I biked Eliza Furnace Trail between Bates and Swinburne. With my 2.25 inch knobby tires I found it easier to bike through the fresh powder about 1 inch deep than to bike where walkers had packed down the snow. The latter created a bumpier, icier surface that made steering and balance trickier. I wouldn't want slick 23mm tires on that trail, unless riding a tricycle, perhaps. I recommend a low tire pressure. Hot Metal Bridge is similar.
Overall, biking is slow because of the powder, but not so icy that it's dangerous.
2018-01-01 17:16:42
@Paulheckbert 311 it.
2018-01-02 00:10:49
Bayard St / bigelow / ohara Bike lanes are still nearly impassable through most of their length.
Mostly rode in the main traffic lane. Had studded tires, but the deep snow was the major deterrent.
2018-01-02 08:46:51
Pocusset trail has been smoothed and is rideable. Eliza Furnace and the Hot Metal Bridge are still covered with packed, irregular snow and very difficult at best.
2018-01-02 08:58:33
As of abput 5pm, the EFT and Hot Metal bridge seem to be about the same. Packed by a few tracks and chunky, no fun to ride, possibly quite slippy.
junction hollow trail and saline st bike lanes were plowed and salted it seems. Mostly passable, some patchy snow, will be much better after a warm day or so. Watch for ice after refreezing.
2018-01-02 17:58:55
Bayard lanes still suck this morning. Did not use.
Looks like an attempt to remove a lot of snow from s. millvale bridge was made, but it still had a nice bit of junk in the bike lane. Did not use.
2018-01-03 10:15:09
Still the same this morning. Streets are mostly clear, PHT is as clear as any street, Eliza Furnace and Hot Metal Bridge haven't been touched.
2018-01-03 10:16:11
Got a finished 311 request (#205308) that said the Forbes Avenue bike lane was plowed by the Third Division. Anyone able to follow up on this?
2018-01-03 13:00:52
Well, neither the lane next to the Museum or the lane up to Schenley Dr were plowed as of late afternoon. So I think you're referring to the one in Frick, which I don't know about. Hope it really is clear.
2018-01-03 18:33:29
My ticket about bayard bike lanes was closed. The lanes are still mostly unridable and look untouched. Cool.
2018-01-04 10:24:16
The ticket was for the one in Oakland, maybe emailing James Hill, he's the special assistant to the Mayor, would be helpful? This is an instance where the DPW just straight up lied.
2018-01-04 11:07:44
Anybody know if the Jail Trail has been cleared?
2018-01-04 12:58:25
311 it again.
2018-01-04 13:38:10
My guess is that they'd never send someone with a shovel into the contraflow part of the bike lane anyway.
Again, where is the Pgh bike/peds coordinator? I'm not sure what exactly the job description for that is,.
2018-01-04 17:29:16
The Eliza Furnace trail is completely, beautifully clear. The Hot Metal Bridge is still untouched; I think we need a solution there.
2018-01-05 08:48:17
Bayard lanes are improved. Still troublesome in some spots, but much better. I used the lanes most of the way into work today inbound. Not sure about outbound as I wasn't paying great attention.
2018-01-05 09:54:09
Totally unrelated to cycling in Pittsburgh, but walking around the campus of Westmoreland Community College, the sidewalks were bare (unlike some of the parking lot, which was merely plowed), and were clearly swept clean by a brush sweeper. Probably something like one of these.
2018-01-06 18:14:46
Two large potholes on Friendship Ave, from the parklet towards Aiken. Just before S Evaline is particularly deep. Other is just before S Atlantic. Have 311'd but keep an eye out as I'm sure they won't get to it soon.
Negley lanes appear to be clear around Friendship, but I did not ride them. Use caution as things will melt and refreeze often this week.
2018-01-06 20:55:50
Use caution at the intersection of Devonshire and Bayard. There was a break of a water main of some kind in the North-east most part of the intersection. Ice is mostly on the sidewalk but as the temps will drop, could thaw and re-freeze.
Bayard lanes are clear mostly where they are not curbside.
2018-01-07 01:09:58
Should I put requests to clean accumulated snow on Ft. Duquesne, Smithfield St., and Hot Metal Bridge sidewalks. Does anyone know who to contact about these? Would someone like to meet me at one of these locations on Tuesday after the snow?
2018-01-07 13:26:39
2018-01-07 14:43:11
All will be moot when it starts snowing tomorrow at 5 am but north shore trail from Millvale to 30st bridge untouched. I was able to run on it. Mainly packed snow. I didn't see ice.
From 30th to the stadiums the trail was cleared and from the staining it looks like they used salt. It still had some icy patches which were minimal on foot but be careful on a bike, especially at night. River Ave is clear all the way down. That that if in doubt.
2018-01-07 17:01:21
This time of year, use North shore roads instead of NST. It's often only cleared right in front of stadiums and icy between. Patching clearing at best. Recommend riding in lane on 16th St bridge to E Ohio St for commuters to North Shore. Trail is not really good for bikes unless it's a fresh snow or everything melted and is dry.
2018-01-07 17:22:01
One Wild Pl. bike lanes 1/2 to 3/4 full of gray snow. Highland Park Bridge sidewalk covered in packed snow with several bike tire tracks going through it. Negley Ave Bike Lane southbound between Stanton Ave. and Margaretta St. are clear. I will post video once it's done processing.
2018-01-07 18:06:21
First ride of the year for me yesterday. Rode on the trail almost all the way to the Glenshaw bridge. Patchy snow/ice here and there, but passable. Once close to the eagle viewing area, no plowing at all. Knobby tires recommended. Also, the Hot Metal bridge is manageable but disappointingly unplowed. Hoping the rain and high temps wash it out soon.
2018-01-08 08:44:12
From the City:
As you may have heard already, this morning we closed the West Ohio Street Bridge in the Northside to vehicles indefinitely.
The immediate closure was necessary due to the continued deterioration of the bridge as evidenced from a recent bridge inspection, and the continued violation of the 3 ton weight restriction.
The bridge deck is open for peds and bikes to use, but we are making that signage now (as well as vehicular detour signs), and they won't be up until the middle of next week. I made sure barriers were placed such that bikes can pass.
2018-01-08 10:45:29
2018-01-08 11:05:58
Video of Highland Park Bridge and One Wild Pl.
2018-01-08 12:20:45
Use caution on South Negley Avenue southbound past Babyland. There's a large dumpster in the bike lane and partially blocking the travel lane. I will 311 this but a call to 911 tomorrow morning might not be the worst idea.
It is poorly marked, with only two traffic cones right on the corners of the dumpster.
2018-01-08 20:53:04
Why doesn't anyone keep these things clear? Can BikePGH get involved?
2018-01-09 07:03:39
Pocusset Trail has a thin layer of icy snow. I was glad I have my snow tires.
Eliza Furnace Trail is clear enough. Hot Metal Bridge is clear in some places, snowy and icy in others, especially the southern ramp.
As to why they don't get cleared, they're not a high enough priority yet. But we can get the city to raise their priority by 311'ing them and then contacting the council member's office for the district the problem is in when 311 doesn't do it. See
https://pittsburghpa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/OnePane/basicviewer/index.html?appid=60e53861a0d949dcb2e6ada977de98d2 for a map.
think that the Eliza Furnace Trail was cleared because I 311'd it last week. Didn't have any luck, yet, on the Hot Metal Bridge, but
brosha.tkacheva@pittsburghpa.gov from Bruce Kraus's office is looking into it. Keep those emails and phone calls coming. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
2018-01-09 09:00:33
@Jonawebb, Forget about getting anything done in most of the North Side! That's Darlene Harris's district.
2018-01-09 09:28:30
I took a tumble this morning at the bottom of the Junciton Hollow trail in the Run turning off of Boundary St under the Parkway, the bike and I are OK though...basically an ice rink at the moment. Be careful out there people!
2018-01-09 10:00:43
Negley lane from Baum towards Penn is half cleared. Saw the dumpster mentioned earlier; easy to see in daylight but definitely use caution at night. Friendship holes I reported were patched but some debris in lane. More holes near Howley, will 311 momentarily. Steel plates and construction on Penn at Friendship; use caution. 16Th st bridge road entry from Penn is breaking apart, will 311. Sidewalk looked clear. East Ohio lane icy and slushy. Motorists weren't paying attention to my right of way and nearly right hooked me; suggest using motorist lane. Commons lanes not clear, don't bother. Checked West Ohio St Bridge and it is blocked to motorists, signage going up. Really icy though. Has not been treated. Other North Side streets are generally good. I don't trust the bike lanes today. 311 all of them, because as things melt, there will still be debris.
2018-01-09 10:39:06
Went for a little ride around the East End today. Roads were wet and slick in some places, watch for re-freeze tonight.
Wilkins and Dallas bike lanes are slushy at best in most places and completely un-rideable in most, especially Wilkins.
Beechwood lanes from Wilkins to Fifth are also a mess. Uphill looks worse than downhill, but neither are really that rideable.
East Liberty lanes from Penn to Highland are also not great. Lots of potholes and cinders as well as slush. The northern side is clear-ish from Highland to Negley, but the other side is slushy and could be icy after tonight.
2018-01-09 12:44:25
Walkway and steps from South Bank to Midwood Ave. were shoveled and salted. No trouble traversing today!
2018-01-09 17:59:58
Everything was about the same as it was last night. Some patches were more clear, others got icier. But things should clear up today.
2018-01-10 10:03:30
Bayard / Bigelow / Ohara lanes were relatively clear today. S. Millvale bridge was pretty good.
2018-01-10 10:12:02
Millvale sucks. North shore trail completely ice in Millvale. ):
2018-01-10 10:55:18
Liberty bike lanes, especially between 40th and Strip, have tons of debris. 311'd. Especially use caution downhill from 40th towards Strip, as there's a good bit of debris next to the dumpster in the parking lane. Downtown Penn lanes have some debris but rideable. Clemente Bridge lanes looked clear of ice but had debris. I rode in the motorist lane, as there was a construction team on the bridge when I rode over, but they were leaving. North Shore Trail from Casino to Peggy's Harbor was good in spots, some snow/ice in others. Rideable with caution in some areas. Should clear out when things warm. If you use the parking lot at the end of N Franklin, use the further entrance on Oxline to the lot. N Franklin is blocked off right after United Refigeration's parking lot entrance. Manageable by bike, as the sidewalk is open. A lot of things will defrost, so make sure to 311 potholes and debris.
2018-01-10 11:04:14
Ice between stadiums (ie around water steps)on NST is very, very thin and clear. Ie, "black ice.". Ride slowly through area.
2018-01-10 13:03:12
North Shore Trail largely free of ice from Millvale park to Peggy's Harbor. Flyover bridge between 31st and 40th is thawing but still very icy at entrances and slushy in the middle. Snow is melting across the trail, so use caution after the sun goes down. Some icy spots near the boat harbors along the Ohio. Some deep potholes around; noticed near Heinz field and at the casino, right where it meets the trail on the north end. Landscaping crew between science center and casino, debris and trucks scattered around.
2018-01-11 10:29:42
In the weather forecast, I see rain tonight and tomorrow. On Saturday there is snow and a high of 21 F., Sunday Partly cloudy and high of 18F. Wind 5MPH. Does anyone think the conditions on Sunday should be ok for tag chasing?
2018-01-11 13:52:10
I am a year-round tag chaser.
2018-01-11 14:28:10
Depends on how much ice we get Friday into Saturday and how fast municipalities clear it.
2018-01-11 18:55:30
From my checking of the weather, it looks like it changed for the worse. I do not think anyone will be chasing it for the next week because of rain Friday, Below freezing temperatures Saturday and Sunday, snow Monday and Tuesday, and sub-freezing temperatures/high wind speed Wednesday and Thursday.
2018-01-11 20:27:39
North shore trail was clear today but will certainly turn into a shithole by 7 pm tonight when the snow/ice starts.
(See what I did there?)
2018-01-12 10:16:54
Sunday now looks ok.
2018-01-12 10:19:49
Is it safe to bike in 19°F with 12MPH winds? That's what's forecasted for tomorrow.
2018-01-12 19:16:56
I would ride in those conditions as long as roads are not icy.
As of around 630pm, roads were soaked. Any pothole is hidden by water. Debris getting pushed around everywhere. As it continues to chill, it will get icy and shitty. Use caution if you're out. Recommend alternate transportation until it snows and they have a chance to get to roads.
2018-01-12 19:22:59
What do you mean by alternate transportation? Also, what time does plowing and salting usually get done by?
2018-01-12 19:32:27
It is done whenever it is done. There's no set time.
2018-01-12 19:55:24
Does he mean buses and the T by "alternate transportation"?
2018-01-12 20:20:46
I mean car, personal or taxi/uber/lyft, walking or buses. Ice and gusting wind are the worst situations for winter rides, but it's also user's choice. Depends on what you're willing to deal with and how safe you feel on the roads. The roads get done when they get the chance to do them. Main roads will be first. 311 has a plow tracker you can check. It shows how frequently a road has had the truck to down it.
2018-01-12 20:38:10
It looks like most of the trails along the rivers in the city of Pittsburgh are we there flooded or close to flooded. Post-Gazette reported that River Avenue is closed. I would stay away both today and tomorrow until we can get a better idea of what is flooded and what isn't. It seems that a bunch of people got stuck on the Parkway East because the river was Rising very rapidly
2018-01-13 15:03:19
@ed, Is the Saw Mill Run Valley flooded?
2018-01-13 18:20:54
Looks like North shore trail around stadiums is only 0.2 feet away from flood stage.
Also, will go from crazy cold to super warm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That means that all this snow and ice (more than last week) will melt quickly meaning more floods.
2018-01-14 06:58:39
2018-01-14 08:37:32
Went for a walk today. North shore trail. 40th to 31st. River front drive is paved but not saltsd. So hard packed snow. Looks ok for bike with knobbies.
Flyover bridge to 31st bridge is all fluffy snow plus foot and bike tracks.
You can see where the river flooded some of the lower elevations off the trail. Huge ice sheets are left over there.
I stopped at 31st but looks untouched by city of pgh. River Ave looks clear.
2018-01-14 13:18:03
I rode around some. The side streets are still pretty bad and in a few places I didn't feel comfortable even with snow tires. Main roads are pretty clear and melting where there's sun.
2018-01-14 14:54:52
43rd St. below Foster St. has some slush and wet ice. Use caution in area (Especially near RR Tracks).
2018-01-14 16:07:19
To my own surprise, the Fort Duquesne walkway was plowed yesterday, though it's icy in some spots. I wonder if the Steelers game had anything to do with it getting plowed quickly...
2018-01-14 16:11:01
Pocusset Trail, Eliza Furnace, and the Hot Metal Bridge have all been plowed. Thanks to
brosha.tkacheva@pittsburghpa.gov for getting 311 the equipment needed to plow the bridge.
Hot Metal still has some problematic areas, though. Both ramps need work and the north end of the bridge has some places where the plows didn't reach, I guess.
And all these trails are still icy in patches, and have a thin layer of ice/snow that means snow tires are still a great idea.
And the city roads are still in bad shape, in spots. Pocusset Street between the trail and Hobart is really thick with snow and packed snow that has turned to ice.
2018-01-15 08:55:25
Where does Pocusset St. intersect Hobart St.?
Has the Junction Hollow Trail been plowed?
2018-01-15 10:39:22
River Ave and nst from Millvale to downtown one big Trump shithole®. All ice. Can see where it flooded. Pgh hasn't touched the street at all. Scary even on foot.
2018-01-15 10:44:50
@zz, sorry, I should have said Philips. It's thick snow from there to the trail.
I don't know if the Junction Hollow Trail has been plowed, I don't ride that way.
2018-01-15 10:48:12
Tomorrow, I would like to try some other ways of avoiding Library Rd. in Castle Shannon and Bethel Park. How are Bethel Park and Castle Shannon Boroughs with keeping up with the plow trucks? Streets in Aspinwall are still a mess.
2018-01-15 20:10:27
Frankly, I'd do it on foot. Plus, take note, it's going to be single-digit temperatures overnight, so even if they do plow and salt, it isn't going to make much difference. I plan on staying off the bike until some of this stuff goes away.
Tomorrow/Tuesday might be a good day to take note of who nearby has cleared sidewalks properly and who has not. All the snow should be done by noon Tuesday. But anything not cleared by nightfall Tuesday will likely be a skating rink by Thursday morning at the latest.
I wouldn't worry about the roads too much. All the elected officials will hear plenty about that from drivers. If I had nothing else to do, I would document the situation that on-foot residents have to deal with if they want to walk to a bus or a store on the main street. Sure, bikes can use sidewalks in residential areas, but the more arguable point would be whether someone in a wheelchair can get to the main street.
My two cents, anyway.
