. Looks wheel-like.
2015-04-02 06:12:35
My mistake...I 'll ride without my seat today...tail tucked between my legs.
2015-04-02 08:00:09
2015-04-02 08:01:23
2015-04-02 12:14:28
324 Sampsonia Way
Looks like the image format is still wrong. I'll fix when I get home.
2015-04-03 14:20:50
Does this work?
Phew... no idea what I'm going to do for posting from the field. I had to use Flickr and edit the URL it generates. Suggestions?
Also, BTW, this street has grown cooler since the last time I visited here, for the Google Streetview photobomb tag. There are houses painted in different styles which are refuges for artists from countries that restrict art. Neat tags everywhere.

2015-04-03 16:50:50
They both worked
2015-04-03 17:14:01
I just checked -- @Steven is right, in IE the first one is broken.
New tag
Working on a clue

2015-04-03 17:26:21
Ride East to north,
Let your bike climb into the Haze,
And you will find this tag,
On one of these beautiful Spring days.
2015-04-04 08:26:10
BTW here's how I posted the new tag photo from my phone:
1. Install Flickr.
2. Share photo to Flickr.
3. Open my Flickr account in browser on phone (NOT app).
3. Copy photo URL.
4. Embed URL in img tag as usual.
2015-04-04 09:59:00
FYI Microsoft is freezing IE; a new browser ("Spartan") will ship with the next o/s, shortly. I would suggest using Chrome or Firefox in the meanwhile.
2015-04-04 12:51:51
Who created/edits the map for Tag-o-Rama?
I think there is an error in one location.
Unless there is a second tunnel that I don't know about,
Tag 676 - Tunnel to Consol Energy Center
should be about two blocks to the northwest, somewhere under the "n" in Crosstown Park.
Definitely the same mosaic pattern, and I do not know of another tunnel in the Fifth Avenue corridor.
Can someone correct me if there IS a second tunnel?
2015-04-06 09:02:17
You can edit it yourself, I think, or at least you used to be able to.
2015-04-06 09:04:08
Thanks, Jon! I move the marker to the appropriate location. But dang, I really was hoping there was a second tunnel!
2015-04-06 11:09:21
more hint?
2015-04-06 15:44:00
I have a hunch this involves a climb of Hill #7.
2015-04-06 20:15:26
Hill #7 is not too far away.
But if you were to come and stay,
Something blue would be good to display.
2015-04-07 12:48:20
2015-04-07 16:12:28
Oops, wrong side of East Street. I misread the "Haze" in the clue for Hazelton, not Hazlett. At least I got the right hill, which I hope helped.
2015-04-07 16:55:02
2015-04-07 17:02:09
@Paul, I'm glad they helped. I dropped the tag on Good Friday and rode past a fish fry on East St. Didn't know the neighborhood was a Crips holding at the time; thanks for that. (BTW I think I'm a Crip; my daughter was told she was "such a Crip" at Schenley so I think that means I must be one too.)
2015-04-07 20:53:23
hint: bridge at left crosses what was once known as Butcher's Run or Saw Mill Run
2015-04-09 09:30:26
Oops, almost gave it away.
I think I know where this is. I just had the position wrong.
2015-04-09 11:17:27
Stu, you just had to take it to the next level...
McNaugher School (For Sale), as seen from the next street up.
loc: 40.471961, -80.008140
I tried to get a fix on the name but found very little. There was an engineer by the name of D.W. McNaugher active about a century ago; partner in a concrete testing company. He shows in professional journals, but there's nothing to suggest why his name might have been put on both a school and a reservoir. You'd think he would have been cited as contributing to various civic enterprises, but I guess he didn't do anything worthy of later note. Which leads me to wonder: if you don't come up in Google, can you really be said to exist?
Anyway, until recently this was a special-ed school. It's shut down and for sale (you can find listings on the web). It's the sort of place that if you could buy and maintain would make make a fantastic community or arts building. Of course it would have been better if it had stayed a school; I find it hard to believe that all those students suddenly and miraculously stopped being special. It all reminds me how a previous head of the school board (Roosevelt?) would boast, every year, that yet again he had not raised the school tax. Idiot.
When I rode up I ran into a man walking his dog; he lives across the street. We ended up talking for a bit. He seemed very concerned about getting things done around the district and even convinced me to swing by a spot on Brighton that he said had a very deep pothole (I wasn't able to spot it). At some point he introduced himself as Joe the Bum and mentioned that he spent a lot of time downtown. Maybe you'd recognize him: he has long light-ish hair and a big beard, with braids sticking out in different places. He was pretty articulate, as people on the street go. I would have taken his picture, or a picture of his house. But he asked me not to; you never know who might come looking for him.

2015-04-09 18:37:21
The name is McNaugher.
It’s a nice building (on the outside, at least) but a sad history:
[Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 1976/8/31, Parents Vote Ultimatum Over McNaugher School]
2015-04-09 19:21:21
@Paul: Interesting: From overcrowded, to special-ed, to empty. There's probably some Meaning in there, somewhere.
For fun, I had decided to ride up Hazlett and across the bridge to get there, to check out the route and the previous tag. Some fun... In the process I discovered that the development at the top of the climb (a minimum security compound?) had a guard post at the entrance (as you're getting to the bridge). Annoying; especially since the guard didn't bother to raise the barrier for me.
More: After a while you can't edit your post anymore! Actually a good feature. Had I been able to however, I would have added "incubator" to the list of alternate uses. That area could use some of those people milling about.
[re the spelling: for this tag stuff I always try to get the pic up right away, then spend time on annotations and comments. Once I did the initial post I saw that the spelling was wrong and fixed it; but I kept commentating. Not that I'm being defensive or anything...]
2015-04-09 19:55:41
Bruced. My photo was at 7:09 p.m., after I sat out the storm at AGH.
The garbled text on the tweet was from trying to type "Macnaugher" on a wet iPhone. I didn't realize the tweet went through until I got home and was reviewing my Twitter feed.
Judging from the responses, my original post from early this afternoon apparently was seen by a couple of people -- which I find amazing because it was only up for two minutes. Then I realized I actually did have the right spot, and replaced the Google Map link with the text you still see. (hence the "take it up a level" comment)
In any event, I got 11 miles in, dodged a nasty storm, and saved $3.75 in bus fare. A good time was had by all!
2015-04-09 20:18:07
@Stu: At least you weren't that (unrecognizable) guy I rode past on Perrysville, totally bundled up in super-yellow rain gear. It had me worried.
But I did ride past AGH in the rain, barely able to see anything through my glasses. This is two days in a row of total soak...
2015-04-09 20:36:11
Mcnaugher school was built in 1910. According to a picture in the Carnegie collection the school is "...named in honor of the McNaugher Family, an important family who resided in the area." http://images.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/i/image/image-idx?rgn1=ic_all;xc=1;g=imls;sort=dc_da;q1=McNaugher;size=20;c=hpicasc;c=hpicchatham;c=hpiccma;c=hpiccmnh;c=hpichswp;c=hpicmonroeville;c=hpicnpl;c=hpicoakmont;c=hpicphlf;c=hpicpitcairn;c=hpicpointpark;c=hpicpso;c=hpicrsc;c=hpicusc;back=back1428631488;subview=detail;resnum=4;view=entry;lastview=thumbnail;cc=hpichswp;entryid=x-msp117.b005.f01.i05;viewid=PPS1688.TIF
A check of the 1910 census for the 26th Ward of pgh lists a whole bunch of folks but the most likely target would be
In 1890 Joseph was the owner of a company called McNaugher & Co situated in Linden Avenue, Allegheny. He was also involved in real estate, banking, church work, and was treasurer of Westminster College
and his son
Rev. John McNAUGHER born 30 December 1857 Pennsylvania died 11 December 1947. He was a Theological Professor and Author... In 1920 John and Ella were living at 111 La Fayette Avenue, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. .. became the president of Xenia-Pittsburgh Seminary of the United Presbyterian Church of North America.
2015-04-09 21:56:41
After yesterday, a Beautiful Day in the 'Burgh today.

2015-04-10 19:00:33
I can't believe this was not tagged yet.
Also, it truly is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Mister Rogers statue. North Shore.
2015-04-11 08:48:09
2015-04-11 08:55:25
From last year's yoga ride (with Richard off screen to the left).
2015-04-11 10:03:32
Monterey St., Mexican War streets
loc: 40.456795, -80.013409
2015-04-11 13:40:02

2015-04-11 14:32:17
2015-04-14 11:42:41
Would it help if I said it was a stone's throw from the patron saint of Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, and Prussia, a man noted for his austere and simple piety; his opposition to slavery, polygamy, and idolatry; and his ability two have two skulls at once?
The ride to get here is pretty flat, except for the last hundred feet or so. Navigating all the one way streets to get here is more difficult than the actual ride.

2015-04-15 13:07:13
Looks just like another one, but this one has a church steeple.
Stairs across RR tracks at 15th St & Breed St, Southside
2015-04-15 15:17:38
2015-04-15 21:40:05
I have no idea where but wow I want that house.
2015-04-16 06:57:08
hint: 2 blocks from the RR tracks
2015-04-17 11:31:16
Someone get this. I want to go there and slap their heads because of that satellite dish. WTFittyF?
2015-04-17 11:53:17
I know where this is. I should be able to get there tomorrow.
2015-04-17 22:56:33
With campV
Overlooking the Northside post office, behind cemetery. Street name to come
2015-04-19 11:24:20
From the bottom. Sunday Way. Steep hill
2015-04-19 11:29:07
I don't get the clue. The only match I could find for "Aurelan" was James T. Kirk's sister-in-law. But that led nowhere.
2015-04-19 16:08:07
View from the steps. About 75% down from the top.
2015-04-19 17:04:13
Not sure if this needs a clue [thinking].
With campV
2015-04-19 17:29:43
Aurelan was a Kirk bride
2015-04-19 18:23:49
I looked at the same Wikipedia page as Jon, didn't make the connection.
OK, life goes on. Now I'm going to have to ride all over Pittsburgh to figure out which of the dozen such plaques commemorating the 1936 flood matches the tag. Oh poor dear me, tsk tsk.
2015-04-19 20:59:34
I thought it would be in the vicinity of this marker, but after scouring the area, I did not achieve the proverbial cigar.

2015-04-21 12:04:02
I was feeling confident that RustyRed would pick up this tag - it's in her Bohemian area.
2015-04-22 14:26:22
The New Bohemian, across the 16th St Br.
loc: 40.452822, -79.993063 (tag plaque shadowed by right lamp).
hip yet interesting
A former Czech church (hence the name); "art gallery that doubles as a tattoo parlor and triples as a wedding venue", according to a review.
I've been there a few times for dancing; do check it out: https://www.facebook.com/steel.city.squares
Bike parking in the vestibule.

2015-04-24 18:21:47
That building was also tag 76. Back then (December 2010) it was a daycare center.
2015-04-25 02:27:52
Well, isn't this Just Ducky! Not only does Pittsburgh have a Duck Hollow, it also has a Duck Junction. Rubber Duck? I don't think so.
2015-04-25 14:31:12
Construction junction rebar duck

2015-04-25 16:28:07
Steel Duck, please.
Anyone know what that's about?
I like it.
2015-04-25 17:09:58
If Crushing the Commonwealth isn't your thing
Perhaps finding this tag will make you sing
It's not a big TASk
It won't make you ILl

2015-04-26 13:20:42
Ah, a great stretch for vistas.
Of course StreetView drove by in the summer, so it's not that obvious if you look for this on the innernets. Wouldn't it be cool if Google made a point of consciously sampling data in both winter and summer?
One of the things I really like about Pittsburgh is how different things appear with and without foliage, how they transition from one to the other and back (no, really). And how you'll remember what's behind that wall of green when you roll by it in the summer. Cycling speeds make you notice that much more (that driving).
Anyway, I won't really be able to get to this until next week-end, unless today's weather just keeps on and on, and forces me to ride (like it did today).
But since, at bottom, Tag-o-Rama has a competitive sub-text...
(Different spot; getting from one to the other is not totally obvious if you're just tooling around.) [20141228]

2015-04-26 16:34:05
I know where Jon's tag is. Too bad I'm in British Columbia this week...
2015-04-27 00:39:56
@pearmask and Noah rode CtC, but too bad Noah ended up in the E.R., or they might be willing to head up this way. Or maybe Noah is feeling better now?
2015-04-27 04:56:38
what the heck...
loc: 40.419109, -79.945173
corner of Tasso and Ilion.
Tasso is smoked pork butt from southern Louisiana (I've had it, it's yummy). Ilion is apparently an old name for Troy (hence "The Illiad").
Oh wait...
Jerusalem Delivered (Italian: La Gerusalemme liberata) is an epic poem by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso first published in 1581, which tells a largely mythified version of the First Crusade. [...] The poem was immensely successful throughout Europe and over the next two centuries various sections were frequently adapted as individual storylines for madrigals, operas, plays, ballets and masquerades; scenes from the poem were also depicted in paintings and frescoes.
2015-04-28 11:30:50
2015-04-28 22:18:47
Lest I forget... Y'all are invited to ride with the Tag-O-Rama team in the NBC!
Click the Join button on this page:
No special reason to join this particular team, except liking to ride. Or as Eddy Merckx put it: Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.
2015-04-30 14:43:45
If you look closely at the photo you should see a bridge handrail at the top. I would suggest picking this up today; that marathon race is tomorrow and its route is right next to this spot. I'm pretty sure they won't let you bike that race.
2015-05-02 10:17:40
Corner of Liberty and Herron Ave., Strip District.
With campV
2015-05-03 16:46:54

2015-05-03 22:14:55
Can we get a zoomable version of that new tag photo?
2015-05-04 09:46:27
@Stu, try http://www.teamdecaf.com/images/0-4.jpg
2015-05-04 09:48:22
Colorful, this little library, in a place that's absent of all color.
2015-05-05 06:39:01

2015-05-05 07:41:53

2015-05-06 19:40:57
If you head out 30 a good ways, you might find a town by that name.
2015-05-07 12:22:03
Ligonier Street by the far end of Spring Way.
2015-05-08 16:03:30
Family things happened today (daughter just got home from college), so I didn't get far from home. I promise I will have a photo posted Sunday morning. Sorry for the delay.
2015-05-09 17:10:06
New tag!
As burls go, this is a fairly large one. To take your own photo of this, you should have a view of a river but don't.
2015-05-10 11:23:49
Just in case the tag photo does not show up through the tweet, here it is again:
I will add that this is out in plain sight, along a well traveled street, which I have seen many group rides go past. Just barely out of frame is a bus stop sign.

2015-05-10 16:30:34
On the edge of Riverview Park, Perrysville Ave.
loc: 40.482618, -80.013517

2015-05-11 18:18:47

2015-05-11 19:05:40
I was so close I could smell the sassafras, but didn't find the exact spot.
2015-05-13 16:47:55
It must not be visible from along Sassafras St, as I've checked it from the old brewery all the way down to the ramp by 16th St. Well, the point of this game is to get out and ride, so that's what I'm doing.
2015-05-14 10:14:55
The pic was snapped late in the day...
Feel free to angle for more hints.
2015-05-14 17:27:30

2015-05-14 19:11:24

2015-05-16 01:52:21

2015-05-16 10:49:47
Yep, right by the Fifth Avenue School Lofts
2015-05-16 15:07:19
2015-05-17 18:35:18
East liberty target?
Not sure, balls don't look right...

2015-05-18 17:56:01
I actually considered biking down McKnight to check out the Target there, but that's well outside the box.
I have a hunch they're nowhere near a Target. The color is way different.
Ah, I think I have it. Whoever will B First to figure it out will be Golden. All you have to do is Try.
2015-05-18 18:13:03
Nice try. But no cigarillo.
The manufacture looks to be the same, though.
The balls are different and there's 3 of them. You need two more (um, so to speak). Note as well that the tag'd balls are scruffier. I'd bet it's them dang skateboardin' hooligans. Oh, and Obama.
Listen to the song again. Or maybe just reflect on it's title.
There's also this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpVmAlkLEUk
2015-05-18 18:15:15
I know those balls and I would have been all over 'em this morning had I not been home with a vicious barking/wheezing cough.
If I'm feeling better I may go wheeze my way over to them...
2015-05-18 18:28:23
2015-05-19 08:12:38
As I suspected, by the exit gates to the First Ave Garage.
ETA: Colleen, how did I miss you? I'll give it to you, since you posted first -- by one minute!
Closest bruce ever?
2015-05-19 08:13:05
Stu, I Bruced you by a few seconds?
I picked it up around 8 AM, and wasn't able to post the photo until I got back to the office.
Well, NEW TAG!
Which of the 50 PiBS stations is this?

2015-05-19 08:14:57
I don't think it's the closest bruce ever. Didn't the original bruce actually have Bruce standing in the photo? And I think I bruced somebody at least once by a very short time interval.
Can somebody please spend an hour or two writing code and processing downloads from the website to verify this?
PS On tag 685 I beat @buffaloBuffalo by 2 minutes. Which is not quite as close at this. But I would imagine the original bruce tag would be closer.
2015-05-19 08:43:07
"Can somebody please spend an hour or two writing code and processing downloads from the website to verify this?"
So many Bruces!
2015-05-19 08:56:13
Thank you for the gift, Colleen. This was farther away by elevator than it was by sidewalk. Forbes and Grant, by the Frick Bldg.
2015-05-19 09:54:04
2015-05-19 11:04:03
The tag pickup ended up taking me almost 20 minutes, despite being 30 feet outside my building's door and my bike otherwise parked 150 feet away. I got talking with the building engineer outside for a smoke, who recognized me and wondered what I was doing parking my bike there (not to chastise, just curious). That in turn led to another building tenant joining us, and we talked bikes and commuting and the Healthy Ride system for over 10 minutes. Then I rescued a couple of lost people who managed to end up on Forbes Ave while trying to get to Carnegie from McKnight Road (and ESL-speakers, to boot).
The elevator ride down, by comparison, took 30 seconds.
2015-05-19 12:16:14
I saw someone pick up a tag once - at the Westinghouse memorial in Schenley.
I don't play the game and I had not even seen that tag, but it was obvious the guy with the camera was afraid I had come to Bruce him.
2015-05-19 14:08:33
I am rather surprised that Mt. Yinzmore has never been tagged.
2015-05-19 18:30:21
2015-05-21 15:46:25
Why is this called Mt Yinzmore?
2015-05-21 20:40:26
I have no idea how it got that name. It was spray painted on the bridge abutment a few years ago. I suspect it's an agglomeration of "y'uns" at "Mount Rushmore", but that doesn't explain why.
2015-05-22 03:27:31
* "Y'uns" and "Mount Rushmore"
(Thanks, auto-correct on an iPad.)
2015-05-22 06:42:52
2015-05-22 10:01:23
I feel clueless...
2015-05-22 12:35:56
It's a church. Hope that helps!
2015-05-22 12:53:24
2015-05-22 13:07:33
Mick's got it; it's a church. As my photoshopping concealed:

2015-05-22 13:39:39
Jon could spell his name slightly differently for another clue.
2015-05-22 15:13:22
You funny guys. I like you. I'll tag you last.
This tag reminds me of the time I was in Bonn and saw people streaming into a church in the evening. But the church was unmistakably Catholic. I asked a bystander if there were a lot of Catholics in Bonn. No, he said, we took over their churches.
A Pittsburgh thing as well, like that Shul On The Hill tag a bit ago.
2015-05-22 18:31:59
Cross reference churches and fire hydrants.....
2015-05-23 00:23:23
St Mary's Church, McKees Rocks

2015-05-23 09:44:40
Missed my bike in the last photo

2015-05-23 11:26:14
2015-05-23 13:13:53
hey, that's some slick photoshopping... especially on the shadows.
2015-05-23 13:14:09
Jon, if you'd turned that camera around, you could have gotten a different Church Ave sign.
2015-05-23 18:08:52
Absolutely the friendliest dinner I've ever been in. Not open Memorial day BTW.
2015-05-23 18:16:59
If still available, I'll try to pick this up tonight. It's been ages since I've gotten a tag!
2015-05-26 08:29:22
Chev and Rachel's diner, Center Avenue, Emsworth
Subject of a recent thread on how businesses can become visibly bike friendly, and site of a recent bike train on Bike to Work Day.
2015-05-26 19:04:07
Hmm, good place to eat somewhere inside the rectangle ... Oh, it's in Emsworth! ... Jon's been thinking & eating outside the box.
2015-05-26 22:11:28
@Paul; good thing that some of us live outside the box, huh?
Who knew that stacked parking had come to Pittsburgh?
The NEW TAG is well inside the box.
2015-05-27 08:42:08
2015-05-27 21:02:26
2015-05-27 21:07:59
2015-05-27 21:16:14
How do you do that I can't figure this new one out
2015-05-27 21:26:12
Here's how it's done in Flickr, I have no idea how to do it from a smartphone, unfortunately.
Use the SHARE link...
Then copy the HTML code it spits out at you and paste it here.

2015-05-27 21:36:33
2015-05-27 21:44:22
Ok that works thanks
2015-05-27 21:44:37
Just that if you're going to use the IMG tag, the path needs to end with a ".jpg" or ".png", not a directory name.
Myself, I just tweet the tag, then post a link to the tweet, which automatically embeds it.
2015-05-28 02:09:59
On a smartphone, you just need to go to the Flickr web site (NOT the app), login, and copy and past the link to the image into an IMG tag.
2015-05-28 07:40:02

2015-05-29 15:16:42
4104 Garden way

2015-05-29 18:15:12
Woodn't it be nice you found this tag?
Then you could ride out and pick it up
And woodn't it be nice to ride a HelBike
And be the first tag grabbed with one
I tried to set the tag with a HelBike but the station wasn't set up yet in the neighborhood. It looks like they're all stocked with bikes but the electronics isn't working at the kiosk, the solar cell array isn't even pointing in the right direction.

