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This sounds familiar...

The tone of this article is overall positive, about what they're doing in Buenos Aires as far as bike lanes... but the radio schtick (and stories of people getting creamed by cars) is a little too familiar.

A Mexico City radio commentator took to the airwaves recently to denounce bicycle riders, urging motorists to run them over. "These people think they are French or European. Well, let me tell you: You're not French, you're Mexicans," said Ángel Verdugo, an economist who writes a weekly column in a Mexican newspaper. "That's why I ask you drivers when you see one of these pests, run them over, don't give them a chance, squash them. Maybe that way they will understand." Mr. Verdugo was temporarily suspended by the radio station after the comments caused an uproar. He later said he was only joking.

2012-08-09 13:32:21

French OR European? Sounds like he took geography with the idiot radio hosts up here.

2012-08-09 13:51:13

Well, at least none of the commenters in the PG call us French.

2012-08-09 13:53:32

They can tell we're not french by the lack of baguette in our baskets.

Mmm... time to stop by La Gourmandine.

2012-08-09 14:04:48


There is a Shop'n'Save on Babcock just out of Millvale. Expensive as all hell but it is a store.

2012-08-09 14:34:01

I was ignoring that one, Google maps tells me that the L'ville one is closer to my friends' house (he lives just where the valley turns into serious hill, but not up the valley to the west at all).

Egon will be upset, we've crossed the threads.

2012-08-09 14:52:01

oops, wrong post.

2012-08-09 14:53:44