"how are motorists supposed to know what is a bike lane (illegal to drive in) and what is a shared lane, when the visual cues are so similar?"
that was my first reaction upon seeing them
he bad/good thing about road signs and lane markings is that they have to go through a long process of evaluation and delay before they can be introduced, so you don't have random things in different cities.
very true. that's probably why it's only one block. they probably had to get approval from the FHWA before putting that in like we had to get for the sharrows on liberty ave. there's also probably going to be a follow up with the city to see how they worked.
Or how much I'm going to be hassled by motorists if I'm not in it.
has this ever actually happened to anyone? i hear that a lot as an argument against bike lanes/infrastructure. i've heard people say that criticizing trails, and i've yet to have someone tell me to "get on the trail"
i know we don't have many bike lanes here, but riding in other cities with many more, ive never heard that either.