2013-04-25 12:25:43
Cool idea. I don't think this would be all that expensive per vehicle once in production either, probably $500 or so considering a smart phone could easily do it. The privacy thing is touchy though - especially if the info could be used post "accident".
2013-04-25 13:52:49
If you rear end someone, it is your fault. No excuses.
2013-04-25 16:48:33
Nick D wrote:If you rear end someone, it is your fault. No excuses.
If it was that simple it would be nice. Just today coming home I-376 south saw a guy on BMW in left lane almost missed Carnegie exit (literally 20-30 yards) hit brakes really hard, almost skidding, went all the way from left lane to the exit just in front of me (3 feet in front of my bumper). I had to hit brakes also really hard causing people behind me to start skiding. I was thinking that I would dive if my car would go under this car so I would not be decapitated.
2013-04-26 00:16:25
This is a neat idea, I guess they use something similar for airplanes and ships. OTOH, the more we automate driving, the more inept people will become. The "glass bubble" that she talks about is real, modern cars do a great job of isolating drivers from the world outside their windshield.
2013-04-26 08:00:25
I've thought a simpler thing: A visible quantitative indication of the vehicles speed. None of this "Well, I though he was going too fast for a 25 mph zone" when you can say with assurance; "He was going 53 in a 25 mph zone."
Self-incrimination? Maybe, but then are backup lights or brake lights also potentially self-incriminating? Just an indication to everyone what you are doing to improve safety.
2013-04-26 11:30:42
That might be cool, maybe a heads up display projected on the windshield with speed icons popping up above the cars in front of you, ala a NASCAR broadcast, but real time.
2013-04-26 19:51:43