I'd be up for this. Not sure what age kids you have. Mine are 7 and 4. The 7 year old is a pretty decent rider. The four year old rides a tag along. How was your Confluence trip?
Touring with kids
Anybody do any touring with kids? We did a Confluence to connelsville and back weekend a few weeks ago and I would like to find some other families who may be interested in planning a longer multi day trip in the summer. If we start early we can do some planning rides to get to know each other and talk about some plans.
My kids are 5 (next friday and 2 and a half. If i ride alone i usually squeeze them both into a trailer, but if my wife or brother is riding with me the 5 year old goes onto a trail a bike.
They held up pretty good on the 60 mile round trip confluence trip considering 1. it was the first time we had done a trip that long, 2. we took longer than planned to set up camp and travel to our parking area which mad eus arrive at the campsite well past dark (you shoulda heard my wife scream when a deer jumped out onto the trail while we were riding in the dark with meager lights!)and 3.I broke a crank arm on the way back which required a few hour layover in connelsville to get it repaired.
Scouse: where and how do you do most of your riding with the kids?
Until yesterday I was commuting into my son's school (him on a tag along) and then heading into work. However, he has decided that he wants to ride the school bus with his buddies. I am really hoping he will gravitate back to the bike when the weather improves. It is quality time!
I have never done any over nights with the bike. This is definitely on my to do list for the spring and summer!
The overnight with the kids was a lot of fun. We camp alot so we were used topthat aspect, but like i said this was our first overnight on bikes. We did kind of cheat a little though. We drove from here to rivers edge camp ground outside of connelsville and check in and quickly set up our tent and threw our bags and gear in there. We then drove to conflucence with our bikes and day gear and rode back the 30 miles or so to the campsite, with a longer stop in Ohiopyle and some shorter stops here and there. Then the next day we rode back, having to move much quicker after the layover in connelsville, so we didnt get to do all the stopping we had originally planned for the second day. We got to our car and drove back to connelsville to grab our stuff and head home.
This way seemed to be our best bet because connelsville was kinda on the way to confluence, so we were not driving a whole lot out of our way. We also chose rivers edge, a private, cushier campground as opposed to a more primitave site because 1. we could safely leave our gear there and 2. in case the bike ride went terribly wrong, my wife could at least get a shower in the evening and morning which always makes her feel better!
I am definately interested in doing much more this spring and summer. maybe we can plan something. or if anyone has any other questions or tips, please let us know!