It's not you. I think your analysis is probably spot-on.
Don't get discouraged. Remember, it's his shit life that causes him to act out like that.
Bummed out. I am riding at a decent clip, out of the way so cars can pass me when a woman in a large white boat like car passes me within handlebar distance, WTF, my hand goes up in the air and it may or may not have had the middle finger raised. Not the best reaction on my part. At that point giant black V8 truck with three lawn mowers in the bed passes me just as close and yells "get off the FUCKING road" at me.
Alright, WTF is going on here. I was pissed at this point and I end up right behind both of them at the next red light at South St and Pennwood. I planned on chilling out and waiting for the light to turn when the dude rolls down his window and starts yelling shit at me and I start yelling back. He yells about his bullshit registration fees etc. not realizing that I pay the same puny fee for the car that I own. Like it's some giant fee that gives him the right. Asshole. He starts to get out of his truck and threatens to hit me over the head with a shovel.
The light turns green asshole rides away and everyone around me is like WTF was up with that dude. My thought is he hates his life, hates his job and just wants to get to the shitty suburban bar near his house to kick start his weekend alone.
I called 911, waited for a cop but it was kindly suggested by the fine people of Wilkinsburg after a patrol car rolled right past that I go home. I don't think they wanted the attention.
The whole situation just bums me out. I was out of the way, sharing the road and not riding like an asshole. I have been trying to encourage my wife to ride to work, but what is she to think when shit like this happens?
As an aside I stopped riding this section of road not too long ago and will go back to my old route which is much nicer.
Black V8 truck, three lawn mowers in the bed. Dude is in his 50s, thin, white and has a salt and pepper scruffy beard. Watch out for him, he's a dick.
It's not you. I think your analysis is probably spot-on.
Don't get discouraged. Remember, it's his shit life that causes him to act out like that.
Sorry to hear that. If at all possible people should stay calm and start shooting cell phones pictures of these people when these things happen. We could make wanted posters. or cards!
I suppose "Dick Wanted" would give the wrong impression. Sorry in advance.
Trading cards?
"I'll swap you my ultra-rare Granny in Volvo Dropping the F-Bomb for your full set of Pissed-Off Transit Drivers"
@rsprake: Sorry to hear about it. Sometimes, I almost think warm weather is to blame; a lot of people on the road just seem more aggro in the spring and summer.
Yeah, it's a long weekend too.
I really just wish I would have stayed calm, not argued and maybe got some photos. That's what I am most bummed out about. Thinking about a helmet cam, but I don't want this sort of thing to dominate my rides. I just want to get around and be happy!
@reddan: I'll give you a Two-Toothed Landscaper in a 1974 Ford F-150 for that Granny Dropping the F-Bomb...
Come ride the counter-CM FOC ride! It will cheer you up!
rsprake, you are right, I have recently been in a similar situation, where a dumb driver in a truck threatened me to get physical, and afterward, I really, really regretted I did not think of videotapping the idiot.
Now, I ride with a cellphone in my pocket, ready to videotape. And I am planning to add a strap to it, so I don't drop it if I have to get the f..k out of here in a hurry.
Two people pass each other on a sidewalk. One turns to the other and starts cussing a blue streak, and picks up a tool or umbrella or something, and threatens to hit the other with it. A cop is standing by, witnessing the whole thing.
What do you suppose happens?
What do the addition of car and bicycle and being on the street have anything to do with the situation being any different?
I will try to go on the next ride when I get home from vacation!
Mad driver trading cards would be hysterical.
I may have encountered the same white car, last weekend that you came across today. Did it happen to be a Cadillac? I was riding down Center Ave by Mellon Arena. This lady was so close to me, I'm still trying to figure out how she didn't clip me with her mirror.
Today I picked up a texting-while-driving Grandma card that I'd love to trade. Unfortunately for me it's not that rare (semi-mint condition).
Mad-driver trading cards! Can you say "bike-pgh fundraiser"?