2015-05-30 13:25:05
2015-05-30 16:49:33
@steeld55: Great catch! Knowing the details is what matters.
This street was tagged once before, long ago. But who cares.
[Not all stations were stocked, at least in Shadyside, as of mid-afternoon. But would that be an actionable offence?]
2015-05-30 17:10:54
2015-05-30 17:57:32
This street was tagged once before, long ago.
Twice actually, both back in 2011, during the game's first year. Roslyn Street was a mere sapling back then.
2015-05-30 19:44:57
It's always fun to pick up a tag using half as many wheels as usual.
2015-05-31 11:10:47
New tag! And check out my new wheels!
2015-06-01 11:46:20
I almost missed the Roslyn place tag !
What a wonderful street!
2015-06-01 12:48:55
2015-06-02 11:45:08
2015-06-02 11:50:23
Cool. I haven't seen this one, or at least snapped it... Toynbee also uses "lady legs", but I don't seem to have snapped anything with a penny trim.
There are two streets in town that have most of the surviving toynbee/ hades tiles.
Is this on one of them? [Yes, a shameless hint troll.]
2015-06-02 20:41:18
"Is this on one of them? [Yes, a shameless hint troll.]"
That is a possibility.
2015-06-02 21:29:01
2015-06-03 11:50:28
2015-06-03 13:04:13
Gee, I could have tagged Roslyn Place for the fourth time, I suppose. Please don't tell me you need a hint for this one.
2015-06-05 17:51:04
I think the tag is fine.
But you do realize that for many of us it's a schelp... (Though having said that, I should disclose that this week's Maj. Taylor ride took us to within ~5mins of the tag. I made a choice.)
2015-06-05 19:43:22
I could go get this but I'm lazy. if its still free tomorrow I'll go grab it.
2015-06-06 16:34:05
@Paul, did you notice how clean that sidewalk was?
It's a nice night for a ride....maybe I'll go pick it up.
2015-06-06 18:51:01
...aaaaand this would be a perfect example of why tags need clues. Apparently the people who know where it is aren't inclined to pick it up, and there's nothing for those of us who don't know where it is to follow up on.
2015-06-11 09:30:49
Hint: probably the least fragrant bridge in the county.
2015-06-11 10:21:10
But the great bird that was "born" near there a few years ago didn't mind the scent.
2015-06-11 12:09:21
Anagram hint: grocer embeds kicks
2015-06-11 18:19:31
How about Rockport shoes?
But seriously:
The tag is actually not that difficult to figure out, even without hints. Consider that there are only so many bridges in the ToR-ok district. It's obviously not the downtown ones. But the latticework on the bridge is pretty distinctive. It's also a road bridge as opposed to a railway bridge. For around here, that cuts things down a good bit.
The ToR game has evolved since its humble beginnings. For one thing, people seem ok with checking things out with Google Maps/Earth before they undertake their trek (which, parenthetically, makes some of us check the interweb before posting a tag, just to make sure that it's not super-obviously identifiable). It's not love, or war. But it is 21st century America.
Anyway, here's another hint: Merle sang about them and Steinbeck wrote about them. And you may well have to make that trek yourself, to reach this Promised Tag.
2015-06-11 20:27:35
Do you have a pair of Rockport shoes? If you do, they should help you get there. But seriously:
This tag is actually not that difficult to figure out, even without hints. Consider that there are only so many bridges in the ToR-ok district. It's obviously not the downtown ones. It's also a road bridge as opposed to a railway bridge. For around here, that cuts things down a good bit. And the latticework on the bridge is pretty distinctive.
The ToR game has evolved since its humble beginnings. For one thing, people seem ok with checking things out with Google Maps/Earth before they undertake their trek (which, parenthetically, makes some of us peer down into the tubes of the interweb before posting a tag, just to make sure that it's not super-obviously identifiable). It's not love, or war. But it is 21st century America.
Anyway, here's another hint: Merle sang about them and Steinbeck wrote about them. And you may well have to make their trek yourself, to reach this Promised Tag. Also: Horace Greeley.
2015-06-11 20:31:52
@swalfoort said she knew where this was, and isn't too far from it, but she never posted.
I'm pretty sure I know which it is, but I just don't get that far afield in my travels.
IMHO, the clue about it being the least fragrant was a good one, and I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with coke ovens.
2015-06-12 09:19:27
I'm planning to pick this up tomorrow morning, if no one else has, if I have time. Fair warning.
2015-06-12 09:23:32
Frankly, I needed to make a small bike repair before I could pick up this tag.... then I forgot all about it. I'll see if I can pick it up tonight.
2015-06-12 09:35:13
McKees Rocks bridge

2015-06-13 11:49:36
2015-06-13 13:53:06
This is going to be a fun tag. First, for all that ironwork, there are no Fences in sight. Second, I learned a bit of biographical info on someone who died in 2005. Third, I am going to have to get on a bike and ride all over the place because I have no idea where this is. Which is the whole point of the game.
2015-06-13 16:29:43
Childhood home of August Wilson (born Kittel), Bedford Ave, the Hill.
loc: 40.445215, -79.985472
Looks like it's being restored...
2015-06-14 11:57:49

2015-06-14 12:35:57
@ahlir: your bicycle is not in that picture
2015-06-14 13:14:14
"@ahlir: your bicycle is not in that picture."
Does that disqualify it? I've already picked it up.
16th and Penn. I'm certain that patch is the protective covering of a new Toynbee style tile. However, they need the weight of cars running over it to set and where it's placed, few cars run over it.

2015-06-14 14:08:32
My finger is in the upper left. Does that count?
If not, I can post a different one (I do still have a day). But I'm happy for RR to have bagged it, unless others protest (vociferously or otherwise). BTW, how long ago did anyone first sight it? I went by there yesterday and didn't see it (then again there were other things competing for my attention; nasty brutish cars and the like).
The tile placement is indeed suboptimal. About a metre to the right would have done it. In the meanwhile let's all make sure to ride over it a lot! You know, like for those traffic metering cables.
2015-06-14 14:27:14
I guess we should let it go and keep the game moving. Do all Toynbee Tiles start out with a protective covering like that?
2015-06-14 14:43:41
I was just delighted to have an excuse to get away from my desk! *sigh* working on a Sunday.
OK, new tag!
So, I heard the Bike MS Escape to the Lake ride was this weekend.

2015-06-14 15:16:18
Technically ahlir should retake his tag and then the game can proceed. This happened once before, to a tag I picked up at Forward Lanes.
2015-06-14 15:35:00
The Tile technique (as I recall) involves a cut linoleum image, possibly with some adhesive/solvent beneath it, covered with an impermeable membrane (say plastic) and a tar-like overlay to keep the image protected during the (weight-based) embedding process. Over time the two upper layers wear away, and by then the linoleum layer has fused with the pavement. [The Toynbee-tile person(s) detailed the process at some point. I'm too lazy to look it up again, so feel free to correct.]
It's not quite my own thing, but I do wish this somehow became a commonplace art form. There's literally tons of square miles of pavement in the world. Why not use it for something communicative and (mostly) interesting?
2015-06-14 16:54:11
Anyway, just to sow confusion and provoke some anarchic disorder (I was going to reference Black Rose, a journal that I read so many years ago; but I checked the interweb. Boy. Things have really changed over the years. Don't go there, it's no longer what I thought it was).
Here's a different tag. It's one that I grabbed between my pickup and my set, so it adheres to the rules (or at least according to my strict-ish interpretation thereof). It obliquely references a celebration that happened in town this weekend, and I have to admit, it was on the way; near the bottom of an always fun descent. Lacking an 'r', if you happen to be a bird...
2015-06-14 17:57:12
Now I'm confused. Is RR's new tag valid or is ahlir's? I guess ahlir's since his first tag wasn't so RR's wouldn't be, right?
2015-06-14 18:06:43
Bonus to whoever can nab both in short order.
2015-06-14 18:08:40
So anyway, your choices are:
1) grab the RuRe tag.
2) Grab the tag above.
I would prefer that RuRe's tag to be prime. But you're welcome to (uh) grab the Leather. If you do, you have to argue for its primacy.
2015-06-14 18:21:16
<---- laughing at the ensuing chaos.
to answer Ahlir's question, I noticed the tar paper a few weeks back.
2015-06-14 18:24:07
@RuRa; don't laugh; that's the point...
But seriously, what's the resolution?
1) someone gets your tag?
2) someone gets the followup?
I'd go for either one...
and you?
2015-06-14 18:39:28
"But seriously, what’s the resolution?
1) someone gets your tag?
2) someone gets the followup?
I’d go for either one…"
That sounds reasonable.
Both tags are up for grabs: cyclist's choice.
2015-06-14 18:45:08
ya hey
2015-06-14 18:58:23
Why the fuss over this rule violation, but no fuss over the tag-outside-the-rectangle violation of several weeks ago?
2015-06-14 23:22:57
"Slightly" outside the bounds. Not a rule violation.
2015-06-15 06:04:58
Yup, the rules don't require staying on the Bike Pittsburgh bike map (i.e. within the blue rectangle on the game's map), and we've had about a dozen tags outside it. The rules say "within Pittsburgh city limits and the surrounding neighborhoods", but that's pretty vague.
The blue rectangle on the game map (showing the extent of the Bike Pittsburgh bike map) is labeled "Bike map limits (from v2 map). OK to have tags slightly beyond this." The intent in both cases was merely to discourage tags so far away that they'd slow down the game.
On the other hand, the rules are very clear about having a bike in the photo. They spell out "MUST" in capital letters and everything. :-)
2015-06-15 06:14:41
My reading of Steven's reading of the rules is that the tile tag is not a tag tag. It is a false tag.
This now makes the leather tag the true tag, unless people decide I should do penance and re-take the tile tag.
2015-06-15 07:50:48
I think you can't retake the tile tag now that you've posted a valid tag, which is the leather tag. I guess RR's tag doesn't count. Though I liked the idea of having two valid tags open. And I have a fair guess at where RR's tag is, and no idea on ahlir's.
2015-06-15 07:53:04
I know exactly where Ahlir's tag is. Might pick it up on my way to work tomorrow if it's still up
2015-06-16 20:44:04
Donny's Place, Herron Ave

2015-06-17 15:41:42
Sticking with the theme here. The wings used to belong to one winged creature before being briefly changed over to another. This establishment also had a corner of the roof chopped off to make way for a highway.

2015-06-17 16:37:28
Was tagged before, in 2012 (but it's still a valid tag)
2015-06-17 18:49:00
It was tagged again this year, so it's a triple-tag.
2015-06-17 19:37:38
2015-06-17 20:06:12
Let's tie this up all nice and proper, now, shall we?
2015-06-18 09:37:21
Thanks, Stu.
2015-06-18 09:39:37
OMG, someone's using our rack? Awesome!
2015-06-18 09:42:22
New tag. And with that done, it's been a long day, time to go home. I'm thankful I have one to go to.
[tbh, I did not check to see if this was already tagged. It's only been there a couple of months, so chances are good it hasn't. But the map crashes my phone, so I'm just gonnahafta chance it.]
2015-06-18 18:07:24
hm. I thought we had this one already, from way back.
But I'm pretty sure it's changed since then, sadly.
2015-06-18 18:49:30
Now that I'm home and have a real computer to check things, indeed, it is a repeat. Sorry about that, I usually check first.
On the way home, I saw something really unique that, guaranteed, has not been tagged before. For my next pickup, I am definitely going to post that. Unfortunately, I cannot go out and do a re-set anytime in the next two days, so it will have to just wait until the next time I grab one. Or two.
What else I could have grabbed was the unique case of my having three bikes in one downtown picture. Wednesday, I biked in but bused home without the bike. Today, I biked in on #2 and locked it to the same rack. Then for the tag, I had a HelBike. If I'd returned from the tag set via a slightly different path, I could have gotten a pic of all three at the same time. It's a pretty rare case of having both bikes downtown at the same time as a tag pickup, but not like it could never happen again.
2015-06-18 20:03:13
Operation safety net memorial, First and Grant

2015-06-20 11:25:40
Here's Pseudacris's tag pickup photo of the memorial from 2011. It's gained a row since then.
2015-06-20 16:29:54
Father's day tag with the Webb twins!
Looks like these stones rolled down the hill from the concert last night. They ended up near a spot where the sons of Eire like to get tight.

2015-06-21 15:13:15
9 Mile Run at Commercial
2015-06-23 19:42:45
That would be with Paul?
His comment appears on the pointed-to pic page.
To get the pic in here I clicked on your link, then right-clicked on the pic and selected "copy image URL".
I then typed in
The "s are there for real.
oh, and nice pic. I like the lighting.
2015-06-23 19:57:43
Excellent, guys.
2015-06-23 20:21:24
It looks to me like anyone can comment on the photo. The photo seems to be posted by Yale, so I'm assuming for now that he shares credit for the tag with The Iguana. Corrections welcome.
2015-06-24 00:44:29
I've been assuming that The Iguana and Yale Cohen are one and the same. (I thought it was a nickname in reference to his green, scaly skin.) Or am I wrong?
2015-06-24 07:20:03
New Tag
Go forth on the Trail
Take the Detour to the Last
Building. Your are there.
2015-06-24 07:35:47
All this talk about me, Yale, Paul is not appropriate here and should be put on a new thread...you should know better @jonawebb...I, The Iguana am posting...The tools (paul, Yale, Pedro, Obama, etc) I use indicate my reach....and control....I post..I get credit....hahahahaha...
2015-06-24 07:43:08
Is this the photo?

2015-06-24 08:00:20
yes...that's my (green scaly) handlebar in the upper left...
2015-06-24 08:03:00
"I use indicate my reach….and control….I post..I get credit….hahahahaha…"
Yep, definitely Yale.
2015-06-24 08:09:40
so, uh, I see two bikes in the pic.
why so shy?
2015-06-24 09:12:11
Only two? You should see more -- Paul, Yale, Pedro, Obama...
2015-06-24 12:59:17
Yes, of course! How stupid of me.
They're obviously right there, just behind those boulders...
2015-06-24 18:15:27
Not shy. I show myself when I choose to.
2015-06-27 14:24:21
Maybe it's time for another clue from one of you guys.
2015-06-29 10:39:04
You mean from me...I know same sex marriage is legal...we're not a couple...and I'm a lizard...I'll get one out as soon as I can...I'm hatching some eggs...
2015-06-29 11:50:57
Sorry, kept putting this off...

2015-06-29 13:47:11
So anyway, it's on the South Side, at the zig defined by Bingham, 4th and McKean. This is a great tag, for the simple reason that zillions of riders pass by this spot every day but no one really notices it. And a good thing too, since you really should be attending to the blind corners and the the sloppy drivers. And the clue is perfectly reasonable.
loc: 40.429756, -79.996088
2015-06-29 14:52:45
Ha, I thought this was up at Terminal way where the old BP offices were. I was waiting for the next clue to be a 'turn where the (fill in the blank) thing used to be' reference. So I got the set of buildings right, but not the right elevation.
2015-06-29 15:06:37
The Terminal building is way cool. Now and then I wonder if it will ever be around long enough to become Pittsburgh's Ufizzi.
(spotted along one of the side streets thereabouts)
2015-06-29 18:16:09
The ???? DONATE HERE is the Pittsburgh center for Bikes For the World www.bikesfortheworld.org
2015-06-30 01:37:15
So, let's see if we can work that theme just a little bit more:
Surely by now we're all quite familiar with this mark, what with all the well-orchestrated publicity and all that civic good will swelling uncontrollably in all parts of town...
Um, wait. I just noticed that.
Get you mind out of the runnel already. Yes, you!
Thank you. Moving along.
Consider instead that rather subtle allusion (subtle at least for the likes of me) to Pittsburgh's magnificent bridges. I would never had noticed had I not taken this pic and had to figure out how to crop it.
Though you'd think it could be almost anywhere, there's likely only one place that this particular specimen might be found. Betcha a Dollar...

2015-06-30 18:15:13
Damn, I know where this is. Had I seen this earlier, I could've picked it up. This is only, like, the second time where I know where a tag is. Aghhh
2015-06-30 21:19:05
3328 Penn. Healthy Ride next to Family Dollar

2015-07-01 13:22:31

2015-07-01 13:29:27
Took a look at the HTML...
The img pointer is to the page itself, not to the photo.
For that you have to hover over the photo, right-click and select 'Copy image URL', then paste that bit into the
2015-07-01 15:17:05
New tag:
2015-07-03 04:27:39
Northside Post Office, 15212

2015-07-03 07:49:00
Brucé'd. But a great morning for a ride.
loc: 40.450091, -80.004952

2015-07-03 11:34:49

2015-07-03 14:01:57
2015-07-03 16:59:13
the previous tag was at 40.44215 -80.00795
2015-07-03 20:43:12
2015-07-03 20:46:24
Railroad bridge next to Carrie furnace

2015-07-04 18:27:12
I'll have to let Paul be the judge but this might not actually be the tag that you are looking for.
I believe that I know the real location, based on the visual cues. But I do not have the time to fetch it just now. Maybe I lack that all-consuming inner fire of competitiveness. Or maybe it's just dinner time; hard to tell.
But the whole thing did get me reflecting on the essence of tagedness (somehow distractedly evoking thoughts of Heractlitus, but actually, as you would be likely to note, such would be only tangentially related.)
So, what exactly is the essence of this tag? Is it bridge? Is it the manhole cover? Or is it the act of dragging your bike ~100m through the underbrush?
There is still daylight... and then the fireworks.
2015-07-04 19:12:12
@jonawebb: wrong bridge, clearly. right river, however.
2015-07-04 23:55:01
bridge, check.
manhole, check
river, check.
slogging through (wet) undergrowth... oops.
loc at pickup: 40.427917, -79.961242
loc at dropoff (est): 40.427460, -79.961720
[pro tip: best do this early Sunday mornings, though even then you end up with some some guy in a pickup driving by, jabbing his finger at the other bridge.]

2015-07-05 07:15:14
Well, that's much easier than my attempt. I'd assumed Paul with his adventure cycling skills had been more ambitious.
2015-07-05 08:28:13
Well, FWIW, I had the wrong bridge. I thought it was Smithfield (and through a weird camera angle you managed to avoid getting any identifiable buildings in the shot).
I once did slog upstream along the bank from the Mon Wharf to the base of the Smithfield St Bridge. It was not fun, and I hope never to repeat the experience.
I'm willing to give @ahlir the tag on this. Where he took the pic from is difficult enough, in my book.
2015-07-05 08:47:29
FYI getting to the spot where I dropped the tag was not all that difficult. There's a path along the riverbank that starts at 40.42661 -79.96103 .
2015-07-05 09:02:21
@paulheckbert is of course right. Getting there would not have been that hard, provided you knew where to start. But it was wet; so there. I'm a wimp.
Head east on the trail, there's an asphalt path down to the river. Just past the, uh, coffee-mill memorial.

2015-07-05 10:08:44

2015-07-05 10:35:29
2015-07-07 07:56:15
2015-07-07 07:59:31
2015-07-08 14:00:19
I don't believe it!
There she goes again!
She's tidied up, and I can't find anything!
2015-07-08 14:28:38
2015-07-08 18:30:29
2015-07-08 18:39:37
I didn't believe it either.
But then I googled the clue...
2015-07-08 18:54:16
On Lorigan St., below Bloomfield.
loc: 40.460291, -79.954112

2015-07-09 09:46:27
Not your daddy's Dippy -- a Dino spewing F- words. Oh my.
It's one-way to get to the bike lanes, I suppose.

2015-07-11 06:53:38
2015-07-11 10:17:20

2015-07-11 10:19:29
By the way, anyone know how many tags Bruce has snagged so far? He seems to be getting a lot better at the game.
2015-07-11 10:21:37
2015-07-11 10:24:45
In the land of cardigans and coffee cups...
Scott Place at Katz Plaza
loc: 40.443497, -80.000892

2015-07-11 12:32:04
Foots of Pittsburgh (con't)
Granted that this may be the 3rd or 4th foot I've tagged to date, I assure that it's not a fetish of mine.

2015-07-11 14:06:26
BTW, RR: Nice clue. But the buildings nail it (what can I say, downtown is small), even given the mirror image decoy...
2015-07-11 14:20:14

2015-07-11 15:05:51
To give this tag a whirl,
Think of me, Earl, and the dying girl

2015-07-11 16:36:07

2015-07-11 19:42:41
I just saw the movie "Me & Earl & the Dying Girl", hoping for clues (but got none).
This tag was Rachel's house: https://youtu.be/2qfmAllbYC8?t=29s
Filming locations are discussed here:
If only the filmmaker had put a bicycle in front of the house.
2015-07-11 21:10:45
I used the interwebs!
Wikipedia said that Sq Hill, Pt Breeze and Braddock were locations.
Neither terrain nor architecture is very Pt Breeze or Braddock.
That leaves Sq Hill which, actually, doesn't have all that many stone streets.
It was getting late and I was lazy. Back to the interweb.
I figured the movie's trailer might have something. It did!
A brief flash of a familiar street, with the tag house in the middle.
2015-07-12 08:08:37
Four tags in two or three days? Wow, this game is busy, even if there are only a dozen or so people actively playing.
*hits refresh again, waiting impatiently for the next tag drop*
2015-07-12 09:57:36
Uh, sorry. Stuffs came up. It would be nice to get one more round in today (after all, it's summer and it's still early). Gopher it.
I was trying to figure out a good clue.
Then this raccoon walks by, muttering something about black helicopters on the roof. Any idea what he/she meant? It made me lose my train of thought. Well, that thought actually scurried away, much like the gopher I ran across (not over) earlier in my ride.
BTW (and just out of curiosity, mind you) do you know of any good gopher recipes? I checked the interweb and there's stew and fried; is that it? YES, this is simply out of curiosity. Stop that. Anyway, can you hurry up? I'm, uh, getting hungry.
2015-07-12 16:32:34
OMG, this is getting creepy:
Why is this face on my pannier? My son tells me it looks like a chimp; but what does he know? I mean, he says he want to be supportive. But I know better.
I did NOT kill a gopher today, human or otherwise. Trust me, please! I beg of you. [sobs] Please, please pick this tag up so that we can move on and leave this whole thing behind us...
2015-07-12 20:47:35
I have to see "Me and Earl..." - I used to live next door.
2015-07-12 21:53:41
Federal Reserve Bldg, downtown.
2015-07-13 08:14:40
You might be a poet and not know it. Just watch those CSOs.
(If you can't tell from the photo, those are the magnetic words you can rearrange on your refrigerator, only this is outside, along a well traveled trail, in plain sight.)
2015-07-13 18:25:41
Yay CSO - I love the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra!
2015-07-13 18:35:23
..and Queen Anne's Lace...a dead giveaway...
2015-07-14 22:40:55
Need another clue?
The Cleveland Symphony Orchestra would be familiar with an A440, but for this tag, A66 will get you close enough.
2015-07-15 12:06:46
Ahh, too far for me on this day....! But, a great tag! I've not seen the magnetic message board before. It has me curious.
2015-07-15 15:08:26

2015-07-15 17:47:29
Also M21(22?), from a few tags ago (the one at the HMB).
And I thought that I had this problem with foots...
[note: I'm suffering from off-by-one disease, in this and in the previous post; it' s incurable, sorry. But the referents are in fact unique.]
2015-07-15 21:02:41
Well, Hello Sailor!

