Anyone have pointers re tech apparel repair? I have a couple old jerseys whose stitching and hems need to be fixed.
I assume Aero Tech won't do repairs. I presume the neighborhood tailors won't have the expertise or materials (e.g. ball-point sewing needles) to do the job. And I certainly don't have them myself!
Any ideas, or do I just have to exile my favorite jerseys to the display case?
2017-07-20 13:03:51
I think any neighborhood tailor would know how to sew stretch-fabric. It's not that uncommon in ladies fashion.
2017-07-20 13:46:10
I've had good results with the fabric repair tape that REI sells, although I haven't tried it on jerseys. Years ago they had it in the camping department. It was a thin, soft and flexible kevlar (if I recall) fabric with adhesive and peel-off paper in the back. The adhesive was remarkably strong.
2017-07-20 14:17:09
I'd make a trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics with one of them. Go to the measuring table in the back. Them ladies know their stuff, and might be able to point you to an off-the-shelf product, as well as some advice on how to proceed.
2017-07-20 19:14:53
Followup: Decided to try Andy's Tailoring on Murray. Per @Marko's thought, they didn't seem fazed, and the repairs seem adequate. A little pricey ($15-18 per item) but to be expected for mildly specialized work, and worth it for irreplaceable items. I'll probably still take them out of regular circulation and consign them to the display rack.
Thanks for the advices!
2017-08-07 11:36:53
I got several pairs of cycling shoes repaired at Palermo's Shoe Repair in upper lawrenceville, though the shop closed and the owner passed away.
Does anyone have experience with any shops for shoe repair for cycling shoes? I've had neoprene separate from the shoe on my winter boots, general tears in material, and heel pad replacement / reinforcement done before.
2017-08-08 15:11:18
There's a shoe repair place in the Crafton Ingram Shopping Center that repaired a pair of my cycling shoes. They did nice work and it was like $8.
I'm actually going there this afternoon to see if they can fix a pannier since they do "handbag repairs". Will report back.
2017-08-08 16:42:46
Good to know about bag repairs. I had the thread tear out of both shoulder straps on my commuter backpack where the nylon webbing loops around the buckle. On both sides at different times. It was a pain to hand sew it back together. I would have much rather have paid someone a few bucks to fix it well.
2017-08-08 17:01:03
The guy in Squirrel Hill stitched something on my shoes. No big deal. I'm pretty sure he can fix any shoe that's fixable.
2017-08-08 21:53:14
Crafton Shoe Repair fixed my pannier for $10. I'm a fan. There's also a good clothing alteration/repair place in Carnegie for those of you not in the east part of the city.
2017-08-12 12:53:46
This is slightly off topic, but I have some tech wear that seems to have reached terminal stinkiness. No matter how much I clean it it doesn't smell that much better after the wash. Has anyone ever used bleach on this? I figure it won't fade the colors since it's synthetic fabrics but I'm wondering if it will hurt the fabric.
2017-08-12 14:59:45
You could try some bleach on a small area and see first.
2017-08-12 22:41:06
Fyi-I didn't do bike shorts or bike tops type material but I tried it on drifit material and it worked wonders.
2017-08-13 10:00:08
I use nathan sport wash when my clothes /gear start getting funky. It helps. In the washer I do pre-soak, stain cycle, extremely dirty and extra rinse modes whatever your washer has to do the most thorough job.
Then Immediately remove and dry, either in the machine or hanging with air circulation on a drying rack.
2017-08-13 11:01:54
Good idea. We have too many animals in our house and I was seriously thinking of using Nature's Miracle. Maybe I'll try that next time and report back. With 2 cats and 3 large dogs we buy that stuff by the jug full
2017-08-13 11:52:37