Current maintenance provisions require pedestrian facilities built with Federal funds to be maintained in the same manner as other roadway assets.
On the jail trail this morning, I saw a guy in cycling jersey and helmet- but his bike was parked, and he was using some loppers and a saw to dismember a large fallen tree limb! Kudos, whoever you are.
The trails and bike lanes are really a mess. Nevermind the sharrows fading or wearing: the sand, gravel, and leaves are a more immediate hazard. The cars sweep them from the vehicular lanes - and they end up in the bike lanes. Does the city sweep these? What about the narrower ones not accessible to vehicles, like the barricaded path along 2nd avenue in greenfield? Thats not accessible to vehicular sweepers, and probably will remain in squalor until shovel and rakes hit it. I doubt this is a city priority...
I'm going to take a rake and a few trash bags and tackle this small length this weekend- any company'd be great. I'd be interested to learn more about the public works maintenance schedule of our trails, if anyone knows it, but for now I think it might be much better time spent just doing it, instead of prodding "them" to tackle it.
Current maintenance provisions require pedestrian facilities built with Federal funds to be maintained in the same manner as other roadway assets.
maintained in the same manner as other roadway assets
Damn, I hope not. Have you seen the other roadway assets?
@dwillen: {applause}
the last city street which used federal transportation money that I can recall was commercial street in squirrel hill/swisshelm park area - almost ten years ago. they built a sidewalk with ADA curb cuts and utility poles in the middle of it...
Swalfoort, wouldn't the TIP list show what projects got federal funding?
TIP=Transportation Improvement Plan, an annual (or biennial?) list of projects, put together by SPC. It's a big list.