2015-07-17 09:15:16
Soldiers and SAILORS
2015-07-18 01:07:11
The Iguana was trying to post
2015-07-18 05:39:12
It may be Soldiers and Sailors, but this particular statue is a SAILOR (though, granted, only an abstraction) [loc: 40.444913, -79.956034].
BTW, nice (bike) lighting...
2015-07-18 21:01:30
New Tag.
This may appear rather obtuse, but I think it's kinda cute.
2015-07-20 01:09:42
Pretty sure I know where that is- but it would require a second trip for me.
2015-07-20 14:53:34
Dios mío. Necesito una pista.
2015-07-20 15:40:30
no entiendo español... aber, Ich spreche Deutsch...Was willst du, bitte.
2015-07-24 11:10:59
I need another clue. I was looking for this on my ride yesterday. It wasn't where I thought it was (the log cabin near Dippy), and I didn't see anything else that resembled that. I don't know where to look. If all the foreignese above is supposed to be additional clues, that isn't much help.
2015-07-25 11:54:55
Iguana: you think it's kinda cute. But would others agree?
2015-07-25 15:08:05
Dr. Heckbert et al., you Home sapiens must access your amygdala...as you will see this is both an obtuse and a-cute tag. See http://www.pittsburghmagazine.com/Best-of-the-Burgh-Blogs/The-412/October-2014/The-Great-Pittsburgh-Protractor-Mystery/
and here's a map of many of these little D's
As it turns out I don't think the tag is on that map--maybe the finder can add it--or maybe it is on the map...
So one more hint--the tag is in clear view on the Three Rivers Heritage Trail--in fact, Dock, when were out riding today, my scales quivered as we rode past the tag--in plain view for all those with vision to see.
2015-07-26 01:36:38
2015-07-26 09:24:22

2015-07-27 11:26:35
This used to be an "R. C. School", so was the neighborhood.
Things are completely different from what they were a century or so ago. Judging from nearby activity, soon things will be completely different again.
2015-07-28 13:57:15

2015-07-28 17:58:40
nice photos of the interior of the St Peter & Paul church, next to that schoolhouse, here: http://www.eyeonheritage.com/peterpaul.html
2015-07-28 20:10:44
arrgh. This place drives me nuts.
Practically every time I ride by I tell myself: buy that damn lottery ticket. The money will let you restore these buildings and turn it into something useful (no, not a mediocre restaurant). Maybe a general performance and social space (no, not a Mr. Roboto). The potential is immense, especially with all that redevelopment taking place.
Then I remember my probability and statistics...
Anyway, aargh.

2015-07-28 21:10:16
2015-07-29 08:12:45
South & Wood, Wilkinsburg
2015-07-29 14:57:47
new tag.
Tag includes both the little room from which photo was taken and the sights out the center window.

2015-07-29 20:56:18
Is there a specific elevation required? It's on the right-hand side, but is left ok? ascending or descending? Boy, there's a whole dissertation on grounding processes in there, somewhere.
But a nice tag.
2015-07-30 08:57:40
First, you'll need to figure out the location. Perhaps problematic, with no protractor in the photo...
2015-07-30 09:18:32
Flashdance much?
2015-07-30 10:26:28
This is funny and jocular...but a protractor might help get he angle correct.
2015-07-30 17:13:15
Maybe I'm too keen to complicate things, but I'd be inclined to include a protractor in the pick-up pic, for some continuity.
2015-07-30 20:25:01
Duquesne incline

2015-08-01 09:08:49
2015-08-02 12:20:39
I'm assuming nobody's picked this up yet because nobody's inclined to do so, right? Or do you need another clue?
2015-08-05 10:56:00
No, mon. We good.
2015-08-05 11:53:45
I had a dream somebody picked this up, and we were already on to the next tag.
2015-08-10 09:04:47
In your dream, were you hearing this in the background?
If so, we may have a problem...
2015-08-10 16:46:56
Ah, one of the best-known numbers from Mon of La Moncha.
2015-08-10 21:48:08
Perhaps the last couple of setters could have the curtesy of reminding us of bike-friendly times of the day. And mention the cost, for those of us who simply ride bikes and don't happen to have a currently valid monthly pass...
Am I missing something here?
2015-08-10 22:03:31
From now on, I'm sending @ahlir a map to all my tags, along with any time restrictions and anything else he'll need to know to pick them up.
2015-08-11 07:36:48
Thanks @jonawebb! But as you've probably noticed I don't seem to need maps all that much to find things around town.
Sigh, each time get myself into one of these discussions I feel compelled to go get some tag...
2015-08-11 09:40:38
I thought that was on the list of rules:
#7 – Send @ahlir a map to the tag, along with any time restrictions and no whining.
....Am I the only one...
2015-08-12 00:26:00
@Iggy: you are, the Only One. But that's a different topic...
Anyway I was being grumpy, not whiny. There's a difference.
2015-08-15 10:57:14
Seems this tag's giving folks a pain in the head
Maybe it's time to grab this instead

2015-08-15 12:43:32

2015-08-15 13:03:34

2015-08-15 13:32:30
2015-08-16 17:05:13
2015-08-17 07:54:07
New tag. If you can count to 17, you might find a secret passage.
2015-08-17 17:28:16
2015-08-17 18:35:24
need new tag
2015-08-19 09:01:37
2015-08-19 12:03:54
Looks familiar. William Penn Hotel, from the new Mellon Square fountains.
The second photo, taken from the same spot, shows a bit of the building I work in, snuggled in between the Union Trust Bldg and 525 Wm Penn Way.
pic.twitter.com/ujqmZuIX3y— Stuart Strickland (@bus15237) August 20, 2015Edit: Let's try just the tag photo by itself.

2015-08-20 09:27:32
Drat. Having too much fun last night riding around, I forgot to stop and get a picture of something. Will get something up today!
2015-08-22 05:44:07
Y'know, with each passing hour, it looks less and less like I will get into town to photograph anything. So, let me put it back out there, and make it a game within a game. One or the other of:
a) You re-photograph the above tag, or
b) Me dropping a new tag on my way to Try-A-Bike tomorrow morning
...will get the game rolling again. That seems fair.
2015-08-22 16:47:43
I would be more inclined to wait until tomorrow and see what you come up with.
2015-08-22 18:46:10
2015-08-23 16:18:01

2015-08-23 17:24:52
Yeah, go for it. I again got so preoccupied with getting to and participating in Try-a-Bike, I again totally forgot to get a picture.
Sorry about that.
2015-08-23 19:00:11

2015-08-24 13:49:05
2015-08-25 19:30:53
2015-08-25 19:32:25
Jonawebbs abode
...pawpaw not ripe...but the tag is...for the picking
2015-08-25 20:25:58
For the record, the next tag set will be number 1000. Then we start Double Tag-O-Rama, where the scores can really change.
2015-08-26 04:45:22

2015-08-26 07:59:54
New Tag
2015-08-27 17:36:31
Man, those Flickr web stuffs...
[reposting of image deleted]
Wow. Is it really the 1000th? Is there something about Pittsburgh?
But I have to ask. What exactly is "double tag-o-rama"? Will it help me (or anyone) beat @jonawebb? It just won't google for me, though. But boy, are there a lot of tag-o-ramas out there... I got "About 968,000 results".
Anyway, we could always start over, or maybe just rescale? I could go for log2(x+1) or (x+2)^0.5 (rounded). It would seem appropriate to have former players preserved on the list.
2015-08-27 20:24:38
What exactly is “double tag-o-rama”?
Apparently, an overly obscure attempt at an amusing reference. Jeopardy by way of Die Hard.
I got “About 968,000 results”.
Put the phrase in quotes if you want a better estimate. Otherwise Google tries to be helpful by throwing in partial matches.
A mere 51,700 pages, with quotes added, though many of those games are about the kind of bike with a motor. I wonder if any other games have hit 1000?
2015-08-28 07:20:59
Oh, I thought it was the National Hockey League rule that counts points in division standings for who goes to the playoffs. Usually in a game a team gets two points for a win, one for a tie, unless they are both playoff contenders, then it's four and two.
2015-08-28 07:54:43
The title of Tag-o-Rama hegemon is there for the taking, @ahlir. No scoring change is needed; all you'll need is moxie. You are gaining, right? Just keep it up, for as long as it takes.
2015-08-28 08:25:21
You're right, I don't need math. All I need is to pick up two (or more) for every one that you pick up. Simple arithmetic, and I know how to do it.
But what I had actually been wondering about is whether opening the game up would be interesting. I mean, it shouldn't matter to you. You'll be able to quickly hegemonize (is that a word?) the rankings. Right? But maybe the perceived entry threshold would be lower.
(Or, more likely, I'm just overthinking the whole thing.)
2015-08-28 21:01:16
A question on the current tag. I do not recognize the location. Has it not existed for more than a year? If it is what and where I think it is, the site looked a lot different when I dropped a tag in the same spot in February 2014. Would that be the case?
2015-08-28 22:13:27
As far as I know there have been no new locations created in this stretch of the Universe; I have kept it in the "box" as per the rules. I don't know the history of all the items in the photo, however. My bike I can vouch for. I'm pretty sure the house has been there for decades. I don't know about the landscaping; you know, trees and flowers grow; snow, rain, sunshine, moonshine, etc. can cause a "location" to look different; what you were drinking or smoking prior to your visit can have out-of-worldly visions as well.
[Am I to understand that one need to clear with you (@StuInMcCandless) that you recognize the location? Is that a new rule?]
2015-08-29 11:19:44
Bruce'ing: a post-pickup pickup.
Stu'ing: a clue cadge prior to pickup.
Language grows and evolves.... a privilege to witness it happen.
2015-08-29 16:28:04
No, I just wondered if it was the new Frick Environmental Center. Sounds like it isn't. Carry on.
2015-08-29 18:07:29
hint please?
2015-08-31 21:51:38
This millennial tag requires some tunnel vision;
you will see rodents frequently frolicking in the
hills of this fern forest...
2015-09-04 01:25:45
Fernwald St, Squirrel Hill
Right next to 2720.

2015-09-05 10:02:35
Sticks and stones
May break bones
But cars will never hurt me
With a safe place to park
And quite a lark
Built next to new construction

2015-09-05 14:37:28
2015-09-06 07:55:47
2015-09-06 08:25:49
^Thanks, Paul. Damn Flikr app.
Easy keep-it-moving tag.

2015-09-06 10:35:14
Landing Ship, Tank (LST) near Heinz Field, used to belch tanks onto Omaha Beach during World War 2.
2015-09-06 12:47:12
My uncle Richard worked on that exact ship, when they renovated it. And was also commanding, I think, another one at Normandy--which he picked up here.
2015-09-06 14:33:07
2015-09-06 15:30:16
PNC p"A"rk. With campV.
2015-09-07 08:48:17
2015-09-07 10:48:09
A note about that walkway on the river side of PNC park, connecting Mazeroski Way and 6th St, above the bike trail: at the Northside bike-ped panel discussion in December 2014, former Mayor Tom Murphy mentioned that PNC Park agreed, when the ballpark was built, to keep that walkway open to the public when possible (but e.g. not during baseball games), and that citizens should complain and raise a fuss if we see that walkway closed too frequently. (notes from panel). That's a public right-of-way for pedestrians and cyclists.
2015-09-07 19:52:48

2015-09-07 20:06:35
2015-09-11 18:08:58
that mural was at N40.4576 W79.9880
2015-09-11 21:58:51
2015-09-11 22:08:42
I went where I thought this is, but couldn't get close enough to the river without trespassing and, possibly, a bolt cutter. But that may mean I was in the wrong place.
Anyway, related, my uncle Richard was a member of the pilot crew that picked up an LST from this company and took it down the river and across the Atlantic. I thought people here might like to read his personal recollection of D-Day:
D-Day June 6, 1944
We were tied up in Southampton, England, or I should say anchored In the Channel between the Isle of Wight and the harbor leading into Southampton.
I made daily trips in an RSVP into the port for mail, a trip which usually took about an hour each way. The water was rough and the rain was almost incessant every day and we always returned soaked to the skin and freezing cold.
About the 2nd of June we moved into the harbor and tied up with several other LST's at a pier in Southampton and started loading tanks, trucks, Jeeps and Ducks. We had a surgical team on board, and they got an operating room set up on the rear of the tank deck. We must have had 250 GI's on board plus our crew of about 150 with the surgical team. We had sleeping quarters for about half the GI's and the rest slept in shifts or in their trucks.
The chow line was a nightmare but we made sure everyone got fed. The weather was typical England wet and overcast and cold. We were all issued script currency redeemable in US dollars and there was some real hot poker and dice games going on.
I believe it was the morning of June 4 the captain lined us all up at the rail and a PT boat reviewed us and were told it carried the King of England. We all wondered it he was as cold and wet as we were.
We moved out of the port that night but anchored by the Isle of Wight. I got a 4 hour watch in the bow and the weather was terrible. I got off about 2 am and headed straight for my sack for about 4 hours sleep. The poor GI’s were suffering from seasickness and most of them stayed topside leaning over the rail.
I must have been 5 O’clock in the evening of June 5th and already dark and misting rain when we got underway. The ship was heavily loaded and set low in the water which made her ride a little smoother but the English Channel is never calm and the crossing was rough in the pitch dark night with hundreds of ships all around us. There was little sleep that night and we must have gone thru gallons of coffee. The galley started serving breakfast about 2 am but most did not eat much.
I was about 6 am when we spotted the French Coast of Normandy and the Battleships and Cruisers started firing at the coast. We were at General Quarters from about 4 am and the rain had let up a bit but it was so cold.
The sun actually started showing up about 7 am and it was - a very welcome sight. We started lowering the RSVP's about the time it got light and loaded them with the boat crew and about 20 GI's in each. I was on the crew of the 3rd boat in the water. We must have been about a mile off shore of the beach. The big ships stopped firing and we were told to head for shore. A couple of big guns on the beach kept firing at the boats and I watched a couple get knocked out of action quick.
We hit the beach and dropped the ramp and the GI's headed out in about 2 feet of water. Machine gun fire was everywhere and about 5 or 6 just dropped as they left the boat. A couple never made it off the boat and we raised the ramp and carried them back to the ship. When we got back the boats were quickly raised and the ship got underway for the beach to unload our cargo. It was high tide and we soon dropped the stern anchor and found we were setting on the beach. The bow doors were opened and the ramp dropped and the tanks started rolling off. It must have taken nearly 2 hours to unload both decks and as the tide went out we were setting high and dry on the beach like a big target. Wrecked trucks, tanks and small boats were littering the beach and a couple of ducks were running up and down the beach picking up bodies and bringing them on board for our surgical team.
It was afternoon before the tide came back in and with the help of the stern anchor we were able to float free of the beach again. We must have had 75 or 100 wounded or dead GI's lined up on the tank deck and it was getting dark when we headed back to England. I helped sort out the wounded from the dead and helped carry the wounded up to the operating platform on the back of the tank deck. About midnight myself and a friend of mine carried a GI can full of arms, legs, hands, feet and assorted body parts up topside and dumped them over the side as we had no other way of disposing 0f them.
It was getting light when we got back to Southampton and we headed straight for the unloading ramp with our dead and wounded into waiting ambulances. About noon we started loading trucks and tanks again for trip #2 for France.
2015-09-13 17:45:13
Many Landing Ship, Tanks (LSTs) were manufactured by Dravo on Neville Island. If you're interested in D-Day, maybe check out the Omnimax movie currently playing at the Science Center: http://www.carnegiesciencecenter.org/omnimax/d-day-normandy-1944/
Hints: this tag is not an LST. No trespassing is required.
I am truly saddened to learn that my tag resulted in extra mileage by jonawebb. So sorry.
2015-09-13 19:27:08
Yes, all I got out of the search was a beautiful ride. What a disappointment!
2015-09-14 05:35:35
2015-09-16 10:59:53
2015-09-18 15:29:57
GAP trail, near eagles nest. With campV
2015-09-19 09:42:35

2015-09-19 16:23:27

2015-09-20 21:50:23
2015-09-23 17:32:51
2015-09-23 20:54:00
2015-09-25 06:57:16
Mission St bridge, near Sterling

2015-09-26 11:19:55
2015-09-26 12:25:10
2015-09-26 13:18:32
Cars on this street make it crowded, you'll agree
Look up from here and you'll find a place to see
2015-10-01 11:12:41
Tag, with bonus pigeon, on Carson near 21st.
I't a Sunday morning tag; during the week the street is all parked up and it would be hard to spot. loc: 40.428543, -79.976646
Now at the corner there's the Candy & Cigar shop, so that accounts for one of the clues. But if I look up I see either the massage parlor (probably a smile) or this place:
Which somehow I doubt would put a smile on your face (but I might be projecting).

2015-10-04 10:01:16
Look up and there's Siegel Eye Care Associates across the street.
2015-10-05 04:32:40

2015-10-05 20:43:06
2015-10-06 14:59:04
2015-10-06 20:12:58
Paul, please post a word clue.
2015-10-07 08:01:58
Jon, thanks for that D-Day recollection. Southampton was my home for 15 years before coming here. I know that stretch of water very well.
2015-10-07 12:10:42
Ok, so I know where this tree(s) can be found (there's only one of them!) But it's mid-week and it's a schlep. Someone who lives nearby should shnap it up (so to speak).
2015-10-07 18:11:09
hint: Ron Donoughe made a series of nice paintings.
2015-10-08 22:43:20
Doesn't a tag lapse after a certain amount of time?
I'd like to know where this is, as it is interesting, but can we get a new tag already?
2015-10-14 14:36:45
google is your friend
2015-10-14 14:46:14
I know where this is, but I don't have a clue as to how to get over there safely.
2015-10-14 14:51:44
I'll pick it up probably Saturday morning if no one else has. I couldn't get to it last week, too much going on.
2015-10-14 15:05:29
I had illusions of picking it up this past Sunday, but I was leaving town midday.
There's a couple of ways to get there, depending on your taste in climbing. And if you're coming from town, I sort of know what @RustyRed means. This is why Sunday morning was a good time.
BTW, @paulheckbert's clue, which I just looked up, is spot on. Provided you keep scrolling.
2015-10-14 19:14:36
^ use the "images" search option and it comes right up.
2015-10-14 19:36:15
The current tag is a good opportunity for a non-jonawebb, non-ahlir to move forward in the game.
2015-10-16 12:08:47
Not for long, though. Better get to it!
2015-10-16 12:20:39
Well, here we are. Decorated for Halloween.
Bergmann St, Sheridan

2015-10-17 10:29:00
Sorry: I screwed up and was thinking it was a 48-hour time limit, not 36 hours, then I didn't ride my bike today. I'll post the new tag tonight.
2015-10-19 08:12:38
2015-10-19 17:12:54
When finding this tag remember one detail,
A foul ball may lead you to this swale
2015-10-21 13:47:22
First tag pick up. Please excuse if link doesn't work at first.
2015-10-21 14:21:58

2015-10-21 14:26:11
Excellent, @Kieran!
FYI, to get a link from Flickr, click on the arrow at the bottom right. Then just cut and paste the HTML embed link.

2015-10-21 14:32:29
Thanks for the assistance @jonawebb
2015-10-21 14:38:56
Grate job!
Kieran: you're supposed to state the location when you pick up a tag.
2015-10-21 14:40:19
I have much love in my heart for Iron Grate. Much love.
2015-10-21 17:35:56
Great to see a new tagger!
2015-10-21 21:27:24
2015-10-22 11:42:54
So, just to be clear: Is the Healthy Ride (TM?, SM?) part of the tag?
I'm ok if it is.
2015-10-22 20:04:59
I've set tags using a HealthyRide bike. I don't think it matters that you have to pick it up with another, anymore than me setting a tag with a unicycle, which I've done a couple of times.
2015-10-23 12:27:08
2015-10-23 17:09:51
2015-10-23 18:00:02
Greenfield bridge, née Beechwood boulevard bridge.

2015-10-24 09:52:11
Too easy, clearly. I should have placed another tag in McKees Rocks.
2015-10-24 14:47:31
I dunno.
There's two ends to the bridge, and it could have been either one.
Also, it only seems easy. I knew where it was, but chose not to get up early (and I had chores). That was the hard part. @jonawebb on the other hand just did it.
2015-10-24 18:54:21
I'll, uh
Show you where to get cheap whisky from Islay

2015-10-25 16:19:31

2015-10-26 10:24:01

2015-10-27 08:47:51
2015-10-27 11:35:23
2015-10-27 16:48:11
hint: Some were protesting the installation of two security stations.
2015-10-29 09:58:14
Yeah, the guard posts are a bit creepy.
And Google Streetview didn't dare venture up there...
2015-10-29 18:56:18
Hello Tag-o-Rama-folks,
May I ask for your help in locating this picture?
I took the picture myself and can't remember the location. Somewhere close to Penn and Main Street. The mural changes every few months; an earlier iteration was a human figure with the digestive tract drawn in bright colors.
Many Thanks!

