wow. I didn't think anyone was going to top the story about the heckling drivers slamming into the bus island, but that's pretty good.
The Karma must be thick
So, I had to bail out of the cemetery ride, I was riding up Wilkins, and started to feel nauseous, really unsusual, but I was thinking I might have had a mite too much to drink Sat night, it was way hot, whatev. When I got to about Shady Ave I told the people I was with that I was bailing out. We were nearly to Homewood Cemetery, I probably could have stuck it out to there, but for some reason I decided to head back right there.
I toodled down Beachwood, thru Mellon Park, and down Penn. I turned right on Penn circle, and right around the corner was a teenage black kid, with his little sister, standing next to a stroller with a 1 yr old girl, and waving me over. He said a man and woman were arguing and they just ran off and left the stroller on the sidewalk. He didn't have a phone, and had no idea what to do. I pulled out my phone and called 911, and got - a message saying all operators were busy. Unbelievable. I stayed on probably 3 - 4 minutes, when I did get an operator I started describing the situation, got part way through, and this lovely couple comes wandering back. They weren't arguing at that point, I asked them if everything was okay, a couple times, they didn't really say anything, the woman picked up the baby, glared at the man to get the stroller, and they walked off. For a few moments something in the universe was watching out for that baby.
The teenage kid's name was Michael, great kid. He looked out for that baby, he did something when it needed to be done in a very screwed-up situation. I'm still just absorbing those few minutes. Crazy.
I'm pretty sure Michael is not one of the ones jumping bikers in the East Liberty area.
Also, after all that, the shaved ice from the stand at the entrance to the HP reservoir loop is the best thing in the universe, everyone go there.
That is a great story.
I got to cross post this over at fatguyorangebike, would that be ok?
Wow Edmonds, what story! Glad to hear that everything worked out.....
ps: yes... I would be interested in trying your son's road bike one of these days