Was Jupiter chillin there with his pal Diana? He's been all about that these past few months.
The perfection of commuting by bicycle
Enjoying the crisp darkness at 6:50 this morning I swung left out of Serpentine Dr. into East Circuit road, a particularly inky stretch of Schenley Park, and lo there in front of me is the 99% full moon (it's full just after 9:30 the evening), huge, color shading slightly toward aged linen, setting in the western sky. It was beautiful and so much more enjoyable from a bike than it would have been in a car.
Same him there last night, as the moon was climbing, didn't notice this morning.
Beautiful. I was out with the microdog about 6:30, it was great.
Did anyone else see the moon with the full 5 color rainbow on Weds night about 11: pm? It was pretty cool. I just figured it was for "spirit day".
Anytime you have that high cirrus, look for bows of one sort or another. Saw 2/3 of a halo around the moon last night around 9:30. Yeah, Jupiter and the Moon have been very close in mid-evenings recently.
Gotta watch where you're going, though, bike or on foot. Astronomy is an activity best done while not changing locations.
Hardly a commute today, but I wanted to share what a great ride I had today on the riverfront trails and through Frick Park on the South Clayton Loop (which is probably my favorite stretch of trail anywhere - http://www.pittsburghparks.org/userdocs/frickmap.pdf) which was positively beautiful today with the fantastic fall leaves. I rode from the Strip to East Liberty while chatting with another cyclist, and just had a great ride overall.
But the real coup de grâce was on my way back home, after rolling through Mellon Park, I was heading towards East Liberty on Penn Avenue just past Bakery Square, and stopped behind a guy in a convertible sports car. There were a number of cars in the right lane with turn signals on, so I was waiting in the left lane behind this guy, whom I had seen pull out from the parking lot to his right when I was turning left onto Penn Avenue from the park at Putnam Street. The light at the intersection with East Liberty Boulevard changed and the first few cars started to go, but not the driver in front of me. I said (in a soft to regular voice) "let's go, buddy" just as drivers everywhere surely do when someone is slow to see a green light, and this guy turned around, checking for traffic, and said in an annoyed, nasal voice "I'm trying to turn right!" Sure enough he did have a right turn signal on, but seriously, why get in the left lane in that case.
He merged right and started to turn down East Liberty Boulevard, but just as he was rounding the corner, I could hear him say "And I'm not your buddy!"
I dinged my bell at him and rode on. It really made my day.
Seriously: never forget these two instructions:
1. "Stay calm if confronted by an angry driver. Remember, you're on your bike and having way more fun than they are."
He was in the wrong lane by accident. It happens.
'I'm not your friend buddy...I'm not your buddy pal...'