2015-10-29 21:29:02
googling "pittsburgh digestive tract mural" and clicking on "images" took me to https://sidewallproject.wordpress.com. I think your answer is 608 S. Millvale, Pittsburgh PA 15224. (no bicycling required)
2015-10-29 22:07:03
thank you Paul!
2015-10-30 04:51:48
hint: to search old newspapers, go to https://news.google.com/newspapers
2015-11-01 08:27:22
2015-11-05 16:27:33
2015-11-05 16:34:55
Slightly off topic: The Montour Trail Facebook group has started a variant of the Tag-o-Rama game.
2015-11-05 22:50:47
2015-11-06 17:27:26
2015-11-07 13:36:29
Pitcher skate park, Carnegie

2015-11-08 14:49:19
Video: how Pitcher Park Memorial Skatepark came to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0oXrhy3Fvk
2015-11-08 15:20:41
2015-11-08 16:44:18
Artifacts antiques store, 110 S Main St, west end. These griffins were tagged before http://localhost/mb/topic/tag-o-rama-2/page/26/#post-209674
Step inside for a good time!
2015-11-09 14:51:52
Darn. I meant to check, but forgot.
Thanks for the fast pickup, Paul.
2015-11-09 14:57:24
Phật New Tag!
hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEH_l27ThH8

2015-11-09 21:25:20
hint: Of late, phật sits happily by a Washington river.
2015-11-11 13:07:53
Are more hints needed? This sculpture is not yet in Streetview, but the building is.
2015-11-13 14:05:14
Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. The weather is starting to make it more difficult to go exploring.
I'll confess to doing a lot of my exploring on motorcycle or bus, then biking back the next day to pick up a tag. But even that hasn't worked for this one.
2015-11-13 17:10:11
I know where this is. But for me it has to be a week-end jaunt.
Your first hint worked fine; the 2nd was oblique but good...
2015-11-13 17:40:58
hint: used to be a Methodist Church
2015-11-16 12:28:52
I will try to get there tomorrow morning (depending on how the the late-night goes, and if I can dig up my winter socks). If you were planning on some Brucing let me know and maybe we can work something out.
On a side note, you would think that a Methodist Buddha would somehow project a more serious demeanor. I mean, they're not even supposed to go dancing (I think). What plane of existence could that be all about?
2015-11-21 16:28:39
Methodist Buddha
1641 Potomac Ave, in lovely Dormont.
and stepping back a bit...

2015-11-22 14:50:58
Poor little doggie... you look so cold.
Would you like a Cherry? Ha-ha fooled you, almost.
2015-11-22 15:16:23
About buddha in Dormont: I believe it's called the KimQuoc Sunrise Buddhist Temple. More info: https://www.facebook.com/KQStemple/
2015-11-22 16:19:04
Just to add:
Potomac Ave seems pretty cool; closer to Liberty there's a Thai and a Vietnamese restaurant, plus various yoga and such businesses. Plus a local diner, with maybe 10-20 people standing around waiting to get in. (And lots of Latino businesses not that far away.) If I was just moving to Pittsburgh I would definitely check this neighborhood out.
I should also mention that there was a light-rail station, like half a block away. Foolishly I rode all the way there; the Strava thingie tells me I did 1798ft of elevation there and back. (I used the Google/bicycle routing, 20% grades and all; and this is bike routing, how?)
Finally, this was my first snow ride of the year! How cool is that?
2015-11-22 16:42:28
I kind of feel like you should ride there, by the rules. And how is it a snow ride?
2015-11-22 17:03:08
Snow ride:
On the way back I went through a couple of flurries; they were not wet, they were hard flakes. It was kind of cool (uh, cold) but of course not a real blizzard (like we'll hopefully get in a couple of months).
But, hey, it felt festive, almost just like that xmas in "White Christmas". You know, with Bing wailing away and tears welling in your eyes...
Of course my tears today were probably due to the wind and, distractingly, my fingertips were starting to freeze. (To think, I had earlier worried that I was overdressing for these relatively mild winter temps).
2015-11-22 17:19:26
Great Dane got some greenery. Hotel Monaco, William Penn Pl near Sixth Ave
2015-11-23 15:32:31
Wow, I walk or ride past that spot almost daily and never noticed that dog. I wonder how often they change the decoration.
We had a tag one time on the other game -- Wheelset Of Fortune -- for lions around town, of which there are many, dozens in fact, but I can't say there are that many gargoyle dogs.
2015-11-23 16:41:13
Wow, they really pimped him out. Hope he feels more wanted; that thing they had on him yesterday was pretty pathetic.
Actually, in the summer the hotel had arranged a hipsterish bike on the other side of the glass. And it made a perfect little tableau, a potential tag. I somehow thought it would still be there. Silly. Our seasons must (grimly) march on...
2015-11-23 19:11:58
2015-11-23 21:25:49
2015-11-24 11:08:14
2015-11-24 11:24:13
Westinghouse Academy (formerly Westinghouse High School), where Billy Strayhorn went, N Murtland & Monticello St

2015-11-26 14:32:58
Hey! Take my picture!
No problem
Bet it won't come out...
You be the judge.

2015-11-26 16:35:57
2015-11-26 22:47:19

2015-11-27 13:14:57

2015-11-27 13:38:20
Scientific or architectural?
2015-11-29 15:45:38
An enduring wonder of language is its inherent ambiguity; words mean can mean so very many different things. Why spoil it?
But what the heck, let me hold forth and maybe provide some circuitous cluezification (as Dumpty would surely have phrased it):
The current building replaces a previous one, which was in the classical style. For reasons I cannot fathom, the architect (or some busybody committee) decided that the new building should preserve an iconic (ionic?) feature of the one destroyed. What came of it is this abysmally incoherent architectural statement. Feh.
Ironically (ionically?) that previous building itself replaced an earlier one, and it respectfully preserved the entire portico of the original.
The current redesign surely should have provoked the AIA to decertify the hapless journeyman who agreed to perpetrate this vile atrocity. It is surely an utter abomination and a stain upon this fair city and its fine cultural heritage. O tempora o mores...
Anyway, that's just an opinion.
Regular commuters should be able to spot this one. Just look up.
2015-11-29 17:55:13
If you know where those iconic, ironic, Ionic columns are, please grab them! It would be great to see more people in this game.
2015-12-02 14:04:52
Hey guys, you're making this too hard. Remember rule #3: "Tag must be findable – don’t make your tag so obscure that no one will find it."
It's sometimes hard to predict how easy a tag will be for someone else to find; but I'd suggest trying to err on the side of "too easy" rather than "too hard."
And if a tag is not picked up after a few days, post a useful clue to help people find it. And keep posting clues until someone does.
2015-12-04 08:53:48
Sorry for not paying attention; busy week. Also, it didn't occur to me that this was going to be a hard one. I should reflect on that.
Let's take another look at the clues:
---> it's a school building
"Regular commuters should be able to spot this one"
---> there's a $%#*@! bike lane running past it
2015-12-04 10:41:49
I blame Mayor Peduto for the proliferation of bike lanes that's making such clues less useful. :-)
2015-12-04 11:00:17
Personally, I blame Obama.
2015-12-04 13:25:23
"Personally, I blame Obama."
Yeah, and it is also his fault the price of gas is so low. The gas prices are always his fault! -)
2015-12-04 16:00:05
2015-12-04 19:23:56
See? That wasn't so hard, was it.
2015-12-05 11:50:35
Thanks to this game and this tag, I finally know where the Obama school is.
2015-12-05 12:52:40
I think what made it hard is Highland doesn't come to mind as a committing route. Plus it was a high school, not a university.
The eyes of dead men are upon you,
All the livelong morn.

2015-12-05 14:51:09
2015-12-08 16:29:12
2015-12-08 16:32:38
2015-12-08 18:45:36
2015-12-08 19:53:08
hint: squeal like a pig
2015-12-11 10:04:18
Beatty and Livery
Why can't I post images? It's at https://farm1.staticflickr.com/698/23072030854_e4f5bf9729_b.jpg
2015-12-12 11:13:56
Dick pics are easy tricks for college chicks
Something's stripping my HTML
2015-12-12 11:40:24
Forbes at Northumberland
2015-12-12 18:15:15
Sorry, I was careless and grabbed the wrong dick. It's Forbes & Plainfield
2015-12-12 18:25:43
new tag.
hint: intersection of two trails
(it's a shame that HTML is broken on the web site)
2015-12-12 20:08:56
Let me know if that's not enough hint
2015-12-13 16:01:39
This tag is in Frick Park, at the intersection of the Tranquil and Falls Ravine Trails. Specifically, at 40.432943, -79.900232. The fire hydrant is to the west of the tree.
Nearby is a shelter, as well as some public conveniences. The latter have a sign "Dogs must be kept on leash". I did not bring one with me, but several other people did; it seems to be a popular spot for walking dogs (and running). The leaves have all fallen and you can see the outline of a hilltop in the distance. To the left is the trail to the parking lot and behind me the trail ascending to Homewood Cemetery. This is the Traquil Trail.
I'll try to figure out how to post a photo.
2015-12-15 12:12:04
2015-12-15 12:13:39
hm. maybe this:
That seems to work; except that the semi-colon is not mine. Actually, I had to insert a space beqween the " and the final > to have the latter appear. Darn REs; they're always so complicated to write and then they never seem to do what you want them to...

2015-12-15 12:14:35
so I took a look at the source code and found this at the tail of the line with the link in the previous post:
.jpg”; >
The trailing " is getting escaped, for some reason, but then an is getting inserted between the char code and the closing ;.
Rule ordering?
And what's with the ? There was no opening
to go with it. Yes, all this html stuff is complicated, and then there's all those goofy IDEs, not to mention evil CMSs. And life is short. But still.
2015-12-15 12:51:54
I don't know about you, but I still find myself regularly checking the P-G and its letters section. A habit I picked up back in the days of the Bicycle Wars. We won, I think: These days only rarely do they publish attacks on bikers; and the responses are mostly pro-bike (and articulate).
Things change, I reflected this morning. As I flipped through the paper...
2015-12-15 13:16:03
Recently-uglified 5900 Penn Ave at Beatty, and East Liberty Presbyterian Church
2015-12-15 15:31:12
There used to be a mural titled "Lend Me Your Ears" by Jordan Monahan and Alison Zapata on that building. http://www.pghmurals.com/Lend-Me-Your-Ears-61.cfm
2015-12-15 17:51:37
new tag
2015-12-15 17:53:09
The mural was "digitally preserved" using GigaPan, according to a story in this morning's paper. The developer wants to put in windows so that he can get the space rented. A quote: “We recognize that change does happen.”
So I'm feeling kind of clueless but I'm not sure why... Perhaps when we haue shuffel'd off this mortall coile it will all, somehow, make sense.
2015-12-15 18:59:58
Comments on that article say the future tenant is likely the Duolingo company, a CMU spinoff.
2015-12-15 19:27:38
2015-12-16 09:53:27
2015-12-16 14:16:16

2015-12-20 12:54:48
Sorry about the hang up, haven't been feeling well and didnt get a chance to drop another tag. The pick up is all yours @ahlir
2015-12-20 13:59:47
@kieran: Hope you get well; it was too nice a day to not ride, and one thing let to another...
I did snap a couple of potential tags, but let me check if they're already done.
2015-12-20 17:07:49

2015-12-20 17:31:35
Around 6000 Butler

2015-12-22 13:38:34
2015-12-22 14:51:38
Hey, you want a vendetta to sight
You know when I found you last night
Just when momma turned out the light
I went in the living room to see
What the noise that woke up me
And I saw him by the Christmas tree

2015-12-22 17:18:30
E silisili lou Atua
Pepese mai e silisili lou Atua
Vaai iai mata e sili, e sili lava Oe
2015-12-24 11:15:39
Black St at Chislett St, behind the former Rogers Middle School for the Creative and Performing Arts, East Liberty.

2015-12-26 14:09:34
2015-12-26 16:55:14
We thought this might be the tag, but these lights at the Convention Center don't have the metal plate below the light.
Now that we're home and dry... (he's muttering "'Let's go get a tag in the rain!', she said,'It'll be fun', she said!".)
We think this tag is elsewhere based on the clue. *derp*

2015-12-26 19:01:03
That's not it. Follow the clue.
2015-12-26 19:36:24
2015-12-27 11:15:36
2015-12-27 12:23:47
The rear of Immaculate Heart, Phelan Way, Polish Hill
loc: 40.456228, -79.967725
2015-12-28 16:27:53
Another day, another tag... but first I have an urgent matter to bring to the attention of the Tag-o-Rama Governing Commission. Upon closer inspection of the previous tag's location I made the dismaying discovery that it had, in fact, been previously tagged. I offer as evidence the pic below. If you look closely at the window you will note that it has already been tagged. In fact both have!
I studied the rules but was unable to find anything specific referring to this situation. We do have some case law that seems to allow for double tagging, provided that the later tag was set in good faith. I would hope that this is the case and I urge the Commission to treat this case with compassion.
2015-12-29 18:45:59
Hmmm, I checked the map carefully and didn't see the church tagged. The spreadsheet too.
What number tag was the older one?
2015-12-29 19:03:27
Anyway. I thought that today's tag would be easy to set. A quick dash out and back, and I'd be back home without even needing to turn on my lights.
I was wrong. So wrong.
As I was attempting to cross a bridge I suddenly realized that my path was blocked. Not by tedious construction signs or some carelessly arranged piles of broken glass. But by the Three Riders of the Cycle (well, Paul, Yale and Marko). We all came to a stop and warily inspected one another.
"You wouldn't by any chance be on your way to set a tag?" one of them asked, casually. I didn't know what to reply; how could they have suspected? "Well, uh, no. Well, not really. Ok, maybe. So what?"
We eyed each other a while longer. Then I snapped out of it, said goodbye and pedaled off.
In reliving that moment , I wished I had said something smooth like "Tagging? I don't need to do no stinkin' tagging". You never think of these clever comebacks when you need to, do you?
But everything was now all messed up. They knew the direction I was headed in! They were cunning; these dudes cycle around these parts, a lot. What to do?
There was only one way out: I had to give up on that "easy" tag I had in mind and just keep cycling and cycling, until I was able to make it to one not so nearby, far away and harder to find.
But it would not be easy. These dudes ride, hard, all over the place; nothing would have escaped their steely gaze and, photographic memories.
There was only one thing to do: Pull out one of my special tags. One that I had been saving, probably for just this sort of emergency. It would be a schlep over there and it would be dark before I got home. But sometimes you just have to do it.
It is the Code of the Tagger.
To (maybe) explain the above: last night, as a part of a social obligation, I accompanied some folks to the new Star Wars movie. It seems to have affected my view of the world, possibly of the galaxy. May the Tag be With You. (And did Mark Hamill really end up with just one speaking line? How sad is that?)
Note: I reserve the right to to withhold my clue, for now. But if you ask nicely I might extend one, as a favor.
Also after this one is picked up, if you know what this place is about, tell us. I have to know.
2015-12-29 19:38:34
Regarding the Urgent Matter, I'm not sure if we've previously had humor revolving around the use of the word "tag" both in the context of this game, and as a slang term for graffiti, but even if we have, I see nothing in the rules to prohibit rehashing such comedic byplay. So I think you're OK.
But I find marking one's attempts at comedy with a smilie can make the intent clearer.
2015-12-29 20:48:58
2015-12-29 20:51:45
What one line did Mark Hamill have?
2015-12-29 21:43:09
The film's narrative is organized around a quest to find Luke Skywalker. Both the bad guys ("New Order") and the good guys ("Resistance") needed to find him. Due to plot construction it was difficult to do, for both antagonist and protagonist. But the protagonist prevails and we find the female lead after an arduous climb up a steep mountain approaching a solitary figure, shrouded in a cowl, staring off into the distance. The moment is drawn out. Then the figure turns around and pronounces "I am Luke Skywalker"[*]. The credits roll.
[* I just checked with my son. He claims that Hamill simply affected a brooding expression. I challenged him. He replied "I'm damn sure". So ok, maybe Hamill wasn't even trusted with a speaking line. That's even sadder. But some of us in the theatre apparently felt the Force and heard Luke speak to us. And I respect that the producers had the decency to give the guy a job; probably not points, though.]
John Williams did the score. That guy is awesomely good at movie music. And he's still working!
2015-12-29 22:21:01
My son agrees with your son and me; no speaking lines for Mr. Hamill. Maybe in Episode 8.
2015-12-29 22:24:59
I could use a hint more than a movie review, myself.
2015-12-30 13:16:34
It's the holidays; you're supposed to be out at the movies...
Let's see if we start unpacking that note a bit:
Note: I Reserve the right to to withhold my clue, for now. But if you ask nicely I might extend one, as a favor.
Does that help? I can keep going.
And speaking of that: I was a bit careless, and I went a wee bit off the reservation, so to speak. This tag, I tell you. If it's not one thing it's another.
2015-12-30 14:49:47
To be clearer, when I composed the note I was somewhat unclear on just where I had been. I mean do you know where Squirrel Hill stops and Greenfield begins? Probably. But what if your job is in real estate?
Anyway, I happened to check prior to posting the last item. Apologies.
2015-12-30 16:57:08
Note: I reserve the right to to withhold my clue, for now. But if you ask nicely I might Extension one, as a favor.
2015-12-31 12:14:47
Reserve Twp near Mary St and Oesterle Ln
2015-12-31 15:36:33
I thought I'd make this a theme of sorts, something you may see while looking for Amish buggies.
I guess I could come up with some B.S. A.hlir story about running into Paul and Dino while coming back from the tag, but I haven't seen any new movies lately, and Taps is calling.
2015-12-31 17:02:50
Hey. That was my Creative Writing you're talking about...
2015-12-31 17:11:46
I had a long failed effort to find the horse and buggy tag. I was working on Geyer Road Extension -- I'd missed Mt. Troy Extension on the map -- and everything was suggesting to me that I was right. Reserve Township, got that, just outside the reservation, got that. There was even an additional clue, "With this tag, if it's not one thing, it's another." Geyer Road Extension intersects with Wynne Street. Three clues matched; it had to be the intersection of Geyer Road Extension and Wynne St. But no dice.
2015-12-31 19:01:19
I also thought it was on Geyer extension and mistakingly came at it from the Evergreen Road side. Boy thats a pretty good climb. When I didn't find the tag I next found Troy extension and went exploring and stumbled onto it.
BTW, my tag is not in street view. I guess the tag-o-rama boundary box must be blocking it.
2015-12-31 19:35:16
Kress Family horse & buggy, 109 Oesterle Lane, Ross Township (a bit outside Reserve Township).

2015-12-31 20:11:44
I used to ride on Mt. Troy Ext semi-regularly. A nice thing about it was the lack of traffic, probably because a chunk of it was missing (literally; the road has since been shored up and repaved).
One day I decided to detour and check out the park at the end of Oesterle. Boring: a parking lot and a couple of featureless playing fields. But my reward was discovering the Kress property. Haven't been there when someone was around; otherwise I would have asked about the place.
This is the Pittsburgh Profond, and there's more of it out there...
An out-take:
2015-12-31 20:14:02
Marko82 actually got there first. Paul had mentioned that Jon Webb would probably pass at any given moment. Some day I'll learn how to play this game. It was a nice ride on New Years Eve!
2016-01-02 10:40:49
I can give you boys (and girls) a clue if you choose to be trustworthy.
2016-01-03 12:28:09
Scouts Motto - Be Prepared
Night time tag recovery - Camp Guyasuta
2016-01-05 20:34:11
That's cool! Uh, cold.
2016-01-05 21:21:45
Awesome! You deserve a merit badge for going out in the cold for this one.
2016-01-05 21:38:58
Thank-you Gents. Another day, another cold nighttime tag:
In a sparsely tagged portion of the official rectangle lies this delightful little cantina.
If you'd like to visit but don't know the way, perhaps my old drinking' buddy, Carlos O'Brian, could help.
2016-01-06 18:52:01
2016-01-07 11:53:10
2016-01-07 12:44:06
Good job Paul !
2016-01-07 16:33:28
Pitaland - 620 Brookline Boulevard
2016-01-07 19:07:01
This tag is in the form of a short video. This is one of those drives you take with people who are new to Pittsburgh, to shake them up a bit.
The rest of the clues are, I too have not seen any new movies lately, but I have kissed a girl on the steps of the Art Museum.
2016-01-07 19:22:45
Chalking up the slower response to the rain and cold of yesterday, I'll give some additional clues. This tag falls within a city neighborhood although it lies slightly outside the official rectangle.
"...one of those drives you take with people who are new to Pittsburgh, to shake them up a bit." The effect is also good, in a car, from the lower end and heading uphill. If you plan to ride it on a bicycle, however, it would be better to approach from the uphill side and head down slowly.
2016-01-09 07:46:53
Creedmoor near McNeilly
With Red
2016-01-09 13:50:56
I love the new tag locations but I don't get any of the clues. Could someone explain?
2016-01-09 14:43:30
@Marko82 - Nice job!
@jonawebb - Brief tour of a disturbed mind. After this, you're on your own. First off, a hunch might have been made that on a cold dark winter weeknight, the tag was set on my way home from finding Paul's tag. You might've reviewed my long overdue intro to see where I live. 2ndly, haven't seen any new movies. One might've gone online and pulled up a list of new movies. The 3rd clue, involving the steps of the art museum was to get you thinking about the Rocky movies. Figuring out that clue would help you discern which new movie was involved in clue #2 (CREED - about the son of Rocky's old nemesis, Apollo Creed, who he is training). The clues of earlier today have multiple purposes. The "rules" of the game say that one is supposed to advise regarding road conditions. I also wanted to suggest a possible alternate approach to the destination and/or to perhaps confirm one's hunch. The Irish clue is because the alternate approach is from McNeilly Road. Clear as mud? Happy New Year !
2016-01-09 15:41:49
In 2012 a lot of action took place very near this spot. Sorry I don't know Jack about movies.
With Red
2016-01-09 16:25:13
Time for another clue, perhaps? I think I understand the original clue but it's not good enough for me.
2016-01-15 15:56:31
Haha I haven't played this game in a long while. I think I know the reference, but I can't place the location.... :P
2016-01-15 16:20:10
It's on a very popular commuter route well within the box with no climbing required. There has also been at least one other nearby tag that I can remember.
If it's still up tomorrow afternoon I'll leave another clue.
2016-01-15 16:27:58
Can you at least tell me what "the box" means? :) I'm not up with the lingo. lol
2016-01-15 16:36:47
"The box" is the limits of where you can leave a tag
See link at top of first page of this thread, rule #2
2016-01-15 16:43:26
See the Google map mentioned in the rules on page 1 of the thread. The tags should be contained within the box.
2016-01-15 16:44:37
ohhh ok. :) Clearly I should learn to read instructions. :P
2016-01-15 16:55:18
The point of the game is to get out and ride and find things, so that's what I did. Well, I rode, but I did not find the tag. I'll tell you what it isn't, though:
* It isn't the Mon Wharf.
* It isn't a secret entrance to the 6th/7th/9th St Bridges.
* It isn't any side of the Wholey building in the Strip.
If it is one of those things, I didn't see it.
But there are dozens of bridge abutments and hundreds of century-old buildings with long-shut emergency exit doors around the city. I would've looked longer, but I ran out of daylight.
This was actually rather fun, even if I did turn up empty!
2016-01-15 18:08:52
Under the 10th Street Bridge, Jail Trail Side
I thought it was the Wholey Building as well. The dynamic duo (Marko and Red) are pretty tricky. Funny how these things hide in plain sight! In that movie, there is a little boy named Marco.
2016-01-15 19:46:59
Impressive pickup. I can verify there is no door quite like this in the Strip District.
2016-01-16 07:30:35
^I love the hiding in plain sight tags too. I really didn't think this was going to be as hard as it seems to have been, but it did get folks out riding so that's a win.
2016-01-16 09:43:01
New Tag:
Sticking with the stage theme, a “cut” from the lyrics of an old production -
“...Remember me to Herald Square, Tell all the gang on 42nd Street that I will soon be there...”
2016-01-16 10:29:09
Slice on Broadway

2016-01-16 12:17:29
Found one tag, dropped another
Don't you agree, aren't all men brothers?