2018-01-15 21:26:26
Do you mean any street in Castle Shannon, Bethel Park, and South Park Twp. should be ok to bike on tomorrow? Should I bring A shovel with me just in case?
2018-01-15 22:13:26
Why aren't sidewalks that are not on anyone's property kept clear of debris, snow, and ice. A small plow should be run on walkways, bike trails, etc at least enough to keep these amenities usable. If they are public property or city owned, they should be keeping them clear of snow, ice, knotweed, broken glass, etc since it is obvious that these facilities are being used. What should I do if I crash and get seriously injured on the Highland Park Bridge sidewalk due to ice or a flat tire due to broken glass PennDOT's negligence in keeping these facilities free of garbage? Should I file a lawsuit against PennDOT and make them pay a fine for every week that goes by with snow, ice, and/or broken glass on the sidewalks?
2018-01-16 00:55:21
Friendship lanes about 1/2 clear, rode in the main lane. S. Millvale lanes not cleared nearly at all.
Bayard inbound to Oakland was closed between Devonshire St and N Neville St. Looks like digging @ neville / bayard intersection, not sure how easy it was to get around.
I took Devonshire to Ellsworth to Craig and found the Forbes inbound bike lanes to be full of deep chunky snow. Not fun, kind of slippy.
2018-01-16 08:27:06
here's a picture of River Ave and the trail from Sunday.
2018-01-16 09:54:40
I ran through that crap on river Avenue yesterday. Not one of my best life decisions.
2018-01-16 13:00:28
Yikes! River Ave. became a frozen $#!t#0%e!
2018-01-16 23:37:47
This article could have been printed in Pgh any year since 1787. Or whenever the city was founded.
2018-01-17 07:10:34
S Millvale lanes on the bridge are still flush with snow. There is utility work on the Baum side of the bridge, so use caution for big machinery during the day and one lanes possible. Liberty Ave lanes are mostly unusable. Rode in motorist lane. Be wary of deep potholes. The plows that did make it out this weekend are effectively chewing up the roads. Penn Ave was fine from 32nd to 6th. I did not use the bike lanes. There were tire tracks and some cyclist tracks. Clemente Bridge lanes looked snowy. I also did not ride those. Roads around the stadiums were wet but fine. Made the poor decision to ride around the casino to the trail. Some sidewalks at casino are plowed but not salted, some haven't been redone since new snow. Trail looked untouched. I chose sidewalks (not great either) to my destination in Chateau. Will take Manchester and Mexican War Streets in/out of North Side until this melts.
2018-01-17 11:28:36
I guess the city is leaving river Ave and nst a poop show until it all melts and refloods again and then recedes?
2018-01-17 12:40:36
Is biking on roads in 15 MPH wind and 31° F temperature safe and easy? I haven't been able to bike much at all for the last week because of the snow we've been getting and I am getting cabin fever. I did a little yesterday, but it was miserable.
2018-01-17 16:38:48
Panther Hollow Rd bike lane was plowed yesterday, near Phipps Conservatory, when I took this photo:
2018-01-17 18:07:33
@zz I think you'll be OK as long as you're cautious around snow and ice. I think the streets are in pretty good shape right now, at least the main streets. If you encounter snow or ice, just get off and walk or paddle with one foot.
I'm assuming you don't have snow tires. You can be at bit more aggressive with them. I'm always most afraid and cautious at the beginning of winter, and after a while I get used to it and feel more comfortable.
The most important thing I've learned is to never use my front brake when road conditions are iffy. If you brake with the front brake on ice your wheels will go out sideways from under you right away. It's amazing how fast it happens. You won't necessarily be injured that badly, maybe bruised or tear some clothing, but you won't like it.
But if you brake with your rear wheel and you're on ice, at most you'll fishtail and you can recover. It's a bit scary but not nearly so bad.
2018-01-17 18:57:44
Ditto with using your front brake on wet wooden canal bridges on the C and O. At least I heard about someone wiping out doing that. It wasn't me. you don't know them. They live in Canada.
2018-01-17 19:03:24
Western Ave. in Aspinwall is completely clean. 2nd St. had some slippery places between Western Ave. and Center Ave. I would avoid alleys if at all possible.
2018-01-17 19:09:41
Liberty Ave lanes are shit in both directions and particularly hazardous just after Herron at the lane shift from the strip. I rode in the lane all the way up and nearly got swiped by just about every car. Main drag in Bloomfield is a little better in some places. I 311d the lanes earlier and just put another strongly worded one in for that stretch in particular.
Main roads in North Side are in decent shape. Lots of hidden potholes everywhere. 2 craters at the end of 16th into strip in right lane. Smallman is clear enough but plenty of potholes in the stretch near all the parking. Only rode 2 blocks of Spring Way and didn't look like it has been plowed at all. Enough tire tracks to ride comfortably in.
2018-01-17 20:05:10
Any word on the Jail Trail, Hot Metal bridge, or the South Side trail?
2018-01-18 08:37:00
Liberty ave lanes between s.millvale and bloomfield bridge were a bit messy, but usable last night.
Bayard/Bigelow/Ohara lanes were terrible and unridable yesterday evening. They were clear for a couple stretches where they bumped out around parked cars, but nowhere else.
This morning, Forbes ave bike lanes inbound to Oakland were usable between Bellefield and Bigelow, but horrible betweenCraig and Bellefield.
2018-01-18 08:46:46
Any reports on the status of the north shore trail, river ave, 31st bridge sidewalk much appreciated tomorrow as it warms up as I'd like to go jogging there this weekend. It was a frozen hellscape when I went this past Monday.
2018-01-18 17:22:19
Jail Trail going outbound: Between Grant St and Golden Triangle bikes is in good shape. Between there and the end of the 10th parking lot there's more snow but generally passable. Beyond that, it has been plowed but not treated, leaving an irregular layer of 1" or more of snow; difficult to ride on skinny tires, so it will test your handling skills if you do so. Knobbies should be fine.
The access ramps from the jail trail to the Hot Metal bridge are untouched; pretty much anyone not on a fat bike will have to dismount and walk up to the bridge. The bridge itself has a hard-packed layer of snow, which actually makes it rideable. The ramps down are in a similar state.
I originally planned to go back on the South Side trail but figured it was probably in the same state as the jail trail, so I went back to downtown on Carson. It has a lot of potholes on the right tire track, so taking the lane is advisable. The sidewalks on the Smithfield St bridge looked fine.
This should all be gone by weekend's end.
2018-01-18 20:55:34
Yesterday evening, forbes ave bike lane between Pitt & CMU is unridable.
This morning, Bayard/Bigelow/Ohara street bike lanes inbound are mostly unridable almost the entire length.
2018-01-19 08:32:33
Eliza Furnace Trail has been plowed at least to the Hot Metal Bridge. The bridge is not plowed but the snow is packed down and not too bumpy, and rideable with snow tires. I couldn't ride up the northern ramp, though.
Pocussett Trail is plowed and clear.
2018-01-19 08:54:15
NST- Millvale to 31st untouched.
31st to 9th St bridge- plowed. Hard packed snow. River Ave completely clean.
9th St bridge until ???? - frozen hellscape/Trump shithole. Can barley get through on foot. Bike impossible.
2018-01-19 10:18:06
any word on the Penn Ave Bike lanes, today, Friday?
2018-01-19 11:29:34
Penn Ave bike lane last night: patches of snow and ice between Stanwix and 9th St, but generally passable; Mostly good between 9th and 10th. I don't know of anything beyond that.
2018-01-19 11:38:03
Jail trail was kind of sucky this morning, around 9:30 a.m. Yes, it had been plowed from the UPMC parking lot to about the Hot Metal Bridge, and ok if a little challenging. I found the rest of the way from there downtown to be not so great -- if it had been plowed, there had been additional snow after, and unfortunately the tire tracks from intrepid cyclists made things tricky at times. There was patchy ice and rutted areas. On proper mountain bike tires or certainly studs it wouldn't have been a big deal, but on even my 700x35s it was a challenge. If only it had been salted promptly, I don't think it would have been in such bad shape. I'm sure it will be fine by Monday, with the higher temps and rain, but I think for my afternoon commute, I'm probably going to stick to streets. I'm thinking maybe taking Center over into the East End. Does anyone else have any suggestions? I'm not really interested in taking Fifth or Forbes, I don't think.
2018-01-19 12:35:01
I like Penn better than centre but that puts you further north. I worry about centre in the hill being poorly plowed because it is Pittsburgh. If they can't plow sq hill or Shadyside properly and poorer neighborhoods get less service anyway...
2018-01-19 12:56:44
Your Citizen Service Request Details
Activity was posted on a service request ID#: 210855 that you filed.
Service Request Details
1/19/2018 8:17 AM
Snow/Ice removal
May eft get plowed
Activity Request Details
1/19/2018 9:07 AM
Given to supervisor for review and assignment.
Thank you for contacting Pittsburgh's 3-1-1 Response Center.
Live 3-1-1 Operators
2018-01-19 15:46:08
Penn Ave. closed between Main St. and 40th St. Had to detour via Davison St. Also closed between 11th St. and 10th St., Had to detour via Liberty Ave to Wood St. to catch 91 bus.
Penn Ave. Bike lane slush, 311 request ID: 211262
40th St. Bike lane slush and debris, 311 request ID: 211263
Fisk St. potholes, 311 request ID: 211267
2018-01-19 16:36:35
Point State Park is hard packed snow to slush the clear pavement. The part around the fountain as well as the lower trail part is still covered with ice.
The Penn Avenue cycle track can go from clear to slushy. Unfortunately most of the slush is right around intersections so be careful.
The 40th Street Bridge sidewalk is still not passable.
However, roads such as Butler, 40th Street Bridge, smallman, and Penn Avenue are very passable. Just watch out for lots of potholes especially on smallman
2018-01-20 10:48:12
The river trail between Point State Park and the Convention Center is impassable. Why, you ask? It looks whoever did the cleanup for the 10th St bypass just dumped all the debris onto the trail:
Don't expect to go through there any time soon.
2018-01-20 16:22:18
S Millvale bridge lanes are pretty clear, some debris remaining. Friendship lanes around the parklet were mostly clear but wet. Negley lanes from Friendship to Stanton in both directions are like half clear. Not a big fan of this reconfiguring because they can't seem to manage it. Shouldn't freeze tonight but recommend caution around corners and on bridges.
2018-01-20 18:32:59
@chrisent. Fuggggggg.....
Can you tweet this to Peduto?
2018-01-20 20:38:37
@chrishent: Yikes!
I just retweeted to Friends of the Riverfront, who manages that trail. The responsibilities, as I understand them: FOTR keeps an eye on the trail, via volunteer trail stewards (I'm one) who do light work (pick up litter occasionally) but if a tree falls on a FOTR-managed trail in Pittsburgh, or the trail needs plowing or mowing or other heavy equipment, FOTR notifies Pittsburgh dept. of Public Works, and they (eventually) clean it up.
This might be a different situation, since this news story suggests that it was probably PennDOT that dumped the ice and mud on the trail.
2018-01-20 21:33:41
Witt the extended closures in the Strip and now this that section of the trail is cursed
2018-01-20 22:15:13
Highland Park Bride sidewalk is passible. Not great, but not too bad. I do ride a mountain bike, but would take a road bike over it.
2018-01-21 00:46:30
Nst refroze last night. Is ice rink. Avoid for now.
2018-01-21 08:54:57
The Fort Duquesne walkway is clear. The trail section along both of the stadiums remains closed off by DPW; needs lotsa cleanup. Got on the trail by the casino, but bailed shortly before reaching the marinas; too much slush and no real need to deal with it. Went up to the observatory and then back all the way to the 31st St bridge on the streets, with no issues except for the odd salt mound here and there. The trail alternated long stretches of clear and slush.
2018-01-21 17:39:03
Hopefully 57-60 degrees tomorrow will take care of all the trails except for the boulder section. That's going to be a bear to clean once all those ice pieces melt.
2018-01-21 18:31:46
Eliza Furnace trail and Southside trail (Hot Metal to Smithfield St bridge) were 99% snow- and ice-free today. Some of the ramps at the south end of the Hot Metal Bridge had ice, but it was thin and it continues to melt.
2018-01-21 18:50:35
I checked out the Allegheny's riverbank trails on Sunday and found that there are miles of ice chunks and slabs, some of it 5 feet deep, along the banks of the rivers near the Point. The mess was exacerbated by the dumping of ice debris excavated from the 10th St Bypass, but even before that happened, the trails were a huge mess. This will take months to melt, won't it?
I don't get down to the Point in mid-winter much. Does this ice-flooding happen once a year? More? Less?
10th St Bypass under 6th St Bridge: trail buried in excavated ice debris 10 feet deep (click to see uncropped picture)
North Shore trail near PNC Park covered in ice chunks and mud
2018-01-22 01:12:52
I run and bike the trail year round. This type of flooding is very atypical. Usual flood is early spring, all water, water covers the trail. Mud and grime to clean up after.
However, with global climate change this type of flooding may increase over the years. Wild swings between deep cold and mid 50s with rain.
2018-01-22 07:08:13
Three Rivers Heritage Trail is good from South Side to Homestead, except for the low part near the eagle viewing spot. Challenging even to walk through.
2018-01-22 10:19:30
Pothole blitz, Thursday Friday Saturday. Report 'em all. make your ride better and save someone's teeth.
2018-01-24 10:54:07
30Th between Penn and Smallman was closed this morning. Looked like a water pipe burst.
2018-01-24 11:05:50
North shore trail clear between Millvale and Alcoa. At Alcoa is 3" deep mud plus ice boulders. I'd stay off trail until Carnegie science center or casino.
2018-01-24 11:46:24
Apparently, there were crews this morning removing debris from the river trail along the Allegheny between the Point and the convention center:
2018-01-24 13:51:55
A saw on a section of the trail outside of PNC park the ice boulders were moved from the trail to the grass. However this am it was only about 100 feet. It looks like they pressure washed the area too.
2018-01-24 17:11:08
Last night around 11 pm, roads in the East End were an ice rink. Be careful this morning till there’s a warm up!
2018-01-25 07:32:11
No problem on the roads and trails (Pocussett, Eliza Furnace, Hot Metal) this morning. Everything melted overnight.
2018-01-25 09:15:44
Bayard/bigelow bike lanes inbound to oakland looked like they had a little ice this morning in some spots, wasn't too slippy with studded tires, but YMMV. I bet it will all melt as soon as temps go above freezing.
2018-01-25 09:40:05
Use caution on Moorewood between Baum and Millvale when it is icy. Wednesday night I got a concussion. I don't remember what happened, but I believe I hit ice turning from Millvale onto Moorewood and then hit blacktop. I luckily live around the corner and am fine, but they are awful about treating the roads between Baum and Millvale. I've 311d it so we'll see what happens. I know a lot of cyclists use this corridor. Some spots still look icy today.
2018-01-26 10:03:17
So sorry! That's miserable!
I was riding in Oakland, eft, strip, junction hollow, n negley today at 10 and 11 am . No ice anywhere .
2018-01-26 12:54:25
North Shore Trail closed west of the River Ave./General Robinson St. trailhead. The wharf-like section is covered in icebergs.
2018-01-26 18:06:19
Sunny and 50 today so I geared up to survey damage on the North Shore. Majority of it is clean and clear from the Penitentiary to Millvale, at the submarine its a little muddy and in front of stadiums its soupy, but all passable except for area between PNC Park and VO Kayak Rental where you have to take the high road and go around. The old school knobby tires I'm running performed well, really impressed with that 70's oval tread design, good control in the slop with low PSI absorbing the rough, fun stuff!
2018-01-26 20:07:35
I biked past Eagle Lake today and a minute before I got there, three in this group hit the ice and went down while biking across Eagle Lake, I was told. I didn’t see any blood so I’m guessing the injuries weren’t too severe.
In retrospect I should have stopped, taken a stick or rock, and broken up some of the ice. (If one if you is out that way, perhaps you could do that?)
I communicated this to Valerie Beichner, the new executive director of Friends of the Riverfront, since they manage the trail here (up to the Glenwood Bridge). It seems that digging or gravel-piling that the Caruso & Sons paving people have done on the other side of the fence created a depression that caused this lake to form. The rock-filled swale (trench) that FOTR put in last year along the side of the trail helped, but didn't fix the problem. I don’t remember a lake here 5 years ago (does anybody else?). My suggestion was: if Caruso simply dug a channel from this spot toward the river, on their side of the fence, the depression would not exist and the lake would drain. Valerie wrote me that the FOTR people will discuss possible solutions.
2018-01-26 20:52:10
Yes. The runoff is all from the impermeable surfaces from that business. The solution should be paid for by caruso . This is a classic example of a negative externality.
2018-01-26 20:56:37
Call me old fashioned, but you wouldn't catch me riding bear knee on tiny tires with the current trail conditions.
