I knew of the hit and run accident in Point Breeze before I left the house this morning, although I did not know that the accident had been fatal.
I spent much of my ride this morning mulling the names and faces of all the 50-ish male riders of my acquantance who might be riding Penn Avenue at that hour.
All that said, I have to say I was encouraged by all the riders who were out this morning. I came in through Avalon/Bellevue, as usual. At one point on Lincoln Avenue I could see three bikes ahead of me. Four of us over the distance of about a mile. I almost NEVER see another rider on my commute through this area.
I was impressed. Rider numbers are clearly up. Statistics will tell us that for a little bit, bike accidents are likely to be up too. But, before too long, all the extra riders on the road will cause a new level of driver awareness that will enhance cyclist safety in the community.
Unfortunately, that increased awareness and increase in cyclist safety came too late for Mr. Price.
Be safe out there, please! Just be hypervigilant, or whatever, to minimise yor risk. And Nick......I'll be placing an order for a few Fiks T's as soon as they are ready. It was a little warm today in by hi viz orange jacket today. I