2016-01-16 15:15:19
I think this was used just recently, Nov 9th as a matter of fact.
2016-01-16 15:41:30
Isn't this the same tag from back in November?
2016-01-16 15:42:39
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the tag.
2016-01-16 16:14:58
Shoot I looked but I didn't know the address and didn't see it on the map. Anyway I have another tag. Give me a minute...
2016-01-16 16:55:30
Sadly, the NHS denies treatment
For cancer patients at 69
A sad deadline
But before that date, Professor Snape
Helped a film find its shape

2016-01-16 17:10:32
Boy, you guys are quick. I figured out the tag, only to see that it was picked up before I could even grab the bike. Then I saw the new tag was posted, and thought I recognized it as a recent tag before noticing there was a Page 15 to the thread, discussing it.
Hokay, back to square one. Gotta figure out this one before the weather gets nasty tomorrow afternoon. I have a great tag to drop, found during my explorations yesterday, if I could only grab one!
This is not whining. Just letting everyone know there is still a little competition out there.
2016-01-16 17:16:14
@jonawebb - Nice pick-up!
2016-01-16 19:04:49
Fultonco actually drove by as I was doing the pickup.
2016-01-16 21:16:14
The Rite Aid at Banksville and McMonagle (3210 Banksville Road)
2016-01-17 09:14:38
Here We Go... with another tag.
I thought this appropriate, for today.
From an older edition of a popular rendition...
"We've got Greg Lloyd, Greene, and Levon; Perry, Woodson, Lake, and Dion..."
2016-01-17 09:20:21
Yes. That was one of the locations for "Dogma." It was something else at the time. It was the scene with Chris Rock.
(Alan Rickman played Metatron, who is I believe the angel God made Enoch into.)
2016-01-17 09:21:02
@jonawebb - You got your hills in yesterday, as well !
2016-01-17 09:27:49
I was convinced that the tortuous Rickman connection was Minerva McGonagall, from Harry Potter.
2016-01-17 09:59:11
I just knew where the Rite Aid, in that style was located.
For some humor, this little discussion reminds me of an old Charlie Brown comic strip. Just substitute Fultonco for Charlie Brown because the joke is on me -
Charlie Brown: I can't stand it, I just can't stand it.
Lucy: Aren't the clouds beautiful? They look like big balls of cotton.
Peppermint Patty: Oh, yes! I could just lay here all day and watch them drift by.
Lucy: You know, if you use your imagination, you can see all sorts of things in the clouds! What do you see, Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown: Well...
(sung) I see a...
Linus: Mermaid, riding on a unicorn,
Lucy: I see an angel, blowing on a big, long horn,
Linus: I see Mount Rushmore, Thomas, and George,
Wavin' at me,
All (to Charlie Brown): What do you see?
Charlie Brown: I see a...
Peppermint Patty: Dragon, charging at an armored knight,
Sally: The tower of Pisa, leaning slightly to the right,
Linus: I see Goliath, half a mile tall,
Wavin' at me.
All (to Charlie Brown): What do you see?
Charlie Brown: I see a...
Peppermint Patty: Scene of twenty milk white horses,
Lucy: I see a dinosaur,
Snoopy: I see the Civil War,
Sally: The landing of the Pilgrims,
Linus: Camelot!
Lucy: Caesar at the Rubicon,
Charlie Brown: I see a...
Sally: Circus, just as plain as anything,
Peppermint Patty: The clowns are on now,
Performing in the center ring,
(Girls laugh)
Linus: I see Prometheus,
Wavin' at me.
All (to Charlie Brown): What do you see? What do you see?
Charlie Brown: I see...
Peppermint Patty: The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,
Lucy: I see the Astro-Dome,
Snoopy: I see the fall of Rome,
Sally: The Pyramid of Khufu,
Snoopy: You too?
All (except Charlie Brown): Seven Wonders of the World.
Charlie Brown: I see a...
Linus: Gargoyle, like they have at Notre Dame,
Lucy: The sack of Carthage,
Snoopy: And the Dodger's Yankee game! GO TEAM!
Linus: All Twelve Apostles,
Wavin' at me.
All (to Charlie Brown): What do you see? What do you see?
(spoken) Well, what do you see, Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown (spoken): I was going to say a horsey and a ducky, but I changed my mind.
2016-01-17 10:08:43
For the benefit of others, I'll share what I've figured out: this tag is in the rectangle, probably.
2016-01-17 20:28:21
It's definitely within the rectangle. The Charlie Brown thing has nothing to do with it.
Go back to the photo and the clues on that post.
2016-01-17 20:57:29
Clue #2
Here We Go...
If you still need help sorting this one out,
or for cycling, it’s too cold out,
try warming up first, by belting-out,
the fight song of which this school is all about !
To the tune of “As The Caissons Go Rolling Along”
Ready, and a 1, and a 2, and a 3...
Shout aloud to the men who will play the game to win,
We're behind you, keep fighting for State.
Hold that line, hold 'em fast,
We'll reach victory at last,
We're behind you, keep fighting for State.
Rise up to the fray and let your colors wave,
Shout out for dear old State,
And where-e'er we go,
we'll let the whole world know,
We're behind you, keep fighting for State.
2016-01-19 20:27:34
I'm more confused with the second clue than I was without it. Football references don't work for me.
What I see appears to be an alley running behind a row of houses, with a small parking area for a handicapped person for the building on the right, which looks like it could be a small church or private school. It isn't dense urban, it isn't suburban sprawl. It looks like the kind of area built up around 1920, so inside the city itself, most likely, but on the outer reaches. Not super hilly, at least not right here. Carrick and Brookline come to mind. I can't picture a spot north of the rivers that looks like this, but I'm less familiar with the side streets and back alleys south of Grandview Ave.
If this were summer, I might be inclined to do some exploring, as I did last Friday.
Anyway, am I on the right track?
2016-01-20 07:53:11
Just to let folks know, it's findable from the clues given--and I'll pick it up Saturday morning if no one else has.
Oh, and Stu's in the right general area.
2016-01-20 09:06:55
Stu makes some good observations, but some others that may not be so accurate. I will say that once the tag is picked up, the days get longer, and the weather better, this would make for a good Critical Mass Ride, some Friday evening.
I didn't think this would be as difficult as it seems and I do have some additional clues to offer. If nobody retrieves the tag, I'll continue to drop hints.
2016-01-20 19:29:20
Clue #3
Here We Go...
At one point in time, there were doubts as to whether he possessed the right stuff. But on a winter’s night, some ten years ago, a crafty fellow, a team, and a city reached the pinnacle of a former era once more. Through that achievement he achieved immortalization in Yinzer Nation!
2016-01-21 05:45:42
Hawthorne Presbyterian Church, Cowher Way, Crafton. Clue 2 suggests the North Carolina State fight song, which suggests “NC”, leading you to the Neighborhood of Crafton. Duuh. :-)
2016-01-21 14:38:42
We actually did ride Critical Mass to Crafton once a year or so ago. Via Manchester, McKees Rocks Bridge, Windgap, Crafton-Ingram Shopping Center, back in on Steuben St.
2016-01-21 14:48:00
Coach Cowher attented North Carolina State & played football there. Also grew up on Hawthorne Ave.
2016-01-21 14:55:05
Bravo !
This deserves another verse from the 1995 edition of the song, "Here We Go," composed by the incomparable Roger Wood:
Cheer the Steelers, the Black and the Gold, here we go,
this town of Pittsburgh's heart and soul, here we go!
Cowher Power will get the job done,
this is the year we'll get that "one for the thumb!"
2016-01-21 16:40:54
2016-01-21 23:21:09
Exchange and Guardian off Penn
2016-01-22 13:00:23
Exchange Way & Garrison Pl, actually
2016-01-22 15:17:33
@kieran: by the rules, you have until 1am Sunday morning to drop a new tag, or your tag pickup is invalidated.
2016-01-23 21:07:59
Maybe a little extra time because of the weather.
2016-01-23 22:01:38
"Maybe a little extra time because of the weather."
Excellent idea.
2016-01-23 22:06:22
I'll have a new tag up by tomorrow morning at 9
2016-01-23 23:29:35
Do widzenia!
2016-01-24 08:54:38
Downing steps on Herron Ave
2016-01-24 10:11:50
NEW TAG! (With Marko82)
We climbed this hill looking for sno-cones, but this place was closed.
2016-01-24 13:05:00
food trailer, Wylie Ave at Soho St, RIP Young Brothers Sisters http://cmoye.net/blog/wordless-wednesday_hill-district-murals/
2016-01-26 12:58:30
2016-01-26 13:18:30
Somber, per today's mood.
2016-01-26 15:39:55
hint: this wreath memorializes two
2016-01-27 18:59:08
You do not need to ride to Aliquippa to pick up this tag.
2016-01-27 19:06:07
The corner where Henry Walker, 73, and Carol Christine Williamson, 68, both of Wilkinsburg were killed by an inattentive driver. Center ave. in north Oakland
2016-01-28 15:13:06
Right. Corner of Centre & Allequippa. A news story about the incident: http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2015/10/27/Victims-in-SUV-and-bus-crash-were-married/stories/201510270210
2016-01-28 15:50:15
New Hot Tag...
2016-01-29 13:17:06
"By Joe, I think I've got it!"
2016-01-29 14:42:24
That's odd.
2016-01-29 14:56:25
Oddball pets, 262 Joseph St

2016-01-29 21:19:59

2016-01-30 16:03:08
Greenfield end of the former Greenfield Bridge.
2016-01-30 16:44:52
Tunnel to somewhere. The gates are open.
2016-01-30 17:08:04
Point State Park...inder ramp to 376
2016-01-31 12:12:43
2016-01-31 13:00:19
The Iguana's photo. Not a tag pickup
2016-01-31 13:04:02
Neither The Iguana's photo nor Jon's display for me in Firefox. Maybe this will. The Iguana's pickup:
The Iguana's new tag:
(Google+ delivers photos to users running Chrome or Opera in their new Webp format, which doesn't work in IE or Edge or Firefox or Safari. So copying a photo from there when using Chrome or Opera doesn't work right.)
2016-01-31 16:34:07
And Iguanas eat web spinners...not much meat...alot of legs...but they go down squirming.
2016-01-31 18:38:13
Comedy, Satyr and Tragedy door ornaments at Allegheny Traditional Academy, Arch Street... across from the Aviary.
2016-02-02 08:27:28
New Tag!
I wonder who this is? Can anyone shed some Light? Can someone gimmie the Dirt? Maybe it's some guy named Herb?
2016-02-02 09:13:22
Lettuce turnip some more clues:
Gardening in the winter is not something I can do, not having a yard and it being too cold, unless... you garden indoors! That would be awesome, fresh tomatoes, basil, oregano, berries maybe. Yeah, I like berries.
2016-02-04 08:25:56
19th and mulBERRY. Home Hydroponics of Pittsburgh.
Man Ray self portrait http://smithsonian.tumblr.com/post/95916000667/americanartmuseum-man-ray-self-portrait-1932
2016-02-04 16:00:50
2016-02-04 19:30:49
And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street.
2016-02-05 18:14:33
New tag:
2016-02-06 02:05:14
Dear Iguana: is there a bicycle in your picture?
2016-02-06 08:54:50
Sorry. Try this for the new tag:
2016-02-06 10:14:27
Twitter link to tag pickup at the end of 3rd street on the south side. With Marko82
2016-02-06 11:15:23
I agree with Paul -- I don't see the bike either. If it's not there then Yale should post a photo with his bike so the game can proceed.
It's a really great tag otherwise. I was trying to figure out the Latin quote and also stuck on "Direwolf Crossing" which didn't fit.
Oh, I can see it in the second photo, too.
2016-02-06 11:38:35
I can see the bike in the second photo Yale posted.
Anyway, here's a new tag!
It is too nice to stay inside and Google. This new tag is within a mile an a half of the Drewolf tag. Get out and ride!
2016-02-06 11:54:35
Coffee way

2016-02-06 13:37:47
The street sign spells it "Coffey Way".
articles about the indian head:
"The stone pieces came from the front of a building at 808 Liberty Ave., built during the Civil War era and demolished in 1936 after the St. Patrick's Day flood that year, according to the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation. After the flood, the Arbuckle company rebuilt on the site, using the foundation and incorporating the four reliefs into a back wall. The two-story brick building at 808 Liberty Ave. opened in 1936 and has changed hands several times since." http://triblive.com/home/1467608-74/pittsburgh-reliefs-stone-alley-art-building-coffee-downtown-woman-arbuckle
2016-02-06 14:04:48
Red is right!
Get out and play!
Asking a trail you'll find
A fellow tagger's

2016-02-06 14:33:21
2016-02-06 16:10:36
2016-02-06 16:54:51
FYI, the prolific "GEM" tagger is a CMU art student who was arrested recently: http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2016/02/01/Pittsburgh-police-arrest-most-wanted-graffiti-tagger/stories/201602010127
2016-02-06 16:56:48
Here's another article about Coffey Way and Pittsburgh's rich coffee history:
Perhaps that's why Pittsburgh is also the Coffeeneuring Capital too?
Additionally, Coffey Way is also one of the few 'remaining' wood block streets (like Roslyn Place)
while it was paved over with blacktop, there's a small section where the wood block pokes through near the Duquesne Club.
2016-02-06 17:51:46
Steps by Troy Hill Rd and Goettman St.
2016-02-07 08:00:42
New tag. Hint: I did not travel far.
2016-02-07 08:13:58
Teutonia Männerchor
Phineas Street.
2016-02-07 09:36:11
New Tag!
George was close-eyed to my activities this morning, it looked like he was concentrating more on This Masquerade.
2016-02-07 09:52:01

2016-02-07 12:48:24
Just hangin'...
... too mellow to rock.
[ a correction: the pickup was at Art's Tavern, 40.457699, -79.974063 ]

2016-02-07 16:34:45
Twelve tags in about nine days. This game is very much alive!
2016-02-07 16:56:19
Creepy hanging gold baby on Melwood next to the Rock Room.
The Doll's previous location was hanging at the corner of Brereton and Dobson.
2016-02-07 17:21:08
New Tag!
2016-02-07 17:34:25
Hint: it would be more appropriate if the dangling baby was hanging out here.
2016-02-09 08:54:01
It's definitely in Pittsburgh, but not too far from Denver, though.
2016-02-09 12:58:03
Blow me up!! But start with your cell phone.
643 Gold Way near Denver St.
Almost got this Sunday with help from the Reptilian brain
2016-02-09 15:17:58
2016-02-09 17:39:36

2016-02-10 14:01:38

2016-02-10 14:18:02
West Penn school for the blind

2016-02-10 19:11:23
See one dinosaur, find another
Not far away, it could be its brother
(You don't have to get right up next to it the way I did--that was kind of trespassy. I couldn't get a good photo from the sidewalk.)

2016-02-11 13:22:31
Jon, if your little poem accompanies a tag drop, I cannot see a photo.
2016-02-11 14:37:37
2016-02-11 14:45:44
A bit dark, but I can see a photo, at least, by clicking on the link.
2016-02-11 14:46:37
Lightened it. I hope that helps.
I wonder if Flickr is screwing with their code. I now see a placeholder too, but at least if I click on the link it shows the photo.
2016-02-11 14:48:14
Yes, that's better. Thanks!
2016-02-11 14:51:20

2016-02-11 20:37:40
Did that stegosaurus exfoliate?
2016-02-11 21:56:06
Well, maybe the owners are not so good at maintenance.
If they're reading this maybe they should take a hint and call the artist up and get him to fix things. After all, isn't it his fault for not picking a better grade of paint? Or maybe this is actually a slo-mo performance piece. Life gets complicated when you start reflecting on things...
2016-02-11 22:32:47

2016-02-12 18:22:05
TRY TRY TRY stairs from Lorigan St up to Minerva St. Few cyclists on the roads today. Maybe because it’s a hellish 261* degrees out there.
2016-02-13 15:40:25
The TRY TRY TRY staircase had been tagged previously (with pickup by me). At that time the truck and rail decorations had not been worked on. Anyway, for the record, the truck:
Also, the staircase starts at Minerva and Ella, and so Ella the Owl.
I have no idea why all these things should fit together.

2016-02-13 16:42:46
2016-02-13 17:46:57
CMU Software Engineering building on Fifth Ave in Oakland
with Marko82
2016-02-14 12:52:17
Cold New Tag!
with Marko82
2016-02-14 12:53:38
Amazing how few tags there are in that part of town for as populated, level, and bike-dense as it is.
2016-02-14 15:18:40
Oakland - Forbes Avenue & McKee Place,
The Eureka Bank Clock and Thermometer
The Hilton Garden Inn
2016-02-14 19:03:53
To paraphrase the late Glenn Frye,
"Yinz belong to the city, concrete under your feet."
For me, it's John Denver,
"Thank God I'm a Country Boy!"
(Within the official rectangle, of course.)
2016-02-15 13:55:38
This tag looks a little harder to figure out than RustyRed's, eh?
2016-02-15 14:56:16
The upcoming clues will be crucial.
2016-02-15 17:24:58
Clue #1
Ken likes to walk in the woods, among the Oaks.
2016-02-16 16:45:10
2016-02-17 15:25:56
Nice job, Saint Paul !
2016-02-17 15:31:38
Plz explain the clues. I am lost w/@fultonco's clues, usually.
2016-02-17 15:37:29
Even looking at a map of the area, I'm a bit lost. OK, there's a Kenforest Drive nearby, and a couple of streets with the word "Oak" in them. But I don't know anything about that area at all.
Can you bike through the park? Can you use a trail through the park to connect Roessler Rd and Twin Hills Drive? How would one even get out there on a bike?
2016-02-17 19:40:04
I don’t normally share my methods, but this was a tricky one, so:
Bill “Big Oak” Cowher was a student of Steelers history, of course. Glenn Frey’s birthdate gave me the year 1948, which turned out to be a crucial clue. A visit to the sports archives at the Heinz History Center allowed me to discover that a Ken “Country Boy” Scott was assistant coach in 1948. Aha! I didn’t find a Scott Street that fit the picture, but Scott Township was a possibility, and checking parks in that Township turned up Twin Hills Park. Although Streetview didn’t show the bulletin board, a few grass tufts there looked like Dino’s picture, so that clinched it.
2016-02-17 22:02:14
trail map of Twin Hills Park: http://mtlebanon.org/DocumentCenter/View/10968
more info on the park: http://lebonature.org/twin-hills/
Other than dismounting to ford a small stream, I was able to ride my bike on trails in this park between Twin Hills Dr on the east and Chatham Park Dr on the west. The latter trailhead is the upper left green star on that map.
2016-02-17 22:27:47
2016-02-17 23:50:51
Not sure why my tags are being scrutinized so closely. They are no different than those which involve ambiguous shots of some random place in the city. You can get there on a bike, I did. Meadowcroft to Twin Hills Drive is the most direct, paved route. Simply because some of you are not familiar with the South Hills is my point precisely. Thanks Paul, for validating.
2016-02-18 05:28:36
I think it's because you're new and we're trying to figure out your clue technique. At least I am. From your clue I got "Oakwood," which gave me the general area, but I don't get the pop song references.
2016-02-18 07:16:20
From my perspective, I know so little about the area, I don't know where to start. How would I get there, what would I check out if I did get there, and how would I get back across the river a different way from how I got there? Aside from driving up Cochran or Greentree or Beverly once or twice a year, I never get over to that part of town.
2016-02-18 09:07:52
Stu sed: "From my perspective, I know so little about the area, I don’t know where to start. How would I get there...?"
But isn't that the point of the game? Getting us to check out places we wouldn't normally ride?
As a complete newbie to Pittsburgh, all those questions are my (and probably others') reaction to *every* tag that's placed. In three months, I've only been able to pre-locate three tags, and they've all been claimed before I could mount an expedition.
I'm still hopeful that warmer weather and more familiarity with the area (and comfort navigating it) will someday bring me a tag I can actually retrieve...
2016-02-18 10:41:12
When I figure out a tag and cannot or do not expect to get to it, I often toss in another clue to help whoever might be after it.
I do need to explore the SW corner of the city, particularly the section bounded by PA50 and Brownsville Rd. Setting some tags in that area would both provide the opportunity to explore, and give me something to look for, even post-mortem relative to the game, once I get out that way.
But the only ways I know to get out there are either the Wabash Tunnel or S.12th/Brosville.
2016-02-18 11:34:32
Whenever I have to ride to a distant part of town where I don't know the way I just load up the directions on my phone on Google Maps and put it into navigate mode. Then turn off the phone display and put it in my jacket breast pocket. Works great. "In 300 feet, turn left onto..."
Still not quite getting @fultonco's clues but guessing there's some non-obvious link between the song authors & street names.
@paul's explanation of his figuring this out was completely misleading. Everybody knows that Country Boy Scott didn't coach at all during 1948 (he, of course, was called back to active duty in Europe to assist at VW as part of Marshall Plan).
2016-02-18 13:01:26
I'm not going to justify my clues but I will point out that some photos are just posted with no clues at all and nary an eyebrow is raised.
Thanks @ornoth. You said what I thought was true about this game.
I have been trying to tag in an area of the box that had very few tags and I see that it is filling in a bit. I consider that a success.
Mr. Webb, you've figured out a few of my tags and your professor Snape clues were out there a bit. You might be a little more disturbed than you think :-)
2016-02-18 18:49:31
Like many of the other players I spend random time biking around and just looking. As a result I may not know exactly where something is but I can generally sense which part of town it's likely in. House styles and other features are pretty distinctive. The corollary to that is that I'm usually pretty sure that I have idea where something is: the area is just not familiar. That's where the last tag was set.
Then there's the clues. They will inevitably be eliptic or otherwise misleading. But a good clue will have enough information to narrow things down once you reflect on it. And, actually, it's in everyone's interest to make the clues accessible: it keeps the game moving.
And don't forget the interweb. More often than not you can find stuff there; at the very least check the streetview. (Conversely, some of us check online before setting a tag, just to make sure it's not trivially findable.)
I'm glad that @fultonco is dragging the game off the beaten track. Now there's more reasons to go explore that part of town.
2016-02-18 19:35:58
I definitely like @fultonco's tags and clues. I'm just looking for a little help syncing in with him so I can pick up his tags faster.
2016-02-18 21:40:55
Even looking at a map of the area, I’m a bit lost.You have to come to ANR next time. :)
2016-02-18 23:22:14
@ahlir said:
'I’m usually pretty sure that I have idea where something is'
'Then there’s the clues. They will inevitably be eliptic or otherwise misleading. But a good clue will have enough information to narrow things down once you reflect on it. And, actually, it’s in everyone’s interest to make the clues accessible: it keeps the game moving.'
You may be pretty sure of yourself, but all I can figure is that e-lip-tic is some kind of web-surfing-induced Tourette's Syndrome relative. And the clues are always accessible--it's the solutions that I find difficult--sometimes causing eliptics and slobbering.
2016-02-19 00:56:14
Thank-you one and all. You guys are OK. I don't care what they say about you.
Picking up on Stu's suggestion, I know where Paul's tag is but cannot get there until at least tonight. I will, however, drop one of my patented eccentric clues to help anyone who may be off today and can take a ride (shlep) over. The further incentive is, that if you don't beat me to it, you will have to endure more of my warped sense of humor, as well.
The clue is, even if he were alive today, Andrew would consider converting over to attend services in one of these beautiful churches, especially the one with the blue domes. This little town had a central makeover as well, after Ivan's visit a few years back.
2016-02-19 05:53:49
typo; sorry.
elliptic adj.
a. Of or relating to extreme economy of oral or written expression.
b. Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression.
2016-02-19 08:52:58
Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church, Carnegie