2018-01-26 21:39:51
Rode thru there at 2pm today. Water had receded a little more, and less ice, tho still slushy. Eminently passable, even on my 23s.
2018-01-26 23:11:44
Pittsburghers are so thoughtful, they put handrails on their ice. (photo from last week, by The Iguana)
2018-01-26 23:51:01
From time to time, I maintain the drainage on a minor lake that forms along Perrymont Road in a strong rain. The problem there is large trucks from Peoples Gas park next to their pumping station, creating large ruts since the area isn't paved. Between the ruts and leftover leaf litter, water that trickles in from along the road cannot drain off. My solution is to dig even the tiniest trench crosswise through the leaves and ruts, allowing the water to drain. I often use the heel of my shoe to do this, it's so small a trench.
I say that to say this: I think it isn't going to take much of a rut to allow water to drain Eagle Lake. One person and a shovel, and just enough of a rut to let the water get off the trail.
A couple pics from my Twitter post.
2018-01-28 21:28:36
I think the biggest issue is the amount of run off from the impermeable surface at the business. The trench they dug was big but not big enough to prevent floods during the summer
2018-01-29 10:36:28
Wanted to fill this group in on a feature that we launched in LaneSpotter today. It’s called Alerts.
Alerts lets you drop pins on a map to notify other cyclists of real-time conditions in and around your city. Think Waze for bikes. There are three types of Alerts:
Conditions: Large potholes, objects on the road, bad road conditions, construction, and snow covered lanes.
Closures: Roads, bike lanes and trails.
Tips: Dangerous intersections, shortcuts, speeding, steep hills, railroad tracks/crossing and ticket traps.
Once people start to create these alerts, our next step will be to tie them into the city 311 system to get them resolved. If you have a sec, download the iOS app or visit the website and check it out:
2018-01-29 14:45:59
a feature that we launched in LaneSpotter today...
Sounds great... but you don't really provide any information about the service. For example, what are the pin symbols about? Is there (say) information about a condition?
Sure, we can all sign up and (maybe) find out. But it'd work better if people know what to actually expect. You know, documentation.
2018-01-29 16:29:05
Hi Ahlir,
Thanks for the feedback. We're a pretty early stage company, doing what we can with limited resources. Unfortunately, good documentation hasn't been created yet. You can find out more on our Facebook page, if you're interested. If not, that's cool too.
2018-01-29 16:39:28
^Yeah, I hate being a FREE employee. No thanks.
2018-01-29 20:22:14
Well, before posting I actually did look at your FB page, your blurb at AlphaLab, and some of your press coverage. And I still wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe it's me.
But as you realize (since you posted here), it's really important to get users on board. It lets you figure out what's actually going on: so you can debug, tune and so on. But to get people on board you need to articulate a clear value proposition: what do I get for the 'cost' of signing up, figuring it out, making it part of my routine, etc? You're asking me to invest my (limited) time: you should make it really clear what the payoff will be.
The map you have on your page shows an "alert" at the corner of Reynolds and Hastings (in Pt Breeze). Fair enough: a few months ago some utility had been digging up the street (though, I think, you could get by on a bike). But your alert is still there. Is this because your map is just made up? A snapshot? Or is it because you haven't addressed that whole db update problem? That matters to users, a lot. We need accurate information.
What's the alert importance level? Some of us know it was construction. But it could also have been a (minor) pothole someone found annoying, or a Florida-style sinkhole (which would have been totally cool, though impassable). It matters to people trying to plan their routes; but you're telling them too little about your technology for them to know how it might be useful.
I totally accept that you folks have way more than you can handle just getting things up and running, not crashing, etc. I know exactly what that's like. But in the end it's the users who will tell you where you need to go: make them want you.
(But even before that, all that market research stuff: Does your target demographic all use iOS? Or maybe it's mostly Android? For most consumers it's the latter...)
As someone once put it "everything is important".
Anyway, good luck.
2018-01-29 20:54:19
I posted here because I live and work in Pittsburgh. I’m a member of this community. You make it seem like I don’t care about what users want. That’s why I’m posting on a message board dedicated to road conditions. To talk to people who actually care about these things.
You say I’m wasting your precious time asking you to look at a technology that could help make our roads better and safer. Could keep other cyclists safe and help those who don’t ride as often as we do make smart decisions.
I’m a repeat entrepreneur. I understand market research and product market fit. I am literally doing everything I can to create something that is useful and helpful to other cyclists and bike advocacy groups.
Anyway, done posting here. Thanks.
2018-01-29 21:27:49
I’m a repeat entrepreneur. I understand market research and product market fit.
Then nothing I said should have surprised you. But I guess you're not a cyclist (I think), or maybe you don't really understand your target market (us) all that well.
All of us are focused on
"keep other cyclists safe and help those who don’t ride as often as we do make smart decisions". We know that's important: it's our motherhood pie [read this message board for background].
But we've also come to understand that good intentions are not enough.
The issue is how, exactly, are you addressing the problems that cyclists
actually deal with in real life? Talk to us, we're the 'experts': we actually ride bikes. Many of us, every day. And we all have friends we're trying to talk into joining us.
I mean, it's great that you know how to put together a pitch deck that the folks at the AlphaLab (who I greatly respect) find compelling. It'll get you some funding and a space. But in the end, if you want to succeed, you
have to deal with customers.
You found us. Talk to us.
But talk our language.
Do that real entrepreneur thing.
2018-01-29 22:46:35
Not sure why you assume BikeBurgh isn't a cyclist. I've met her IRL and can attest to the fact that she rides and has the typical n+1 problem. I guess there is no true scotsman.
I get that you don't want to download another app, but man, this came off as pretty harsh.
2018-01-30 08:21:18
But I understand the resistance. I'm being asked to spend time as a data entry clerk for a product that isn't mature and lacks documentation. It's fair to ask what return I personally get for that effort.
So far, the value prop has been limited to "you get the satisfaction of maybe helping another cyclist", which may not be sufficient incentive to motivate alpha testers or to achieve the critical mass needed to make the app viable.
In comparison, simple real-world activities like Stu draining Lake Perrymont or ZZ sweeping the HPB sidewalk or whomever replaced the mirror on the 90-degree turn in the Jail Trail chute... those have immediate, demonstrable benefit to the community, without being attached to the entrepreneurial profit motive, which might turn some people off.
2018-01-30 09:15:00
I apologize for coming off as harsh. It was not my intention.
And I most certainly have no issues with entrepreneurship.
But if you want people to help, you need to explain what you're trying to do.
2018-01-30 09:47:40
Jail trail was rideable this morning, though it had not been touched by plow or salt. Tire tracks suggested that at least one truck had driven from the UPMC parking lot toward the Birmingham bridge - not sure for what. I 311'd a request for plowing/salting - with the cold temperatures forecast for the next 10 days, early treatment will help keep it in decent shape.
2018-01-30 12:08:07
Hey some of what you said is interesting. The part about my co-worker not being a cyclist- haha! Way off. She rides to work in the worst conditions all the time. Makes me feel like a lazy bum. If you knew how hard we've been working on this and how much time we've put into getting feedback from cyclists and advocacy people you'd understand why it comes off as a little condescending. But let's put that aside because it accomplishes nothing.
In some ways you instincts are correct and we've heard similar cautions from other bike people around the country that we've factored into the development. We're trying to make something that really serves the audience using it which requires a lot of feedback and insight. So if you have thoughts or ideas you want to share I'm open to hearing it- and I'd appreciate it.
2018-01-30 12:45:32
One thing I'd like to do is to get back to the purpose of this thread, which is short updates on riding conditions. Please create a different thread for other stuff.
There's lots of thin snow out there, which will be ice by tomorrow. Look out for black ice in the morning.
2018-01-30 18:59:00
One thing I’d like to do is to get back to the purpose of this thread, which is short updates on riding conditions. Please create a different thread for other stuff.
2018-01-30 19:58:47
Some pretty minor ice here and there. Nothing thick. Pocussett Trail is clear, and the Eliza Furnace Trail has been salted at least as far as Hot Metal Bridge. The bridge is clear, except for some snow on the ramps.
2018-01-31 09:31:02
S. Millvale bridge is a bit icy, and some spotty ice on bayard / bigelow lanes inbound.
Outbound Bayard /bigelow Lanes were in great condition except around the bigelow/bayard intersection and from N. Bellefield to N Craig St (as usual, I don't think it gets much sun).
2018-01-31 09:48:27
Nst as expected. Millvale untouched. 1" snow ice . Pgh section plowed, no salt. 1/4" snow . Then mud/ice boulders after Alcoa. Disappointed trail is still shit after all these weeks and some decent weather .
2018-01-31 11:28:49
311 it
2018-01-31 16:21:38
They've been slowly slowly cleaning the ice boulders and mud .311 won't accomplish anything .It is a person power issue as well as the city not seeing this as a priority .
2018-01-31 20:01:45
I thought the more complaints submitted about the issue, the faster it would get done.
2018-01-31 20:45:27
Generally curious, does anyone know whose responsibility it is to clear snow from the sidewalk where PAT bus stops are located?
2018-02-01 12:05:43
Probably the landlord .
2018-02-01 17:24:32
Pittsburgh city code: "§ 419.03 - REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE.
Every tenant, occupant or owner having the care or charge of any land or building fronting on any street in the city, where there is a sidewalk paved with concrete, brick, stone or other material shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of any snow or sleet, or the accumulation of ice caused by freezing rainfall, cause the same to be removed from the sidewalk."
PAT bus stops outside the city would be under that location's rules, which might be different or nonexistent.
2018-02-01 22:56:45
If a bus stop is along a public road without a business or house, then we get into the classic"it is the county," "no, it's the city" "it is the state" and no one clears it .
2018-02-02 07:23:48
Pocussett Trail has been salted. Eliza Furnace has a thin layer of snow. There's some snow on the ramps of the Hot Metal Bridge but the bridge itself is clear thanks to the wind.
2018-02-02 10:01:49
Why does that keep happening? Is it due to pure laziness?
2018-02-02 20:55:49
40th St to liberty and then liberty to Bloomfield bridge is painful in a car . The bike lanes look bad , too . Hopefully the city will repave these this year .
2018-02-04 17:16:22
My tweet to the mayor re the trail in front of PNC park got him to light a fire under dpw and resulted in dpw posting pics of them clearing the trail on Friday...
2018-02-06 05:48:04
2018-02-06 09:05:50
It is unclear how much it actually opened up the trail. If anyone has recently been on the north shore trail between Alcoa and Heinz Field let us know. Of course will be a mess again by tomorrow.
2018-02-06 12:55:04
i'm 2 for 2 recently -- on River Ave next to north shore trail there is a row of trees outside the warehouse/truck depot between the washington landing peds bridge and the heinz apartments. The branches were very low and sticking out into the street. I filed a 311 tweet and the city pruned back the trees since they were in the right of way for the road.
2018-02-06 19:09:25
The Eliza Furnace Trail has been plowed, at least the eastern end, but not Hot Metal Bridge or Pocussett Trail. Look out for compacted snow turning to ice on the streets.
2018-02-07 09:25:08
Snow tires are much better than I thought.
Tertiary streets are pretty bad. Pocussett Trail was plowed sometime yesterday but has a layer of snowy ice. Eliza Furnace Trail is mostly clear. The Hot Metal Bridge has not been plowed but the snow has gotten packed down into a relatively flat ice layer that is, surprisingly, not that bad to ride on. The ramps have a mixture of snow and ice.
2018-02-08 09:33:52
Back alleys were bad, friendship ave bike lanes were impassible in parts, but moderately usable near the park. Bayard/bigelow/o'hara bike lanes were untouched and full of snow and chunky / icy stuff, nowhere near passable and won't be for days at least, had to ride in the main lane.
2018-02-08 10:04:59
Everything is the same, except that Hot Metal Bridge is perhaps even more treacherous, since the ice is now packed down and pretty smooth. Possible to ride with snow tires, though. I wrote Brosha Tkacheva from Dan Gilman's office; she said the city is still under a level 2 snow alert, which is why they haven't gotten around to tertiary roads, I guess.
I took the chute yesterday; it's impassable except on foot. It's heavily rutted and really impossible to ride. I doubt even today's 40 degree weather will be enough to clear it, since it's in the shade.
2018-02-09 11:16:28
Fisk St. is still Moonscape as the City did not patch the potholes. I had received notice that they were cold patched in January, but I called to report them again. 311 ID: 217445
Bike lanes on E. Liberty Blvd. between Beatty St. and Negley Ave. as well as on Negley Ave. northbound between E. Liberty Blvd. and Stanton Ave. are 1/5 to 3/4 full of ice, snow and/or slush. I'll report them now.
Chislett St. eastern sidewalk not shoveled between #1214 and Vetter St.
2018-02-09 15:45:40
New 311 requests:
Chislett St. sidewalk ------- 217576
Negley Ave. bike lane ---- 217578
E. Liberty Blvd. bike lane -- 217580
2018-02-09 16:01:12
I don't know, they may have fixed the fisk potholes and they could have just re-opened.
They fixed a bunch on 44th street, and now you can't even tell they were patched. I've since reported them again. There is one like 4 ft wide and pretty deep near the intersection w penn.
2018-02-09 16:03:36
Liberty ave was pretty good, with some spots of snow.
big potholes on aiken near the bridge expansion gaps
2018-02-09 16:35:13
Temps are going to stay above freezing until Sunday night so hopefully a lot of melting will happen. And 48 wed and 51 Thursday!
2018-02-09 17:45:09
Millvale to north shore apartments all ice on trail. Trail ok between apartments and 6tg st bridge. Then mud city. Dpw is cleaning today!!! Use streets between stadiums
2018-02-10 10:53:08
6th/Clemente Bridge bike lane clear, but an enormous pile of nope blocks access to the 6th St bike lane. As if the car parked in it around 1:20 p.m. wasn’t bad enough.
2018-02-10 19:18:48
I have to say, tha's pretty damn funny.
2018-02-10 19:31:44
Tomorrow has a high of 36°F. Is the low of 25°F tonight going to make riding tomorrow difficult? I want to do some significant riding really bad.
2018-02-11 14:06:49
I think the streets will be OK.
2018-02-11 17:08:50
Does that include the South Hills?
2018-02-11 18:44:26
We may get a dusting of snow tonight and it looks like we won't get above 32 until 1 p tomorrow. If the roads in Aspinwall are ok then they should be ok in the South Hills.
2018-02-11 19:46:27
Frick Park's trails, even the wide gravel ones, were still very icy Sunday afternoon. I was walking them with traction cleats, but people attempting to walk them without were slipping a lot.
2018-02-12 01:23:43
Now everything is covered with fluffy snow.
2018-02-12 06:41:10
Yeah, watch out. The unexpected snow is messing up the commute. On side streets it's packed down to ice. Pocussett Trail, Eliza Furnace, and the Hot Metal Bridge are all unplowed. The thick snow on Pocussett and Eliza isn't hard to ride on with snow tires, and the ice on Hot Metal from footprints is not too thick. Hopefully it will melt this afternoon.
2018-02-12 09:14:43
Mostly slushy snow occasionally on Friendship lanes.
Lots of ice on S. Millvale in shady spots by the bmw dealership and bridge.
Side streets around lawrenceville / bloomfield were untouched mostly (except hills), and bayard / bigelow lanes were mostly unusable with the exception of where bayard turns in to bigelow to where bigelow turns @ o'hara.
Most of it is filled with slushy snow that will likely melt down if temps rise much today.
2018-02-12 09:23:16
Snow in Aspinwall and Lawrenceville is melting. I left my bike at home this morning and hopefully I can ride a little later. I do not want to damage my new cassette, chain, and cables because of the dirty slush. If this kind of snow falls tonight, I will be very angry.
2018-02-12 11:22:56
Is this the day in which the morning commute is hellish (snowy and icy) and the afternoon commute is basically 100% clear? Looking out my office window in Aspinwall all the sidewalks and streets which were snow covered at 830 am are completely clear...
no snow expected tonight, but a low of 12 is. but it'll be above freezing by about 1030a tomorrow and then up in the low 40s again.
2018-02-12 16:22:36
40s-60s for the next 7-10 days. Yay! Hopefully there will be a pothole blitz and they'll finish cleaning the north shore trail.
By the way, 40th Street to Liberty to the Bloomfield bridge is dreadful. Hopefully that is on the list to pave this year.
2018-02-13 07:01:36
Tuesday 2/13/18 - hoping to go from Allegheny Center to the Strip for lunch. Has anyone seen conditions today for either 1) Penn Ave bike lane or 2) North Shore Trail upriver of PNC Park?
I skipped the trail on my way in since there were still some sketchy spots on the West End Bridge sidewalk.
2018-02-13 09:12:40
As of last Tuesday NST was clear from PNC to Penn Brewery.