@rsprake, what a horrible way to go home. But remember, you are having more fun than they are. The best vengence is not to react at all. It's hard but in the long run I've found it much more satisfying. Nothing annoys people more than being ignored. Glad you are okay.
"He starts to get out of his truck and threatens to hit me over the head with a shovel."
I'm sorry, but (especially after having our friend killed on Hart's Run Road yesterday), I'd just kick the shit outta the guy. Getting out of the vehicle to threaten me crosses the line.
I get the impression that there's a pretty strong "peace, love" vibe online here, but I've gotta mention that there's a point where you defend yourself. When someone's gonna confront me like that, I'm getting off the bike and I'm gonna be proactive with some "share the road" education.
@rocco, guy's probably not going to hit you with a shovel. Maybe, but probably not. Meeting threats with threats just escaltes things don't you think? What's the point? These jerks are never going to suddenly say "You know what, you are right..." Maybe that's just me.
I told him to go ahead and try and to get back in his truck. If we would have gotten out his shovel I would have shot putted my bike at him.
@jeffinpgh (and all), sorry, I used to be a "wow, look at how much more fun I am having than all of them" rider. Now, I expect to be treated like a human being. If I was walking along and some guy buzzed me in traffic and then threatened me at the stop, I'd defend myself. I won't treat the situation any other way as a cyclist.
To each his/her own. I am too old and I've been around the block too many times to knob around with some jerk with a testosterone problem. Sorry kiddo's, but self defense is a good thing sometimes.
@rocco. I can empathize certainly. Just don't get hurt!
I don't want to do something that could lead to me having serious issues just because some jerk in a truck is having anger issues.
If it increases the chance of you being injured, then how is it "defense?"
I hate incidents that make me think that "an armed society is a polite society " advocates are right. "Someday Mr Anger Issues is going to run into Mr NRA Supporter", nevertheless, is how I traditionally console myself.
I'm not an advocate of "an armed society is a polite society," so don't put words in my mouth -- I just think it's stupid to let people use the threat of physical violence to control others. If some guy gets out of his truck and threatens someone with a shovel, then things have moved way past the point of being PC.
Whatever folks, you're all free to deal with things however you want to. Go ahead and run away, or stand up for yourself...whatever. I'm certainly a turn-the-other-cheek advocate most times, but I won't stand there and be attacked either.
I really think it depends on your experiences. It's easy to be complacent when you've never been faced with truly violent situations.
If you don't get it, then you don't get it -- it's a situational thing, but you have to be able to assess what's going to go on. If you always respond by smiling and standing there, it's as bad as if you always want to throw fists. I really find it amazing if I am the only one who can see that there are times when you don't run away.
Like I what feels good for you. I choose to be the guy that doesn't always run away.
@Rocco ... playing devil's advocate in here, I do agree that, at some point, a peaceful exchange is not enough. I don't think that, as cyclers, we should throw the first punch, but most definitely we should defend ourselves if the other a-hole party starts.... Personally, I'm not a threatening-looking person, and a physical altercation would be laughable, but when I'm riding and a driver does something that is wrong or dangerous towards me, I do make it 'known' to them in a peaceful way, knowing well that it could potentially scalate -which if it does, I'm not backing out! A bully will remain a bully until someone stands up to them. Plus, if we as cyclists don't try to 'educate' the drivers on the road when they do something wrong, who will? When will they learn?
Please note: I myself can be, and have been, an unsafe car driver (more out of carelessness than assholeness), but now after getting on my bike and commuting to work everyday with it for almost a year, I have become a better driver, I believe..... it takes for someone to be in somelese's shoes to learn sometimes, or to stand up for one's rights.
Plus, people are sometimes REALLY stupid for real and don't know -or realize, what they are doing is wrong until somebody tells them.
+1 trading cards. We have quite a few talented artists on here. I suspect if a bunch of us got a coupla pizzas, some East End brew and some drawing pads, all in the same room, something cool would happen.
