I wonder how many takes it took for that narrator to get through this without cracking up at how cheesy it is.
Very interesting though. Didn't realize how labor intensive the process was. Now I understand why tubes cost $5 each.
I wonder how many takes it took for that narrator to get through this without cracking up at how cheesy it is.
Very interesting though. Didn't realize how labor intensive the process was. Now I understand why tubes cost $5 each.
Amazing how much hand work is done to each tire.
@dwillen--I'd say one take if you are only concerned about not cracking up. In an earlier life I was in radio and did voice over work. It's a job, you read the script they give you and you get good at it quickly. Usually you do several takes though because the client--or the ad agency--has a particular tone they want (or they just like bossing the "talent" around).
That was pretty cool, I was recently wondering how that is done.
Watch closely, I loved how they showed the point of the testing machine bent over after testing one of the tires for puncture, I think somebody was chuckling at that one, crazy Germans.