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Trail between Duck Hollow and Hot Metal Bridge

Does anybody know if the walking/biking trail from Duck Hollow thru Hazelwood and the Southside hot metal bridge is complete?? I heard the sinkhole between Homestead Bridge and Hot Metal Bridge is now  repaired.
2021-06-03 08:08:18
The Duck Hollow Trail (DHT) was restored to its full length of 1.5 miles around March, but the trail dead-ends just before the Glenwood Bridge, as it has since it was built about 20 years ago. I see people go around either end of the fence at the far end of DHT to cross the RR tracks and get to Second Ave and Hazelwood. The only official access point to DHT is the parking lot at the lower end of Old Brown's Hill Rd. There has never been an official plan to extend the trail downstream of Glenwood Bridge, just talk. I and others have spoken up and written proposals for connecting Duck Hollow Trail to Hazelwood Trail in Hazelwood Green (see and talked to Corey O'Connor and others about it, but more people need to speak up to help get politicians' attention on the value of this. The way I look at it, Eliza Furnace Trail and the Southside Trail have transformed surrounding neighborhoods in a very positive way, and a trail connection to Hazelwood could help with that neighborhood's revitalization, also.
2021-06-03 21:11:59
There was a survey conducted by the Southwestern PA Commission pre-pandemic that requested input on the features needed for the updated Second Avenue Corridor through Hazelwood.  Although the Hazelwood Green development ends before the rail crossing/Glenwood Bridge ramps, many cyclists added comments about this "missing link" between the Duck Hollow Trail and Second Avenue. For now, crossing the railroad tracks is NOT advised, as it is illegal and dangerous.  
2021-06-10 16:57:47