Granted it was a long time ago, but I don't recall every being taught in drivers edu. how to handle the road with cyclists (granted I lived in the 'burbs at the time, where NO one would dare to ride... at least back then anyway). I wish this lesson had been/would be implemented in such education. I also feel like there should be a PSA about passing distance for cars and a cyclist's rights to the road (especially now in light of recent tragedies). In all honesty, though I've been riding for going on 3 years, I only recently realized some of my rights on the road. Sadly (and perhaps stupidly), though I advocated the phrase "share the road" to some extent, until recently I thought it was part of my responsibility as a cyclist to concern myself always with getting out of the way of drivers. Oh, and +1 for trading cards indeed!
i have had one or two flip me off for no reason while i'm riding around. i haven't had anyone scream at me though. sometimes "hey baby" just to be a smartass, but i wonder if these confrontations happen less to females than males?
rsprake, see you next time. Enjoy vacation.
Rocco, I do (some what) agree with you. The fact is, once he stepped out of his truck he is putting you in a situation where you could very easily feel that your life is in danger--yelling threat from inside his truck is one thing, stepping out completely changes the situation.
First, I think this is RIDICULOUSLY dumb on his part. With the number of concealed weapons permits in the area, he could easily get shot in self-defense.
On the same note, this is one of the reasons I try to kill off confrontations as soon as possible. If a man gets out of his truck and threatens you, but you make this first hit, he could shoot you in self defense.
I have had my far share of confrontations (one this year with a lady who hit me with her care, and proceeded to get out, threaten my life, and get back in and try to hit me again). In that situation, it took every ounce of control in my body not to react, but I remained (relatively) calm, noted the plate, distanced myself, and called 911.
In my situation, the police responded in a timely manner, but it turned out I had the wrong plate number.
i have the same hunch, stefb.
So let me visualize this; two white guys, fighting in the street, in Wilkinsburg, with a shovel, and a bike.
The locals would probably pass out laughing.
I was threatened by a guy that honked his horn at me for being "in the middle of the road" he was making a left turn onto the street I was on and I was also making a left turn and then I kind of waved to all the space he had to turn and his response to that was "Well how about I kick your ass?" Then he proceeded to get out of his car, left in the middle of his lane, and started walking up to me. I "dismounted" so I wasn't tied up to my bike and then put my hand up and said "I have no intention of fighting you." Then he said "Okay!" got back in his car and drove off.
If the guy really wanted to fight me, he could have, but my subtle "Hey, don't be a dick" message was effective in ending the confrontation. It's just hard for me to see beating up people as bringing about change.
Sorry the prick ruined your ride home.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you PA House Bill 40.
A bit tongue-in-cheek, but I sent an email to the Rep. inquiring about the instances we, as cyclists, have with the motoring public and whether ALL vehicles are included in the "Castle Doctrine." BCC'd Scott on the email...
It basically will allow anyone, when their life is threatened, to use force - as opposed to simply running away.
The bill does define "vehicle" as "a conveyance of any kind, whether or not motorized, which is designed to transport people or property."
Can you imagine cyclists riding around with a holster for a bottle cage, or a pistol strap on a messenger bag? Leave it to the idjits from Pennsyltucky to ruin civilization...
Click on the current printer number to get the text of the bill (3799 at this writing).
Name #2 on the sponsor list is Daryl Metcalfe, ahead of the alphabetical list. Just so you know.
The current text shows the format of an amended bill, which takes some getting used to. I myself am not certain how much of what I am reading is existing law, but this much I know:
-- underlined text is added to existing law
-- [bracketed] text deletes existing law
-- ALL CAPS is new text added to a section of the bill that itself is new
-- strikeout text is deleted from a section of the bill that itself is new
I think that's how it works. I was looking for the key but didn't see it in a hurry.
I've noticed some tension at that intersection before. I think drivers just get annoyed that I keep pace with them the whole way on Pennwood to South. The whole "I can't be behind a bike" phenomenon.
oh and I forgot to say sorry that happened and that the cops blew you off.