Congratulations, great accomplishments!
The year in numbers
Sometimes it's tough for us in the office to see the forest for the trees, that's why it's fun for us to do this exercise once a year to review the progress our movement has made. Take a look:
2011-12-22 18:13:22
2011-12-22 18:22:57
Awesome stuff.
2011-12-22 18:25:09
2011-12-22 19:29:50
This is so great that I teared up a little
2011-12-22 19:48:30
yinz guys are awesome.
2011-12-22 20:51:46
That's what I was going to say.
2011-12-22 21:00:13
Wow, 501 new members is probably the most impressive stat... keep it rolling!
2011-12-23 07:00:03
Psssht. These aren't the numbers I'm looking for! I want to see top posts of the year! I'm hoping my epic vegan debate has held up well.
(It will also be an ironic and unfortunate respite from a list that is sure to have a lot of fatality related posts)
2011-12-30 01:57:48
Impressive stats!
2011-12-30 19:05:42