Penn was clear - if not patchy - up to 11th this morning and likely the rest of the way as well, but I can't confirm.
2018-02-13 10:35:18
2018-02-13 14:08:06
Reporting back: Penn Ave bike lane mostly clear from 6th to 16th St except between 10th and 11th where there was some frozen slush. Most people would probably bike over it, but it had the exact consistency of the slush I wrecked on last year. I went with the scooter approach of 1 foot down.
Oh and there was a semi truck parked in the bike lane between 7th and 9th. Because sure.
2018-02-13 14:59:05
Village of Eastside. New bike parking covered in snow. Parking lot has many deep holes as well so traverse with caution.
2018-02-13 16:38:06
North shore trail in Millvale is swampy. Use the road. Pgh portion down to the stadiums are fine.
2018-02-14 12:06:19
Flood watch for all the usual places Friday night into Saturday. (point, mon wharf, Elizabeth)
2018-02-14 13:29:05
Have some heart for the trail...Flying Fish Heads at the Point, North Shore Warshing, What's the Point
Valentine's Day 2018 Fish at The Point
Eat 'em Up Yum
North Shore Valentine's Day Cleanup
Valentine's Day 2018 The Point
2018-02-15 01:46:28
When the flooding ice boulders and mud are on a trail it takes over a month to clean up. When same ice/mud is on River Ave it takes less than 1/2 a week.
2018-02-15 07:08:38
The Iguana took a surprising interest in the fish:
2018-02-15 10:30:18
Not so surprising...It's Lent!
2018-02-15 10:42:01
They were patching Moorewood from Baum to Centre this morning. I don't know if they did anything else but hopefully they're filling deep potholes all day. That said, be on the lookout for debris and uneven patching.
2018-02-15 12:31:44
Lots of rain (1.5-2") between now and Friday am increasing chance of flooding at point and Mon wharf Friday and Saturday.
2018-02-15 16:55:07
North Shore Valentines Day 2018 Cleanup
2018-02-15 21:42:23
Looks like flooding at the point nd mon wharf will happen. Be careful.
2018-02-16 04:54:52
River cresting tomorrow at 25.1, same height as ice flooding last month. Ironically this is worst flooding in over 10 years as typically floods are 18-20'. Supposed to recede quickly though.
2018-02-16 09:38:08
2018-02-17 19:06:36
Stevenson St. is ripped up between 5th Ave. and Forbes Ave. Closed until November.
2018-02-17 21:49:22
Pocusset Trail warning:
I witnessed a serious wipeout today directly caused by surface conditions. I was helping with the Pocusset checkpoint during the Frigid Bitch ride. A woman hit a large patch of mud and flipped over the bars into the ditch. She narrowly missed a brick drain culvert. She got up and rode off without help, but wow, that could have ended very differently.
This mud patch covers half the road surface. If you go that way, particularly in the dark, stay closer to the Parkway side and you will miss it.
2018-02-17 23:02:49
Would leaving Western Ave. in Aspinwall riddled with pits and potholes hole discourage excessive through traffic that should stay on Freeport Rd?
There are signs noting of a closure of Freeport Rd. and Main St. near the Highland Park Bridge. Since the is no other road connection between Aspinwall and Sharpsburg How are the 1 and 91 buses going to be detoured given there is no room for buses to turn around in Sharpsburg? Will the 91 stay on Butler St. and cross the Highland Park Bridge instead of the 62nd St. Bridge?
2018-02-19 18:14:38
it'll just be closed this weekend for a day or two. the 6 month closure starts in april. Detours haven't been posted yet.
2018-02-19 20:35:17
On Wed. 2/21, Northside trail was fine upstream of the 9th Street Bridge, but much of it was covered with .5 to 1 inch of mud from 9th St to Heinz Field. From the Science Center downstream, the trail was easily bikeable again.
2018-02-22 15:33:44
It is going to flood again this weekend.
2018-02-22 17:30:25
ohio river currently at 22 feet (well above flood stage) and expected to peak at 26 feet sunday night and then take 2-3 days to drop back down to below flood stage. At 26 feet all the usual stuff is flooded -- the bathtub, the 10th street bypass, all the downtown trails, etc. At 26 feet the SCI Pittsburgh area of the trail begins to flood too.
Will be interesting to see if any of River Avenue floods again. when I went running on Wednesday there were obvious mud covered areas of the trail off of river avenue that were flooded recently.
200 manufacturing concerns and companies in Pittsburgh are affected by flooding. Heinz Field playing field is flooded. Point state park is flooded to the Portal Bridge.
River Avenue on the North Side begins to flood.
Pumping operations begin on Neville Island. The Wood Street T station facilities are impacted. Fort Pitt Boulevard is closed.
State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh is impacted.
The Parkway Central (also known as the bathtub) is closed by flooding. Lower North Side businesses are affected.
The fountain in Point State Park is flooded.
Clemente Park is flooded.
Water reaches the top of rail of the B & O railroad on the North Side of Pittsburgh.
The Tenth Street Bypass floods.
Water is up to one foot deep in the lower areas of the North Shore Riverwalk.
The Mon Parking Wharf is completely flooded.
Water begins to flow onto the north shore riverwalk between the stadiums.
Water begins to flow onto the Monongahela Parking Wharf.
2018-02-22 19:37:37
2018-02-22 21:52:58
The water was almost at trail level on the lowest parts of the NST around 8:45 am this morning. From Millvale to the Warhol Bridge it is fine, but it looked muddy between the Warhol and Clemente Bridges so I got off. If the rain keeps up as expected I'd advise floaties for any trail riding.
2018-02-23 09:41:59
Will be interesting to see if the rain will get up to the PNC park wall.
2018-02-23 09:43:44
From an article in the PG:
City officials in Pittsburgh are taking action already. The city said Friday morning that it would close bicycle lanes along Penn Avenue Downtown to allow Pittsburgh Allegheny County Thermal heating company to deploy pumps to protect its underground assets in the area; if the pumps are used, further closures along Penn and Fort Pitt Boulevard could be necessary.
2018-02-23 14:29:33
Thanks for the heads up about the downtown closures, good to know if I go out for a weekend ride.
2018-02-23 16:16:01
That's not a big deal since you can just ride on Penn. However I'm sure there will be pumping equipment in the bike lanes and, if there is flooding, pumped water all over Penn Ave.
Edit: duh, just remembered Penn is one way...
2018-02-23 16:28:03
I rode the NST today all 6 miles. It was fine except for the section between Alcoa and heinz field. No water, but very, very muddy.
we have gotten less rain this weekend so far than predicted, but Ohio river still predicted to peak at 25.2 feet Sunday night after whatever rain we get plus lots of upstream water. So be careful on the trails around the point/downtown Sunday into Monday.
I also rode up Penn -- I saw the pumps out there around where the highmark building was. I rode on liberty for a few blocks and cut back over around 9th and the cycle track was fine all the way to the strip.
Smallman is a minefield. horrible potholes everywhere until you get past the church. Then a few more.
2018-02-24 19:10:27
I do not know where to post this so I'm posting it here.
Lots of illegally parked cars in both outer lanes on Blvd. of the Allies between Charles Anderson Bridge and at least Ward St. There are "No Parking" signs with no times or day of week specified?
I'll post video link after I upload the video.
2018-02-25 17:44:03
2018-02-25 18:21:18
Next time call 911, tell them that this isn't an emergency. And then tell them about the parking issue.
In this county 911 is for emergency calls but also for non emergency issues. In Aspinwall if you want the locked park open you need to do the same thing. Call 911. It is crazy but that's the system. But better than determining which one of probably 90 police forces have jurisdiction and then trying to find the non emergency# then hoping that when you leave a voice mail on it some actual checks it and does something about it.
2018-02-25 19:20:55
Looks like the downtown trails should be river water free by Thursday.
2018-02-26 08:04:49
Call 911. It is crazy but that’s the system. But better than determining which one of probably 90 police forces have jurisdiction
One caveat: You actually need to know the name of the jurisdiction you're in. A while ago, I was trying to report an accident I witnessed but could only describe the road I was on. That was not good enough for the person on the line. I'm sort of hoping they've improved the system since then (at least a decade ago).
2018-02-26 15:45:10
there was a bunch of mud on the North Side trail, in and around 6/7th St Bridge. I didn't ride it because i turned into the neighborhood, but it was significant.
2018-02-27 11:14:42
Looked like a lot of the point and stadium area on North Shore Trail were underwater last night, I'm guessing it will be mud city in either place.
2018-02-27 11:36:14
Looks like w continued rain the river walks will be flooded through at least Monday. Then expect a few more days for mud cleanup.
2018-02-28 06:55:36
NSt between alcoa and Heinz Field dry but mud covered. Possibly rideable today. Not after tomorrow's rain
2018-02-28 12:45:23
Icysnowrain overnight. Be careful in the morning.
2018-03-01 22:22:45
Notice up that North Shore trail around the Science Center will be closed starting March 5th. It didn't have a time frame.
2018-03-02 07:34:25
I saw no problems this morning. There were a few small branches here and there, and lots of wind coming over the Hot Metal Bridge, but no ice etc.
2018-03-02 09:22:19
A few branches in bayard street bike lanes near craig st.
2018-03-02 11:04:17
2018-03-02 12:35:31
Sorry to cross post, but seriously be careful on river Ave railroad tracks. One of the buffers around the rails is completely gone. There is a huge hole 1'x1'x1' right where people bicycle. And to the right is loose rocks and mangoed buffers and to the left are mangled buffers.
I 311ed it but city doesn't seem to concerned/are trying to pass it off as csx's concern since they own that orphan track.
2018-03-02 15:39:52
Caution on the bend downhill on Penn Ave towards where it meets Butler. Deep potholes on the turn.
2018-03-03 15:39:20
I rode through sleet yesterday. Cool.
The sinkhole craters on Ellsworth are starting to creep out from under the steel plate they threw on top. Mostly a driver issue at this point. But they're creeping out more and more every day. Cool(?)
2018-03-08 21:50:52
only cool if you fall in and find an alternative universe exactly the same as this one but with well paved streets.
2018-03-09 20:54:42
The North Shore Trail is back to being bikeable its entire length. The parts by the stadium that were flooded are covered with a thin layer of mud but when it's dry it doesn't seem to be much of an issue. There is a leaking fire hydrant outside of the area by The Peoples Gas building on the North Shore Trail between the stadiums which freezes over at night so just be careful for about a foot of ice (width). I 311ed this.
The area behind the Carnegie Science Center is still blocked off.
2018-03-10 17:50:51
In other northside news... Gerst Way bridge, connecting east street bike lanes to Hamilton St (to avoid the one way section of east st) is closed. No great detour. Options are sidewalk (if heading towards Deutschtown or Maybe cross the east street bridge and ride the shoulder after you hit the 3 lane segment of east street.
Twitter Thread link
2018-03-12 13:29:11
Trails and roads are fine today but it is painfully cold (wind-chill) out.
2018-03-14 11:06:31
Everything's pretty snowy. The city's doing a good job plowing, but the snow keeps coming down. Side streets are not good. Pocussett Trail hasn't been plowed, but the snow is soft and not that hard to ride on. The EFT was plowed recently and was clear when I was on it ten minutes ago. It looks like somebody tried to clear the Hot Metal Bridge, but the snow just overwhelmed the cleared area.
2018-03-21 09:26:22
hopefully this will all melt by Saturday or Sunday and not show up again until December.
2018-03-21 10:38:20
I'm assuming that since it'll be warm during the day from hereon out to melt the snow in 2-3 days that we should assume the trails are covered until nature melts then?
2018-03-22 07:40:33
The side streets are pretty clear. Watch out for black ice. Pocussett Trail was very difficult, unplowed icy irregular snow. The EFT is plowed. Hot Metal Bridge's thick snow / ice is packed down and bumpy but not too difficult to ride on.
2018-03-22 09:58:01
Bayard / Bigelow / Ohara bike lanes were partially clear inbound. The segments that usually suck outbound currently suck (from the newman center church to Neville).
Friendship lanes were okay around the park.
S. Millvale bridge was 1/2 melted, hopefully will get better with warmer temps this afternoon.
A lot of side streets and alleys were in bad shape this morning in Lawrenceville / Bloomfield.
2018-03-22 10:04:03
EFT/jail trail is plowed only from the east end to the Birmingham Bridge. After that it’s in pretty bad condition till the Liberty Bridge - for me, unrideable. I walked. Rutted ice, black ice, etc. I’m hoping it will improve over the day.
2018-03-22 10:06:24
Be careful of ice patches on the shoulders of Allegheny River Blvd.
2018-03-22 18:35:22
my Achilles is bugging me (damn 1/2 marathon training on old shoes), so I'll probably go biking tomorrow am on my usual route (North shore trail, northside, the point) and I'll report back anything amazing.
there was actually much more melting today than I expected. Then again, it is spring, and we're that much closer to the sun and the sun is at a higher angle and present for more of the day than during the winter, so I guess it makes sense.
2018-03-22 19:16:12
The street are clear. Pocussett Trail has been plowed and is clear. The east end of the EFT is clear. Hot Metal Bridge alternates between mostly clear and extremely icy. There's a very smooth, slick patch of ice on the southern ramp (ask me how I know).
2018-03-23 09:13:49
Bayard lanes were pretty good this morning. Outbounds is mostly fine as well, but you might find a spot or two that's sub-optimal.
2018-03-23 10:35:00
NST was almost 100% clear minus some icy patches under bridges.
2018-03-24 12:33:55
A fabulous day for biking!
Penn Ave lanes just fine. Spring Way totally clear. Smallman as well.
(Ok, I avoided the EFT and went down Fifth... quicker, in any case.)
My only contretemps was crossing that fabled North-West Passage: there's (still!) this bit of limestone that you have to ford at high speed, lest you get get stuck in the stones. How hard can it be to get it paved over? The construction work was done a while ago.
2018-03-24 18:14:16
Beautiful day! I biked from Aspinwall to Shadyside, then I did a vlog on the East Liberty TOD as I walked around. After I rode all around East Liberty, I biked to Morningside to catch the 75 across the Highland Park Bridge In an attempt to avoid a crowded bus.
What is the North-West Passage?
2018-03-24 18:22:15
Not sure who was doing it, but big thanks to whomever has been cleaning off Ft. Duquense bridge this winter.
The last few winters I went out of my way to not go across Ft. Duquense because of all the ice and foot traffic creating a serious hazard.
2018-03-24 22:01:44
Then again, it is spring, and we’re that much closer to the sun and the sun is at a higher angle and present for more of the day than during the winter, so I guess it makes sense.
Angle, yes. Closer, no. We're actually
getting farther from the sun. The sun is closest in January. That makes northern hemisphere winters a few days shorter than southern hemisphere winters.
2018-03-25 10:13:15
I biked from Oakland down Neville & Boundary to EFT to Hot Metal Bridge to Glenwood Bridge, and aside from a few piles of snow to dodge, it was all easily bikeable. Eagle Lake is shallow and covering only half the width of the trail.
2018-03-25 13:59:45
Duck Hollow Trail was damaged by our rainy February. A hundred-foot-long section of hillside slumped toward the river by about 5 feet, causing cracks in the Duck Hollow Trail in a few spots. location N40.40510 W79.92525 . Based on the sawhorses and sign, it appears that the city's Department of Public Works knows about this.
From the trail, if you walk 30 feet toward the railroad tracks, you see a huge new crack in the hillside that wasn’t there before. The crack is about 50 feet long and 8 feet deep.
If you skirt around the sawhorses, the trail is bikeable downstream from this sign. It's silly of the city to put up this sign that will be (and should be) ignored by most people who venture out this way.
I'll upload photos once flickr resumes working (it's failing today).
2018-03-25 14:17:19
I’ll upload photos once flickr resumes working (it’s failing today).
If you click through to their "old" upload interface, things work.
Damn Russians...
2018-03-25 20:23:22
Clear roads and trails this morning. They've started the construction on the Greenfield bridge. The bridge is down to one lane in each direction, with no bike lane.
2018-03-26 09:31:12
North Shore trail in front of PNC/Heinz has been hosed off and looks like a normal concrete path. I would guess they are doing more cleaning, but that is the only section I could see while going over Ft. Duquense Bridge to work.
2018-03-26 11:58:15
Pictures to go with yesterday's post about Duck Hollow Trail.
Cracks in asphalt (photo from 3/24):
30 feet up the hill is the new huge crack that opened up, parallel to the trail (photo from 2/26):
2018-03-26 21:51:54
Apparently, something large (think... motor vehicle of some sort?) hit the fence on the Hot Metal Bridge and the fence juts into the bike/ped side of the bridge.
Heads up, or you'll ride right into it.
2018-03-27 12:48:22
The trail near Carnegie Science Center is torn up, currently closed for construction of the museum expansion, with an on-road detour marked (poorly) with signs. (The trail used to be where the excavator is sitting).
