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The most disgusting thing you have ever run over.

I hit a McDonalds packet of BBQ sauce. One of those big plastic ones. By the time I saw it, it was too late and knew what was coming. The thing exploded onto my wheel, frame, torso and face. Luckily I had enough time to close my mouth. I really wish I had fenders. Is cholesterol, fat and high fructose corn syrup bad for paint?

2010-09-03 13:02:01

If you leave the stuff on your bike, depending on the quality of your paint job, it could eat through it.

I've run over a few disgusting things, mostly dead animals, but I've never had anything explode in my face, haha.

2010-09-03 13:55:47

Horse droppings on some single track. Dirty diapers someone tossed out of their car. Fast food bags, full of decomposing fast food. People can be disgusting sometimes.

Almost ran over part of a dead groundhog this morning, on Panther Hollow Rd, I think it was? Must have happened last night, because it wasn't there yesterday. Sadly, I don't think it was the one that has been eating my tomatoes :(

2010-09-03 14:02:15

Dead animals in the rain is the worst. The road spray spews tiny bits of rotted guts into your face, and you can't help but inhale and probably ingest some of it.

Or maybe the leaky sewer runoff from our hills, that's probably worse still.

2010-09-03 14:03:18

snake. C&O canal. i screamed. loudly.

2010-09-03 14:31:11

What I hate is when you ride in the rain and discover later (when your bike is dry) that that you must have ridden through worm central station.

2010-09-03 14:35:49

Goose. Poop. Especially in the rain.

Even with fenders, that stuff gets everywhere you don't want it to be.

2010-09-03 14:37:17

No doubt the 'sticks to your tire' factor makes poop of all kinds especially bad.

2010-09-03 14:43:03

On a dark road coming back after a winter, night mountain bike ride years ago the guy in front of me hopped over and then I slammed into a completely frozen solid dead raccoon. It didn't squirt me or anything, but was sort of like hitting a cinderblock but furry and a bit more forgiving. Weird sensation. I stayed upright.

2010-09-03 14:48:42

the pavement on negley?

2010-09-03 15:08:03

Cleveland? nyuk, nyuk.

2010-09-03 15:16:42

Dead, ripe deer (down hill, sudden vehical approach behind, no room to swerve, no time to stop).

Snake was the scariest. It was a stick in the trail unitl I hit it.

2010-09-03 15:30:31


mayonaise. that kinda sucked

2010-09-03 15:31:20

I never ride over anything gross because I ride 2mph and can see everything coming but those are GROSS and hilarious

2010-09-03 16:00:34

Of course I would be eating lunch when this topic comes up. *gag*

+1 reddan

Some places there's so much of it, I may as well be, well, ... just never mind. I'm eating.

2010-09-03 16:02:41

For some reason I kill a lot of worms, whose remains stick to the underside of the top of my fork.

2010-09-03 17:01:31

Always hitting dead rats on boundary for some reason

2010-09-03 19:38:08

Were they dead before you got there?

2010-09-03 19:57:23

What a great thread. Up until now, when I've seen something horrible coming fast toward the underside of my tire, my reaction has been something like ew! ew! ew! ew! nononono! I'm going to die from the horror of even having to see that, let alone have it touch my bike ewwwwwww.

But from now on, it'll be more like Yes! Yes. That is *really* disgusting - I'm totally going to post this on that bike pgh thread. This is great. Maybe I'll take a picture.

and hope Stu isn't having lunch.

2010-09-03 20:29:44

or hope he IS having lunch. then you would have a whole new gross thing to ride over!

2010-09-03 20:47:34

Cleveland? sounds about right, having lived there for twenty years, I concur.

2010-09-03 22:02:10

ran over some gum on the jail trail 2 weeks ago. there are STILL pebbled stuck to the area it was stuck on.

2010-09-03 22:14:26

Hit a dead raccoon once. Almost lost it, but I recovered. Those things are unforgiving. It was like hitting a speed bump in a parking lot going 15 mph.

2010-09-04 12:04:03

Amazingly, gum that's been in the sun. It's not actually the nastiest thing at the time, but it just gets stickier and worse, and can't be easily washed off.

Honorable mention:


Dog poop that someone left in my yard. I stepped in it while wearing my bike shoes, so it was all over the cleats.

Goose poop. Impossible to avoid on the bad days on the north side.

2010-09-07 18:05:57

I ran over (20+mph) a kitten on Eliza Furnace 2 years ago. I am no expert, but I am pretty sure it died immediately. I buried it off to the side to save parents from a horrible conversation with the kids the next day.

I also ran over a skunk once on a motorcycle.

2010-09-08 17:25:55

oh god Nick, I think if I hit a kitten it would kill ME. Kudos for being able to make decisions and ride afterwards. I hit a squirrel in a car once and sobbed for like 20 minutes in a parkinglot before I gave up and walked home (0.1 miles), leaving the keys for someone else to retreive. It had been playing, it's playmate got hit right after (saw that in the mirror, didn't help my state).

Yep, I'm one of those psychos that breaks too hard to avoid 'possums. There's more than one reason I shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car.

I guess I'm lucky the worst thing I ran over in a bike was a used... *ahem*... Ew That's Not A Balloon. Dry and empty, but I try really hard not to touch my bike tires due to Road Cooties now.

2010-09-08 17:47:02

I don't think that's playing, either.

2010-09-08 18:52:37

I ran over a young woodchuck (Marmota monax) with my rear wheel once. It ran under the bottom bracket as I was moving. It did not appear injured- I like ot think I tired to bunny hop a bit when I saw what was happening.

Stepped on a house sparrow while running once- it was severely injured. I realized quickly the most humane thing was to halt any further suffering.

2010-09-09 14:38:33

Stepped on a house sparrow while running once- it was severely injured. I realized quickly the most humane thing was to halt any further suffering.

That's such a hard decision. I look around to make sure no one is watching me crush the life out of a little creature (even though it is an act of mercy.)

2010-09-09 15:27:16

I ran over (20+mph) a kitten on Eliza Furnace 2 years ago.

wrong thread nick, that should be in "The most cutest thing you have ever run over" thread

mine is a bunny.

2010-09-09 17:10:08

As a child I ran over a skunk and a garter snake on my bike

2010-09-09 17:14:56

wrong thread nick, that should be in "The most cutest thing you have ever run over" thread

We had that discussion with Nick last night. I think we decided it was disgusting after he ran over it. So it sort of counts.

2010-09-09 17:17:12

On a bike, motored or not, clobbering a skunk would be a memorable experience, I would think.

There are a few skunks not too far from my house, but I've yet to meet one. A few dozen more trips down the old trolley line oughta do it, esp. after dark.

As to the original topic of this thread, the mat of poison ivy I have to traverse when fording the stream on the trolley line, always gives me reason to cringe. It's about 60 feet square on either side of the stream. I'll fall in the stream, I'll trip on the rocks, but I *will not* lose it in the poison ivy!

2010-09-09 17:44:32

i almost ran over a 6 point buck on dr j last thursday. hopefully things will be less interesting tonight.

2010-09-09 18:31:18

I think I misunderstood the title...

2010-09-09 21:52:54