Thankful this year for Bike Pitttsburgh, which has been advocating for so many years for infrastructure, and which is finally getting serious traction.
Thankful for the charging and arraignment of the guy who killed Taylor Banks, and the friendships and camaraderie that came from the advocacy rides out there. Particularly thankful to Vannevar Bush, who maintained connections with the family so well.
Thankful for the political support of Mayor Peduto in the face of bikelash, and the rest of Pittsburgh's government for the the construction of new bike lanes, and the maintenance of existing lanes, which has been better this year than any time in the past.
Thankful to Jim Logan, Dan Blumenfeld, and the other randonneurs, who, over years, helped prepare me for Paris-Brest-Paris.
Thankful to my fellow Tag-o-Ramarians, who have kept the game running now for five years and over a thousand tags.
Thankful to Jake McCrea, Matt Reitzell, Kelley McCrea, and Jennifer Reitzell, and the others who participated in the All Neighborhoods Ride. I love seeing all the neighborhoods in one day and the hospitality makes it a really warm and inviting ride.
Oh yeah, also thankful to this community here on this message board. It is great having a place to talk about bike stuff and infrastructure and bitch about crappy motorists and things.
2015-11-26 10:04:08
I second what Jon said, and add:
I'm thankful for Pittsburgh Bikeshare (Healthy Ride) bringing new people out on two wheels.
I'm thankful for Stu Strickland and Nick Dromboski and Scott Kowalski and others who have organized Critical Mass, Flock of Cycles, Team Decaf, Steel City Roll, and Western PA Wheelmen rides and other group rides of all sorts (even if I've gone on few of them).
I'm thankful to the people at Friends of the Riverfront and others at Steel Valley Trail Council for building and maintaining trails and planting trees along them.
I'm thankful to people at bike shops for all their bike repairs.
And I'll repeat the thanks to BikePGH for promoting a vibrant, fun, civically engaged bike community and for organizing Open Streets.
2015-11-26 12:45:51
thanks for posting!
2015-11-26 22:55:16
Well said, Jon and Paul
2015-11-27 08:49:47
Couldn't have said it better Jon and Paul. Great forum with great people and a big thanks to Bike Pittsburgh.
2015-11-28 09:49:23