2018-03-27 18:38:07
A few portions of the liberty ave bike lanes (especially between pearl and taylor) are completely missing the outer lines (toward the center of the street). I put in a 311 ticket.
2018-03-28 10:18:31
re: teh CSC, the trail is still there, but covered under a ton of dirt. the expansion has a completion date of "Summer 2018" so hopefully they'll get the hillside fixed up soon. the outside of the building looks almost done.
2018-03-28 20:46:35
North shore trail by the stadiums will flood again early Saturday morning. Just when they were cleaning it up from January.
2018-03-29 16:06:42
Forward/Commercial in Squill closed again from Summerset to the Irish Center due to a repeat of the landslide concerns that closed it a couple weeks ago.
2018-03-29 21:57:38
The closure of Forward Ave between Summerset Dr and the Irish Centre is a plus for cyclists and pedestrians: the road is a lot safer for both groups now!
At Wednesday's meeting about McFarren St, Pat Hassett of the Department of Public Works said they plan to put up concrete jersey barriers around the cracks in Duck Hollow Trail mentioned earlier (
http://localhost/message-board/topic/2018-riding-conditions-report/page/7/#post-352135). I guess they think sawhorses around the crack aren't enough. And officially close the downstream end of Duck Hollow Trail. I suspect many people will skirt the barriers and keep on walking/biking. They have no plans to fix the trail. The lesson seems to be: if we want it fixed, raise a fuss!
2018-03-31 23:39:27
Eagle Lake was probably 100 feet long and 3 inches deep yesterday. Location: 40.394803, -79.938841
2018-04-01 13:03:18
Clearly the fix for eagle lake wasn't sufficient with the amount of runoff fro the business next door.
2018-04-02 12:35:22
There is also water coming from the train tracks above as well, I rode around the lake on the railroad ballast on Sunday and saw a pipe directing water towards the 'lake' coming from under the raised mound/railroad tracks.
2018-04-02 12:48:28
It's natural and almost inevitable that land up the hill from the trail would drain toward the trail. But the depression that causes the lake to form resulted from the actions of Caruso & Sons ("Pennsylvania's commercial paving specialists"), the business between the trail and the river. It appears to me that Caruso has raised the ground level with their numerous gravel piles, creating the depression. If they took one of their bulldozers and scraped a channel between the fence and the river, the lake that floods both the trail and some of Caruso's land would drain.
2018-04-02 13:13:01
Gotta think that deliberately creating a drainage channel to the river is something that a business might have some pause over.
2018-04-02 13:49:08
Other issue is that it is a huge, basically impermeable lot. So all the rain has to run somewhere. There are other dips in the trail without standing water.
2018-04-02 14:02:35
Ohio may crest at 20 feet Wednesday during the day after a poop ton of Tuesday rain. So north shore may flood...
2018-04-02 20:54:36
North shore trail flooded. Probably the lower point walkway too. Should receed by Friday.
2018-04-04 06:01:51
here's an update from the Science Center about the trail closure:
I am writing with a quick update regarding construction along the trail adjacent to Carnegie Science Center. The weather has not been kind to us these past weeks. Between the record rainfall in February and the late snow, site work has been delayed. I am attaching an image taken just this morning; we’re flooded again.
The construction team tells me they need at least four days of continuously cooperative weather (i.e. no rain or snow) to complete the connector portion of the trail at Allegheny Avenue. Their hope at this point is to reopen the week of April 16.
We are sorry for this inconvenience, but please know they are pushing as hard as they can. I will keep you posted as work continues.
2018-04-04 09:11:51
The Science Center has done a pretty good job of limiting closures, I'm not too upset about it.Hope the trail gets reopened soon.
2018-04-04 09:18:03
I'm honestly more worried about what happens when the casino decides to break ground on that new hotel they are planning adjacent to the trail.
2018-04-04 09:18:38
North shore trail clear end to end this morning.
also, the food truck park opened last night (?) in Millvale.
Pros -- food and drink and the end of the trail
3 portapotties at the end of the trail.
Should decrease the desolateness of that area after dark.
Cons -- parking is already really tight on nice weekend days, will be a lot worse. Will see how creative people get parking back there on Riverfront Drive.
2018-04-07 09:40:07
2018-04-07 12:15:15
2018-04-08 06:38:04
If you're riding the north shore trail between the casino and the prison look at some of the marina docks over there. Just noticed today how mangled so many of them are from the winter floods.
2018-04-08 11:20:04
Yup, noticed yesterday that at least one of the concrete tables on the dock is damaged beyond repair.
2018-04-08 13:17:58
Peggy's harbor's most upstream docks are destroyed. I can't tell if they were old, unused wooded docks or if there was aluminum over a wooded frame and the aluminum was all sent downstream.
A concrete table was smashed outside sci pgh at the woods run fishing club little park.
2018-04-08 16:11:23
Liberty in main drag of Bloomfield and Friendship around the parklett have lost their car side lane lines. 311ing but be careful as a lot of motorists have been oblivious to the space.
40th downhill from Penn to Butler is a mess. Hadn't ridden it for a while and definitely don't recommend in wet weather or night. Potholes and lumpy patches.
North Shore Trail just before Warhol Bridge from the East has a few piles of debris that look left over from flooding.
2018-04-08 18:55:36
The work on the Greenfield bridge is done. I don't see the point of it. What they did was to add some handrails at the four corners of the bridge. They sit on top of the Jersey barriers dividing the bridge area from the hill leading down to the Parkway. I don't know what function the handrails serve, except as an artistic detail. They certainly don't make it harder to climb over the Jersey barriers, if that's the intent. The ones on the eastern side of the bridge are especially unnecessary, since nobody's supposed to be walking there.
2018-04-09 11:30:19
in the millvale section of the north shore trail by the far parking lot and the new food truck park there were signs up on a stretch of the trailing saying, "Do Not Park on the trail!"
those weren't there last week.
was anyone at the food truck park when it was open last weekend? What was the parking situation like?
Unfortunately that Riverfront Drive only has limited parking capacity and it is cut off from the rest of Millvale by 28 and the tunnel to get back there as well as a very busy connecting street for people trying to get on 28. Parking woes and people blocking the trail were easy to predict...
2018-04-11 17:41:07
More a permanent change than a day-to-day condition: The newly refurbished 7th St (Warhol) Bridge now is a single lane outbound. The inbound side splits into two lanes, one for making lefts, one for straights. Why those lanes need to be that wide, I don't know.
Drivers slow down in tunnels but speed up on bridges. So, for cyclists, you will get a car on your butt almost immediately, and a good 3/4 of them have no idea how to pass a cyclist. Looks like a 12-foot lane. NOT wide enough to share side-by-side with motor traffic. So I take the lane, and recommend you and everyone else do likewise.
Who approved this stupidity? It was four lanes across for forever, and I rarely heard about head-ons on that bridge.
It's also slightly uphill for that first 100 yards off of Ft Duq Blvd, so you're guaranteed to go no more than 10 mph. And they want to go 40. This is sure to piss off drivers.
2018-04-12 21:40:49
Was it supposed to get a bike lane in each direction a la the 6th St bridge?
2018-04-12 22:04:33
Taking this to another thread.
2018-04-13 07:23:53
More north shore/point flooding expected Sunday through Wednesday am.
2018-04-13 21:55:20
Eagle lake was bad this am. Obviously the fix didn't fix it.
2018-04-14 11:09:53
This am was on the north shore trail. Between a few days ago and now the Millvale pd strung up yellow caution tape along a large section of the trail along with a zillion orange cones and no parking signs to keep food truck visitors from parking on the trail...
It looks like my Millvale riverfront park use will be mornings only on days when the food truck park is open. The park is always filled to capacity on summer days and that's before the food truck park and the new (being built) adventure playground .
2018-04-15 09:25:16
Commercial st closed because of higher chances of landslide after recent rain
2018-04-16 07:07:54
The closed part of that road is Forward Ave. The name of the road changes to Commercial St east of the Irish Centre, and no part of Commercial St is closed.
2018-04-17 01:05:12
ohio river flood gauge shows that the north shore trail by the stadiums is flooded. I haven't laid eyes on it to confirm it, but the river is 21+ feet.
the flooding should recede to under 20 feet by early early tomorrow morning per the NWS forecast.
2018-04-17 09:02:53
Everything was pretty clear. Some snow on the Greenfield bridge. It's coming down steadily enough that I think there could be some accumulation, but I didn't see much.
2018-04-17 09:34:33
N Shore Tr between stadiums covered with mud, sticks, and mulch. But easily passable.
2018-04-18 13:39:13
Thurs night into Friday Ohio is supposed to peak at 18.7 feet, or about 4" below where it starts to flood the north shore trail.
2018-04-18 20:41:19
Monster potholes outside sennot sq/Forbes Ave right in the biking area. Be careful. I 311ed them.
2018-04-21 16:22:17
Rode out to Chartiers today, and it was better than I'd thought. Past the West End circle, there's a sidewalk the whole way. Sure, I'd prefer an on-road accommodation, and the place has that silly and dangerous share the road sign. But if you stay on the sidewalk, and cross at the light (where the ghost bike is) it's not at all a dangerous ride. Much better than what was there before.
2018-04-22 18:23:39
Looking for recent intel report on the North Shore... last I heard it was pretty muddy near stadiums and was hoping conditions would be improved this coming weekend for a ride with the wife. Also looking for progress report on the Science Center expansion construction and its affects on the trail... I know they were delayed due to foul weather, but they said things would be wrapped up by the end of April, haven't heard anything and was wondering how the progress was coning.
2018-04-25 17:52:45
I just rode it today and it was 99 percent fine. A little muddy outside Alcoa.
2018-04-25 18:06:10
Still a detour around science center.
2018-04-25 18:06:35
2018-04-25 19:00:56
I rode the North Shore trail on Friday from the Pen to Millvale, the trail was all open with no detours, including Science Center.
2018-04-28 16:48:33
North shore trail between Millvale and stadiums- it is gosling season. Be careful
2018-04-29 10:37:44
Speaking of, I just took this picture on Friday...
Geese Photo
2018-04-29 11:04:28
WESA radio did a story about the LaneSpotter app. They quote a developer saying “the biggest barrier to people riding a bike is typically uncertainty or fear of the unknown, as well as obviously cars and traffic". I don't think uncertainty is even among my top ten barriers to riding a bike. My top three are cars, cars, and cars. Number four is getting myself out of the house.
2018-05-06 12:45:06
River may peak above Mon wharf flooding level in a day or two. Looks like won't flood n shore trail.
2018-05-15 06:49:07
Friday into Saturday north shore trail between stadiums may flood
2018-05-17 06:28:24
This latest east coast storm seems to have done a number on part of the c and o including washing out a bridge.
2018-05-18 05:58:44
Is the mon wharf switchback open yet
2018-05-18 23:30:36
2018-05-19 00:40:46
The section of the Jail Trail underneath the Liberty Bridge has been repaved with sweet, smooth asphalt. Rejoice!
2018-05-21 21:08:38
North shore trail is starting to crumble in patches between Millvale and stadiums. Any idea who to bug about this? My guess is that they had money to gave it the first time but no money to maintain it. And probably no plan or money to pave it again. So over the next 10 to 20 years it's going to continue to deteriorate until it is repaved in 2040
2018-05-22 08:33:46
Don't you mean between the Stadiums and West Penn? There are a few areas in that narrow corridor along the fence where the trail is half gone and looks like the remaining 50% could collapse any day, that seems to be the worst and most dangerous section of the trail.
2018-05-22 09:32:45
That's been bad for a long time. It's in the back of the industrial park. It's subsiding into the river.
2018-05-22 11:33:03
I was out running at 830 am and I saw a dude on a motorcycle on the railroad tracks between the 40th St and 31st bridge. I have no idea how to even get on those tracks unless you get on right at the entrance to Millvale Riverfront Park. Makes me shudder to think that someone is using this as a cut through to avoid part of 28...I guess it lets you out somewhere on River Ave past the 31st st bridge.
I also hate the idea of this dude getting caught leading to the RR cracking down on the "look the other way" policy for the section between Millvale and 62nd st bridge...
At least he was on a helmet.
2018-05-23 14:08:57
Bayard bike lanes between Craig St and Bellefield have been closed the last two mornings partially due to construction (PWSA or Peoples GAS I think, but not sure). They are cutting in to the road quite a bit and narrowing the traffic lanes (and shifting them in to the bike lanes on one side and closing bike lanes on the other side).
Not sure how long this work is going to last. But it looks like it will continue for a while. They had flag men on site to direct traffic.
I might just redirect down to the new Forbes Ave bike lanes inbound/outbound from Oakland till this is done. Nice to have an alternative.
2018-05-24 15:15:32
Forbes Ave. westbound bike lane covered in seeds and other tree debris. A street sweeper of some sort should be run there. 62nd St. bridge upstream sidewalk, near Sharpsburg side, has a nearly invisible sign post stand ready to rip someone's wheels. Use caution when traversing this area. I picked up a sign that was laying flat on the sidewalk and leaned it against the bridge rail.
2018-05-24 17:45:26
@zz - Definitely put in a 311 ticket for street sweeping, It's helped get the bayard bike lanes swept a few times for me.
2018-05-25 11:04:22
Friendship ave was closed between Penn and Pearl, getting a MUCH NEEDED repave. It was also closed around the parklet and on Millvale by the hospital. There may be other streets closed but I didn't see them. No signage for time frame so who knows.
2018-05-25 22:41:10
What are bike tire and tube sellers going to do now to put food on the table once friendship Ave is smooth?
2018-05-26 07:49:10
The horrible stretch of Friendship Avenue from Pearl to Penn is partially repaved. They did a weird thing and only paved parts of the street. The massive craters that were there are gone. Also repaved is the part around the park.
No paint yet, so this means no centerlines/bike lanes. Use caution.
2018-05-27 23:07:40
Gold Way into Polish Hill from Baum has a "road closed - local traffic only" sign up. No signage coming the other day and completely passable. There's still a ton of craters around so use caution in the dark .
2018-05-27 23:48:54
I'm unsure exactly why the road is closed. I think it's due to work on the stormwater project on Finland St which intersects gold way / melwood ave, which doesn't always narrow the road, but might be needed during excavation.
Might be a bit hypocritical, but when I rode through there, there were quite a lot of cars still using this as a shortcut and just totally ignoring the signage.
2018-05-28 12:19:30
The railing on Hot Metal Bridge got bent (undoubtedly by a car or truck) in late March. (RustyRed's photo from 3/27).
It has now been fixed.
2018-05-29 01:02:20
2018-05-29 06:52:59
Construction signs blocking s. millvale bridge bike lanes.
Bayard bike lanes still closed (flaggers directing traffic) between S. neville and bellefield.
2018-05-29 09:48:01
@benzo what are they doing on S. millvale?
2018-05-29 10:05:28
Not sure, it was unclear. It looks like there might be some sort of construction happening later today as there were cones on the center line between the Bridge and Baum Blvd.
I think morewood is set to be repaved between center and s. millvale this week, which might be related.
2018-05-29 10:19:24
I rode down South Neville/Boundary St yesterday and noticed long, longitudinal cracks near the center line of the road. The cracks were not deep, but may cause someone to lose control while going downhill. Be careful.
2018-05-29 10:24:18
Smallman Street between the 16th Street Bridge and 21st street will be under construction by PWSA until 2019. In the construction phase, it's down to one narrower lane in each direction with no parking.
The benefit being that hopefully this slows down cars. The downside being that cars must treat this stretch where they could go 50+ as a normal street.
Edit: sorry for the double post on this. noticed it on my way home.
2018-05-29 17:27:59
Question -- Smallman street is a moonscape on those blocks. What's the pavement like in the travel lanes at this point? The one good thing about smallman being so wide there is that I could swerve to miss craters either direction -- go right or go left based on road and traffic.
2018-05-29 18:24:00
This is a perennial Riding Conditions report...
WHY are there so few water fountains in this city? Humans need water; Pittsburgh citizens are humans. When were the water fountains taken away? The ones for people, not the ones for horses. Is this about making life miserable for people on the street?
[yes, I of course should have one, two (or even three) water bottles on my bike, always topped off. And yes, there's a couple around here and there. But not every ride is an assault on [local hard climb] or your Cat-6 stage down a river trail. And some days, like today, you get thirsty just when getting from here to there.]
2018-05-29 18:26:07
I agree. North shore trail has zero facilities. You can sometimes find a portapotty. That's it. Sometimes in winter there are zero potties and, well, that railroad freight box behind 3 rivers rowing looks mighty private...
Millvale refuses to fix the water fountains in their park due to repeated vandalism..
2018-05-30 12:33:19
Steel Valley Trail (Glenwood Bridge to Clairton) had two year-round port-a-potties for the first time, last winter. I know, that's not a water fountain, but it's an improvement. What other cities with winters as cold as ours have all-year water fountains, and how do they prevent freezing of the pipes?