2016-02-20 13:23:32
A schoolhouse stood, at this location
People still go here, for an education

2016-02-20 16:28:15
The point of this parking lot at Smithfield and Blvd of The Allies is the tag...The education nearby is Point Park U.
This is the location of the original Western University...which became University of Pittsburgh.
2016-02-20 19:03:05
I knew it was downtown, by virtue of the small reflection of the Purple Belt sign, but I would have had to look for it. Plus, I would not have had the history quite right.
There is a mention in today's PG, page 2, of the original Western University site downtown, though it does not specifically mention where it was.
2016-02-20 20:06:43
I'm glad somebody picked it up fast. That's what I want. You go, Iguana! (Plus unnamed associate)
2016-02-20 20:29:38
New Tag:
Hint? You don't need no stinkin' hint...
2016-02-20 23:57:46
Apparently we DO need some steeenkin' hints.
2016-02-23 21:03:44
Ig seems a bit ornery of late, let's give him a day or two. Or, maybe, just do Treasure of the Sierra Madre on Netflix. Assuming that's part of the reference.
In the meanwhile, consider the pic.
The house number is 14; not that many neighborhoods with that; it's probably pretty close to the base intersection.
It's a pretty steep street, and that looks like another one above it, up a steep hill, with what looks to be a street light.
The houses are set back from the street, with enough space for a modest lawn, and both houses have new porches. No brick. An up and coming neighborhood? The gate suggests folk art; but the sculpture suggests hip. Where could this be?
I don't know this spot, but I can think of places to look...
Also, I like how taggers use night to blur context; who knows what this looks like in the light of day?
2016-02-23 21:55:23
House number is 41. But your point still stands.
2016-02-24 00:08:21
I want to say that it was a typo, but maybe I'm just lexdisic; uh, well, you know what I mean...
2016-02-24 09:13:07
Hints, shmints...ok, some stinkin' hints...but you asked for them.
Nearby you will find the Mexican Steel Kid espousing philosophy and politics; regarding the current presidential primaries, he recently communicated to me: I am of neither party; Liberty is my foremost passion. But as there are barriers to Liberty, so to the tag--woe to him if he goes beyond them--don't mess with him! To the point(more than 5K away) a final duel was had; oh the power of bating one another--in the end no more bates. And now briny air wafts to cool the Black Oven at the tag.
2016-02-24 12:55:31
Its kinda quiet...did we give up Tag-o-Rama 4 for Lent?
2016-02-25 14:01:16
I think they're weather wimps. I can't, because I was there for the tag drop.
2016-02-25 14:10:06
Hey, I'm no weather wimp!
I checked the Mexican War streets, names of streets relating to Cruz, Rubio, Sierra, Steel Cactus, That Libertarian candidate guy, Bogart, Madre, Badges, Treasure, 41 Bates St, etc...
I'm a hey-these-clues-are-all-over-the-place wimp.
EDIT: nevermind, found it. Everything just clicked after reading all the clues a few times.
2016-02-25 14:20:34
Kool...but keep warm...
2016-02-25 14:50:54
41 Alexis St
Closeups of the yard art:
I only found it when I thought...
Briny>salt> SALINE
and I noticed Schwarz Kiln (Black Oven) nearby.
I have no idea how Badges or Mexican things play into this... *tilts head*
2016-02-25 17:28:27
2016-02-25 18:45:16
New tag!
Life IS Beautiful, especially if you don't sweat the small stuff.
2016-02-26 09:57:11
18th St across from Primanti's

2016-02-27 11:54:26
I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly
I'm crying
I'm flying
Down a well-known route
On the way to Oakland
I'm flying

2016-02-27 17:09:39
608 S Millvale at Lima Way, with some lizard or other. Cathedral of Learning visible at left.
See also http://type2-clydesdale.blogspot.com/?m=0
2016-02-27 18:08:58
2016-02-27 21:25:41
Blakey Program Center, 1908 Wylie Ave
Formerly Shaare Zion temple? School? (I can't find much in the way of history on the webs)
2016-02-28 08:58:54
Hebrew Institute. I found:
2016-02-28 12:38:21
New tag!
With Marko82
Make sure you stop at the 24 hour business around the corner because the smells will tempt you.
(and thanks for the links, Paul!)
2016-02-28 13:38:31
Stowe Township mural of fire truck, Broadway Ave near Charles St, with The Iguana. See more of Stevo’s mosaics: http://www.stevosphere.com/public-art.html
2016-02-28 19:07:04
2016-02-28 22:05:19
hint: also nearby: a good place to take your roofing debris
2016-02-29 22:07:59
I'm assuming people need warmer weather, not hints, unless someone tells me otherwise.
2016-03-03 11:42:38
hint: as mentioned earlier, 42 is nearby

2016-03-06 19:09:31
try again: hint: as mentioned earlier, 42 is nearby

2016-03-07 15:33:49
It's awfully quiet out there.
hint: Used as the shooter in playing marbles. Tom offered one to Jim.
2016-03-07 23:05:57
I did look for this Sunday & Monday. Haven't found/figured it out yet.
2016-03-08 10:38:31
Ah, I figured out the clues....
Now, I just need to find time to get out there.
2016-03-10 10:34:45
McKees Rocks Bottoms, McKee St.
Near Robinson St and White Alley, near the Dump.
Pickup with Marko82
2016-03-12 16:17:28
New Tag!
2016-03-12 16:22:16
Yay on the pickup!
Fire truck tag was picked up in ~6 hours.
Cylinder bldg tag was picked up in ~300 hrs.
Was the latter 50x more difficult?
2016-03-13 10:25:28
"Was the latter 50x more difficult?"
Yeah, just a tad.
The clues led me off the track to places like 42nd St in Lawrenceville, General Robinson St, Robinson St (In Oakland).
The Shooter marble reference led me to look for things named Taw, Dobber, etc... (because there's a million different slang names for the Shooter listed on the Interwebs, and none of them are "White Alley")
I found a passage in Tom Sawyer where a marble is referred to as a White Alley and I *finally* found a White Alley near a Robinson St in section of McKees Rocks that even McKees Rocks residents never venture.
2016-03-13 10:47:14
3000 Liberty..U-Haul Historical Building Reuse...Pittsburgh Gage & Supply Co.
U-Haul's picture of this rack
2016-03-13 11:05:46
I've noticed U-Haul's rental bikes before, but never noticed their rack.
Has anyone ever rented one of those? What are they like? Are they the folding type?
2016-03-13 13:38:19
I don't think they are rented. The clerk said they use them to get around...
But thay are for sale..as a collectible:
2016-03-13 22:42:41
New Tag
Five months hence you might find Bill's male child waiting for a taxi around the corner after paying the electric bill.
2016-03-13 22:49:35

2016-03-14 17:51:22
Such a mess!
I draw your attention to the rat trap, that single athletic shoe and the discarded pop can... Should they not have been in the dumpster so conveniently at hand? And who is Sunny? What sort of neighborhood is this? In our country's most livable city, no less.
This was a decidedly annoying tag setting. When I pulled out my (android) phone the screen indicated that it was updating the o/s. I would have thought that this was something that would require an explicit ok; I guess maybe not. So I wait. A little later the update declares that it needs to "optimize" the 49 apps on my phone. (Recently, we found that the average number of apps, for our sample of users, was 19. Am I that off the norm?)
Anyway, I had to stand there and wait for the [redacted] update to complete. This tag is in an alley, in case you haven't figured it out. I'm pretty sure I had a biker pedal past me every couple of minutes. And I had to nonchalantly pretend I was just hanging out, pretending to be on a phone call.
At least the cops didn't show up.

2016-03-14 21:12:44
The actual object of the tag:
A few weeks ago I discovered a local website that does something similar to Tag-o-Rama. They post pics of interesting views around town.
Oddly, many of these replicate Tag-o-Rama tags. It's not a big deal, but I did notice that many of the images they put up were tags that I happened to set. I'm not sure how to take it; compliment? rip-off? a kindred interest in the oddities of our fair town?
I don't really care.
Anyway, the tag above is "borrowed" from that website (this is an example of "attribution"). So you might know exactly where it is, if you happen to be a contributor. Or just happened to surf across it, like I did.

2016-03-14 21:30:29
Spring Way, between 21st and 22nd in the Strip.
Funny how I've passed by this soooo many times but never looked up from my don't-wanna-ride-over-broken-glass scanning of the road surface to see this little gem: A tiny Mexican Castle complete with helipad.
I only knew about it having read Vannevar's blog post about it last year.
2016-03-15 07:51:39
So I looked around for the version I originally found. It's
https://pittsburghorbit.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/a-tiny-castle-in-the-strip-district/ (I think).
btw, the Orbit site is fun; lots of interesting pics and copy.
2016-03-15 08:36:23
New Tag!
2016-03-15 18:04:12
2016-03-15 19:16:17
new tag
note: it's necessary to walk about 20 feet down a steep slope to reach this spot
2016-03-15 23:01:06
At the risk of game gule #7, I am going to ask about game rule #3. So that I am not risking injury or being jumped by various under-bridge trolls, is it possible to find this tag without having to scramble underneath every bridge in the area? Minimally, can we have a photo in daylight so as to see the background, horizon, skyline, etc.?
2016-03-16 05:31:43
The risk of under-bridge trolls is always there. Goblins, too.
2016-03-16 06:46:41
Under panther hollow bridge, with campV
2016-03-16 17:37:08
^glad to see the dynamic duo is out & about
2016-03-16 18:46:36
^thanks, good to be back.
Hard to see, but directly above my saddle bag is the hanging chair.
2016-03-16 21:22:31

2016-03-17 12:42:38
Draai Laag Brewing, 501 E Ohio St, Millvale. “Draai laag” is Dutch/Flemish for “bottom layer”? see http://www.popcitymedia.com/devnews/draailaag032812.aspx
2016-03-17 14:42:50
Employee just told me it's "turncoat"
2016-03-17 14:48:03
new tag
2016-03-18 00:30:16
Got my first tag!
Aspinwall Riverside Park! Click for bigness.
Sure wouldn't mind a "preview" feature on this board...

2016-03-18 14:07:16
2016-03-18 14:16:54
Okay. Time to gate check my first unit of taggage. Someone's gotta be familiar with this, so we'll try it sans hints. Again, click for teh bigness.
It's home improvement time!

2016-03-18 14:22:30
"Got my first tag!"
Woo Hoo!
2016-03-18 14:26:28

2016-03-18 16:55:44
https://twitter.com/redinthe412/status/710949098287992834 Gah. Bruced. With Marko82 and Joanne
2016-03-18 17:03:58
rustyred: you were bruced by only 8 minutes!
2016-03-18 17:05:43
I had a feeling this one would be close...

2016-03-18 17:19:15
Three pickup attempts in a half hour! Wow!
2016-03-18 20:55:35
Sounds like a loser SCOREcard from an even out at the bar.
And on the subject of BRUCED:
2016-03-18 22:55:30
I think this is the very first Brucing, from the very first Tag-o-Rama: http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/farnsys-ohio-tagorama.321439/page-16
(search for "Bruceride")
Or maybe that's not the first Tag-o-Rama, it says Ohio Tag-o-Rama implying there are others. But I think it is the first Brucing.
And here is the first use of the term: http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/farnsys-ohio-tagorama.321439/page-43
(All the way at the bottom.)
2016-03-19 09:04:20
And now, your next opportunity to join the legions of (Bob) the Bruce (or improve your rank therein):
I would like to say that we are building on our previous tag but then I would also have to point out that in reality we're likely turning back towards the one before that, or perhaps wandering a bit further into the mists of Tags past.
So I'll leave this one otherwise clueless (much like myself).
2016-03-19 14:31:40
Jerry Kitman's Finer Furniture, 220 North Ave, across from Jean-Marc Chatellier French Bakery, Millvale
2016-03-19 17:42:13
2016-03-19 19:29:29
From the "rules"...
Give a few hints (or a short poem if you’re so inclined) so the next person can figure out where the tag is located.
Apparently, that has been successfully and completely discouraged by the current players. Nice job.
2016-03-20 06:55:15
I agree. People often don't understand how difficult a tag can be to find unless you're familiar with the location. Giving a hint is not only required by the rules, it helps new players get into the game. Please include a word clue.
2016-03-20 08:20:39
We've had tags with multiple and lengthy hints (e.g. Cowher Way, quonset hut) that take up to two weeks to be picked up and we've had tags with no hint (e.g. birdhouse, Aspinwall park) that get picked up in a few hours. Many tags require no hint, since the picture says it all.
2016-03-20 08:37:08
The rule quoted is problematic. Without knowing who the "next person" will be, it's hard to pick the "few hints" revant to their cultural, intelectual,... backround...not to mention if the player is a lizard. Indeed, o
the only sure way to ensure the next person can figure out the location is to give the location...which may even be questionable in some cases...
As the purpose is to get people out to ride, and most people use Google Earth to find the tag, maybe we should put all on their honor to only use their bicycle, body, and brain to get the tag...brain being optional and questionable in some cases.
Furthermire, as all know, a picture is worth a thousand words, the pic is itself a verbal hint ( or at least equuvalent as one) as well as visual hint.
Isnt it enough that we know the 'rectangle'? Get out there and ride. It's SPRING!
2016-03-20 09:13:36
The clues are usually there, in the words or in the image:
we are building on our previous tag
ok, not that informative, but highlighting the thematic continuity.
but then I would also have to point out that in reality we’re likely turning back towards the one before that,
That would be the one in Aspinwall and, well, Millvale is back out towards that direction.
or perhaps wandering a bit further into the mists of Tags past
Just before that one we had a tag in Millvale. And if you check out the map that Steven maintains (thank you, sir!) there were already 3 tags on that block.
I will grant you that my clues were rather self-referential in that you would find them a bit opaque had you had just wandered into this thread. But hey. I think of that location as being on a regularly biked route. And I must concede that a part of me might have been trying to provoke a Brucing [hm that sounds a bit kinky on re-reading, sorry]. The previous tag was also on a street that (I think) people bike on regularly.
But having said all that I would tend to agree that managing to come up with a clue of one sort or another is properly in the spirit of the game. I've used songs and other images in the past; you don't have to get all verbal about it.
So anyway, where's that next tag? I don't have all day.
2016-03-20 10:26:48
Ahlir: start biking now to get a head start...
2016-03-20 10:52:02
new tag, with The Iguana
hint: Post-Gazette wrote about this video:
2016-03-20 12:22:15
I gave no hints on my tag because I was following the precedent I've seen in other posts of only offering hints if the tag proved too difficult to find. I was was pretty certain it'd be an easy pickup, which was confirmed when it was picked up twice within 2.5 hours. If it was undiscovered after 48 hours, I would of course have offered some oblique guidance.
I can offer the first-hand experience of someone completely new to Pittsburgh looking to participate. In the four months I've watched this thread, the hints haven't been especially helpful for me. What helps most is if the content of the photo contains something unique and easily searchable, such as the clown statue in the Aspinwall tag I found, or the blue domes in the orthodox church in Carnegie, or the Amish buggy in Reserve. Of course, YMMV.
Being new to the game isn't itself a disadvantage; being new to/unfamiliar with the area can be, but I don't think it's prohibitive. Until I learn the area, I accept that there'll be a limited number of tags I can find. I think the most frustrating part for me / any new person would be fetching a tag, only to discover that someone else registered it before them. But everyone lives with that particular risk...
2016-03-20 13:36:16
The first post in the thread has pointers to game resources. In particular, to a google map that shows location of all tags to date.
And actually, there nothing outright terrible about reposting something. After all there's like, what, over 1k tags already?
Of course snapping an old tag from a new angle is always nice, as long as it makes it "new".
2016-03-20 13:48:43
Some of it is pure luck. I might have picked up either of the last two tags if I'd checked the thread before heading out.
Luck in the other direction, sometimes you're the first person to notice something new, and posting the tag is a way of saying, hey, look at this! It wasn't here last week!
Sometimes it's out there in plain sight, but you just happened on the proper angle to make it look unusual or different. My Diamond Bank and hopscotch poetry tags come to mind. A more recent one was the Spring Way helipad.
Early in the game, the fun thing was to find unusual things that were blatantly obvious, like the 10-foot "@" sign or the massive anchor by the Children's museum. Picking up those tags rewarded those who took different paths all the time.
All those things are still there. I keep a few ideas tucked away in hopes I can dash over to that part of town in the odd chance I can grab a tag, and am always on the lookout for more.
2016-03-20 15:27:24
This last @Igua/Paul submission is a nice example of a proper tag.
There's a reasonably informative pic, and a clue that pretty much nails the location, in a pleasingly indirect manner (if you hold your nose and deign to watch that propaganda vid).
2016-03-20 20:34:09
Whew! I'm so glad @Ahl approves. For a moment I was worried that it wasn't nice, reasonable, pleasing, or indirect...I brought this up when setting up the tag, but you all know how @Pa is. Though, I must apologize for him that the video is of foul odor--to some.
2016-03-20 23:23:11
You worry too much...
2016-03-21 07:55:07
Well, I know where this one is. Now, to find an extra 90 minutes to extend my commute...
2016-03-23 08:20:56
There's a good opportunity here for somebody new to tag-o-rama to pick up this Kasich tag, because the regulars aren't going after it...
2016-03-24 11:19:18
2016-03-24 15:24:09
Harlem and Totero, McKee's rocks

2016-03-25 15:04:56
If you're curious, that's the former Mother of Sorrows Church in Stowe Township. Ohio Governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich "was an altar boy at Mother of Sorrows and dreamed of being a priest". http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2014/05/a_mailmans_son_in_mckees_rocks.html
2016-03-25 17:03:14
There's a rubber band that plays tunes out of tune
In the library garden Sunday afternoon
While a little chappie waves a golden wand

2016-03-25 18:58:54
Dykema Rubber Band Co, Windgap Industrial Park
2016-03-26 15:54:39
Good work, Paul. That is, I believe, the oldest rubber band company in the country.
2016-03-26 16:43:58
GUMBAND...this is Pittsburgh...Can you say...GUMBAND....
2016-03-26 19:29:23
new tag
hints: post office is across the street, cornerstone says MDCCCIC
2016-03-26 23:15:19
hint: go west
2016-03-27 07:26:34
So I randomly check the message board for the first time in three days, pulling over in the car to see if Kasich's church tag was picked up, and it was, and I totally missed a tag drop and pickup, but then I see this tag drop. After checking on what the tag might be. I randomly ended up literally across the street from it, not knowing it is the current tag. Now when has _that_ ever happened?
2016-03-27 10:26:43
Is that your car tire, or what?
2016-03-27 11:28:02
...was just out fo my yearly Easter Ride looking matzah blood...and stopped for gefilte fish snack...and was perusing the MB since I hadn't checked it for a while...2 hours or so...and what appears to my wonderous eyes, but a sleigh and...oops ...no....Mother Mary... but (St.) Paul's tag...
For St. Francis, the spiritual Easter was not a one-time event, but a journey, a process. Like St. Paul, Francis could declare: All I want to know is Christ and the power flowing from His Resurrection! This knowledge and power enabled Francis to take the Cross-road which leads to glory: sharing in (Christ’s) sufferings by being formed into the pattern of His death, Francis hoped that (he) too might attain to the resurrection from the dead. (Phil 3:10-11)
Saint Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church
Now to find some chocoloate bunnies and peeps...and I want de sales price.
2016-03-27 12:34:40
Church closed in 1993. Interior photos: http://www.jonathondenson.com/2013/05/saint-francis-de-sales-mckees-rocks.html?m=1
2016-03-27 12:49:57
New Tag:
Go to the 10m sack on the Mr. Neck Estate.
Do the knee cram test.
Have a cup of tea.
Have another.
The tire is the attire.
It never tires.
And never goes flat.
2016-03-27 17:26:08
115 e Carson

