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"Thank You" card for Mayor Peduto; Lets fill this card!!!!

I am still working to cover this card for Mayor Peduto and let me tell you; I am motivated!!!! I am making this post to see what places and events would be ideal for signatures. I frequent OTB but are are there busier nights than others? I will be at 'Bikes vs Cars' so prepare to be solicited! Kidding, of course. There is no pressure to sign the card but allare appreciated. This is a sincere effort as our Mayor has received a world of criticism, angry letters and shaken fists in the air for being proactive about creating a safe infrastructure for cycling and our appreciation helps keep that fire lit! Post a reply if you have not signed the card and would like to and schedule pending; I will even meet up wherever you might be. Cival duty has never been as easy!!!!
2016-01-15 00:12:02
If you are Downtown during the workday, I can sign. PM me.
2016-01-15 10:35:24
Ditto. I'm an elevator ride from Forbes and Grant. Text to 4123347078 and I can meet you in < 5 minutes.
2016-01-15 14:15:58
Thank you for the responses! Today was busier than expected. I will message you guys tomorrow if you will be available(?).
2016-01-15 15:15:52
Thanks for the responses. It looks like Tuesday will be the day I make a round of signitures.
2016-01-15 23:40:49