2018-05-30 17:46:05
They have year round water fountains at the point and in front of golden triangle bike rental.
The secret is that the water stays a foot or more underground and thus doesn't freeze. That's why it can take 10 seconds of holding down the button for the water to stop. That being said the point ones may be turned off anyway during the winter, but after about 9 or 10 am on the weekends the bathrooms are open at the point.
2018-05-30 18:58:11
NST between stadiums super filled up with people partying for the concert tonight. I'd avoid it today and tomorrow am (will be able garbage dump) and take the street. Though will be drunk people all over the street too.
Also today and especially tonight is going to be extra busy in downtown Pittsburgh. There are things that Heinz Field, PPG Arena, Heinz Hall, public theater, byham theater, and Three Rivers Arts Festival is going. Additionally, Point state Park has installed slalom style gates for the bottom of the ramps that lead to and from the bridges and the Peds trail that goes into the park. There are signs on the gates to walk your bikes through them and it's unclear how much they will enforce them
2018-06-02 10:48:48
S. Millvale was closed between morewood and baum blvd. Had to do a funky detour around by the mercedes dealership on the back streets. It's kind of confusing. Not sure if there is sidewalk access.
2018-06-04 09:25:15
Friendship center lines repainted near penn ave, but no bike lane markings around the park yet.
2018-06-04 09:26:58
It appears that the construction on s. millvale has been completed. Parking lane has been repaved where the street was dug up for utility work. Smooth sailing through there this morning.
2018-06-05 13:55:38
Speaking of bike tires, does anyone still have tires that were made in the early 1990s?
2018-06-05 16:48:59
On Freeport Rd. nean the Highland Park Bridge, Be careful in the left lane heading westbound. Earlier today, I ran over one of the plastic barricades that are being used to keep cars out of the lane. Here is video.
2018-06-06 18:46:34
Not sure why you were riding in the middle. I'd have been in the right lane and made the single line of cars behind me wait. I'd be afraid of doing what you did or having a car turn left across the road into me or have some one turn left out of a driveway and hit me.
I also avoid much of Freeport by taking 4th st in Aspinwall all the way to the ball fields and then hop on the sidewalk.
2018-06-06 20:15:30
Too many stop signs. take a hint, I live in Aspinwall.
Also, why is there still so much traffic on Freeport Rd? Shouldn't traffic not going to/from Aspinwall be on Rt. 28 and entering/exiting the highway at Delefield Rd. or Fox Chapel Rd. since they are going to be forced onto the bridge anyway because of the detour?
2018-06-06 21:13:23
Sharrows and bike lane indicators are repainted on Brighton Rd. between Woods Run and Marshall
2018-06-07 10:37:31
Waterfront Pl is being repaved between 16th St bridge and Railroad St. Might end up being the detour for Smallman.
2018-06-07 15:51:00
40th St. is getting repaved right meow. Finally.
TIL this road is still a brick road underneath the asphalt. No signs of old trolley rails, though.
2018-06-07 19:25:06
Doug Ripper, Steve Ayer, and I, volunteers with Friends of the Riverfront, cut the knotweed on the GAP trail at Keystone Metals (between Eagle Lake and the Glenwood Bridge) on 6/6. Here's an AFTER photo. (Before the pruning, the knotweed blocked about half of the trail width in places).
2018-06-09 01:02:04
Per the Twitter, route 30 is open again in E Pittsburgh. That was fast.
Also I 311ed the 9 million bollards down on Penn Ave, 6th bridge, and Allegheny center. On some stretches of Penn there are more destroyed bollards than upright ones.
2018-06-09 19:05:49
Why do the bollards keep getting knocked down?
2018-06-09 21:29:34
The Millvale part of the North Shore Trail is pretty wet. I'd advise using the road over there.
2018-06-10 10:42:35
The half of Morewood from Centre to Fifth (maybe to Forbes but I didn't go that far) is dug up for repaving. Assuming it will be done tomorrow but who knows. The intersections at Bayard and Ellsworth were untouched, so still good to ride through right now. I commute through here so I'll post another update when it's done (or if they do the other side of the block)
2018-06-10 16:32:59
BTW, this is a really useful thread.
I wish I could contribute more, but mostly other bikers beat me to it.
But anyway, flattened bollards are (on the interweb at least) a solved problem: There's a product that tolerates being run over then springing back up (I've pointed to it before). Why isn't the city using these? [insert obligatory jab at our marginally functional "bicycle coordinator"]
2018-06-10 20:44:08
I thought that maurading toddlers with sledgehammers were knocking down the bollards. Not sure the bounce back ones can withstand those attacks.
Or maybe it was aliens landing their ships on them.
I forget which one is the cause.
2018-06-10 21:27:48
My theory: The bollards aren't being knocked down at all. Some unknown entities are periodically rotating the earth and everything on it by 90 degrees, leaving only the bollards in their original places.
What malign entities could possibly manage such a feat? Not sure, but until we figure it out, I'm OK with blaming car and truck drivers.
2018-06-11 01:33:19
Kyrie Irving probably knows the details of the earth rotating 90 degrees as I'm sure it fits into the flat Earth scenario somehow.
2018-06-11 05:53:19
There is glass in the bike lane heading south on the Rankin Bridge, while still over land on the northern end. At least there was Saturday afternoon. Does PennDOT ever sweep that lane?
2018-06-11 14:32:41
But anyway, flattened bollards are (on the interweb at least) a solved problem: There’s a product that tolerates being run over then springing back up (I’ve pointed to it before). Why isn’t the city using these?
I ran into the actual sales rep who supplies, or at least used to supply, the city's bollards at an industry conference a couple years back and he confirmed the city uses the crappiest ones they sell, for no other purpose than cost. Problem is that those posts are far
more expensive over time due to the amount they need replaced.
That being said, even "durable" flexible bollards are a waste of money for anything but pilot or demonstration projects. The sturdier flex posts do very much resist crumpling more than the ones the city uses. Problem is that they most certainly
aren't anywhere near permanent, with a replacement rate of something around every three years or so, and by the time they do mercifully succumb to a barrage of vehicles and jerkish teenagers they're going to be so scuffed and bent that they'll lose all reflective capacity and generally look like eyesores. The city actually is testing some of these sturdier posts around Allegheny Circle if you look closely enough, but they've already begun failing and the ones standing are pretty well blackened within a matter of months.
The city needs an implementation plan for true permanent protection - planters, concrete curbing, etc - in high-conflict areas. Seattle is upgrading existing protected bike lanes and building new ones downtown with this as a standard, and Portland has discontinued flex posts in their updated design manual as well.
2018-06-11 15:36:30
Also, why do people keep parking their cars in cycle tracks and on sidewalks?
2018-06-11 17:15:42
Same answer- aliens or flat Earth or something. Or just human behavior.
2018-06-11 18:53:01
Never mind the bollards; here's the Sex Pistols:
2018-06-11 21:53:11
I rode to work today for the first time in ages. The route involved using West Carson St between downtown and Mckees Rocks, and then following PA51 through the Rocks/Stowe until crossing over into Neville Island. Some notes:
- I took the sidewalk pretty much all the way to Mckees Rocks. There's a few bad spots near/under the West End bridge, where the sidewalk is crumbling, and there are no ADA curb ramps. There is also a lot of overgrowth in some spots, first near the West End bridge, and then past Glen Mawr St. It almost forces you to dismount. I debated going on the road once I got past the West Busway ramp, since that section has that ridiculously long turning lane, but decided otherwise. Sigh...
- Once in the Rocks, I went on the road the rest of the way. Island Ave was fine, except for one muddy spot on the right where I should have taken the lane.
- The Neville Island bike lane was OK for the most part, but it needs to be swept. Allegheny County was running a sweeper last year on it last year, but I haven't seen it or any evidence that it has been there recently.
I reported the overgrowth on West Carson to PennDOT. We'll see if anything comes out of that. I'll report the crappy sidewalks near the West End bridge to 311, though this might be a PennDOT issue, too. I'll also request sweeping to Allgheny County for Neville Island. Fingers crossed...
2018-06-12 08:20:43
Hazelwood Green posted an update to opening the Hazelwood trail that they built, but is not open to the public yet.
Almono LLC is nearing agreement with the railroad. As such, bids are expected in late June 2018, with an expected construction start in early August 2018. This final piece of construction includes the protective canopy and completion of the 150-foot gap in the trail (and roadway) this summer, as well as restoration of connections on the northern and southern ends. After construction, the trail (and roadway) will be able to be opened after public approval and acceptance by the City.
2018-06-12 15:01:07
2018-06-13 07:40:18
Bayard st bike lanes were open for business this morning, no construction / lane restrictions. Watch for some branches and tree debris in the lanes though.
2018-06-14 09:16:22
TIL that the Neville Rd bike lanes are scheduled to be swept every two weeks, at least according to the Allegheny County call center rep. Being that I'm on them in one way or another when I go to work, I'm having a hard time believe this. Either that, or the sweeper doesn't do a very good job.
Aside, the call center rep initially claimed that those bike lanes were the city's responsibility, since the address was in "Pittsburgh". I can't believe I had to explain Pittsburgh city limits to a county employee.
2018-06-14 13:35:28
Morewood sections Centre to Ellsworth repaved. No sharrows so beware of jags. They had the section Ellsworth to Fifth blocked off and were working on it around 1045am. Unsure if Fifth to Forbes section is complete. I am anticipating they will do the other direction soon, as manhole covers are marked. However, my opinion is there are plenty of other areas in more desperate need. (though the smooth pavement is luxurious)
2018-06-14 14:50:30
Duquene light employees were cleaning up the North Shore trail and were over the hill cleaning flood debree from the boat dock up from Peggy's Harbour.
I tried to thank all the ones I could.
2018-06-15 20:42:19
Can confirm GAP is cleared of landslides from Southside at Hot Metal to Cedar Creek Campground (Belle Vernon). Uneven where they cleared it but grateful regardless .
2018-06-17 16:22:15
cross posted from the 311 thread re: the north shore trail bridge between 31st and 40th street bridges --
But, just be careful -- as you may remember there are the two 1 foot tall metal car barriers on each side of the bridge. After a biker crashed last year and lost some teeth they've been locked in the upright position... Until today. The millvale side one is in the down position...
2018-06-29 11:51:23
Butler between 35 and 36 is closed off to traffic. Some contruction work going on but unclear on length of work.
2018-06-30 16:07:54
Port Authority's detour notice says it's just for today, until 7 PM.
Closure Of Butler Street In Both Directions Between 35th & 36th Streets - Crane Lifts
Effective: 6/30/2018 to 6/30/2018
Effective Saturday, June 30, 2018 Between Approximately 7:00 AM & Around 7:00 PM
The City of Pittsburgh has provided a permit to L&N Securities and Allegheny Crane Rental in order that they may close a portion of Butler Street in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh on Saturday, June 30, 2018. The permitted closure is provided to allow multiple crane lifts to occur on Butler Street, between 35th & 36th Streets to a building in the area. The closure and crane lifts will occur on Saturday, June 30, 2018 between the hours of approximately 7:00 AM and around 7:00 PM. Buses will be detoured using streets a few blocks back on either side from the closure zone as intersecting streets (34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th) are either too narrow or fouled by parked cars preventing safe access.
2018-06-30 16:41:14
Helicopter hovering low over Southside Trail near Beck’s Run Road. Why? Leaves and dust blowing around. Sun 2018/7/1, 8:40am.
2018-07-01 09:40:20
Be careful. Here in Fox Chapel area we got well more than 2" of rain in an hour. Streets impassable. Lower delafield road looks like it is badly undermined.
There are fist sized rocks on a lot of the streets from the roads falling apart and hillsides.
This is unfortunately what Pgh is going to look like more and more with climate change triggered monster storms... Politicians worry about freezer and thaw potholes but these quick but massive stoms can do years of damage in less than an hours.
2018-07-02 21:31:55
Just went around fox chapel area. Sticks, stones, lots of loose gravel, mud, closed streets all over from Freeport Road up. Be careful for the next week or so until things get cleaned up. A lot of weekend warriors use these streets for bike rides,. especially fox chapel road. The gravel is uniquely dangerous. Can cause traction loss and be hard to see or avoid.
2018-07-03 07:29:21
Yeah, Sharpsburg was under water in a lot of areas. Clean up crews in front of the fire station on Main Street this morning and about 2 inches of mud on the road (plus plenty of debris the whole way, like Eric said.)
2018-07-03 09:38:51
Fox chapel road very muddy between squaw park and the mews. It was a river last night.
2018-07-03 12:49:02
Getting a repeat of Monday's storms in the exact same area. If biking in fox chapel, plum, Penn hills, Sharpsburg, etna, etc be careful for flooding, debris, etc.
This isn't good.
2018-07-04 20:38:23
2018-07-04 21:38:14
I rode over the construction at Freeport/main street btwn Aspinwall and Sharpsburg. Construction guy told me bridge would be open at the beginning of September, ahead of schedule.
2018-07-09 12:04:07
Went for a run last night and found some problems on the One Wild Place bike lanes. Inbound and outbound, just past the big bend right by the zoo, there's lots of debris in the lanes. Who knows when it will be cleared.
2018-07-10 09:32:08
311 it. It got hit with flooding last week.
2018-07-10 10:32:51
Done and done.
2018-07-10 11:16:14
I don't know if I'm the only one who bikes down Center in Aspinwall, but it's a mess from the rains. Coming around the bend where the nice paving ends, there is a ton of gravel and large sections of pavement missing. I almost ate it yesterday. Take it slow and controlled.
2018-07-10 11:23:25
paving has bayard shut down between craig and bellefield this morning.
2018-07-10 11:33:35
@dberlin the Aspinwall borough manager is super responsive to concerns. I email her quite often. Melissa Lang.
If that fails council president Tim McLaughlin is my go to.
2018-07-10 20:17:14
On my way into work, Black Street between N. Negley Avenue and Chislett Street was closed (looked like utility work.) There's now metal plates about halfway down the block on the inbound side, no bevel on them either. Use caution.
2018-07-10 21:50:49
Bayard St / Bigelow blvd paving appears finished, but now there are no bike lanes at all between bellefield or so and DeSoto st. Some of the bike lanes have not been repaved either, but they are in okay shape (but probably could have used it in places).
Hopefully, they get around to painting this soon (As well as friendship ave around the park which still needs that too, it's been a while now, and liberty ave which has super faded lines that are barely visible for whole blocks).
2018-07-18 09:16:54
There is some broken glass on the upstream sidewalk of the 62nd St. Bridge.
Speed limit on all of Liberty Ave. from Aiken Ave. to at least 17th St. was reduced to 25 MPH. I believe the section from Baum Blvd. to Main St./Howley St./Bloomfield Bridge was already 25 MPH, but there were no signs until last year. All that Liberty Ave. needs now in the Strip District are curb extensions at intersections, two outbound lanes, one inbound lane, and a center turning lane.
2018-07-19 16:12:32
The city took out bollards for 2-3 blocks of the Penn Ave bike lane and now is sometimes using traffic cones in their place. Oi.
2018-07-20 13:18:15
All bollards on Forbes ave regular & contraflow lanes in Oakland have been removed (probably for Forbes betterment project work this weekend). Use caution.
2018-07-27 12:24:19
Crossing those diagonal orphan railroad tracks on River Ave has always been tricky, but finding large holes in that crossing sure woke me up in a hurry.
2018-07-28 01:19:01
Uh yeah, I've been 311ing this forever. There are STILL huge holes in it in the travel lane. The city doesn't want to do anything about this. So I've given up, and I just use the "thoughts and prayers" method that no one gets hurt or killed and find some solace that if someone gets hurt they can find all my 311 requests and the online 311 responses and then sue the city and/or railroad for negligence.
Bottom line is that 311 says this is an active railroad track (I guess it is under federal law even though it is orphaned from the system) and as a result it is the railroad who needs to fix it. My position is that the tracks are so scary that the city needs to compel the railroad to fix it.
If anyone wants to try again with 311, be my guest.
2018-07-28 06:50:25
FYI. Most of the bayard / bigelow / ohara st bike lanes have been repainted after paving finally.
Some paint still needed on transitions as well as new bike lane markers, but it appears that's being installed today as they were laying down templates for the bike lane markers as I was riding in to work.
Still no progress on missing lane markings around Friendship ave near the park.
2018-07-30 09:25:40
If I showed up on River Ave with a couple bags of Sakrete, a 5-gallon bucket for shuttling river water, a wheelbarrow, and enough thick plastic sheeting to cover my work for long enough, I bet I could improve upon that situation significantly for under $50 in materials.
Maybe all I need is enough duct tape to cover the wet cement on the rails, no plastic sheeting necessary.