2016-03-27 19:12:22
Address is wrongo...jonno.
I think...
2016-03-27 20:27:49
Looks like the building has entrances on two streets, but both have the same street number. The former business there used East Carson for its address, but its name remains only on its McKean door. So Jon named the building, even if his photo isn't from East Carson.
2016-03-28 02:03:04
Yeah, what he said.
Angels we have heard on high
Gently hunting o'er the plain

2016-03-28 09:05:32
That was my car window. I had just driven down Broadway coming out of Stowe, and was heading downtown. I sometimes scope out possible tags while on my weekly drive to the Sto-Rox area, and hadn't been on the board in a few days, so simply pulled over to check the message board and this thread. I literally was at the curb, with the transmission still in Drive, with my foot on the brake, checked the thread, and thought, hey, I just pulled over 20 feet past a post office, is that it right there? By golly, it is! I had no idea it was the current tag when I pulled over.
2016-03-28 11:21:40
I think it's best if people other than the tagger don't give additional hints on a tag. If you've figured out a tag then please wait until the tag has been picked up to discuss it on the board. (In this case, Stu, your picture included CPR PGH, which is a giveaway.) One exception might be that a tag is extremely difficult, a lot of time has passed, and the tagger hasn't been providing sufficient clues.
On the other hand, people trying to figure out a tag should feel free to ask questions - doing so helps the tagger know if their hints are too vague.
2016-03-28 13:17:16
It's part of Tag-o-Rama tradition for people other than the original tagger, who have figured out where the tag is, to give additional hints, Paul. It's a way they can show off their knowledge when they can't get to the tag themselves.
2016-03-28 13:36:05
So rules don't rule...but TRADITION...(Fiddler On The Roof)
You know that the i-th root of i has a countably infinite number of real solutions...not that I like to showoff my knowledge, but I'm a traditional kind of lizard and want to support tradition...
2016-03-28 14:04:05
I carefully avoided getting the street sign in my photo of that tag, which I thought would be a dead giveaway, hence the prominent door frame. I figured that anyone who could use the CPR place as a clue would simply keep the game moving faster. We only have about 10 of us still in this game; let's not make it difficult.
As to the current tag, I have a pretty good idea where it is, and if the weather isn't too much of a deterrent, might try to grab it after work. (Hint: I had some unkind things to say about its neighborhood in a post last week.)
2016-03-28 14:05:37
The rules don't forbid posting additional hints, right? They are silent on the issue. So there's no contradiction.
@stu, be careful.
2016-03-28 14:06:40
I think this was something the Founding Fathers dealt with regarding the Constitution...those powers not expressly given to the Fed in the C. are forbidden...maybe we need to convene a TOR Convention and draft a Bill. of Rights and Wrongs...redraft the rules...and have some pizza...
2016-03-28 14:38:01
Yeah, there's no stain on anyone's honor for giving a little extra hint.
(Besides, it allows those of us who are benched due to injury to play vicariously, or at least feel clever...)
2016-03-28 14:38:48
You are welcome to try to change the rules. The last time we tried, they withstood the effort. I concluded that they might be as ancient and inviolate as the laws of physics. But since it appears that the game originated in 2008 in Ohio I guess they don't reach that far back.
2016-03-28 14:51:57
It's part of every game's tradition to NOT spoil the game by stepping in when you're not actually playing. One of this game's nice features is that each tagger contributes variety through their choice of neighborhood, subject matter, and hint style. If all tags get re-hinted by Stu (say) then that takes control out of the tagger's hands and puts the control in Stu's hands.
2016-03-28 15:02:34
It’s part of every game’s tradition to NOT spoil the game by stepping in when you’re not actually playing.Well, maybe that makes this game unique. Or, possibly, you could consider people throwing hints out about the tags as playing, too. Generally speaking, tags get hinted at as a way to keep the game moving along. Making it more fun.
2016-03-28 15:06:47
In any case, I wasn't so much giving another hint as spouting about my dumb luck of pulling off on the side of the road to see how the game was doing for the first time in three days, and found myself in front of the tag.
So I think we're making far too much out of this.
2016-03-28 15:18:57
Yes! Any countable infinite number of sets each of those represents countable infinite number of numbers is still countable infinite number!
2016-03-28 15:25:20
Hunt Stained Glass, 1756 West Carson St.
2016-03-28 17:17:18
New tag:
Book'em, Dan-O.
2016-03-28 17:29:08
There may be rules but there is also case law...
BTW stay off that unit circle; you might get hurt.
2016-03-28 17:42:53
@Ahlir: all solutions are real and positive...and clearly not in the unit circle...don't be so negative...you might get hurt...
@Mikhail: Let's up the ante. Let take the set of all subsets of the solution set...the power set...now we're talking uncounatable...so there.
Now about that tag....and why all this is relevant for those that think this line (or circle) is not relevant:
Dan'o = James MacArthur --> James Arthur (mathematician, PhD from YALE)
And clearly the tag is located....
2016-03-28 22:56:16
Only inside the circle will you find your positive solutions. If you dare to jump outside you will surely find negative ones. The totality of life is not all positivity.
One must sometimes take that chance and strike out beyond. If only to experience something new. Surely you would agree? And negative experience is not hurtful. If you approach it with the right attitude, it is an opportunity to learn. And it might even be an opportunity to Grow.
It is only the seductive indeterminacy of the Circle that beckons the unwary. But perhaps you have achieved insights that elude the rest of us.
Anyway, just get the tag already.
2016-03-29 20:12:59
@Ahlir in this case the laws are clear no negative solutions; all are ordinately degenerate. All I can say for sure regarding my insight is that it eludes @Ahlir...And would bet a tail scale that at least two here stand under and follow...This is positively real; I am not imagining; it is not as complex as you are making it. Think dgvrhurij...
2016-03-29 20:45:02
1203 Western Ave. Police Bureau.
2016-03-30 07:45:31
New Tag!
Man, oh Man... this neighborhood has some gorgeous old homes.
2016-03-30 07:49:35
Man oh man...chester...that ought to help...
2016-03-30 15:21:04
Thanx The I, The Imaginary, The One...
On the Island
Manhattan and Juniata...
2016-03-30 15:23:20
You gotta love those anthers...I'm just a petal-phile...and a pedalphile...not into feet, though-pedphile. If you can make out my bike, get the tag:
Happy Spring...an early April Fools.
2016-03-30 17:42:03
So we were pedaling past the old jail, saw Yale. on his phone. Boom, tag notice.
We own it, pedal that. With campV
2016-03-30 18:17:50
@td ...you guys been hitting the Jolt? I wasn't even aware of the tag during my jail time today...I'm out on bail now. But nice...try...this NEW TAG:
Head along the state and go right (or left) and be where a doubly unlucky place is in the county. Beware. If this confuses you, try partnering with Oprah.
2016-03-30 22:58:05
It seems unwise to approach any jail while bearing all those pistils.
2016-03-30 23:59:32
You SEE-PAL, (my BUDdy) if you want ANTHWERS, that's not my STYLE. I PETAL, watch my AXILs and PEDILCLES, have my FIL-O-MINTS, but only one PISTIL, But don't go, STAY-MAN. I hope I haven't STIGMAtized you. I wonder if we can get PAUL-IN the discussion; that won't BEE easy, if he thinks we're STALKing him and this gets SEEDy; so just LEAF him alone.
But I digress. All this FLOWERy talk. What about that tag? Maybe you can PICK IT up and PLANT a pic here.
2016-03-31 00:26:07
Don't @td &campv have the tag now?
2016-03-31 05:56:12
April Fools was not a proper tag for a couple reasons. Unless tradition allows us to just post a photo of anything without the bicycle visible; taken before the previous tag was retrieved. Indeed, I doubt he got the right tree--I admit that pic was from the Eliza trail.
Or have we thrown the rules out? And if that's the case, then I submit my NEW tag anyway...so there!
[What do you have against Oprah anyway?]
2016-03-31 08:15:04
I thought maybe your bike was somehow visible. I think the tag drop was posted in the right order.
Anyway, let's not make this any more confusing than it already is, OK? Just figuring out where the tags are is hard enough.
2016-03-31 08:19:18
"let’s not make this any more confusing than it already is" - I agree.
"be where a doubly unlucky place is in the county" - huh?
Oprah has had many partners.
2016-03-31 09:15:19
How about. I make it less confusing.
Ill get you guys the gps location whdn I get a chance
..or just for @ph..I think the clues are pretty good...nothing about dead baseball players from another city...or obfuscated refdrences to movies...
2016-03-31 09:41:26
Paul's clearly not a big Oprah fan. I don't know where this is, exactly, but I've got a pretty good idea of where to look.
2016-03-31 09:50:56
Ok, here are the gps coordinates
40, -80
...hope this helps...and remember Oprah backwards is Harpo...and gps Marx the spot.
2016-03-31 10:15:39
Given the absurd amount of useless banter and endless drool over nothing, it's not hard to see why this game has lost so much interest.
2016-03-31 12:46:24
Thanks for ended drool and pointing that out...and clarifying it for all.
My interest is piqued.
2016-03-31 15:04:19
1315 Allegheny Ave, Northside
2016-04-01 15:37:19
new tag
note: if you see a sign saying "sidewalk closed", you're on the right track; ignore it :-)
2016-04-01 22:28:37
I question the validity of this tag as it requires, and was encouraged, to trespsss... break the law...I was stopped and not allowed ... kicked off...restricted
I got this
...for my trouble...and half hour in lockup in the jail...i also made some friends ...Bubba was real gentle...I might be in love???
2016-04-02 09:47:20
I think that first pic would be a valid tag pickup if the location is stated. And remember rule #7: No whining.
2016-04-02 09:50:39
Perhaps if we have more wining there might less whining, if perhaps some occasional drooling.
2016-04-02 11:11:55
Yale should post the location. O/w the tag is technically still open.
Also, one side benefit of the game is making new friends. Sounds like its working for Yale.
2016-04-02 11:42:27
I've made a practice of staying off private property to set and pick up tags. Not that a tag cannot actually be on private property -- many are -- but I'd really not have to deal with chancy property owners. I had trouble enough getting the Frank Fuhrer sign back in 2011 (Tag 318), and would rather not repeat the experience. That's not whining, that's self preservation.
2016-04-02 12:01:44
My iruginal message got deleted...loc...mcCardle and Liberty Bridge...
The first puc showerd water bottle...unattached to bike... Since the police dogs were chasing me...
Ok, i guess no one caews about rules...so the new tag will be interesting...stay tuned...
2016-04-02 12:31:09
New Tag
No angels heard on high here--or chappie waves--only the waves of sloshing of water.
Though nearby you can pedal to an angelic place.
Not St Francis or St . Paul, or St. Jon or St. Ahlir or St. RustyRed.
Not clueless--unless you are.
My (android) phone had already updated a few days ago, so didn't cause any problems in setting this tag.
No need to walk down steep embankments to get this tag.
42 pounds of Roofing debris might be taken around here somewhere in the area of 40 N, 80 W--so just get out and ride.
I didn't see any dangling babies, but who knows.
Thank fultonco--I'm not a country boy...it's in a county and a city area.
Even Kasich might be lurking about on the street.
But you might find a senator or past governor here.
No oaks nearby either.
No tunnels, but a gate.
No winter gardening here. Might be able to get a hot dog.
2016-04-03 08:50:38
BJ Casey Industrial Park . Just behind Bicycle Heaven and that awful hot dog place. A yard or two beyond the guard who yells at you for trespassing. With Marko82.
2016-04-03 12:15:36
He didn't yell at me--'cause I asked nicely...
b j caSey....
2016-04-03 12:28:18
New Tag! It's Opening Day! We ran into this pirate. Arrr!
2016-04-03 13:14:30
My first thought was Ststion Square...the bricks...but nah...googling didn't help...another look...CR...hmmmm...Crab Shack in SS...google it...bricks the same...but no bucco....let me check it out...well, here"s a case of close, and get the cigar...like horshoes, quats, and hand grenades...
Gateway Clipper Cafe
224 West Station Square Drive, 15219
Gps 40, -80
Damn flickr...waiting waiting....ah here comes...Godot...
2016-04-03 17:27:45
ah, @The Aarguana reveals himself to be less of a nihilist than perhaps he had lead us to believe. And perhaps he will show us the path to a broader Kierkegaardian appreciation of our Quest for tags and its transcendent meaning. Well, we could always hope.
2016-04-03 20:20:50
New Tag
[@ah.Ahlir. All the tag trash talk should be taken to the thread, Lions and TAG-O-Rs-ama and Bars...Whining... as the venue to manifest your will-to-power ]
Oh hi, All, don't be misled, this is appropriate tag trash talk. Two many tease-count M, it's Monday. Don't litter; use the dumpster or make a donation--stay away from jail.
[confused frustrated sad indignant philosophical....??? take it to the whining the whining thread
2016-04-04 01:20:17
2016-04-04 10:32:20

2016-04-04 20:32:09
Thanks for the latitude and longitude; very helpful indeed!
2016-04-05 00:59:47
Ahlir: got new tag? (I assume the dumpster was not it)
2016-04-05 19:01:48

2016-04-05 19:32:32
@paulheckbert: I understood that the setter has 36h to post. I posted at <24h. On the whole I prefer to pace things sensibly, unless provoked. Or it's a weekend.
But I appreciate your interest; do dress warm. And be sure to pop that flash on your iv. Yes! I want that camera...
re the Dump-ster:
I did consider it, but when I lifted the cover all I saw was talk...
btw: I had 3 candidates for this tag. When I got home I asked around and this one was favored. Over the one I had intended (and that, after n tries, finally managed to snap as I wanted; life can be cruel).
2016-04-05 19:48:31
*cough* ...missing bike... *cough*
2016-04-05 20:52:31
[help, I'm in a vortex of time. Igore this post.]
2016-04-05 21:33:00
[help, I'm in a vortex of time. Igore this post.]
(spellcheck tells me Igore --> Igor, but sense tells me -->Ignore)
2016-04-05 21:33:24
Wait, The &^$%! clock in this bboard software screwed up. Again. Apologies.
My reply to @RRed is above. An hour above.
2016-04-05 21:34:00
Ahlir: did you edit your first pile-of-salt post, replacing the picture of the entire pile with the picture of the closeup on bike? At one time I was seeing both posts but now I'm seeing the text of the first salt-pile post with the picture from the second post. Or did the web site merge some of your posts?
I think the bikepgh web site is one hour off half the year. It seems they're on standard time, not daylight saving time, currently.
2016-04-05 21:43:59

2016-04-05 21:48:31
Of course, Pittsburgh Department of Public Works division 3 salt pile, Swinburne St near Jail Trail, i.e. 40.426916, -79.951998 .
2016-04-06 08:47:14
So what's weird is that the two piles are now in different places; the salt is pushed up against the wall. The soil pile likewise.
Mysteries of Pittsburgh...
2016-04-06 10:05:17
2016-04-06 10:05:30
Clues? We don't need no stinkin' clues.
The Morrowfield, Squirrel Hill; loc: 40.428472, -79.923982

2016-04-06 11:13:56
But a location would be nice
2016-04-06 11:15:36
Patience, my typing is slow.
[And yes, there is a bicycle in the first photo. Leaning up against the wall, just past that second white pipe thing.]

2016-04-06 11:19:49
Whoa. You be fast!
2016-04-06 11:43:52

2016-04-06 19:33:40
Another hint would help. It's hard to make sense of the blurry, dream-like photo.
2016-04-08 08:06:35
Ein Bier und eine schöne weiße Wurst, bitte?
It may be blurry, but to my eye it does look like a face. I'll allow that from the street (one well traveled by cyclists) the reflection is likely quite different.
2016-04-08 08:38:21
I'll be getting it in the next few hours so you better figure it out soon if you want it.
2016-04-08 09:16:42
Looks like an elephant's eye & trunk, to me.
2016-04-08 10:14:14
Hoffra SouthSide
I got this almost immediately without the clues. Stainless tanks = milk? naw, beer? Ahhh ha...
2016-04-08 12:01:15
Bruced. Es ist nicht ein Elefant ist es Hofbräuhaus, S Water St & S 27th St
2016-04-08 12:05:04
I like how you're all hanging out next to the Wheat and Dark beers and steering clear of that Light "beer". Yeeccch.
2016-04-08 12:17:35
Four minutes apart!
2016-04-08 14:19:28
New Tag!
This spot has a certain ring to it, just don't back up or you'll get wet.
2016-04-08 18:16:53
*cough* two twenty *cough*
2016-04-08 19:11:54
220? Not even close Stu. But they are round thingies for boats.
2016-04-08 19:21:53
I meant Tag 220.
2016-04-09 19:53:08
Different ring.
2016-04-09 20:01:05
Yes, this is Tag #220:
Different rings, same purpose. (vague clues)
2016-04-10 09:54:52
New clue:
If you ride the paved river trails, you should be able to see this.
2016-04-10 10:01:49
Southside Riverfront Park opposite where Will Smith sat in Concussion (see a previous tag) and collinear with the previous tag beim der Hoffbrauhaus.
5527 Three Rivers Heritage Trail
40.4290870, -79.963985
2016-04-10 12:07:44
As the previous hint required riding where not permitted, the current tag view is in The Rectangle, but on a boundary parked above the trees. To your left bats used fly, but now, to your right it becomes buggy in the Spring. Supermans legacies are planted all around--check it out. More could be said in line with the previous tags, but we can cross that bridge if so flagged.
2016-04-11 00:31:29
More clues.
It's not that hard; it's underfoot. Go ogle the young girl and sea captain drive by, along the oxidized crossing back in '97. Daddy don't be a Cro Magnon--but close.
2016-04-14 05:22:23
Ah, an @IguaTag, along with its intricately constructed clue(s). Whose construction, despite my gentle needlings, I do appreciate.
I almost think know where this is. But we'll see tomorrow. Or not; it's a long day. And there's always others lurking about... hungry for a tag.
But while I'm passing through: Is all this peace/love//happiness vandalism traceable to that mini-donut shop on the Strip and their, perhaps ill-conceived, attempts to advertise their (frankly greasy) offerings? There's an awful lot of it around town.
Or is this just another meme that I somehow never managed to notice? Are there other permutations, each with their own possibly meaningful signification(s)? Love/Happiness/Peace seems like a plausible progression. Anyway.
2016-04-14 21:25:36

2016-04-15 14:29:17
As implied in the first clue, there was no trespassing required for this tag. I always take the high road. I respectfully submit: try again.
...and to give it away--be warned if you go today--as suggested in one hint : beware of the bugs--they are swarming.
2016-04-16 00:21:45
Are you saying that's not the right location? Because it sure looks like it, to me.
2016-04-16 07:07:57
I saw yours and raised you two...
2016-04-16 07:13:12
It depends how one understands the rules. That location is in my tag, but I and my bike were not there; it was from a much different vantage...and maybe??? the image was too ambiguous...on a higher plane.
2016-04-16 07:43:37
But tags are images. And the images always feature a scene, not the pic-taker's location (in a literal x/y/z sense). Do peruse our collection of pickups; I somehow doubt that pickups are taken from the exact spot where the tagger stood.
Why? Because it is customary to change perspective and provide the audience with some sense of context. And perhaps allow them to appreciate the setter's clever (or not) staging of a tag.
You are however raising an interesting philosophical point. So let me briefly address it: I believe the essence of getting a tag has two aspects: discovering the location of the tag, and providing proof that you did. Both criteria are met by furnishing an image that features a recognizable likeness of the original object (and obtained chronologically later that the original).
But I'm probably overthinking this. Is the goal here simply to get someone buggered?
2016-04-16 09:35:22
Set a new tag, Ahlir. Move on.
2016-04-16 10:59:20
I think I'll follow @TeamDecaf's suggestion and just roll with it.
You should be able to correctly duplicate my act of tagging without provoking much conflict. To be safe, I suggest that you also follow @Iguana's directions "To your left bats used fly, but now, to your right it becomes buggy in the Spring". Well, more or less.

2016-04-16 17:31:11
"In honor of Toosie" commemorative brick, Schenley Plaza under the tent
2016-04-16 18:32:13
To tidy up and put all this behind us... @Iguana's tag was shot from this place on the PHBr (I assume it's that yellow smudge in his pic).
Apologies for not actually getting out there and snapping my own pic. I'm trying to move on.
But the @Iguana is challenging our comfortable assumptions about the world and how people tend to assign meaning, sometimes unkhinkingly. I can relate, but I'm trying to move on. So let me just point out that the conventional way to signal figure/ground relies on leveraging assumptions shared between artist and audience. The audience expects this sharing; if it's not obvious then you should work harder to communicate your vision. It's fun to violate assumptions, but do be careful out there... you may find yourself beyond the Pale.
2016-04-16 19:13:28
God, I hate this twelve-step recovery and moving-on stuff... Anyway, I think I have, what, 2-3 steps done already?
So this is my next step:
It's part of the clue. And it implies that the path to the tag should go past there. Why else would it come up? This is so confusing!
Wait, can I switch over to that Kübler-Ross thing?
It's a lot shorter and I think I'd be done right about now...
Ok, screw it. That's it. I'm switching.
Acceptance. At last.
Finally. I understand.
Peace. (Love.) Happiness. Maybe donuts.
No more posts will follow.
Thank you for your indulgence.

