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Thomas Haykin, killed on Freeport Road 8/29; memorial service

Due to the board's outage we dropped the discussion and grief coming from the death of Thomas Haykin last week. I didn't want us to miss the visitation and service. In my experience, the family gets something from other cyclists showing up. Visitation Saturday, September 7th, 2019 4:00pm - 6:00pm Soxman Funeral Homes, Ltd./Roth Chapel 7450 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Service Information Saturday, September 7th, 2019 6:00pm 7450 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235
2019-09-04 09:15:39
This is very sad.
2019-09-05 21:52:23
Will there be any memorial ride for Thomas such as there was for other deaths that occurred in Pittsburgh or around it?
2019-09-09 15:56:45
It's planned for Sunday morning, Sept. 29. Details are still being settled. I or someone will post here once its set; you can also watch in Facebook.
2019-09-09 16:08:04
What I think is that any part of Freeport Rd. that has more than three lanes should be put on a road diet. and the speed limit reduced to 25 MPH. Freeport Rd. in Harmarville. Reconfigure to left to right, facing west:
  • Sidewalk (only at bus stops and in front of houses/businesses)
  • Eastbound bike lane
  • Eastbound car lane
  • Center turning lane
  • Westbound car lane
  • Westbound bike lane
  • Continuous sidewalk the whole length
  • reduce speed limit from 45 MPH to 25 MPH
  • Install clearly marked and signed crosswalks at intersections and near bus stops
Also, Why is the speed limit on Freeport Rd. in Aspinwall and The Waterworks 35 MPH as well as 55 MPH between Powers Run Rd. and the O'Hara/Harmar Township line? The speed limit in any highly populated area should be 25 MPH max. The section that is posted 55 MPH should be reduced to 35 MPH because cyclists and pedestrians can use the shoulders on each side of the road. The likelihood of pedestrians needing to cross here or children running out into traffic is very unlikely.
2019-09-09 18:44:05
Z, you might think that, but PennDOT just reconfigured this stretch to allow cars to go faster. Getting them to reverse course, and getting the driving public to go along with it, is tantamount to tilting at windmills.
2019-09-12 07:20:34
That's why the is Rt. 28. No traffic lights, pedestrians, or cyclists to deal with.
2019-09-13 05:14:42