2018-07-30 22:49:38
there is a lot of work going on on the North Shore Trail today. Bye Millvale they are cutting trees where the trail runs next to the railroad tracks. On the North Shore Trail between the stadium they are filling in concrete cracks. Next to the casino they are redoing part of the concrete in the trail is partially blocked.
2018-07-31 10:43:26
As of yesterday afternoon the section of Waterfront Place from Railroad Street to the 16th Street Bridge is fully bikeable. The concrete barriers are gone. When I went through there were only cones in the street to direct cars away from the construction that's finishing up. I imagine Smallman traffic will be detoured onto it sooner or later but for now it's a good alternative to waiting for the flaggers and also a better approach to the Strip District Trail while the eastern portion is closed.
2018-08-01 07:46:30
2018-08-01 09:39:12
As a half-solution to the railroad track grooves, what if someone just filled them in with a few bags of pea gravel? Or maybe some sort of fine gravel and sand mixture. That would be cheap, easy and fast. Would passing cars eventually dislodge it all and just leave a gravel mess around the grooves?
2018-08-01 10:27:47
2018-08-02 10:59:11
I worry that if the railroad grooves are filled in with gravel that the gravel would come out and make it all very slippery, especially when it is raining. There are already loose stones around the river ave tracks which make it treacherous when you add in the holes, the rails not at a 90 degree angle, the coming up plastic buffers... and the unwillingness of the city to compel the railroad to do anything about it.
I think the only solution, unfortunately, is for someone to get hurt (or worse) and for them to bring a law suit for negligence and there's quite a 311 trail (a lot of them by me) of years of neglect and dangerous conditions. All the 311 stuff is discoverable b/c they are public records. Railroad would be liable (it's their tracks, they should be inspecting them) and I bet city would be liable too for not following up with the railroad or compelling them to look at it. Plus, there's enough road damage surrounding the tracks that the city has some piece here too.
the other option is a coordinated 311 campaign. We have 10+ people 311 this week after week after week, including (on twitter) the mayor, chief of staff, etc. etc. until it comes untenable for them to do nothing. This would need to involve a willing newspaper, etc. etc. but to get them on board we'd need someone to get hurt, which is never fun... because the news has their "we need bleeders" informal rules.
2018-08-02 12:11:37
2018-08-02 20:35:48
Re "bleeders," I broke my elbow 2 years ago when my rear wheel slipped into the tracks around Railroad and 30th. Not super easy to bring a lawsuit like that and I'm not particularly litigious, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been injured there.
2018-08-03 09:54:17
Watch out - barricades up on Fort Pitt Bridge sidewalk - For the regatta, the [city, park service, regatte people??] have again blocked the ft pitt bridge ramp. The placement of this barricade is extremely dangerous though. I commute on that sidewalk all the time so I was of course not expecting a full barricade, saw it at the last moment, had to lock up my brakes to avoid hitting it which caused me to start skidding out since everything was wet this morning, and narrowly avoided it at the last moment. I'm a very experienced rider and a less experienced rider would not have fared so well. It is not acceptable to place barricades in the middle of a downhill and that would never be done on a car roadway - imagine someone placing a concrete barrier in the middle of a roadway with no warning for cars?? I get that they need cyclists to slow down but they can use cones or speed humps (higher up on the ramp, before the downhill) rather than a full barricade.
A similar barricade was setup for a prior festival downtown - I think it was the marathon or arts fest.
I submitted a 311 request and contacted the regatta as well. If bikepgh is involved in the organization for these events though it would be awesome if someone could talk to organizers to prevent them from doing this again.
2018-08-03 10:06:53
Re: barricades up on Fort Pitt Bridge sidewalk...
Excellent post, agree 100%, very dangerous, seems like common sense is a rare thing these days. About 2 months ago my wife and I were riding the North Shore near PNC Park and came down one of the sidewalks to the lower level, next thing I know there is one of those inflatables strung across the path. It was a small fundraiser of some sort and despite having the entire lawn to work with, they decided to inflate it across the walking/bike path. We had to go around and almost lost it on the steep wet grass.
2018-08-03 10:16:35
North shore trail between the stadiums should be a no go zone for bikes today through Sunday due to the regatta. I rode it at 10 am today and people were setting up and even with my Blinky lights plus bell plus me yelling people weren't paying attention and someone almost walked in front of my bike. Luckily I was only going 8 mph through there with hands on the brakes.
And it was arts fest that had the scary barrier placement.
2018-08-03 12:23:22
Friendship Park bike lanes have been Repainted!
311 tells me that Liberty Ave Bike lanes through bloomfield were repainted as well (didn't ride through yet to confirm)
Ohara St Bike lanes (continuation of bayard/bigelow lanes) were blocked by road closed signs for construction on Tennyson with no less than 3 signs blocking the bike lane
2018-08-13 09:18:36
Also, lots of debris in the bike lane in front of 4301 Bigelow Blvd, due to landscapers leaf blowing everything from their yard into the street. We'll see if any of this actually gets swept up or just left in the bike lane.
2018-08-13 09:20:00
I think that the city now sweeps only once a month, so it's probably good to 311 that.
Just like I need to 311 all the rocks in the downhill part of the one wild place bikelane that I keep forgetting to 311. I'll do that now.
2018-08-13 10:32:58
Fleming Park bridge between Stowe Twp. and Neville Island closed until June 2019:
So, if you want to ride to Coraopolis to get on the Montour Trail (or vice versa), or go to Sewickley and beyond, seek an alternate route. Under normal circumstances, PA 51 between Stowe and Coraopolis is rideable but iffy in spots. Not so sure now, with the expected increase in traffic, particularly trucks.
2018-08-13 10:59:47
There's a hazard in the rear of the parking lot at the end of Fort Pitt Blvd. There's a large mud patch that's very slick. It stretches most of the way across the path right where you make the right turn out of the lot and towards the tunnel under the Fort Pitt Bridge. I almost wiped out yesterday. The rider ahead of me this morning ate it.
I called the park this morning to let them know about it, but I'm not sure if it belongs to the park, the parking lot, or the city. Hopefully someone will get it cleaned up.
2018-08-15 10:39:04
Speaking of a rider ahead of me that ate it...
Wife and I were riding the North Shore on Sunday morning. When we approached the WaterStairs where people illegally play in the water with there kids and dogs, I always go through there 2mph because its always an accident waiting to happen. So as we were going through the WadingZone at crawl speed, this older couple couldn't wait a few seconds behind us and impatiently passed us, whatever. Ten seconds later a little girl darts out in front of the bike and female rider takes the girl out, lady goes down, and the guy riding with her also goes down because he was riding too close. Bottom line is, when you are near the stadiums with a high concentration of pedestrians, you have to go VERY SLOW when passing these kids because the parents can't control them 100% of the time. I can't tell you how my times I've seen these "tour de france wannabees" blow through there and thread the needle between me and a child. Here is a friendly message to any of these risk takers, if I feel you are putting myself, my wife, or a child in danger with one of these thread the needle maneuvers, I will dismount you from your bike instantly. That is not a threat, its a promise.
2018-08-15 15:37:18
100% agree, being a person using the trail 3-4x a week both on foot and on bike. The area between the carnegie science center and the blind turn under the 6th street bridge is a slow-go zone. If you want to ride fast, use the streets or get out there at 6 am and ride as quickly as you want to go.
2018-08-15 16:06:21
I hear ya, and just for the record I'm not a hard azz, quite the opposite actually, I just was being funny and sincere. As a man of peace I was taught not to contend, but in rare situations where an innocent life is in danger, the soul must be the warrior.
2018-08-15 22:45:00
Definitely, I slow way down there, too.
It's, not illegal to play in the water there, though. That's why it's there. It's one of our favorite stops on our family bike rides.
2018-08-15 23:06:28
That's not why its there, its there for decoration. There are signs that clearly state something along the lines of... no standing, no wading, no swimming, etc. That way when somebody slips on one of those greasy rocks and gets injured, the city can say... "they are not supposed to be in there, there are signs posted"
2018-08-16 07:44:26
FYI. Little Italy Days have once again descended on Liberty Ave in Bloomfield between the bloomfield bridge and just past S. Millvale Ave.
Bike lanes are likely to be blocked and the street will be closed at some point for events. So proceed with caution, and consider using alternate routes.
2018-08-16 09:36:17
Huh... We've been going there for years, maybe a dozen times and I have never seen a sign. I had to take a quick detour to check it out and... I stand corrected. There are indeed a few signs up by the reflecting pool part of the feature.
I maintain though, that it was intended to be played in and the well-hidden signs are just pre-emptive ass covering.
2018-08-16 10:16:16
FWIW, the top part of the water steps is a no go zone with very clear signs. THey don't want kids falling over the side. the bottom part is allowed ,either legally or tacitly by the city. The emergency service boathouse is about a 1/10th of a mile away down the trail. The police come by quite regularly. There are bike racks right at the bottom of the water steps. There's no reason to have the bike racks there unless poeple were going to stop and play on them. If it wasn't allowed they would post signs at the bottom and enforce it.
(i.e., like in point state park, where the state rangers really do enforce the "get out of the fountain" policy.
I actually enjoy watching kids play in there when I bike or run past it.
we all agree though -- the north shore trail isn't the place to get your Strava "King of the mountain" trophy.
2018-08-16 13:07:47
Re: That waterfall seems to fall into the category of, well everyone else is doing it and the police don't say anything so it must be ok. Reminds me of the people along the shores of Moraine bike trail, where the signs say no swimming yet I often see a mother and her child in the water next to the sign. Another is at North Park, people wading in water with children along the shores. I know somebody's daughter who thought it would be harmless to walk out a little in shallow water at North Park and she sunk into the silt up to her waist and almost drowned. Another is that story earlier this summer where multiple hikers fell because the ignored signs. I'm not trying to be dramatic, just making a point that signs are there for a reason, and its common place in our society today more than ever that people feel they don't need to abide. (i.e. crosswalks in town, bike lanes, left turns where is says no left turn, and so on)
PS: Found that article...
2018-08-16 20:32:28
I biked by it today. There are no "no swimming" signs on the bottom part of the water steps and a cop car drove by while there were people in it.
Moral of the story which we all agree with. Go slow between the stadiums.
2018-08-17 12:20:34
I was happy to find that the mud patch before the tunnel under the Fort Pitt Bridge has been cleaned up. :)
2018-08-17 12:37:02
I will dismount you from your bike instantly. That is not a threat, its a promise.
Hm, taking matter in your own hands while law clearly prohibits it? I guess you be OK if this some one in return will bit shit out of you and possibly out of your wife and kid? I am with you but when you promise a violent action be ready for even more violent response. Escalation is very rarely a good way to solve a problem.
2018-08-17 15:14:03
Please keep posts on topic; current road condtions only please. If you want to discuss legalities of certain areas, start or find a different thread. Trails are busy in warm/nice weather. Use caution.
Several bollards were down on Penn bike lane in downtown on Saturday. Not sure if they've replaced them yet. Negley bike lanes in friendship have had tree debris often lately. I keep requesting they clean it. E Lib Blvd bike lane is pretty rough when turning from Negley. 311-ing but use caution.
2018-08-17 16:08:56
I would like the opportunity to respond to your comment...
<"Hm, taking matter in your own hands while law clearly prohibits it? I guess you be OK if this some one in return will bit shit out of you and possibly out of your wife and kid? I am with you but when you promise a violent action be ready for even more violent response. Escalation is very rarely a good way to solve a problem.">
That's false, we must live in very different worlds. First let me point out that you quoted me out of context and left the most important part out. What I said was... "if I feel you are putting myself, my wife, or a child in danger with one of these thread the needle maneuvers"
The law does not prohibit self defense. The fact of the matter is, if a cyclist or [insert whatever you like here] is carelessly operating a contraption at high speed trying to thread the needle, and I feel there is going to be a collision with the above mentioned, I am well within my rights legally and ethically to dismount that individual to prevent a tragedy. Afterwards, moments later, if that individual does not take responsibility for their ill actions and decides to have their ego go to battle and attack me, they are in the wrong again and will be charged with assault. What you need to understand is, one is preventative and one is retaliatory, big difference.
Its no different if a guy pulls a gun out of his pocket in a restaurant, if I'm behind him and I feel I can take him out I will do so. What that individual does after he has been disabled/disarmed is not of my concern at the moment, my only concern is the safety of those in harms way. Again, in those situations the soul must be the warrior, and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will remove that instinct from an honorable human.
I stand by my comment and values, carry on.
2018-08-17 17:29:45
Good luck explaining that to a judge.
2018-08-17 19:05:40
I found out why the bollards keep getting knocked down on the prison end of the n shore trail. Today I saw an alcosan truck on the daily sewer rounds knock one down and use the trail near the prison/dqe as a cut through instead of taking the long way around on the roads.
That's also the reason why all those bollards are pointing downtown when knocked down.
I 311ed all these bollards months ago. City really is slow in replacing them. But they're only going to get kncoed over again. Oi.
I also 311ed downhill 1 wild place but 2 days ago saw a lot of rocks in the uphill lane all from the disintegrating sidewalks cardied into the street by rain. C'est la vie. Those are easier to avoid uphill since speeds are slower.
2018-08-17 19:55:00
Construction in front of AGH on North Ave has it down to one lane. There's also a lot of construction in the park across from that; unsure if it's passable or other construction in the park.
Also construction on E Ohio between Chestnut and Madison blocking the bike lane almost entirely. There is space to bike in, but assuming that's their version of a temp sidewalk .
2018-08-18 17:39:21
7th St bridge is undergoing some work and this am part of the trail underneath was blocked, but you could go up the Alcoa ramp and go under the other part under the bridge.
2018-08-18 18:04:23
North Shore: Don't kill yourself riding over the ropes for boats moored to non-mooring specific fixtures.
2018-08-30 10:18:17
call 911 for these. They are a hazard and illegal. Someone will walk down from the city 1st responder boathouse and take care of the problem ASAP.
2018-08-30 11:15:44
E Liberty Blvd towards Euclid from Highland has trucks shifting traffic into bike lane so they can access manholes. Use caution during work hours.
2018-08-30 12:46:59
Per the Mayor of Sharpsburg the bridge between Aspinwall and Sharpsburg is now open for peds and bikes only. The temporary wooden bridge is being dismantled today. The bridge won't be open to cars for a few more weeks.
2018-08-31 13:43:16
Looks like the bridge from Neville Island to Route 51, just North of McKees Rocks is closed. Seems to be very little warning until one has ridden or driven the entire length of the island to reach that point. It has been reported to me, by a cyclist who was turned back, that drivers were uttering choice words as they made u-turns at that point. Is anyone aware of this situation and what advisories, if any, may have been issued?
2018-08-31 18:17:27
There was some discussion in the "Route 51 Biking" thread, starting
2018-08-31 18:32:00
2018-09-01 06:19:43
Upper end of Perrysville Ave, between Perry HS and the city line, look for active crews replacing lead water pipes. This means daytime lane closures, flagpersons, lots of dirt and gravel in the street, and once they're done cutting a big hole in the street, a permanent asphalt patch. Plus, for a while, some residual mud after we get some rain to wash it away.
2018-09-03 15:32:03
On 8/17 Eric wrote "I found out why the bollards keep getting knocked down on the prison end of the n shore trail. Today I saw an alcosan truck on the daily sewer rounds knock one down". I forwarded that post to Valerie Beichner, executive director of Friends of the Riverfront. As the group that manages the Chateau Trail (as that section of trail is known), they're the ones that pushed the city to put up the bollards, I believe, and the most interested in seeing them respected.
2018-09-03 23:49:02
There was a fallen tree covering most of the trail between South Side & Glenwood Bridge when I went by a few hours ago. You can still easily get by on the track side, just an FYI. I can't give an exact location, but I'd say about 1/2 mile south of Beck's Run Road going toward Homestead on river side. I moved some small branches & tried to move the tree, but it was still attached at trunk and wouldn't budge.
2018-09-06 19:17:59
3"+ of rain predicted for late Saturday/early Sunday into Monday. Noaa not predicting river flooding but be cautious
2018-09-07 10:56:05
Flood watches up for Mon and Ohio. Noaa now says 26+ feet at the point which means fountain, n shore trail, wharf, bathtub, and ? Sci pgh all to be flooded Sunday night into Monday.
This wouldn't be a good time for a long distance trip on the gap/c and o. Rain may be heavy. May be 4+ inches on top of the rain we got today (today's rain was from a cold front. 8 pm onward rain is from tropical storm)
While this may not be the huge t storms of normal summer storms, there's a high risk of a lot of land slides on top of the massive amount of rain.
And maybe next weekend we'll be hit with Florence remnants if it keeps on its course toward NC/SC
Be smart, guys.
Love, Your mom
2018-09-08 16:21:36
Ohio and other rivers peaking tonight. Should be safely back at normal levels Wednesday. Be careful.
