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Tool Lending Library Seeks Donations of Bike Tools

This summer, the Millvale Community Library hopes to launch Pittsburgh’s first tool lending library which will allow Allegheny County Library cardholders to check out tools in the same way they check out books. City wide, more and more people use their bikes to commute to work and for recreation. With this in mind, we’re putting special emphasis on bike tools. In particular, we’re looking for:
  • Bicycle Repair Stand
  • Bike chain rivet extractor
  • Cable stretcher
  • Cog remover
  • Sprocket remover
  • Truing Stand
  • Wheel Dishing Gauge
  • Pedal and spoke wrenches
A donation of any one of these tools would be great! All donations are tax deductible. You can drop tools off at the Millvale library or email Dan at to arrange a pick-up. Thanks!
2017-02-11 11:34:38
Great idea!
2017-02-11 11:46:18
Since I go right past there regularly, is there a checklist of some kind that I can look at to see what is still needed? Who would I ask for and what would I say?
2017-02-12 06:06:34
We're in the early stages of building an inventory, so pretty much any tool gets us closer to our goal. The "wish list" runs to about 16 pages. If you drop in, you can ask for Maria. I think she'd be more than happy to show you the list. Thanks for the interest and support!
2017-02-12 11:50:49