2016-04-16 20:22:00
At the risk of being called pedantic, lizard-brained, whiner, other-worldly: Schenley Bridge, constructed 1897, Henry Rust, engineer...no wild cats on that bridge...but we've moved on to PH Plaza...or at least @PaulHeckbert has...
2016-04-16 20:29:21
Thank you for clarifying!
And confirming that the world does indeed support many overlapping, yet compatible, meanings. Each dependent on the observer, each valid.
BTW, when did the steam plant switch from coal to gas?
I somehow assumed you knew and had worked it into your narrative. Ah well. Overthinking, again.
But, hey, it's Saturday night! Time for a movie:
[edit] On reflection I probably had this movie in mind:
But the first one is maybe more in tune with the deeper theme of this discussion.
Must. Move. On.
2016-04-16 20:37:10
new tag
2016-04-16 22:35:46
Oh, I know where this is...it's the sun...is that in the rectangle...it must be HMB...or is it the Mon..or is it Eliza Trail area parking lots...I'd go fly a kite, but I'd rather cut down a tree to clear the view from this colorful area of mushrooms.
And I didn't google just happen upon it while doing my night stalking shenanigans
2016-04-17 03:48:25
Yes? With campV
2016-04-17 11:06:34
Forrester St, Greenfield
2016-04-17 11:07:20
Yes! I think Forrester St is in Hazelwood, but right near the Greenfield border
2016-04-17 12:45:12

2016-04-18 12:17:31
"It's about riding, not Googling." Well, I've been Googling for 15 minutes, and now know a lot more about Latin poets and what you can say on the radio than I did, but I have no more idea where to ride than I did. Can we please get a bit more help here?
2016-04-19 07:25:03
Ah, Stu, I sort of expected you to get this one already.
That's it, above.
My Point is that you should probably think more about the British, not Latins.
2016-04-19 07:35:11
That might be enough to cause me to ride a bit out of my way this morning. If it is where I think it might be, I don't look at the place much, so don't recognize architectural details. But enough whining, gotta get out and ride.
2016-04-19 07:57:32
"Fort Pitt, That’s It” - slogan on Fort Pitt brewery, Marys Ave near 16th St, Sharpsburg.
2016-04-19 17:09:39
I never knew this existed. I thought it might be a T station, and rode around to three of them.
2016-04-19 17:18:42
new tag
2016-04-19 17:50:56
ok, for those of us otherwise occupied, can someone expand on the Catullus quote? (And its connection to the tag... some days I'm slow.)
2016-04-19 20:06:28
Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo is the first line, sometimes used as a title, of Carmen 16 in the collected poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus (ca. 84 BC – ca. 54 BC).
16th street
2016-04-19 20:16:57
2016-04-19 20:18:06
Ah, and I thought there might have been something interesting about that neighborhood that I didn't know about. Say more Penn State than Pitt...
2016-04-19 20:21:42
Ok, let's move on. We have a new tag.
Hints? Or musings?
They clearly emerge.
Eye challenge: try me...
Hey rectangle: me lye.
No Latin needed: Ye legal erect hymen.
Beat me to it,
Thee Clergymen Yale.
2016-04-20 01:29:44

2016-04-20 06:13:33
Well, that saves me a trip this morning. ;^P I guess I'll stay in and watch Fleche Wallone...
2016-04-20 06:55:23
... and of course a Vlaamse pijlkoker waiting for it.
Why is there no pepper?
They forgot the pepper.

2016-04-20 20:13:42
Bread and Salt bakery, 330 Pearl St, Bloomfield. Open only Fri-Sun. Bummer.
Mark Bittman wrote "the best pizza al taglio I’ve tasted in the last few years — including all but a couple in Rome itself — can be found in Pittsburgh, at Bread and Salt Bakery, the scrappy place owned by 39-year-old Rick Easton." http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/11/08/magazine/a-slice-of-heaven-in-pittsburgh.html
2016-04-21 09:08:41
Wow, it's got such wonky hours that... "Yelpers report this location has closed."
EDIT: yep, a Facebook post by the owner on 2/27 confirms the closing.
"Bread and Salt
We want to thank everyone for their support over the past year. We have made the rather difficult decision to not reopen the bakery. We are saddened to no longer provide bread for our community.
I am moving to New York and excited for what possibilities the future can bring."
2016-04-21 09:38:30
New tag. Good for at least a week, and probably half a year.
2016-04-21 10:51:36
Paul's tag deserves a direct view (not a tag pickup)

2016-04-21 11:01:56
Is that a piano in the yard?
2016-04-21 11:02:01
Trenton and Biddle...across from Biddle's Escape...where Harriet Tubman narrowly escaped from slave catcher Colonel Beauregard Angus in 1852 with the help of Mayor Guthrie...the great-grandfather of Woodie... by wedging a twenty dollar gold piece in BAs infected eye socket--he had only one functional eye...losing the other eye at The Alamo taking blow meant for Jim Bowie of knife fame and great-great grandfather of David Bowie
2016-04-21 22:54:02
The new tag: The lunatic,
the lover, and the poet are of imagination.
2016-04-23 08:33:27
Astronomy can help, as can some knowledge of iguana habitat. Solvable without the word hint.
2016-04-24 06:24:00
Keeping Tabs sculpture in Squirrel Hill. Forward and Beechwood. With Marko82.
(Also Tag #778)
2016-04-24 12:04:53
That wasnt MY tag. Im trying to follow everyones interpretation of the rules.
My previous tag was miss-taken as well...so I adjusted appropriately for this tag. The hint and the tag are pretty obvious...I was going to add as @ph included in his hint...get it quickly as it may be gone in...it's ephemerisal...but I thought it was overkill ...
But I guess ...how someone said:
Just move on...
2016-04-24 15:30:23
New Tag!
Underwear Rides are starting soon!
You might find an outfit here perfect for those rides, but I'd only wear these sort of garments around the Home.

2016-04-24 16:01:18
The outer skin, E Carson St, Homestead

2016-04-26 17:28:04
She should get her left hand looked at.
2016-04-26 23:06:04
I wonder what keeps that store in business. Surely there can't be that many people who don't know about the Internet. Maybe it's for when you just can't wait?
This Quaker lady wouldn't cuss
Even after a long wait for a bus

2016-04-27 08:46:10
^ I don't know for sure, but I think they might actually sew the stuff there, sorta like Aerotech does for cycling jerseys. Different clientele for sure, but who knows what that Venn diagram looks like.
2016-04-27 09:22:32
The Story of Wilkinsburg mural, Sawyer Way near Penn Ave.
2016-04-27 12:27:31
new tag
hint: AIR artist
2016-04-27 14:46:54
Homewood Art House v.2
loc: 40.452714, -79.888794
On Hamilton at Brushton. A block down from the original Art House (an earlier tag).

2016-04-27 18:57:40
Paul including the address in the EXIF made this one easier.
2016-04-27 19:31:54
Also: have you been checking the GPS on The Iguana's tags?
2016-04-27 20:14:23
No, I didn't know it was on.
2016-04-27 20:21:51
EXIFs? I don't need no stinkin' EXIFs...
No really. This was not a difficult tag to find; after all, it's only a block down from the previous Art House tag. That I happened to set. (And let's not all get started on the metaphysics of Tag and what makes a tag a Tag.)
But the point is taken: don't just point to your entry on Flickr (or whatever). Make sure you're pointing to the image (typically a .jpg file).
2016-04-27 21:06:30
It's hard to avoid pointing to the entry on Flickr. I don't know how to do it from some of their UIs.
But you'll be fine so long as you turn off GPS labeling on your phone when you take the photo, and don't include a clue in a caption.
2016-04-28 07:55:34
Two ways to deal with flickr:
1) right-click on page, click 'view page source'; find (^F) the first instance of '.jpg'. This is your image. (Different sizes will show up further down.)
2) click to download the image; upload somewhere else; post that url. This means that you already have some place.
Both are kind of a pain, especially if you're trying to post on the road (which I don't). But the first solution is not all that onerous. YMMV, as they say.
2016-04-28 10:58:50
We don't need a web tutorial. We need a new tag :-)
2016-04-28 11:11:14
Be careful what you wish for...
2016-04-28 11:23:53

2016-04-28 17:42:57
ok, @ paulheckbert, I posted my new tag in LESS THAN 24h.
And it's, like, the underneath of a BRIDGE.
I mean, I thought you knew ALL of these places!
Do I need to post a hint? Really?
--> ☻ <--
2016-04-29 19:42:59
Ahlir gets the bridge troll merit badge.
Neville St busway ramp crossing under Baum Blvd, accessible from Centre & Neville. Did you know that the busway ramp’s foundation is composed of about 24 million pounds of concrete? http://i-vortext.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-east-busways-singular-lens-on.html
2016-04-30 14:31:56

2016-04-30 15:22:38
A postscript: @paulh had to scale a more-or-less steep, muddy slope to get his shot. Here's a take (off to the left, however):
Yes, it was an alternate tag. So many tags, so little time...

2016-04-30 18:36:22
new tag
hint: nearby (but not the tag):
2016-04-30 20:03:09
Madison elementary school in the Hill District. Milwaukee and Orion Sts
2016-05-01 09:20:50
Was it always a school? That's an incredibly ornate door, and a good tag.
2016-05-01 11:32:09
Google is saying "permanently closed" but PG story from 2015 says it's being renovated: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2015/02/23/Tutorial-program-to-expand-at-former-Madison-Elementary-School-in-the-Upper-Hill/stories/201502230014
2016-05-01 11:43:48
Their donation site is https://www.razoo.com/us/story/Schenley-Heights-Community-Development-Program
2016-05-01 12:06:47
New Tag! with Marko82 (on a loaner bike)
say cheese!
2016-05-01 14:43:42

2016-05-02 13:53:25
Go team?
Well, maybe not.
Small things make a difference.
Even for Cheese.

2016-05-02 20:18:38
Ahlir: is that the new tag, or just an extra picture for fun?
2016-05-02 20:31:40
Why, yes. It is a tag.
2016-05-02 21:27:21
Certainly not; but powerful midgets, too.
2016-05-02 22:05:39
"Certainly not; but powerful midgets, too."
Harrier tribally ratified theatrically bordering extrude basalt heated symmetries. Propellant computably rainless aborts nutty unskilled rucksack gleefulness assemblers.
2016-05-02 22:08:46
Precisely. QED.
...and don't forget the eggs and vodka...and the fellow behind the curtain.
2016-05-02 22:14:37
PittsburghCheese terminal 2900 block of Smallman Street
2016-05-03 07:10:10
New Tag! with Marko82
I look incredible.
Im in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down the road.
2016-05-03 18:49:43
9th & Bingham
Nicholas K. Studio/Gallery
40deg 25' 47.0"
79deg 59' 22.6"
2016-05-03 21:12:51
2016-05-05 08:33:23
Bruced. 9th & Bingham
2016-05-05 09:22:05
We're past 36 hours, so by rule 2a, Iguana loses the tag (Sorry, Iguana...)
new tag
2016-05-05 13:56:28
Call me silly, but @ph seems a bit confused...he claims to be being bruced or was he brucing me...which doesn't follow from my reading of the definition if bruce and given the setting and getting times of that tag..then he posts another tag using the 36 hour rule...i would claim an improper bruce...and he never claimed the tag properly by the rule of 36, ie by claiming the tag itself
..but since no one cares about details ...we'll just move on...
2016-05-05 15:53:59
And Ill take back the tag as Gd wanted it...the old Whitaker Metals sign on 837 before the Rankin Bridge
2016-05-05 15:56:35
Brucellosis is a disease of mainly cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs. The infection is transmitted to humans by animals through direct contact with infected materials like afterbirth or indirectly by ingestion of animal products and by inhalation of airborne agents. Consumption of raw milk and cheese made from raw milk (fresh cheese) is the major source of infection in man. [WHO]
Let's be careful out there.
2016-05-05 18:39:49
I was disappointed that @ph didn't allow rule #2b to be engaged: "This rule is intended to keep the game moving. If the overdue tag is posted before somebody grabs the reverted tag, then the new tag will stand. However, giving the overdue tag-holder a load of crap is highly encouraged."
So I give you all a second chance--I want a load of crap; when the time expires. Show me what you've got. Be creative. And be sure to keep riding...me.
And it begs another question: Can @ph grab his tag back by invoking the rule of 36?
2016-05-06 23:34:43
If we could shift the focus of TOR a bit away from deliberately antagonizing one another and back towards a fun game, that would be awesome.
2016-05-07 07:52:09
What is the current tag? Do we have one?
2016-05-07 08:15:12
It's the weekend, how about posting a tag.
2016-05-07 08:22:32
I can't take all the crap...
Maybe a bit hazy, but with eagle eyes you can see my bike...white framed and all
2016-05-07 09:10:06
I just had a crazy idea. Given it's the weekend, and all...nice weather...the tag is pretty easy....why not give some others a chance to enjoy the game and feel the rush...it's always the same high rollers...let this tag be gotten by one who has not had a tag in two months...better if you've never had a tag...virgins are welcome....
And for the diehards..go for the tag to feed the compulsion if wish, just post it elsewhere ...
...and keep riding...that's the purpose of the game..'.
2016-05-07 09:37:16
I was disappointed that @ph didn’t allow rule #2b to be engaged:
I think you were the one with the option to invoke 2b.
You picked up a tag at May 3 2016 at 9:12pm, brucing Paul's attempted pickup at May 5 2016 at 9:22am, but you didn't post a new tag within 36 hours. Paul therefore was allowed to post a new tag.
You then had the option to post your own new tag, invoking rule 2b, before anyone got Paul's tag, thereby invalidating Paul's tag (and entitling you to the prescribed load of crap). But instead, you picked up Paul's tag yourself. Once someone (even you) had picked up Paul's tag, rule 2b was no longer an option for you.
Sadly, this means you're not entitled to a load of crap, but I hope this pedantic rule explanation will do in its place. :-)
2016-05-07 11:19:07
Pedantry is always welcome.
But I really wish a newbie would pick up the tag, and post a new one. It's such a beautiful day for tagging!
2016-05-07 12:34:56
Somehow I don't feel like dragging my bike 75 feet up a tree to get dive-bombed by enormous birds. Would it be OK to take a picture of the tree from about where your bike is?
2016-05-07 18:56:38
google "Hays Eagles", first link
2016-05-07 19:30:15
The rule is, your bike has to be in the same location--not the camera.
2016-05-07 19:40:42
I've tried to veer the rules discussion elsewhere when yuns whine about the banter...but you started it...sorry @RustyRed...
@jonawebb, I questioned this very point back at this tag
which was on the Schenley Bridge as all hints pointed...@TeamDecaf ruled, "Set a new tag, Ahlir. Move on. "...and so it was. When I tagged the moon, it was also ignored. So what is the tag now...is the bike location( bridge, keeping-tabs, trail), the interesting sight (eaglets, moon). The RULE states, "– Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location (as best as possible). "....BEST AS POSSIBLE--BEST is where the bike is--it don't get any better...TO be Trumpish....you lose...the rules are bogus...Hey guys, quit whinining...and play...and RIDE...we don't need no stinkin' rules...tags are like porn--I know it when I see it...I'm adding Rule 8 (though it is really a corollary of Rule 6): Never quote the rules in the forum.
2016-05-07 21:43:09
I guess it could be done, to bike out the Baldwin Trail and play with the positioning so that the bike ends up in the nest camera long view.
2016-05-07 22:45:59
@MusingStuInMcCanDMoreOrLess: You guess? The proof is in the pudding. You certainly had some pudding.
[I had a helluva time climbing the tree and fighting off mama and papa bear...and worrying about someone stealing my bike...but I'm a lizard...and the eggs had already hatched...]
2016-05-07 23:47:12
@Iggy: You need to relax. Really; you'll live longer.
But let's address your issues.
Yes, many of us would like to have a life defined by immutable rules. Not so much because we feel this is essential to survival, but because it provides structure and guidance to life.
But life is much more complicated and we implicitly accept that there are (many) exceptions. It's difficult to codify them. As you might have suggested, Justice Potter Stewart's suggestion is a good one. Maybe his thought was an early allusion to the usefulness of Deep Learning and its ability to model complex decision surfaces. Whatever.
This Game has had >1k iterations. Enough epochs to have allowed its observers to form fairly consistent interpretations of the rules. You know, like common law.
You have chosen to idiosyncratically interpret the original statement of the rules. That's you choice. But the accepted interpretation of the rules has evolved (or rather, has become more precisely interpreted). And it has the acceptance of those who follow the Game. Here's an instance: when @ph tried to pass off an old pic of the Homestead/Munhall Carnegie Library as a valid tag, the community rejected it, and he (properly) backed off.
If I understand your most recent claims (about the moon, a vantage point, etc), you are asserting that ephemeral properties of a tag take precedence over persistent ones agreeable to all. I get the philosophical point; but that's not the history of this Game. You're always welcome to start you own (as Steven did at one point), but ultimately you have to rely on what the community want to go with. Deal with it.
Since I have the floor, let me share a non-tag with you:
Yes! It's from this year's Pittonkatonk festival at the Vet's Pavilion in Schenley Park. And a shout-out to whoever got BikePgh to set up their bike racks for the event.
What if I had used this pic as a tag?

2016-05-08 00:15:50
So what is the tag now…is the bike location( bridge, keeping-tabs, trail), the interesting sight (eaglets, moon).
Rule 1 says "Find the tag and get a picture of your bike in the same location". It's perhaps a bit unclear if that means the bike should be in the same location as the bike in the earlier photo, or in the same location as the tag. If it means the latter, then we have an additional source of ambiguity: what part of a photo is the tag? (Maybe the tag isn't that gravestone in the foreground but that hill in the background?) I think it makes sense to resolve the ambiguity by saying the bike should be in the same location (as best as possible) as the bike in the earlier photo.
But even "location" has some ambiguity. Is the location "somewhere on the GAP"? Or "near the nest on the trail"? Or "in that one spot on the trail that can be glimpsed from a specific eagle-cam"? I'd say the second one, in this case, has the appropriate amount of specificity. Similarly, if a tagger's photo shows his bike on some public steps, you have to find the right set of steps, but you don't have to position your bike on the same step. The location would be simply "Bigelow Street steps", not "seventh step".
So in my view, someone going out on the trail near the eagles and taking a photo with their bike would be sufficient for picking up this tag. No need to climb the tree or use the eaglecam if you don't want to.
Re: the Pittonkatonk photo. If your bike's visible in the photo, I think it would be good tag of that location, so a player would need to find those brick walls (not, say, wherever that band is playing next).
2016-05-08 03:43:36
I think the one who sets the tag, would define/approve it--the CREATER DEFINES PURPOSE paradigm. How? If there is any ambiguity, the hint(s) would have to resolve it...by proper "petitioning" of the Creator if one is confused...possibly by bringing a sacrifice (animal, human--preferably virgin). This rule predates the Magna Charta.
This is how it is in Lizardom--very ancient.
2016-05-08 06:36:39
@Ahlir, I see you must have been set as the TAG-O_RAMA PRIEST--I missed it when you were consecrated/installed in that position--and the owner of the interpretations...with connection to the ancient ones (back over 1K generations) and the original Creator. I now bow my head in obeyance and supplication and will forthwith will be supplying a sacrifice for your forgiveness and approval (idisosynchratic or otherwise) as I am so new to the game and haven't paid you proper homage...
..Forgive me for I have sinned to you. I am but a lowly lizard creature...deserving your heel ... nah, but the ball of your clippless cleat emblazoned on my body...as a "Scarlet Letter" for all eternity... don't stop until my chain is bloodied in oil and my helmet is dashed to pieces to Azazel...And then maybe I can be accepted into the tag-o-rama community proper...oh if the sun would shine on my naked unchamoised bottom, then maybe you would understand my shame...I rend my expensive (Lance(d)) jersey in mourning and supplication...oh please accept my atonement and restore my position as in days of old ...as a lowly creature of four legs and a tail...allow me to play and gambol on the trail as when a tad-lizard...dining on damsel flies and slugs...
In future I can pass my tags (gettings and settings) to you oh @AHHH(unspeakableOne)Lear at the risk of being Bruced (as I understand it) for approval before posting... or just proceed as so many past generations have and allow you to publicly reprimand and interpret the rules with your omnipotent and wizened comments oh Great Teacher...
Most humbly and shamefaced with grease on my snout,
2016-05-08 07:42:46
I hesitate to get involved here now that things have gotten personal and so far afield from actually riding, but I'd like to express one opinion.
From Rule 2: Remember, the point of the game is not to make the clues difficult to figure out. It is about riding, not Googling.
If the attitude behind that fragment is still considered valid, I daresay it could/should be extended thus: The point of the game is not to make the tags difficult to reproduce. It's about riding, not photography.
2016-05-08 07:45:58
Is this a pickup?
or are we looking at a Ceci n'est pas un tag ?
Also, priests get ordained not consecrated.
And I am not a priest, nor a troll.

2016-05-08 09:48:17
To cut to the chase here, I'm tired of the drama. Look at the first 1,000 or so tags. Someone takes a picture, maybe drops a useful hint of a sentence or two, and a few hours or a couple days later, someone figures out where that is, and posts a similar photo of the same spot, maybe a different angle or zoom level for clarity.
Can we just go back to the game?
2016-05-08 10:19:54
Yay for the game. No for lengthy posts. Remember the game is about biking and finding cool places in Pittsburgh.
Please, someone pick up the eagle tag and post a new one!
2016-05-08 12:33:31
I'm also tired of the drama.
The tag photo is a snap of the feed posted at http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/hays-bald-eagle-cam/
It is technically not possible to get this tag: the area is protected for the sake of the eagles and the public is not allowed to get near the nest.
I suggest that someone needs to get out to Whitaker and pick the game up from that point.
2016-05-08 15:00:25
You can certainly ride to the eagle viewing area and photograph your bike there. I think that would count as getting the tag. If you have a smartphone with an internet connection and some technical expertise, you could position your bike the way Yale did, and capture a screenshot of the eagle camera, unless it has been repositioned. That would also count.
2016-05-08 15:44:46
You guys are truly ruining a game that at one time years earlier-- was tremendous fun and enjoyable ! The rhetoric is crap that no one has time nor patience to endure. Just play the dam game!
2016-05-08 20:04:31
I appreciate the novel approach of how the last tag was captured.
Take it easy though. It's a fun game with about ten people playing? and maybe what, twenty, thirty tops people even look at this forum anymore?
Take it easy. *take it eeeeeasy* - The Eagles
2016-05-08 22:06:56
I agree with @jonawebb's suggestion.
2016-05-09 07:37:50
Hays Eagles viewpoint near Glenwood Bridge.
To see nest: http://www.pixcontroller.com/eagles/
2016-05-10 15:27:20
new tag
2016-05-10 15:45:10
Alternative robots.txt syntax?
2016-05-11 06:21:37
2016-05-11 21:27:09
Bryant St at N. St Clair, in Highland Park
loc: 40.476055, -79.920617

2016-05-12 17:42:01

2016-05-12 17:45:50
Perhaps of interest:
The mural in the distance is from a Highland Park postcard ~1900. http://www.pghmurals.com/Marc-Runco-88.cfm
2016-05-12 21:14:06

2016-05-12 21:44:50
Looks like we may soon be due for Tag-o-Rama-5. This thread is now onto 26 pages and over 1,000 threads, so clicking on it takes me to page 1, not the last viewed post.
2016-05-12 21:44:56
2016-05-13 01:52:05