2018-09-10 16:11:58
Hi Eric,
I posted seeking rider(s) for river trails on weekends and you asked me my pace....do you know of any riders that might be interested in hooking up?
2018-09-10 20:34:52
By midday tomorrow the water should be gone from the point and n shore trail. Then comes the clean up.
2018-09-11 21:32:19
Did they get the boat off the sidewalk before the water receded?
2018-09-11 22:20:08
are you talking about on the n shore trail? Some of those boats are parked down there in May and never touched. The city provides a lot of free boat parking... Last year there was a boat that was there from Spring 2017 until February 2018. Only after the floods came and went and the boat started sinking did they removed it even after I 311ed it as abandoned many times.
2018-09-12 06:26:47
Anyone biked the North Shore Trail today? Planning a small group ride tonight but some people raised concerns about the recent flooding and the resulting mud. Thanks in advance.
2018-09-12 08:46:55
2018-09-12 09:28:35
In terms of the trail then only section that floods is by the stadiums. So do the ride anyway and if the lower portion is closed go around PNC park and take the upper section to science center.
2018-09-12 10:45:20
2018-09-13 07:10:09
North Shore Trail is open and passable from the Casino to the Clemente Bridge. There are three patches of mucky mud - by the Science Center, in front of PNC Park (this section isn't horribly mucky), and around the corner by Kayak Pittsburgh.
It's all rideable but you'll get muddy without fenders. Heck, you'll get a little muddy even with fenders.
Edited to add:
Also no boats are stranded on the trail.
2018-09-13 07:51:42
Thanks @pinky. I'm going running there tomorrow so good to be prepared ahead of time.
2018-09-13 12:55:48
Lots of thick mud on trail parallel to 10th Street Bypass. Had to hose bike off at home
2018-09-13 23:37:59
North shore trail between end of River Ave and PNC park pretty muddy. Plus a huge part of a tree trunk blocking a lot of the trail.
2018-09-14 09:31:01
Convention Ctr. trail still covered in mud west of 11th St. as of this morning. Eagle Lake covers 1/3 of the trail.
2018-09-14 18:40:00
There is glass on the sidewalk along on the Fort Pitt Bridge on the Carson Street side. It looks like someone broke a wine bottle of some sort. This is a hazard for pedestrians and cyclists. I had to walk my bike through the section. 311'ed it.
2018-09-20 09:42:40
Does anyone know the condition of the north shore trail near the kayak rentals....rode there last week and was thick mud on trail right before kayak rentals in front of apartment building
2018-09-21 20:29:42
Was there on... Monday I think. 95 percent better.
2018-09-21 20:42:24
2018-09-24 21:38:17
everyone's favorite post of mine -- river flooding.
The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a
* Flood Advisory for
The Ohio River At Pittsburgh.
* until Friday afternoon.
* At 10AM Tuesday the stage was 16.8 feet.
* Flood stage is 25.0 feet.
* Forecast...The river will rise to near 18.5 feet Thursday early
* Impact...At 18.0 feet, water begins to flow onto the Monongahela
River Parking Wharf.
At 19.0 feet, Water begins to flow onto the north shore
riverwalk between the stadiums.
2018-09-25 18:38:20
Is the trail by the Convention Center going to flood again? If it does, It should be cleaned as soon as possible.
2018-09-26 11:09:07
Flood warning was removed. Looks like storms predicted to hit here won't.
2018-09-26 13:31:23
I got caught in rain around 2:00PM today on my way from Aspinwall to Bloomfield for a doctor's appointment. I'm glad the rain didn't get too hard until I was in the building. It started to drizzle as I was getting on the Highland Park Bridge and the rain got harder when I was on Friendship Ave. near the park.
2018-09-26 15:01:54
penn ave closed between 38th and 39th this morning due to fatal car "accident."
2018-09-27 11:03:45
Just putting this here because it relates to the above post.
Thursday, I was heading inbound on Liberty Ave. in Lawrenceville. There was a minor altercation involving the speed limit. I was heading downhill, taking the lane to avoid getting doored at about 25.5 MPH. I was already traveling above the speed limit of 25 MPH. The man in his red car blew right past me illegally in the opposing lane just so that I would catch up to the traffic light at Herron Ave./Ligonier St. I yelled "Whoooa!" as he illegally passed me and he rolled down the window. He said the speed limit is 35 MPH. "I said no, it's 25, it was reduced. Don't you see the sign?" He didn't believe me.
2018-09-27 23:18:46
Flood possibility for north shore trail back for Saturday morning. Will be minor at best.
2018-09-28 08:21:07
Ohio is at 17.9 feet now, below flood stage. Unclear how muddy the NST is between the stadiums from the minor flood today.
2018-09-29 15:45:12
So I know we all like to complain how drivers disrespect us by sticking their d*mn vehicles in bike lanes and such.
But I have evidence that it's not like they're out to annoy just us in particular.
They're willing to take on the buses as well!

Can you say as much for your typical biker?
Say it loud: Red is GREEN!
Well, ok, there's no bollards...
2018-09-30 20:55:08
@Ahlir, that's not the worst offender. In fact, that bus lane is only for the weekday rush hour so it's totally fine for them to be there on a weekend.
The worst is during Sundays, when people park at and block bus stops downtown. This is at its worst during Steeler Sundays...
2018-09-30 21:13:14
@chrishent: One of the signs on the pole (in the distance) has the section towards us as "No Parking/Standing". The other sign (pointing in the other direction) allows for parking at certain hours that I assume have something to do with the August Wilson Centre. I made a point of checking on this, but I guess I should also have taken a pic.
Sunday exceptions are usually noted on a sign. But maybe there was some other sign, elsewhere.
I can accept that a "Steeler Sunday", in Pittsburgh, allows for many exceptions to everyday behaviors. Like, say, having to wear favorite-player jerseys. But if we're going to treat home games as a mini Mardi Gras or Carnaval, can we at least declare that bikers have the absolute right to take the lane whenever and wherever they want? It would make up for that parking-in-the-lane thing. I'm willing to accept that this might be limited from morning until kickoff time (but, really, it ought to be maybe an ~hour after the end of the game).
2018-09-30 21:53:08
This PG article from a year ago says "The changes include making the far right outbound lane of Liberty a bus-only lane from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. between Seventh Avenue and William Penn Place, where there are three lanes of outbound traffic. Crews using paint donated by PPG Paints designated the red bus lane on Monday and signs for its limited operation will be posted later this week.... Parking will be allowed 24 ours a day on the inbound side and from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the outbound side."
2018-10-01 16:24:45
If you ride the bike path near Bakery Sq on Penn Ave, the stretch right off Penn is blocked between Sallys Path and Bakery Sq Blvd. Grassy area is torn up with construction vehicles. You can go around on the small road on the other side of the grassy area.
2018-10-26 10:43:14
During the day the n shore trail is open but partially blocked by the painters working on that Morgan Apartments (between end of River Ave and Alcoa).
2018-10-26 12:12:55
Area around Wilkins and Shady is supposed to be closed"for up to a week" due to the police investigation.
2018-10-28 15:44:28
(Cross-posting from another thread)
ICYMI, the sidewalk on the Liberty Bridge is now fully open. The steps from Ross St were fully redone, and the sidewalk now extends all the way down to Grant St. Unfortunately, as discussed before, there is no curb cut at the bottom on Grant St that would ease access to sidewalk on a bike. Overall, an improvement over what was there before; in my opinion, this is the best quickest way to ride up to Mt Washington from downtown. No lights between Grant St. and Grandview Ave!
2018-11-06 10:21:31
Saw a tweet from DPW or DOMI saying that Greenleaf St in Duquesne Heights has been reopened, following the landslide earlier this year.
So now you have the option of dealing with the West End Circle/Bridge, or circumventing that shitshow by going up a stupidly hard hill!
2018-11-06 10:56:33
Again this morning the DCNR put up barricades on the sidewalk coming down from the Ft Pitt Bridge to the Point State Park area (in prep for the Tree of Life event at the point today). The barricades completely blocked the sidewalk and there was zero warning that there were barricades ahead. I grabbed my brakes at the last second and thankfully stopped without skidding out but things could have been much worse - conditions were very wet and I could have wrecked horribly on the barricades.
I found a park ranger in his vehicle and pointed out the hazard to him and told him that if they're going to block the sidewalk, they MUST put warning signs/tape/whatever up on the flat part of the bridge sidewalk before you start descending down the ramp towards the park. His response was basically that bikes go too fast through the area and they should be going slow enough to react to trail hazards and that they regularly have to tell people to slow down.
I then lost my temper with him. When the barricades are placed halfway down the ramp, you can't see them until you're already on the ramp at which point you have about 10 feet to stop. I'm a very good cyclist, wasn't going that fast, and have very good brakes on my bike so I was able to stop this time. Last time they blocked this ramp, they only put up a few traffic cones higher up on the sidewalk before the ramp. Since penn dot regularly piles cones on that sidewalk (there's plenty of construction stuff piled on that bridge right now), a few traffic cones isn't even a sufficient warning because it looks like penn dot just put them there for storage.
Just as police wouldn't put up barricades blocking a road without any warning, the park shouldn't block the bike path without any warning.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to constructively address this issue with DCNR?
2018-11-09 15:22:14
O'Hara Twp has officially closed Berryhill Road for the winter.
2018-11-14 15:04:02
No ice downtown at 7 am, and main roads were clear as well. Temperatures are right there on the edge, it appears.
2018-11-15 08:06:07
Highland Park Bridge sidewalk has some slush and One Wild Pl. bike lanes covered in leaves. Traverse these areas with caution.
2018-11-16 15:11:46
The McCardle sidewalk is full of leafs and slush. Best to take the road if going up or down that road. Also, DPW has closed the downhill section of the Riverview Park loop; it's unclear as to why.
2018-11-17 11:28:10
Main roads are pretty clear. Side roads are either wet or slushy. Likely to freeze after dark. Be careful about black ice.
2018-11-27 12:13:00
The trails are covered in snow, but its not yet so deep that you can't get traction. The roads are still pretty clear I think.
2018-11-28 09:21:23
I went running on the NST today from Millvale to between the stadiums IT was fine. A dusting of snow basically, a little thicker in the millvale part, but nothing to write home about. No ice noted.
IT'll all melt this weekend anyway.
2018-11-28 17:04:50
Rode through the south shore trail, Hot Metal bridge, Jail Trail, the Mon Wharf and Point State Park. All mostly clear and rideable. The snowiest spots were the Hot Metal bridge and the Mon Wharf switchback (MWSB). Not unexpected. Watch for ice in the morning.
2018-11-28 21:22:48
The bottom of the southern ramp of the Hot Metal Bridge is very icy. Be careful there. Otherwise, things are not bad. Thin, patchy snow and ice on the trails, and the streets are clear. Brake with your rear wheel, and you'll be fine.
2018-11-29 10:02:33
going to be near 60 degrees on Sunday! (Then get cold again)
2018-11-29 14:23:01
Highland Park Bridge and both 40th St. Bridge sidewalks passable. Be careful of black ice. Shoulders of Rochester Rd. between Perry Hwy. and Babcock Blvd. and Babcock Blvd. between Rochester Rd. and Millvale. have periodic icy spots. Keep an eye out for the ice. It should mostly be melted after tomorrow due to the rain.
2018-11-29 20:11:50
There was a bit of rain/snow this evening, resulting in some wet roads. Watch for icy spots tomorrow morning.
2018-11-29 20:32:39
In West View, the steps from the corner of Perry Hwy and West View Park Drive are closed for major repair. Tape across entrance, plastic sheet covering the whole thing.
My recommended alternate is Center Ave. 60 years ago this was the trolley line, so the grade is easy and lanes are wide. Traffic usually light here, too. Landmark, if coming down Perry from the north, turn left at Scholl’s bike shop. Northbound, not so much an issue. Just come down the hill on 19.
2018-12-04 09:11:13
I don't know where to put this so I will put it here.
I think I have successfully patched a tube. I cut a piece off of a wrong sized tube and glued it onto the tube with rubber cement. The tube was punctured with a piece of wire which I pulled out of the tire. It is still holding good after riding all day today. I might need to pump it up once per day, but that is okay.
2018-12-04 20:17:20
Yesterday, there was a patch of ice just east of 6030 Butler St. on the outbound side. I hit the patch and skidded to the ground. Everything is okay. There are also ice patches in various places along Fox Chapel Rd. and Freeport Rd. Be careful while riding, especially at night as avoiding these patches may be difficult.
2018-12-10 18:37:55
good to hear you're ok, Z.
Speaking of ice, Eagle Lake has frozen over. Dismount and walk carefully, or take the railroad service road.
2018-12-10 19:28:09
There is also ice in the downhill bike lane on One Wild Pl. Today, I had to swerve to avoid it on my way home from Kraynick's. Should I report this to 311?
2018-12-11 17:43:56
Yes, report all ice, debris, etc, to 311. Their app is MyBurgh.
After 5 reports and more than a month, they cleared the leaves from the bike lane on Negley, at Black St towards Stanton.
Negley, E Liberty Blvd and Hamilton have all been looking pretty good this week. Betting areas in the shadows may have ice around the city.
2018-12-11 18:06:17
All the more reason why the downhill bike lane on One Wild Place should be eliminated. It’s dangerous by design. Uphill, sure, we need a lane. Downhill, just take the lane.
Ditto: Downhill bike lanes on Liberty below 40th, and Federal St below Alpine.
2018-12-11 19:51:03
One of our Walk/Ride Northside members changed my mind on the downhill bike lane issue, Stu.
The downhill lane on Liberty saved his life.
Riding in winter conditions with sketchy treatment across both travel and bike lane, he wiped out and would've unquestionably been run over by the queue of cars behind him had he taken the lane. None of which even bothered to stop as he recovered from his crash, bruised but safe.
I'd argue downhill bike lanes fail by maintenance, not by design. As long as they're wide enough to allow a rider some flexibility, there's always going to be worst-case value in separating cars from bikes.
2018-12-12 12:14:28
On that downhill stretch on one wild it widens out to 1.5 to 2 lanes. At least the downhill bike Lanes keeps the car in a single file line for the most part. Less dangerous for bike riders than the previous free for all especially if you need to move over to the left to make a left on butler.
2018-12-12 14:48:04
Being forced to ride in a space that is exponentially more likely to have surface conditions that will dump you, is dangerous by design.
Compare instead a very wide downhill that doesn’t have a bike lane, Perry Hwy northbound between the Ross bus garage and the Ross park & ride. Similar to One Wild Place in grade and width, and it, too, splits into two lanes on a right bend. There, the road edge outside the traveled roadway is unrideably pitted. I’m going about 30 on this hill, but always in danger of being passed on the right by someone wanting to go 45-50, the typical traffic speed. I will not cede the lane because that will be putting myself in more danger than being followed.
I do not let paint think for me. Putting paint down where you’re more likely to lose control or be doored is dangerous by design.
2018-12-13 05:01:49
Valerie Beichner at Friends of the Riverfront is very aware of the puddling (and lately, ice) problems along the GAP trail at Eagle Lake (near Glenwood Bridge). I talked to her Wednesday. She hopes to have a solution that will elevate the trail above the water level some time in 2019 so people don’t have to bike/jog/walk through water or ice.
2018-12-16 01:43:23
Uphill bike lane on One Wild Pl. is 2/3 to 3/4 full of thick leaves, gravel, and ginkgo (vomit) tree seeds by the horseshoe bend with the animal wall.
2018-12-17 19:38:15
There is no excuse for the city neglecting to sweep the bike lanes. McCandless sends around a vacuum truck to pick up fallen leaves every week each autumn. I’d be willing to bet there's more lane-miles of township streets just here than the entire city has bike lanes.
2018-12-19 04:52:22
There is a giant patch of ice filling the intersection of 38th and Foster in Lawrenceville. The main patch is very obvious but the black ice surrounding it isn't. The whole thing is big enough that I can't imagine it will melt today.
2018-12-19 11:59:14
Ohio/Allegheny/Mon going to flood due to the rain, right now forecast to start Saturday night for 24 hours. Predicted crest at 19.2 feet which means Mon Wharf/Switchback will be closed along with North Shore Trail by the stadiums.
2018-12-20 18:48:44
re: flooding update, now looks like switchback/mon wharf/north shore trail will be flooded from mid day Saturday until at least tuesday early morning. I bet barricades won't be lifted at least until Tuesday during the work day (and then later if there's a lot of cleanup involved). Looks like peak will be hit late Saturday night at 19.8 feet.
2018-12-21 17:19:22
Re: Eagle Lake. It is no longer ice (although it begins to ice over around 4pm each day), but it is very deep at present. I would estimate 4"-5" in places. Couldn't we at least sandbag sides to keep water off until a better fix is found?
2018-12-27 10:48:33