2014-07-25 14:29:24
2014-07-25 14:36:06
Yeah, I saw that H300, too. Wonder if it's the one from the 3rd Avenue garage?
2014-07-25 15:27:33
I called the OP on the Third Avenue garage theft (he's a colleague of sorts) and left a message for him to check out the photo, and gave him the location of the thrift store.
Hopefully, he's in town, and checking messages!
P.S. Thanks for checking it out, Marko, and posting the photos.
2014-07-25 15:53:30
Wow... highly suspicious. How often do you see a used bike with a rack attached, let alone three?
Not to mention, a commuter that uses a rack is not all that likely to sell to a pawn shop whereas a thief is.
Not saying this shop is playing any sort of "active" role, but a passive role is just as bad if it gives thieves somewhere to dump a bike for drug money.
If any of those bikes are stolen, I hope the owner is a reasonable type that is willing to help out the same way that Craig has been (i.e. capturing video, working with police, honoring advanced notice that a bike is stolen and not buying any known-stolen bikes).
2014-07-25 16:06:49
2014-07-25 16:08:18
@drewbacca - let alone along with the bell and rear-view mirror (which seem identical to the ones shown in the stolen bike's photo).
2014-07-25 16:17:18
Taillight too... however, keep in mind that the photo that was posted was not a photo of the stolen bike so it's hard to compare.
2014-07-25 16:19:55
On Facebook I saw that someone has identified their bike at their shop. No word yet on the outcome.
2014-07-26 09:34:52
Yes.....the OP is reporting that "his" bike was found there. So, the two H300's appear to be the one and the same.
Although he did not say as much, I assume OP and bike have been reunited.
Here's the text of his post:
Rob Pfaffmann added 6 new photos.
9 hrs ·
My Bike Was found today at the Rt 51 Quick Cash Pawn Shop across from the Get Go … Bike Pittsburgh blog helped with its eagle eye members:
"….I saw an H300 for sale at Rt 51 thrift store in south hills,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15227/@40.371992,-79.98197,3a,90y,272h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s3pVOL5umgS7GkAnRFe8eRA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x8834f099dfd9d021:0xbddae253a080c779!6m1!1e1.
You may want to check it out. See pics at
2014-07-26 10:47:51
Wow. Bravo Marko. You have my total approval if you want to start wearing a cape around. This is the all powerful bike lobby.
I would be interested to hear what the police response was/is.
2014-07-26 11:59:09
this guy is now advertising his bikes on several local bike swap groups on Facebook. Here's his profile:
2014-07-26 13:00:29
and as soon as i called him on the stolen bikes he deleted the threads. definitely go look for your bikes at his shop.
2014-07-26 13:13:09
Hmm, I know a few people in common w/ that guy.
Does he own the place though? Says he graduated high school in 2012.
2014-07-26 13:49:43
no idea but he was representing himself as the owner. in his posts and private messages.
2014-07-26 16:54:05
beyond the ethics of it, anybody buying a stolen bike risks the loss of what they thought they were buying if a rightful owner shows up with proof of ownership. Such as, pictures and serial numbers in the I Love My Bike database.
2014-07-26 19:50:05
actually heres the funny part everyone. ...the seriel numbers didn't match the h300. so he got the same bike just NOT HIS BIKE. funny i think thats the same thing as theft.
2014-07-26 22:25:43
Actually, what's funny is that you are probably the one that stole and sold the bike and you're scared shitless right now knowing that the cops will be at your door any day.
You can stop with the lies now.
2014-07-27 00:00:19
How does @angel71529 know what the cereal numbers are on the alleged stolen & not stolen bikes?
I'm slow to pick up on funny.
2014-07-27 22:14:04
There are two threads on this. In the
other thread, the original owner stated the serial number of the recovered bike didn't match his bike store receipt (and I assume he never turned it over and took a photo of the serial number, pre-theft, so the receipt's all he's got).
Later, in a PM, the original owner told me there were certain unusual customizations and scratches on his bike and he recognized the recovered bike from those.
Why the numbers didn't match is a mystery, but there are a few obvious possibilities, like the bike store clerk copying down the wrong number.
On the other hand, if your
cereal numbers don't match, there's only one possibility, It means they reformulated your Count Chocula again.
2014-07-28 01:48:00
Like ^
2014-07-28 07:53:52
2014-07-28 11:06:01