I have seen some discussion about this on this message board and some very helpful suggestions. I plan to ride from Pittsburg to DC and I want to take the train to Pittsburg, arriving at 11:45 PM (ugh). I would like to learn what the options are for this part of the trip. I gather that is it only about 1 mile ride to the trail from the Amtrak station (that is good to know), but I just need make sure that I will have a place to sleep.. is there a safe camping spot on the trail not too far? or are there any hostels or cheap hotels that are not too far from the Amtrak station? thanks for any info. I am thinking of doing the trip starting on either Sept 3 or 4, or Sept 10 or 11 arrival in Pittsburg. Beth
2017-08-08 14:14:41
Hmmm, the first part of the trail is mostly through the city, so there aren't any camping options that I'm aware of. I know that other GAP travelers I've talked to have found affordable rentals through AirBNB.
2017-08-08 17:04:51
No legal camping, and no cheap hotels. What about warmshowers.org? There's a guy on Liberty Ave downtown.
2017-08-08 17:06:01
Thank you I just signed on to warm showers, what a neat organization. I will look for the guy on Liberty ave. Beth
2017-08-08 19:10:54
I can't figure out how to find someone on Liberty Ave in warm showers (addresses are not shown, unless I am missing something). oh will contact a few folks on there and see where that leads me.
2017-08-08 19:19:47
now I see how to see addresses! thanks
2017-08-08 19:57:47
Only camping in the city of Pittsburgh are homeless people though the mayor has taken a hands off approach to removing them. (:
2017-08-08 21:19:22
You might want the little book "Linking Up Planning Your Traffic-free Bicycle Trip
between Pittsburgh PA and Washington DC" by Mary Shaw and Roy Weil which covers issues like this.
see link at bottom of that page to order a printed copy of the book
2017-08-08 22:45:54
If your plans include using Grant Street, please know that there is a long-term closure on Grant between Fifth and Fourth Avenues.
2017-08-09 03:39:53