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there is a key stuck in the tar

right after the intersection of baum and milvale on baum going towards craig...

oh boy do I love that little key... I'm going to be sad when they pave it over and its lost until an alien finds it in a million years or they just grind it up and put it back on the road somewhere all ground up.

2011-09-03 00:55:39

Picture! You should do like a Power of 10 type thing so the alien can find it.

2011-09-03 01:17:27

pour diesel on the area to retrieve the key?

2011-09-03 01:49:43

much like the protractors I feel like removing it would be a crime... but first signs of repaving I might change my mind. it's been there forever, I can remember seeing it when I lived in bloomfield, and that's been a while. just being worn down by tires for years and years

2011-09-03 03:46:11

Do a crayon rubbing of it to preserve the memory! (During a low traffic time, of course).

2011-09-03 04:24:08

I thought that was the title of the new clarks song

2011-09-03 12:54:51

Theres a fork somewhere too. Not sure where, though.

2011-09-03 13:43:08

There's a quarter glued to the sidewalk in the Strip District. It's right in front of a shop window. I'm guessing someone inside has too much time on their hands and likes watching people stop to try and pick it up.

2011-09-03 13:47:32

ALMKLM - I've totally fallen for that quarter. Literally, I was drunk at the time. I remember thinking it was hilarious at the time :D

2011-09-03 15:25:03

"There's a quarter glued to the sidewalk in the Strip District."

I read this as "There's a guitar glued to the sidewalk".. I was like "What?! I've never seen a guitar on the sidewalk in the strip district!"

2011-09-03 15:30:15

i have seen that fork too... where the hell is it? its driving me crazy

2011-09-03 17:00:53

this is a viral marketing campaign for rusted roots new album

2011-09-03 17:01:29

...there's a fork in the road... come on. Say it aloud. Someone is messin' with you!

2011-09-03 17:03:57

When walking in to see the Daily Show taping last year in New York I saw a quarter on the floor. After the show on the way out, it was still there- my thought was "Oh boy! It's mine." I felt pretty silly when I realized it was glued to the floor.

2011-09-03 17:28:47

there is a fork in the pavement somewhere though... it may have been on the milvale bridge before they paved it.

2011-09-03 20:57:34

Maybe it's a tuning fork, so the tar guitar will be in the right key.

2011-09-03 21:47:39

"Hey, you know how to tuna fish? By running up and down the scales."

2011-09-03 23:09:57

there is a little co2 cartridge embedded in the pavement in the left lane inbound at penn/16th.

Never seen the quarter, key, or fork though.

2011-09-03 23:46:23

Found this guy on liberty in the strip yesterday:

2011-09-04 18:28:51

OT @rob are you one of those that rides on liberty in the strip?

2011-09-04 20:18:32

This thread is causing the lyrics to "There's a hole in the bottom of the sea" to get stuck in my head.

2011-09-05 01:01:49

I was stunned to find a bike wheel skewer embedded in the pavement near Union Station in Washington.

2011-09-05 13:13:21

@dmtroyer I don't ride down that way very often, but I usually take Penn, then the last few blocks of Liberty by the ATT building. I was walking when I found the key.

2011-09-05 13:59:40

i ride liberty in the strip outbound multiple times a week... am i in trouble?

2011-09-05 19:25:20

@mark nope, you obviously know what you're doing. I personally wouldn't do it between grant and 31stish.

2011-09-05 21:41:26

inbound is much less stressful. I've only ridden liberty outbound from downtown when it's dark out and traffic is low.

2011-09-05 21:43:00

@rubberfactory yeah I should have added a disclaimer. I have taken it outbound twice from the Amtrak station late at night/early in the morning.

2011-09-05 21:45:45

inbound is pretty okay at any non-rush-hour time. Penn and Spring way provide an escape if I feel overwhelmed, too, so there's that.

I've never really found anything interesting other than the co2 canister I mentioned above on any of those routes, though.

2011-09-05 22:10:55

shwew. there is also a secret maintenance type road/route that goes between liberty and the busway that i take when i'm feeling sneaky.

2011-09-06 00:11:19